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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Balthzar.3807" said:

    > apparently Anet is off until the new year. but its ok I am through gold and look forward to getting through diamond by tomorrow night ..... thanks Anet outnumbered sweet sweet pips. funny thing is I just moved from YB to HOD along with probably half of the guilds more or less and they still have the population as very high (1800 gems to transfer to) but linked up with 3 other servers.


    > and come to think of it I am still wondering how HOD is still in T3 when we won last week?


    > if anyone is interested there is a sale on WOW cards at Walmart


    Before the relink, HoD was considered Full according to the wiki, but good to see HoD actually might have some coverage finally. It's usually dead around late night NA to OCX time.


    And yeah HoD was t3 before, but I don't think they move people up a tier on relink week. Whatever tier you were at the previous week is what you would stay at iirc.

  2. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I'm hoping we'll have an update soon. This is a Friday and the weekend preceding a holiday, and I imagine some people are travelling. Still, I'm talking to folks about this and again, hope we'll be able to share more info soon. In the meantime, know we're aware of the situation and very sorry about the confusion!


    fighting against 4 servers isn't fun.. I hope we don't have an entire week of this garbage.

  3. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Here are some thoughts from one of the developers:


    > Here are some things we'd like to know:

    > * If this happening on **instant sell** order or on **custom orders**?


    It happens for me with both instant sell/buy and custom orders


    > * Have you had an item immediately removed from inventory (sold) but then experienced a substantial lag between the removal and payment? If so, can you tell us approximately how long it took to get paid? Would you be able to make a short video of the lag?


    For me I've seen an item disappear that I sold. Then it took a good 15 seconds for the green confirm window to appear, and then my coin appeared about 5 seconds after that.


    > * Did you sell something, have it removed from inventory, but not get the coin at all? (I don't think I've seen any such cases, but we naturally want to know about that, if it has happened.)


    I did see something similar from the streamer guildwarsmonk. He sold a full stack (250) of Elder Wood Logs on the Trading Post, but he hit sell as soon as he could, but he only received 9 copper per wood log, instead of the going price at the time of 1 silver 53 copper each. I'm not sure where the extra coin went, or if the seller only got 9 copper worth back, but I thought it was worth mentioning.



    > * Did you see a red error on attempts to sell? If so, could you please post a screenshot or video?


    The only I have seen is just the basic error stating. "An error has occurred with your order." or something along those lines.



    My advice about this whole situation. Have them look into the server the trading post is using. It could be a poor connection or a sign of server failure (I've seen this 100's of times before a server crashes and has to be replaced). My guess though, is that the connection from server to game user is the actual cause, and that someone in the middle between locations is causing the problem. Considering most of Amazon's servers are over in Virginia, and usually have to pass through Chicago, IL. There has been a known history for the past few years with Chicago of poor connection for throughput traffic. I would suggest investigating around there.

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Well, I'd guess that something in the newest version of Windows doesn't play well with GW2. There's not been a lot of posts about it, yet, so I don't know what exactly is the problem.

    > Either a newer version of Windows will fix the problem, or the ArenaNet Devs will adjust something, once more is known.



    And people wonder why I still haven't upgraded to Windows 10. Still on 7 btw <3

  5. Since there was a cooldown placed on Abrasive Grit, and The might gain was increased from 2 for 6 seconds, to 3 for 8 seconds. Why not increase the amount of conditions it clears to make up for it as well? 2-3 should be just fine?


    Someone had also suggested "Abrasive Grit now only triggers on scourge skills or traits that grant barrier. No more icd."

  6. While this is related to the Sanctuary runes. The nerf to Abrasive Gift was uncalled for, and should be looked at a 2nd time. 5 seconds is a long time between condition clearing when it's one of scourges main sources for condition removal. Having a 5 second cooldown hurts scourge a lot. While the Sanctuary runes providing barrier that triggered the trait was the problem. I suggest adjusting the rune to only trigger on actual healing skills, and not trigger on life siphon. This is where the actual problem is. Then the cooldown on the trait can be lifted, as the might gain would only trigger from actual healing and not life siphon.

  7. > @"Sigfodr.9576" said:

    > In WvW scourge is still one of the strongest classes, and with the latest buff to scepter they went from being OP to even more OP there. Along with firebrand they are the bread and butter of WvW atm.


    I Agree and they still are even after this nerf.


    > About the nerf to abrasive Grit, this is mainly a WvW and PvP change, since who cares about the might gain in raids. For PvP I can see the problem, for WvW however... Its just a tiny and needed nerf to a very strong build there.


    The problem isn't the cooldown on might gain, it's the condition clear that's the issue. Also 5 seconds is way too high for an ICD, and a 1 second cooldown would have sufficed, or better yet they could have just adjusted the rune to only give barrier on actual healing, and not life siphon!!!

  8. > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

    > We [published a post on Thursday](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/our-24-hour-extra-life-stream-begins-tomorrow/ "published a post on Thursday") that outlined things. That might help explain it a little better.


    > I've also got a list of notes for 2019 on things we can improve, so "clarity on rewards" is on there!


    It seems a lot of people were concerned about the level 15 requirement for the title. If those players were going actually get their karma and tonic from logging in during the live stream, even though they were not level 15. I know the titles require you to be level 15, but does that also count for the in game mail to be sent out?

  9. > @"Cronos.6532" said:

    > Wow, ArenaNet raised a ton this year! Donation matching aside, adding in-game rewards sure helped! I think the stream was a lot more interesting too, despite the colossal overlay still being there.


    What I don't like is when the overlay actually covers the game. This didn't do that so it wasn't a problem for me.


    Next up Celebration Hat next year! :grimace:

  10. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > In recent days, a few players have expressed confusion or concern about our RMT policy, especially about how we handle cases where someone receives items or currency from a real-money trader. To help everyone best understand where we stand on this subject, we’ve clarified our position in our Knowledge Base article, [Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011560933 "Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)"). This expanded version is currently undergoing localization and will be posted in French, German, and Spanish as soon as possible.


    > Please take a look at that document, and if you have any questions after you have done so, let us know.



    I read the article, but I did not see any mention on what to do when someone else spends real money to buy gold from an illegal source, but has the gold seller send it to your account. This is the major problem. Us as players fully understand that buying gold from RMT warrants a ban in doing so, but when someone else buys gold and has that sent to your account and you get punished because you were unaware it was happening. This is not right.


    I'm assuming you guys keep logs of items and gold traded back & forth via in game mail. Why not just make a simple rule. If the receiver presses "Take All" Then continue with the suspension, but if the receiver presses "Return To Sender" Then only ban the sender as that is obviously one of the gold seller's accounts. You guys could even track where the gold came from before that if it was traded from a 3rd source and possibly stumbleupon a bigger operation of gold sellers.

  11. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"arukAdo.2047" said:

    > > erhm, -shareArchive let you run several clients at same time, runas will do so too but you cant use the same .dat wich result in redundant ram and hdd usage for essentially nothing, but in practice to run several client anyway you have to use both runas and -shareArchive, because well, your not gonna like move the windows position on each startup, or set the graphics options, or any stuff like this, you would end up spending 30mins (exagerating a lot) to set all clients right before you actually play


    > If you want each account to use its own Local.dat file, you don't need to use runas, you can simply set the %userprofile% variable for the process instead. It is true that multiple Local.dat files is the only way to configure every setting per account, but the graphics settings specifically can be set individually through GFXSettings.xml and window positioning isn't a problem for anyone using a program to automate it. With -nopatchui down, this is currently the only method to multi-client without having to manually enter your information, but be warned, the biggest downside is that each Local.dat file needs to be updated with every patch, which is around a 20-40MB download for each one. As for automating it, see Gw2Launcher.


    LaunchBuddy works for logging into multiple clients at once, but lacks the ability to automatically fill in the login information as the Dev believes that it needs to have both -nopatchui and -autologin together to work, when you only need -autologin and not -nopatchui

  12. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Not working for me either. I used the normal launcher to update the game, logged into an account (successfully) and then closed it down and tried to login using a different shortcut with -email -password -nopatchui and it just goes to a white screen and then nothing happens. I'm not sure if it's frozen or stuck in an infinite loading screen or what, but it's not working.


    Change that same shortcut but remove -nopatchui but keep -autologin it should work in sense to let you login to that account without needing to type the info, but that's the only downfall.

  13. > @"Titan.8215" said:

    > > @"Kencussion.9273" said:

    > > So a friend of mine and I did some testing with the few Legendary weapons we had...

    > >

    > > * able to swap sigils on Eternity (gen 1)

    > > * able to swap sigils on Astralaria (gen 2)

    > > * NOT able to swap sigils on Bolt (gen 1)

    > > * NOT able to swap sigils on Rodgort (gen 1)

    > >

    > > So it seems pretty inconsistent, which is probably why it wasn't meant to be released just yet. :-P


    > Are you sure that you are not doing it on ascended weapons with the leggy skin? Because I've just tried on mine 1st and 2nd gen and its working properly on all of them.


    Good to know. I'll keep using my extractor until this is properly implemented.

  14. > @"arukAdo.2047" said:

    > erhm, -shareArchive let you run several clients at same time, runas will do so too but you cant use the same .dat wich result in redundant ram and hdd usage for essentially nothing, but in practice to run several client anyway you have to use both runas and -shareArchive, because well, your not gonna like move the windows position on each startup, or set the graphics options, or any stuff like this, you would end up spending 30mins (exagerating a lot) to set all clients right before you actually play

    > lastly but more importantly, in my experience, you dont want to have the same exact setting on every client even if you have the latest and biggest intel cpu, simply because you watch one more than the others, so the main client have max graphic settings but the others dont, and without runas its just not possible to have different settings running along.

    > maybe jsong config file can achieve the same thing anyway, havent had the chance to wrestle with them yet


    Alongside of -shareArchive you can use something like Process Explorer to kill the mutex to load more clients. They all use the same settings including gfx, controls, etc. I don't have to set any of that each time I play.

  15. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > which might be the problem since there is no button when using -nopatchui


    > -autologin is for automatically logging in on the launcher itself, which can be combined with the auto play check to automatically click play after a 5s delay.


    > -nopatchui is combined with -email and -password to bypass the launcher entirely and login straight to character select; -autologin isn't used


    Yep, and -nopatchui is the one that's bugged it seems.

  16. > @"arukAdo.2047" said:

    > I imagine you say that because, basicly, you want to start multiple client from the same desktop/user, if what matters to you is to "prefill" the fields from the patchui, you might as well try to use "runas" windows command, it might sound a bit heavy but essentially it mean you create a bunch of local windows accounts, each of them has a unique registry, and in return it mean they will all have their own information "prefill" into the fields of the patchui, the drawback might be that you actually use the same game options for every clients, so you will need to set their options as well the first time, its not longer "shared" but each account get its unique registry entries (that include the patchui info and ingame settings)


    -shareArchive does the exact same thing without the headache

  17. > @"arukAdo.2047" said:

    > I though -autologin is rather to avoid to fill the info into the patchui, i mean right? but you have to use -email and -password

    > Otherwise it mean its not just -nopatchui but instead -email and -password not working? im not sure now it sound confusing, but either way its still quite a huge issue


    I am using those as well, since -autologin requires them. Thought that was obvious?

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