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Posts posted by Liewec.2896

  1. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > Honestly curious as to how PvP is pay to win?


    > All the meta builds require elite specialization. It's been that way since HoT.


    so you don't have the expansions? well then i think we've found something for you to do! =)

  2. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > When I'm playing a game using cat people and plant people, fighting against zombies, dragons, and gods using magic and... other pixels, I cannot have skimpy armors because that’s what kills any sense of realism and immersion. :tongue:


    this comment won the internet :lol:


    and to the folks saying "only if guys get something too!" ofcourse! i'd like a Conan style loincloth!

    i also think its about time that male characters got a toggle for chest armour!

  3. > @"Svennis.3852" said:

    > As long as the male variant is literally just a chain mail thong, I’d be open to it.

    conan style loincloth! :smile:


    > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > it is pretty much a requirement in an RPG!

    > Well, if we want to go full RPG I hope, every bearer of this “armour” get’s a debuff, that they only have 500 HP. Then, it is realistic.


    ok, well then i want perma quickness and superspeed too!

    and if you wear full plate you have perma slow and can only use walk speed! :lol:

  4. this is a bit of a **hot** topic _(pun intended!)_, i know some people are totally against the idea,

    but i'm wondering when we will finally get some super awesome bikini armour!?

    it is pretty much a requirement in an RPG!


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/9HXy4nT.png "")

    _my Red Sonja is ready!_


    i was hoping that we'd get some during this summer! but i'm still hoping that we'll get some for christmas! :blush:

    i'm ready to throw lots of money at my screen! :smile:


    is anyone else eagerly awaiting bikini armour? :grin:

  5. there are a butt load of counters to power damage,

    hell, even a base stat, Toughness reduces it, but does nothing to stop condi damage.

    Protection is widespread through the classes and reduces power damage by a large chunk, there is no similar boon for condis.

    Weakness is also common throughout classes and reduces power damage by a large chunk, there is no similar condition that reduces a players condi damage.

    plus there is no chance involved, you don't need to stack ferocity and precision in order to do damage because you don't need to rely on crits,

    if you click a skill that says it deals 8k burning damage, you don't need a lucky crit, that is the damage it will do.

    (unless cleansed or the target has one of the few instances of resistance)

    this lets you spec to be much more tanky, in order to deal immense damage as a power build you need to stack power, ferocity and precision

    so you are usually required to be a glass cannon.

    all it takes to deal high condi damage is the condi damage stat, leaving plenty of room for vitality, healing and toughness.

  6. they absolutely ruined staff ele for spvp (it was already considered bad in spvp)

    but because it was apparently good in wvw or raids it received colossal damage nerfs to its main fire damage skills in ALL GAME MODES.


    so i'm with you, as a pvper who used to love playing an underdog spec, in a world of OP meta madness.

    when i see that underdog spec being severely nerfed i can come to no other conclusion except the devs hate it.

  7. i hate playing this map because its terrible.


    to elaborate i HATE gimmicky mechanics, give me a map with 3 capture points and no sidequests any-day,

    we've yet to see a map with NO side gimmicks, but that map would instantly be my favourite. (colliseum comes close, hence it gets picked a lot!)


    spiritwatch has one of the most game shifting side-gimmick of them all, it is CTF.

    when they added deathmatch they gave it its own queue (to not annoy players wanting conquest),

    when they added stronghold they gave it its own queue (to not annoy players wanting conquest)

    so howcome when they add CTF it is just hurled into the unrank rotation to annoy those of us who just want to play NORMAL Spvp, conquest.


    (i usually type Spiritwatch with %% instead of the "piri" in "Spirit"...feels strange typing it normally!)

  8. i have a norn that i play as called Foegore the Giant and i use the embiggening tonic permanently,


    i really wish i could use other tonics in combat on different characters, i loved playing as themed characters in GW1,

    for example i had the everlasting kuunavang tonic which turned you into a smallish dragon,

    and i made an ele character called "Saltstray Dragon Hatchling" and i ran the same build as the Saltspray Dragons in that game :tongue:


    moar combat tonics plx anet!

  9. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > a weapon that barely any one was using in pvp because it was regarded as fairly bad, received such a large nerf that it performs half as well as it used to.

    > > tell me that is good balancing,

    > > tell me the skills shouldn't have been split,

    > > or just carry on telling me to not be pissed about such a stupid change.


    > You mean a utility weapon having it's damage nerfed. Say it aint so ele mains! Say it aint so!

    > The change to staff was perfectly fine, there was no need to split the skill in this case because it wasn't a skill issue. It was a weapon issue in that said "Utility Weapon" was overtunned and outperformed other weapons whose sole design is to put out damage.


    > So yes i'll tell you to stop being saltier than an ocean. The change was fine and you're overreacting.


    i hope whatever weapon/class combo is your favourite gets nerfed through the floor too,

    and remember, don't be salty about it.

  10. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > > > > > balance patch?

    > > > > > > fire staff ele not bad enough?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ele's still complaining after being on top for how many years ?

    > > > > > Now you guys can be average like every other DPS.

    > > > >

    > > > > staff has been regarded as fairly bad in pvp, but because some people must have been doing well with it in raids, it is now utterly useless in pvp.

    > > > > what happened to skill splitting? why was my weapon turned from bad to useless because it was good in a totally different part of the game?

    > > >

    > > > I can say the same for several skills and abilities from other classes that got dumpstered due to PvP.

    > >

    > > go ahead then? lets see if you can give anything as useless as staff ele is in spvp right now.

    > > if it is even USEABLE in pve then it isn't as useless.


    > Warrior Rifle been nerfed repeatedly, even to the point of reworking it because it was that much of a dumpster fire weapon that no mode used it.

    > That's one very easy example of a weapon.


    > Lets continue on to skills that have been changed for "PvP reasons". Engineer Turret and Necromancer minions both of which had their damage and health scaled so far back that they then had to be re-adjusted to have -90% damage reduction against AoE skills.


    > That's probably not good enough for you so let me hit you right in the Ele feels. Ride the Lightning had it's cooldown doubled. It's only recently had changes to revert some of that overkill by shaving 10 seconds off the cooldown.


    > So there you have some very easy examples of things PvP has caused to neuter skills and weapons for other game modes based on your criteria of them being "useless". There's far more than these those if you'd take your blinders off you'd see it.


    warrior rifle, not really, iirc it actually got BUFFS because people were complaining it was a bad confused weapon in pvp,

    so it later became a powerhouse oneshotting people in wvw, so that was then dialled back (a bit)


    turrets and minions,

    1. are we going to pretend that turrets were really useful anywhere other than pvp, ever?

    2. as a necro pve main who plays 99% of the time with a minion build, not a good example to give me!


    ride the lightning, ok sure, how much will you be using that?


    now back to fire staff ele who used to be awesome fun for sneaking up on capture points and unleashing hell as a true glass cannon class.

    the number of hits of meteor shower was nerfed because of large hit box raid bosses, should not have happened to the pvp version.

    the dmg in pvp is now SEVERELY nerfed, all because of these large hitbox raid bosses.

    Lava Font has received a FORTY PERCENT dmg nerf , again because of its effectiveness in raids, should not have happened to the pvp version.

    that is both of the things that made fire staff an awesome glasscannon tool, nerfed to the ground.


    a weapon that barely any one was using in pvp because it was regarded as fairly bad, received such a large nerf that it performs half as well as it used to.

    tell me that is good balancing,

    tell me the skills shouldn't have been split,

    or just carry on telling me to not be pissed about such a stupid change.

  11. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > > > balance patch?

    > > > > fire staff ele not bad enough?

    > > >

    > > > Ele's still complaining after being on top for how many years ?

    > > > Now you guys can be average like every other DPS.

    > >

    > > staff has been regarded as fairly bad in pvp, but because some people must have been doing well with it in raids, it is now utterly useless in pvp.

    > > what happened to skill splitting? why was my weapon turned from bad to useless because it was good in a totally different part of the game?


    > I can say the same for several skills and abilities from other classes that got dumpstered due to PvP.


    go ahead then? lets see if you can give anything as useless as staff ele is in spvp right now.

    if it is even USEABLE in pve then it isn't as useless.

  12. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"Liewec.2896" said:

    > > balance patch?

    > > fire staff ele not bad enough?


    > Ele's still complaining after being on top for how many years ?

    > Now you guys can be average like every other DPS.


    staff has been regarded as fairly bad in pvp, but because some people must have been doing well with it in raids, it is now utterly useless in pvp.

    what happened to skill splitting? why was my weapon turned from bad to useless because it was good in a totally different part of the game?

  13. IMHO outfits were one of the worst things to happen to the game, before outfits came along we had armour sets being released on the cash shop regularly,

    and they were pretty awesome too!

    since the outfits were added however we've had very few armours, and when they do make armour they're hideous, (with a few exception)

    nothing like before churning out outfits became the priority.

    compare when armour was on the cash shop, they were [awesome](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/64/Incarnate_armor_human_female_front.jpg "awesome"), to now, [eew.](http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/gw2-elegy-armor-light-female.jpg "eew.")


    > @"otto.5684" said:

    > I do not dislike them. The issue is there is usually one piece that I want not the whole thing. I really wish there are at least armor alternatives so I can do some matching. Currently, they are extremely restrictive.


    > I would really love the Crystal Arbiter chest piece. I would buy it for 700 gems. But the rest of the outfit is terrible. This is why I never bought it. Same goes for most outfits.


    ditto! if they released the outfits also as armour skins i would buy every single one, they all have atleast one part which i'd love to use.

  14. i can see why it'd be hard for them to implement,

    they'd have to code things in like if your character is wearing cultural armour it'd need to swap to the other race's cultural armour,

    but what if you don't have that armour unlocked?


    and thats not even delving into the personal story stuff,


    it'd get complicated.


    also with the amount of boosters/tomes it is very easy to just make a new char of the race you want and boost them to 80 instantly,

    plus its free XD

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