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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. I miss watchwork minions...

    I am not much of a steampunk person originally, but these were just the best designed enemies so far. They reminded me of the titans and krait in GW1. (not krait in GW2, they are a sad evolution of the original krait)


    But the way the could form up, break apart and had different stance on the veterans, that is just something really interesting.


    I wouldnt mind seeing a future threat with them in mind... Not necesarily asura or sylvari.

  2. Most masteries have been very movement or transportation based.


    I don't think many features would fit a leveling system.


    Vehicles come to mind, but they might be more like mounts. Although the sea with boats might be really cool.

    Housing could work, but where do we live, will we have a typical commanders house? Sounds kind of off I guess.


    I wouldn't mind something more theorethical or fun, like a camera or scanner to take pictures/scans of animals to make your very own bestiary.


    I guess traditional mastery skills like pickpocketing, detect traps, lockpicking, sense alignment, hearing, smelling , feeling etc from DnD could be an inspiration too. xD

  3. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > very few people like raiding in gw2. Most people quit other mmo's to come to gw2 BECAUSE they are sick of raiding. I wish they would stop raid content. I feel it was a mistake.

    > > According to ANet, GW2raids are more popular than they expected, there's more participation than typical in similar games, and they continue to be popular.

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Looking how raid team doesn't exist anymore and was merged with fractals and how often raids are released, I think Anet regrets this decision aswell.

    > >

    > > The raid & fractal teams already worked closely together. The fact that they got combined doesn't tell us anything about ANet's priorities. Only that someone in management thought it was more efficient.

    > >

    > > Regardless, there's no reason to think that ANet is going to open up the Wizard's Tower any time soon. And if they did, there's no particular reason to think they'd limit it to raids or fractals.


    > You bring up statements from early 2016 from an employee that it no longer at Anet. I don't think they have much relevancy now. If raids were in a good shape, raid team would be getting bigger and content released faster. Just look at mount skins, good reception, easy money, fast releases. Compared on the scale obviously, cause nobody sane would expect new raid every 2 weeks.


    Mike Z said they were happy with where raids are at in April.

  4. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > It's incredibly niche. It's really good at traversing long stretches of relatively flat land... and not much else. The massive wait for the endurance bar to fill really hurts it (also the god-awful turning radius).


    > Also for some reason doing tricks always seems to _reduce_ your endurance bar instead of filling it, I'm not sure if that's a bug or what.


    Maybe you need to do tricks while in the air, otherwise when youre still doing a trick as you land you lose endurance.

  5. I cant see why anyone would vote no against a new feature. While the amount of work might not be worth it, I generally answer the question for the idea itself.


    I wouldnt dislike a multiperson mount. So yes.


    I personally would also include multi person vehicles, where one or multiple persons operate a turret/turrets while the other drives.


    Maybe I played too much halo with my sisters xD

  6. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > She's made some more comments on twitter. It's pretty much what you'd expect, like she did nothing wrong and blames ArenaNet, claiming they're harassing her by staying silent and letting this continue. She didn't like how MO credited her only for the 1 scene, so...


    > Apparently she was in charge of season 4 and influenced all of it. She starts out saying everything is done by teams, but she led meetings and all dialogue went through her, following with "Everything you've seen of the story so far this season is my work, and you're going to be seeing my work in it for a long time." She goes on to say that a lot of the work we'll be seeing is led by women and it'll be the best content GW2 has ever produced because of it.


    I can't understand her at all. I mean, some of it, mostly at the beginning I could see as understandable and I feel MO could've worded it more carefully (in hindsight) and maybe been a bit more protective of a female employee, who painted a target on her gender herselves, but okay, I guess, in order to protect other female employees from her drivel about gender I can see how that would be needed after that.


    But other stuff doesn't make sense; where it's "Team effort" but "this whole season is "mine" Influence wise? what does that even mean? That you influenced everything at least a little? What about other devs contributions?


    Twisting the the wording like: "he only credits me for one scene" where it was one of the best ones, which obviously means there's way more, while willfully ignoring the whole paragraph where MO says "we do not tolerate harassment", by saying MO doesn't condemn it (probably not enough I guess? ).


    And what just infuriates me the most is the whole "Lots of other female developers in GW2!" Like anyone is surprised, we, well I, have known this for years if not a decade, thank you very much. Not naming them doesn't make much difference either. In fact I rather want to know who makes the amazing content to give credit where credit is due, but I guess she means the women need to be protected against criticism, which means, they can't receive praise either. I mean it's almost insulting to the female devs. They are just as amazing as the male devs.

  7. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"ponytheguardian.7439" said:

    > > > 1. Make someone react negatively to something you say

    > >

    > > That's not what happened in this case. It wasn't ONE simple negative reaction, she went on for hours, she attacked multiple people. Only a person with serious issues does that, so unless those others that are "under attack" have similar important issues (they should seek help) they should be fine.


    > Not only that, but then we should probably consider that no one can make another react. Reaction is a choice.


    Exactly, thats why alot of us choose not to react and continue playing (or not). I mean, I feel I could say or correct so many things but in the end you cant decide for the other party let alone their reaction. :p

  8. I would say, it depends where we go. I wouldnt mind a more iconic GW1 character.


    I can see a legendary zealot stance with Amala and the option to pick a god in utility skills. for some dervish options.


    or Kormir or sogolon or general morgahn and get some paragon like skills. Or more in the direction of cantha, with togo, kanaxai urgoz the oracle.


    There's a slew of gw1 heroes. Or key NPCs.


    Hell I wouldnt mind a norn brawling legend or something like that.


  9. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > > With all honesty, the coolest thing they can do is a raid.

    > >

    > > No. Just ... no. They can do better than that, and it's past time that we expect better.


    > Actually they can't. Nothing will feel even remotely as epic.


    Its all subjective. Speaking factually like this is nonsensical.


    I mean, mechanically and maybe even difficulty wise I wouldnt mind a raid. But searching for a static group (who arent my current friends) while having an irregular life or needing to try multiple times because of cooperation and mistakes making it necessary to train and repeat more than Im comfortable doing on top of that, makes a very bad experience, and then Im not even talking about the lack of storydepth within raids.


    I would even rather have a solo experience at raid difficulty than a raid at this point.

  10. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > >

    > > > I’m hoping they pull a silverwastes style update and add a few more events to some of the emptier areas as well as additions to the meta.

    > >

    > > That or, progressing from the point in time the current LW episode. The opportunity to show that progression and the changes that take place in the current episode, is also valuable to me. It would be akin to a compromise between season one (showing change at least, not the shallowness of events and achievements) and the current setup. I personally do like see how the world of Tyria changes as a result of story elements than to add more deeper content to what is already released.

    > >

    > > Maybe the founding of another main city, like Elonas Lion's Arch?


    > Like a small outpost city? They have made small zones like bloodstone fen.


    > I also thought they could have a liberated Gandara in the next LW episode, so you could see the docks and some of the centre areas, maybe even have a branded invasion too


    Yeah basically, either with events as part of a huge naval zone, or a small outpost, maybe a gemstore merchant area, though I would feel slightly conflicted about it, it is an option.

  11. > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Then again, the whole kill mobs to get drops is....kind of... i dunno, old fashioned? I thought we were beyond mob-farming by now, yet this latest map which the FTT and spare parts farming is all about farming random mobs.


    > Killing mobs to get drops is fun.


    > We should get drops from killed mobs from this meta chain.


    Well I mean, specific drops, I don't mean the usual generic stuff. I guess that shouldve been clarified xD

    Like the collection basically requires you to kill the same mob type over and over (beyond the slayer achieves)

  12. > @"Tyson.5160" said:


    > I’m hoping they pull a silverwastes style update and add a few more events to some of the emptier areas as well as additions to the meta.


    That or, progressing from the point in time the current LW episode. The opportunity to show that progression and the changes that take place in the current episode, is also valuable to me. It would be akin to a compromise between season one (showing change at least, not the shallowness of events and achievements) and the current setup. I personally do like see how the world of Tyria changes as a result of story elements than to add more deeper content to what is already released.


    Maybe the founding of another main city, like Elonas Lion's Arch?

  13. > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

    > Or redo the whole meta so we get to see all of Gendara and the rewards for event are worth it without this kind of behavior.


    Unless they have plans for Gandara in the future and left it out deliberately.


    Domain of Kourna has enough empty space as is. I rather would like to see something be done with the various ruins of the prev. Dejarin Estate area and the moor with the hekets

  14. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > I’m just wondering if we remember gw1 Gandara fondly with rose coloured glasses, I don’t really recall a huge amount of content from that place.


    Well, Consulate Docks is one of the larger and key missions in GW1 where you attack Gandara with the Istanis because of Kournan troup movements within Istan and collaborations with the Corsairs in order to make coordinated attacks on the villages there. (very shortly said)






    You do go through the whole city docks from left to right and then further inwards to the plaza of the six five gods in order to complete a ritual to summon Abbadons demons.


    Later on in the Poghan passage, you rescue Kormir from the prison island as well as helping Margrid with finding a mirror of significant value within the city.







    Personally I find it weird we can't access the Docks side even over the sea, and what I hope will happen is that Gandara will get it's own map, gemstore scroll area as an

    restored "after Joko" area

    . As that wouldnt be possible if it was part of the current Kourna map.

  15. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Ceares.2519" said:

    > `snip`

    > >

    > > I have a question here, which bothers me alot.... Can a person, who is unable to handle humans correctly, create / develop and define rules how ingame charakters should be build, structured, configured in conjunction to the players = humans, who are playing those ingame charakters? After what is happened i would say definitively not! You should know first humans and how to handle them correctly, else the first component of your theory will be handled wrong. As a consequence of having the wrong picture about people and by that also about players, this person must fail with her project in the second part how to develop ingame charakters for those humans!

    > > Its the similarity to "a doctor who does not trust me and which i cant trust as the patient, cant heal me at all!"

    > `snip`


    > This statement here is 100% wrong, this one person did not create/develop and define rules on how ingame characters should be built...those rules were already in place, they have been in place since day 1, all she was doing was putting them out there for the community/players to understand how our characters are designed and the why of it...nothing more, nothing less.



    Which make those post about being a female dev being even more ridiculous. It's a team effort, so any criticism would be aimed at the team as a whole. Not to mention that the usage of alternative dialogue options has been decided on years before she was a thing at Anet. Not to mention... there are some alternative dialogue options in the very release! And in PoF....

  16. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > And finally I suspect a big part of the reason we've not found out who they are yet is these topics. It's a lot more interesting when we don't know who E is, and it gives us something to discuss, speculate on and make up fan theories about.


    Yeah, I wished they applied that logic to other interesting NPCs as well, just to keep more of these mysteries alive.


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