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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Huh, didn't realize it did that. Does the gather get you mats at the start or end of the animation? I find myself sticking to foraging tools that let me quickly gather and move on rather than being stuck in place for the full channel (though I do use the unbound magic tool on one alt). Having to wait is often the difference between getting stuck in combat or not.


    > But oh man I love shepherds. I want the tool just for that dog. No matter what the posture is doing ;)


    It works like the consortium sickle, but with a bonus.. at least the speed feels like it. Not sure if it gathers all strikes at once (like for guild hall).

  2. > @"Mr Green.4157" said:

    > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > @"Caliburn.1845" said:

    > >

    > > > Why are people scared of this? It is going to foster stronger more cohesive communities. And before you argue that some megalomaniac people are going to run these server based guilds, so what? You get to pick one that is run by someone you agree with and respect.

    > >

    > > How is it supposed to foster stronger communities if a few guilds can lock up a server and exclude others out? How do you think you will be able to recruit people for your guilds? Why do you think everyone wants to be ruled by some nutcase in a video game?

    > >

    > > Some guilds and players, so full of egos that don't seem to understand Militias fuel guilds. No militia=no guilds.


    > Ah but you can pick the nutcase who leads you. This makes them your democratically elected nutcase and if you stop liking that nutcase then you can leave that nutcases alliance and democratically elect yourself a new nutcase in a new alliance of every other guild that hated the old nutcase.


    Don't you need to wait every 8 weeks to do that?

  3. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > > > @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

    > > > > I forgot to get the screenshot, but the current iteration is... less than helpful. As it stands, the player character name and their yard-long titles are five times the height of the health bar. When I'm healing, I couldn't careless about the name of the person I'm healing, but the point of floating health bars (to me) is an easier way to determine _where_ the person that needs my support. This is especially true for Fractals with Fractal Vindicators, where the simple act of getting Downed is hazardous to the entire party. It doesn't help me any to have to squint to look at the tiny green slivers amidst all the other visual effects from player character and enemy skills, with Amala being one of the worst offenders.

    > > >

    > > > That is why there is a "Thick Health Bars" option coming with episode 2 :)

    > >

    > > Is this a Fractals only mechanic.. (health bars that is)? .. because this would be a fantastic QoL for WvW!


    > The options I am adding will allow you to add thick health bars to allied party and squad members in any game mode, including WvW.


    While in a squad is it only for the sub group, or every single person?

  4. > @"Ario.8964" said:

    > > @"Kuya.6495" said:

    > > I think the boon convertion comment by karl is probably their intended scourge nerf.


    > Better not be the only one. Scourge is far too broken to just receive a small change to boon corruption.


    I don't play one, but playing against one can be pain. Although I'm not too sure what part about them would be considered broken.

  5. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

    > > I forgot to get the screenshot, but the current iteration is... less than helpful. As it stands, the player character name and their yard-long titles are five times the height of the health bar. When I'm healing, I couldn't careless about the name of the person I'm healing, but the point of floating health bars (to me) is an easier way to determine _where_ the person that needs my support. This is especially true for Fractals with Fractal Vindicators, where the simple act of getting Downed is hazardous to the entire party. It doesn't help me any to have to squint to look at the tiny green slivers amidst all the other visual effects from player character and enemy skills, with Amala being one of the worst offenders.


    > That is why there is a "Thick Health Bars" option coming with episode 2 :)


    Is this a Fractals only mechanic.. (health bars that is)? .. because this would be a fantastic QoL for WvW!

  6. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

    > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > > Assuming that all goes well and we don't have any unexpected issues, the next balance update is scheduled for February 6th.

    > >

    > > Are you guys going to give us any sneak peak of the Balance Patch? D:


    > We are planning PvP/WvW splits, changes to the Confusion condition, regeneration effectiveness prioritization, boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!! There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!


    > -Karl


    I hope Barrier is getting looked into.. used a P/P Deadeye and used Unload 8 times in a row on a Scourge that still had plenty of barrier left over, and did maybe 5% of their actual hit points. This was using Marauder stat gear with Scholar Runes.

  7. Has anyone taken over the project on a daily basis? Bit concerned the API is going to get swept under the rug and forgotten about.


    For me the API is one of the most important things about GW2, as it has helped me a ton with a lot of information from trading post results, crafting items, as well as checking my own account statistics and all that fun stuff. Last official response from ANet was Nov 2nd from Lawton, but he was promoted and I haven't heard anything about someone taking his place.


    Would be nice to hear an official response on this.

  8. > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

    > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > -AFK PIP farmers that get rewarded for doing nothing. How about rewarding people that actually do stuff. Literally the Q is taken up by a ton of dudes that are AFK!

    > We're talking about some things to do for this. One thing we'd like to do is make OS better suited for people to afk out their participation and also do general WvW vendor work. We'd also display the participation UI so it's more obviously a map where you are still getting rewards. This doesn't fully solve the AFK issues but its something we're looking into.


    Maybe have it so if someone doesn't actively move or perform an action in a few minutes time to automatically move them to OS.


  9. So using the popular site gw2timer .. All the images loaded are hosted under https://tiles.guildwars2.com. However zooming in on Domain of Istan, just displays a blank area with the name of the map. Trying to manually browse to the image itself just brings up the message.. "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."


    Something don't feel right.

  10. > @Torasan.6029 said:

    > > @Vegeta.2563 said:

    > > If you have discord.. send a message to GW2Bot#2251 .. with the message `$wvw populationtrack Gandara` When Gandara is open for transfers the bot will PM you to let you know.


    > Sounds like a good idea but I cannot seem to add @GW2Bot2251


    > Any ideas?


    Click on Friends then Add friend type the name GW2Bot#2251 in and hit send request..


    Also I got notification stating Gandara is open atm.. but that was about 4 hours ago.. might not be by the time you see this.

  11. > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

    > Been getting this for years but eventually it always loads after a a few seconds.

    > Been getting pretty bad BLTC problems aswell as of late, if i go to sell an item i have to do it 2-3 times (right click sell option 2-3 times before UI loads fully) Wonder if the problem isn't tied to BLTC server congestion though. BLTC and game servers are hosted on different servers. Just connected together via UI accesses. I'm not even gonna try to understand how it all works, but I will support your bug as I've been running in to it aswell in regards of the BLTC UI element.


    The problem I was having.. not even the inventory was loading (it was on the left of the BLTC). It sat like this for over 30 mins never actually loading. I had to force crash my gw2-64.exe and reload the game.

  12. > @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

    > Hey friends! You can purchase these for 25 Kralkatite each from the vendor "Quartermaster Zineb [Merchant]". Without too many spoilers - you can find them in a location you are sent to during chapter 2 of the episode.


    Just would like to report, when you summon your mount, you instantly lose control of the minion. And you can no longer get it back after that.

  13. > @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

    > > @Engelsstaub.4356 said:

    > > It seems to happen everytime there is a fight elsewere on a map, so it's no surprise that it's WvW to be most affected by the issue.


    > Yeah it seems like the server is misreporting the locations of some hit effects to the clients. Really it shouldn't even be reporting these if the enemy is far away.. I have a few hunches, but can anyone confirm if this appears to be a purely client issue? If two players are in the same area, do they see the exact same hit FX in the same location? Or are they different?


    I was playing with a friend of mine in WvW and asked them if they seen tiny explosions on the wall next to us.. he said no.. so it seems to be client side?


    Also I hope this hasn't been forgotten about. Last official response was the 13th. Maybe a fix coming with Season 4?

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