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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > * I am not a fan of what I feel to be overly emotionally manipulative writing, of "kill off this beloved character simply for the thrill of it or because it allegedly, in some warped mind, 'strengthens the story' or simply because, as a writer, I can do that." Death with meaning? Sure. XXXXXX dies in Little Woman -- I get that, and it was obviously planned by the writer, but it works for me. Kill off everyone I care about? Nope. That is why I have stopped watching a certain popular television series multiple times, because I can't take the manipulation, the trolling, the intended, ugly, forced nature of the narrative. And yeah, I've come back to it, but I rather hate myself for having done so and I'm not sure I'll stick through to the protracted end. :) <--- edited to remove spoiler char name -- sorry!



    I think, in the light of killing of any character, it should be meaningful always. And as such, killing of the random NPC with the red shirt, so to speak, is less meaningful, than a beloved or hated character.


    I personally didn't really feel it with losing the mentor the first time, and it definitely became cheaper when replaying the other order storylines. But one part where I did think it was significant was where Elli lost her significant other Zott. And as far as Asuran characters go she is still by far one that I found to have a more memorable character than some of the main Asura characters tagging along. Definitely waiting for her return at some point. Best Asura Shout-holo-caster.


  2. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > I mostly burned crops, toppled statues and then I was done before I could even turn the rat meat in. (not to mention the numerous events.)

    > >

    > > It's like you skipped GW2 101 Heart Tasks.


    > Burning infected crop only takes you to 70% or 80%.


    > The problem with events for heart completion is that it is a hit or miss thing. If you happen to be there at the right time then great otherwise they might as well not exist as far as heart completion is concerned.

    > Haven't looked at that specific heart to see how far it extends and what counts.


    > The one that has the tasteless roots also allows killing inquest but you need beetle tier 2 to get into the room.


    They are on a relatively short repeat in that specific area, but yeah in the core tyria maps that is definitely true.


    I dunno, maybe I dont overly focus on the time spend, I just look for events and easy things to do and do them preferably alogside the story. The rats aren't overly friendly for more than one player, but theres several other tasks you can do instead.


    And as far as menial tasks go, pretty much every heart is about those.

  3. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > It's like you skipped GW2 101 Heart Tasks.


    > I have 11 characters with 100% world completion, I understand heart tasks better than most, however killing ambients is something that should have been left in queensdale, not added to level 80 maps.


    Heart tasks still have more than one aspect than just the rats and even then, even hearts in level 80 zones, have had trivial tasks since launch, imo.

    But I suppose youre free to believe that pressing F at some interactable location is more level 80 worthy than killing some rats. Seems like a silly complaint.

  4. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > Sorry, but I'm not going to debase my basic expectation that a product be delivered in an at least semi functional state.


    And by semi functional, you mean completely functional.Because it is already semifunctional, and thats the disappointing part.

  5. > @"NoiseRen.2403" said:

    > 2) Oh, more of whiney Braham drama. Hope someone kills him the sooner the better.

    > 3) It's always good to see Faren.


    I see that as:


    2) It's always interesting to see Braham.

    3) Oh, more of annoying Faren nonsense. Hope someone kills him, the sooner the better.



  6. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Which is fair, restrict the AG to HoT and do a mystic coin for PoF because mystic coins are used for PoF for some of the collections. When you start to get more mystic coins you can sell them for the AG and vice versa.


    > Or restrict Mystic coins to their current method so they still retain value. There's no reason to keep lowering their price based on people who want legendaries but don't want to spend money/log-in and earn them. They are intentionally designed to have a slow acquisition method and speeding that up defeats their intended design.


    > I do like the proposed Mosiac/Spec weapon collection idea as well as adding the unique Exotic Sunspear weapons (found in Istan) to the potential loot table of all PoF Meta events.




    Or move / rotate the acquisition of AG, mystic coins ea. so that we dont have to do the same events every day incase players want to manually obtain them.


    If the acquisition can not be increased anyway.



  7. Also, rather than complaining what you can get for VM now, it would be wiser to save your VM for upcoming LWS4 Episodes, as it seems it's the main currency throughout the season, so it would be likely that you can get new other stuff for your VM.


    Spending it on these material boxes is not a smart move.



  8. I hope so, but:


    - ArenaNet has no dedicated guild team anymore. (At least that's the last thing that was told us anyway)

    - ArenaNet considers Guild Halls a HoT feature. (IE. if you have PoF-only you don't have access to all guild hall features)


    It defies all common sense, in my opinion, but that's where we are at.



  9. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > **The concept should not be restricted to guild, imagine you are a casual player and like decorating, customizing, building a home like in AC or MC, and DON'T want to be part of a guild, want to evolve alone (It can happens) ; what alternative would they have ?** I like the idea of smaller guild hall, an instance for that or houses but outside of the guild hall, a non-guild hall/house. But then, two solutions: Make some areas all around tyria and cities instanced where you can have your own house OR an global map/instance that everyone can access through an asuran gate.

    > The fact is, guild hall don't need guild houses/mansions, in this case we just need a ton of new decorations! If we got the tools, (floor/wall/roof/staircase) we can make our own house in GH without requiring to add another system or massive prefab structures aka Houses, and more, they are no much involvement in guild hall, no new decorations after 8-9 months I guess.


    If you believe any form of personal housing will ever be good for casual players, I think you will be disappointed.


    But just want to say, in order to get your own guild hall, that costs about

    - 101 gold +1 guild mission to get a hall (With maybe 4-5 volunteers, just use LFG),

    - 300 gold and 3-4 easy guild missions to upgrade it to a decorating functional state

    - and maybe about another [130 gold](http://gw2crafts.net/scribe.html) for full scribing when having access to a guild who's willing to let you train scribing to 400. (My guild is at least, but again, use LFG)


    So with that said, adding small guild halls or something equivalent to that, I think this is totally reasonable for personal housing.

  10. No reward should be balanced towards how much money you get on the TP. The TP balances itself to the supply and demand of the rewards.


    The amount of gold is there so that the rewards dont become way too lucrative in comparison with other sources. While also stabilizing the vale of these materials.


    Volatile and unbound magic are mostly a currency for unique LW rewards. Any extra is a bonus. I dont think they are intended to be the main rewards from playing the content.

  11. I wouldnt want player housing but guild houses or mansions sound like an idea. Basically the possibility to upgrade the guild initiative HQ as a guild hall / with guild hall functionalities. (for a size / functionality comparison.) I like the idea of having smaller guild halls located within a major city.



  12. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > What raids are in the end, simply is not the main body of content. Also completion of metas being similar just states that those metas arent that important to most players.

    > > I rather speculate that as the game ages, the ones that remain are the ones that do your stated meaningful content.

    > Which means this "niche" content is the most important content in the game because that's the content the most loyal and invested players play.


    And since everything is niche, everything is important? :p


    I would say though that living world content is probably more of the foundation on which the other content builds. ALso with raids being released at the same time as LW you'd get so much content that players would be conflicted as where to go first. I can imagine they wouldn't want to release raids at the same time as the main content addition, so that everyone can fully focus themselves on jumping on the new raid, in order to claim world first.

  13. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > I dont doubt there a connection between achievement hunters and raiders. But with below 10% numbers, even though similar, theres nothing saying how much of each of those are actually the same players.

    > >

    > > Also age of the content is a huge factor. Even in "older" content like LW3 a downward trend is still apparent. I would speculate that this downward trend is much more pronounced the newer the content is. Ignoring the other factors ofcourse.


    > It doesn't matter if they are the same players or not, only that the percentages are very similar. So the argument of "Raids being niche content" is half the truth, because all meaningful content in the game is niche content, including Fractals, LW meta achievements, collections, Griffon races and Adventures. Everything is niche on its own, but combined they give us this game.



    I was mostly correcting what (I believed) you stated, so you saying that it doesnt matter (what you originally said) is a bit confusing to me.


    Also I think the term "all meaningful content" is really just content in itself because its just that subjective to what is meaningful to a player.


    Ofcourse, it also means that such a conclusion basically would mean that statements such as "95% of the game is already for casuals" really should be read as "95% of the game is already other content!"


    What raids are in the end, simply is not the main body of content. Also completion of metas being similar just states that those metas arent that important to most players.


    I rather speculate that as the game ages, the ones that remain are the ones that do your stated meaningful content. As such simply the players the most invested in the game. They wouldnt stop playing and completing even if the raids stay as they are. They are the ones last to leave. Which also means, the casuals, as their name suggests, play alot less regularly, and dont care for just jumping on the next newest raid and finishing it in the next few weeks. Also making the latest or last completions alot more volatile.


    Maybe with this influx of new and returning players, it might be those numbers have changed dramatically.


    We would really need to do quarterly updates on those numbers to state something meaningful.



  14. We have a content guide for map completion, which I think is also unneeded, but we don't have a content guide for achievements, many of which are alot more guiding to new content than map completion is. I don't see it as a bad idea, especially considering some players don't even notice achievements and players might miss some of the content because it's away from the main content.


    Then again, alot of the achievements are tied to events or timed events that only happen every so often, which in my opinion could lead to a very jarring experience if you'd be directed towards them and you find out you have to wait 15 min to 2 or 3 hours if not more with certain specific events. Though I definitely think some of those achievements (like mastery points, story steps, meta achievements or specific current events) could aim players to do something in the game they don't immediately see, because they are achievements, yet are a more than minor part of the game.


    I mean, I'm at nearly 33k AP and on the way more often than not it can be minor ordeal to decide what achievement or piece of content I do next.


    But yeah, I wouldn't need it, but I could speculate the worth of a more extensive guiding system to some players who feel lost as what to do in the game after they did the main story some metas and map completion or lack of mastery points or whichever.

  15. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Heart of Thorns was initiated by 92% but finished by 68.5%,

    > Out of the Shadows 68.6% - 61% / Bastion of the Penitent: 20.5% - 12.8%

    > Rising Flames: 63.5% - 58.3%

    > A Crack in the Ice: 63.5% - 56%

    > The Head of the Snake: 59.9% - 51.1%

    > Flashpoint: 55.9% - 49.7%

    > One Path Ends: 52.2% - 46.5%


    > Path of Fire:

    > Path of Fire: 71.9% - 55.2%

    > Daybreak: 48.5% - 38.5% / Hall of Chains: 7.45% - 4.9%

    > A Bug in the System: 36% - 29%


    > You got me curious with that question, so I went and found out the percentages of those that finished the meta achievements of every episode:

    > Out of the Shadows 26.4%

    > Rising Flames: 21.5%

    > A Crack in the Ice: 14.2%

    > The Head of the Snake: 17.2%

    > Flashpoint: 19.8%

    > One Path Ends: 11.1%

    > Daybreak: 8.6%

    > A Bug in the System: 5.3%


    > Interesting results. A Crack in the Ice meta was completed too few times compared to the others, that annoying Elixir probably played a role.

    > Curiously enough, the Raid first boss kill rates are very close to the episode meta achievement completion rates. Out of the Shadows: 26.4%, Bastion of the Penitent: 20.5%, Daybreak: 8.6%, Hall of Chains: 7.45%. Meaning a great number of those that finished the meta achievements, also played the Raids.


    I dont doubt there a connection between achievement hunters and raiders. But with below 10% numbers, even though similar, theres nothing saying how much of each of those are actually the same players.


    Also age of the content is a huge factor. Even in "older" content like LW3 a downward trend is still apparent. I would speculate that this downward trend is much more pronounced the newer the content is. Ignoring the other factors ofcourse.



  16. > @"Faline.8795" said:

    > I finally broke down and bought both expacs since they were on sale.


    > But didn't Path of Fire just come out? And they are already discounting it?


    September 2017. Its been almost exactly 9 months. With a buy to play model that relies also on cash shop items with a recent influx of new or returning players, they might get more players buying it now than when they wait until people lose interest again.

  17. > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

    > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > > Hmm, while being able to buy them does defeat the point, being able to easily see where to get mastery points in one overview within the achievement window would probably help.

    > > > >

    > > > > I know you can use the search function within the achievement window. Does anyone know if you can type something like "mastery point" to show all those achievements that give one?

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > You can already do that. All mastery points that aren't earned are marked with the icons in the achievements list.

    > >

    > > Yeah I meant more as an overview of single achievements, not nested within categories. I can imagine that the breadcrumb icons don't make it clear enough what choices there are for some people. The question was more to find out if there already something that isnt well known, that could help OP and others. (or give devs ideas and/or inspiration for small improvements if they read it)


    > On the main list the icon indicates that _something_ on that list has an unearned mastery point. :)


    I know. I maxed masteries out. ;)

  18. > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Hmm, while being able to buy them does defeat the point, being able to easily see where to get mastery points in one overview within the achievement window would probably help.

    > >

    > > I know you can use the search function within the achievement window. Does anyone know if you can type something like "mastery point" to show all those achievements that give one?

    > >

    > >


    > You can already do that. All mastery points that aren't earned are marked with the icons in the achievements list.


    Yeah I meant more as an overview of single achievements, not nested within categories. I can imagine that the breadcrumb icons don't make it clear enough what choices there are for some people. The question was more to find out if there already something that isnt well known, that could help OP and others. (or give devs ideas and/or inspiration for small improvements if they read it)

  19. Hmm, while being able to buy them does defeat the point, being able to easily see where to get mastery points in one overview within the achievement window would probably help.


    I know you can use the search function within the achievement window. Does anyone know if you can type something like "mastery point" to show all those achievements that give one?



  20. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > > Again, none of these numbers matter.


    > The numbers matter only when someone brings up Raid numbers and looking at their percentages in a vacuum. Everything is interlinked, can't look at those Raid numbers without looking at other numbers too. Taking a look at the post Path of Fire numbers: 71.9% started Path of Fire, 55.2% finished it. 48.5% started Daybreak, 38.5% finished it. 36% started A Bug in the System and 29% finished it. It shows a downward trend, that will probably continue with the next episode. I think sometime soon there has to be a discussion about this drop, how to stop it, and how to instead make it go upwards.


    Not to forget age of content, comparing it with LW2 LW3 and HoT and ofcourse difference in entry to the map, location in the game world, and slight content differences in each episode.

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