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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > I'm not looking for partnership. I'm looking to report instead, but I'm not sure the right channels to go through.


    > If there is some in-game exploit involved, hacking, cheating, etc, hit up the exploits email. Otherwise submit a CS ticket, and they will route it to the right people.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reporting gives you a summary of the various paths, and more details on the exploit-related path.



    When submitting a ticket, there isn't a correct problem to select. Only account issue, in game issue, purchase issue.. nothing related to what my actual problem is.

  2. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > We don't even know if Chests are limited to once per day; only that Chests are limited to once per cycle of 10. I don't think anyone had 11+ Keys stored up before the bug hit to test it.

    > >

    > > I did. I saved 10 keys.. never used any and was able to turn in all 10. Did the same for 2nd time around with 10 keys. on 3rd time around I could only hand in 2. So definitely bugged.


    > We know it's bugged because the Devs have stated it is so.

    > Opening a full cycle of chests in one day has not really anything to do with whether one can loot a particular chest more than once per day.


    Well gonna find out once it's fixed. Have over 20 keys saved up already.

  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > We don't even know if Chests are limited to once per day; only that Chests are limited to once per cycle of 10. I don't think anyone had 11+ Keys stored up before the bug hit to test it.


    I did. I saved 10 keys.. never used any and was able to turn in all 10. Did the same for 2nd time around with 10 keys. on 3rd time around I could only hand in 2. So definitely bugged.

  4. > @"glad.4589" said:

    > not saying it was me but it could have(it was me i found the video) been same rank and i have been playing with a build i can hit 14-19k on most stuff with aa's dont like to comment on the forums to much but hey video of said event www.twitch.tv/videos/273285878 @urdriel.8496


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/xNKNby7.png "")



  5. > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

    > This should be fixed now. We have also deployed a change to the LFG spam filter which should allow users to update their posts more often before being suppressed.


    This maybe fixed for LFG, but chat messages still suffer. Even waiting 1 minute between linking stuff it still suppresses.

  6. Post can be found over at


    > TL;DR Removing the increase all personal damage on malice, forcing Deadeye to use one of its few sources of mobility for a DPS increase on one skill is not a healthy gameplay pattern for a class whose main strength is high single target DPS, when in reality has mediocre single target DPS with a massive trade-off in most other areas.


    > When I first saw the Deadeye spec released, I thought it was awesome. I had always enjoyed the sniper class in any game I played, and was eager to use it everywhere I can. It was a bit clunky to play, and the DPS wasn't great, but it was fun.


    > I was cautiously optimistic about the rework, but after playing it for a few weeks I've realized that it lost all the things that what originally made Deadeye fun to play. The Deadeye rework addressed very little of the problems faced with the original version, and instead opted for a new path that eliminated any use of the rifle from any serious PvE content and removed the 'long-range stalker' fantasy it originally created.


    > Thief's basic design is that it should do high, single target damage. With Deadeye, we got a spec focused on doing single target damage. Rifle has one ability that pierces, all others can only hit one target. Deadeye traited for rifle DPS offers no cleave, very little (if any) utility, in an effort to maximize its DPS. To put it into comparison, Weaver has exceptional single target and AOE DPS, while still maintaining some of its utility, CC, and mobility. Weaver is a much more complex class to play, and so should be more rewarding. However, Deadeye's damage is not up to par with Weaver (or any DPS spec, for that matter) when comparing the sacrifices each class has to make to maximize their DPS. Perfectly played Deadeye should not be on the same level as perfect Weaver (I think Weaver should be nerfed a little bit honestly), but a well executed Deadeye should be able to provide viable DPS to any group it is in. Wit htis rework, this is nowhere near the case, as Deadeye still provides mediocre DPS or might and fury for the whole group, something that is already well established by other roles.


    > First and foremost, the changes to Malice were a nerf to Deadeye, both in damage and in play style. I'll admit, before the rework, the gameplay wasn't terribly engaging: Find a good spot to kneel, mark a target, auto until max malice, then unload all your initiative into Death's Judgment. Nevertheless, it had its rewarding moments. When the boss' breakbar broke the same time you got max malice and popped Signet of Power, it was a rush watching those massive crits chunk the enemy's health bar. Instead of using it as a ramping damage amp, the rework decided it should create another 'pump and dump' system centered around death's judgment. However, instead of being gated by time, this malice system was gated by initiative spent and stealth. In theory, it wasn't a bad idea, trading one pump and dump pattern for another. However, what it lost was any incentive to really focus on building malice, as it became a afterthought to using abilities and necessitated repeated stealth attacks to get any use from it. The best way to utilize this new malice was to use the same rotation as base thief: dagger/dagger, auto attack and occasionally use 5 for stealth, right behind the target. Rifle's range was a hindrance so the best course of action was to be right next to the target.


    > This brought us to the second big change: Tying stealth to dodging. While it makes sense that a thief should utilize stealth (especially a class focused on long range evasive combat), tying it to Deadeye's main mobility was not the correct choice. Disregarding the terrible clunkiness of being unstealthed by an already traveling bullet, by forcing DJ to a stealth attack, rifle lost not only its only access to boon stripping, it also became forced to use its dodges offensively rather than defensively. With Daredevil, that was acceptable, as it had access to many other evades and ways to regen endurance, but with Deadeye, that's your only form of defense. In addition to this, finding a proper spot to kneel becomes irrelevant, as you will be forced to roll to increase your DPS. What kind of sniper does a dodge roll before firing its best shot?


    > Rectifying this requires that dodge rolls not be a necessity in a Deadeye's rotation, to preserve what little defensive utility it has. It also requires a change in malice so that it becomes meaningful to stack malice and take note of its progress. Finally, this needs to be accompanied by buffs to rifle, and possibly a revert to Death's Judgment on Rifle 4. As Rifle Deadeye currently stands, there is no point in bringing it into any organized PvE content at them moment, but reverting some of the rework could provide a step in the right direction.

  7. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > > > Here is abetter workaround : give a free shared slot to everyone until the bug is fixed.

    > > >

    > > > No, that's not a workaround, that's a giveaway. ;) I'm sure you're kidding, but I'm gonna say it: No. Just... no. :)

    > >

    > > Cannot blame for for having tried ^_^


    > ~lol~ Yeah, I guess it was worth a few pixels tossed into the mix, eh? ;)


    Doesn't mean a discounted sale couldn't happen! :grimace:

  8. > @"Evil Crimson Soul.5784" said:

    > To be fair I've always played as a thief and I always wanted more out of dead eye, I think this is the push I need to move from daredevil to dead eye now, good update guys!!!:D


    I think the only thing keeping people on Daredevil at this point is the choice of different dodge skills.. and of course the use of staff.

  9. I just feel like barrier needs a complete rework. Say you have 10 Scourges running together. They can basically cycle barrier on themselves and that is shared to their team mates over and over, and you'll barely be able to damage them. If you don't have enough people. Even just 1v1 I tried with P/P Deadeye using berserker stat gear with Be Quick or Be Killed trait so I had faster attacks, and unloaded 4 times.. Scourge had maybe 90% life left after that. Only to be healed back to 100% soon after and already was casting barrier again.



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