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Posts posted by Liewec.2896

  1. someone needs to let Anet know that RENEGADE IS A THING.

    every patch, if revenant are even touched atall its stupid Herald changes

    Shiro/Herald is already meta while Renegade remains forgotten by everyone.

  2. i made this back in the day, mostly Pre-Searing Ascalon :-3


    i spent sooo much of my teen years on GW1,

    performing the deadly "Droknar's Run" over the shiverpeaks to earn my plat!

    50/50 farming crystal desert,

    defending fort aspenwood from those filthy luxons!

    hanging around in Fisherman's Haven,

    playing Alliance battle as a necro with a pet bear! (gods bless secondary professions!)


    yup GW1 was and always will be one of my favourite games to think about, so many fond memories!

  3. i've actually had fun playing Renegade like i play glass cannon staff ele, "nuke the entire site from orbit"!

    dropping down the 2 aoe spirit allies and then spamming hammer aoes deals a ton of damage if you go full zerker,

    not to mention the spirit constantly interrupts all of the enemies on the point, helping your allies get an easy kill.

  4. i loved the early days when people actually used racials,

    they even worked in spvp, sylvari would be dropping turrets and rooting people,

    norns would use the occasional bearform, asurans were using their stuff like technobabble,

    humans were summoning bathazaar dogs,

    it was way more interesting than now.


    also on a side note, i'd like for norns to get a form that they focus on (like the norn characters in the lore which get a specific spirit)

    and after some quests i'd like for them to get an out of combat transform skill to become that form for RP (like bearform for example)

  5. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    You're like the 20th person to post that gif as thier own build and gif... either that or you posted this gif and build 20 times lol


    hmm, i think i've posted it maybe twice before :p

    and i think it was probably in "X is OP" threads like this one, so i hope i'm not considered to be spamming it! XD

  6. my current most OP and favourite is [oneshot soulbeast!](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATxmEqAtCCctgl/AbpIkBCA5j30b89pC8DaAjIN-jJBXABHfIAaoMgzHBAA2fAA "oneshot soulbeast!")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/k8nSj3I.gif "")


    what does it do?

    hits with a stun from stealth and then pummels the target with multiple crits at around 17k each (i've had many land for over 20k)

    stuff dies...


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/6iS57OL.gif "")



    and its super easy to play too!

    initiate with either: longbow 3 for stealth, or smoke assault (beast skill) for evade, teleport, might and damage

    then activate "Sic Em!", switch to Greatsword and kick the target with "Takedown" (beast skill),

    instantly hit them with a 16-20k maul, followed by hitting them with Hilt Bash and another 16-20k maul,

    and if they're still not a giant puddle hit them with a 20k Worldly Impact!

    50-65k dmg in several hits, not too shabby!



  7. and this expansion was especially disappointing for armour.

    they all looked like a jumbled mess of cloth, and all extremely similar.

    look at light armour for example, we have:

    [Jumble of cloth 1 (spearmarshal)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Spearmarshal%27s_armor_(light)_human_female_front.jpg "Jumble of cloth 1 (spearmarshal)")

    [Jumble of cloth 2 ("elonian")](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Elonian_armor_(light)_human_female_front.jpg "Jumble of cloth 2 ("elonian")") which is just spear marshal with different textures and tiny tweaks

    [boring MMO starter gear? (Elegy)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Elegy_armor_(light)_human_female_front.jpg "boring MMO starter gear? (Elegy)") looks like the generic dull set you get on starter characters in other MMOs.

    [boring MMO starter gear...wish shiny bits! (Requiem)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Requiem_armor_(light)_human_female_front.jpg "boring MMO starter gear...with shiny bits! (Requiem)") it's Elegy armour with added nonsensical particle effects and a bit of retexturing...

    then there is Bountyhunter, Funery and warbeast, all of which are a mismatch of "nope".


    what happened to the Anet that gave us the Winged set?

    can we even pretend that [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b0/Elegy_armor_%28light%29_human_female_front.jpg "this") is even in the same class as [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/f1/Winged_armor_human_female_front.jpg "this") which came many years earlier!?

    heck, even the [sTARTER SET](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/ea/Apprentice_armor_human_female_front.jpg "STARTER SET") looks better than the armours they make now-a-days, when they rarely make them...

    what went wrong?!

  8. > @"bullseye.9573" said:

    > How is Warrior berserk for pvp and pve ? I've read some threads about it but they didnt seemed so positive as i would've expected.



    well it gives you one of my favourite elites, Headbutt! a stun that also completely fills your adrenaline so you can instantly go into zerk mode at the start of every fight!

    the damage is awesome and it does have some neat traits, like one that that causes you to heal a large chunk of health instead of dying while in zerk mode.

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