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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > I think it is silly that we will have to wait another 6 months or more for W7 to finish the ring. As if the 11 months we waited so far was not insulting enough


    > This insulted you? Seems like you taking this game to personally.


    This is news to you? :p

    Someone who cares so much about his AP ranking as Malediktus that he requests the game needs to change to his expectations, obviously takes every change (or lack there of) not to his expectations personally.





  2. Other than completing them the point value is irrelevant to me really.


    At some point you just replay what you have already done and thats how you get most of your rewards, through drops gathering eventchests etc, not through AP. AP are just arbitrary bonus points.



  3. Well, you know how these days everything is "America first". Right? :p


    But seriously really, after they switched the terms to US only I didnt think they suddenly would account for EU and non US accounts, even if previously connected. They obviously couldnt manage it, so I really doubt they could now.


    Ofcourse, it could be they want players to start a US player-Non US player buddy exchange program so everyone outside of the US will get teamed up with one USbuddy to get a code. Who knows.

  4. > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > It seems the teleporter parts are obtainable by buying the Brilliant Djinn Doubloons over the TP. So there's that.


    > Lol 70 g each atm xd



    Cheap if they work. theres more expensive decorations that arent too interesting.

  5. One of those things that just makes no sense to me. It only affects you if you bring other players and serves no other function.


    I could understand it for the challenge mode, but not the story version.


    A way to fight your way out, sounds very interesting, like with the fight with Shiro in Factions, his banishment lets you have shot at fighting your way back.


    Every other case where players are forced to wait it out are generally structured group content or have been made so you dont just stand there.

  6. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").

    > >

    > > We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!

    > >


    > I kinda hoped you would make such Celebration at least 2-3 days after the release, because not everybody is that nerdy that can complete all the stuff in Sun's Refuge and the whole story not saying about the raid...


    > I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.


    > But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


    I was thinking the same, I don't think I ever took part in these too early because of easy spoilers, and basically not knowing the content after half a day if I even manage to play that evening.

  7. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > > > By the way if any EU players are curious I double checked this morning and there is no special process or wording to get your data deleted under GDPR. You just have to request it verbally or in writing. Since it seems we're no longer eligible to participate and allegedly never were I didn't see any reason to let KFT keep whatever information they might have on me, so I sent them this email earlier today:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > _Dear Kung Fu Tea,

    > > > > >

    > > > > > On Monday 3rd September 2018 I registered for and participated in your online cross-promotion with Arenanet to obtain Guild Wars 2 items. As part of this I linked my Facebook account to your app and granted permission for you to access information on Facebook.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I now understand that this was done under false pretences as it was not made clear to me at any point in the process that as a non-US resident I am not eligible to participate in this promotion and that I should not have expected to receive any items from it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > However as an EU citizen my data is covered by the new General Data Protection Regulations, which includes the 'right to erasure' - for consent to be removed at any time and data obtained under consent to be deleted. I wish to evoke this right now and therefore ask that you delete all data you hold related to this email address or my (Real Name) Facebook account.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Please confirm to me that this has been done.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yours Sincerely,

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Real Name_

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'll update if/when I get a reply.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > (I'd already unlinked my Facebook account and the KFT app, via both Facebook and the app, deleted my social profile on the app and then deleted the app.)

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, I’ve already done that.

    > > > > I got some bull reply basically saying they’ve deactivated the account on their end and removed me from mailing lists. No mention of my data being expunged from them.

    > > >

    > > > Considering they don't normally operate in the EU, seemed unaware that unless an app is region locked it's accessible world-wide and this promotion generally reminds me of a certain phrase about arranging a 'celebration' in a brewery I doubt they've even heard of GDPR before or have any knowledge of the requirements or the fact that it does apply to them even if they're a US based company. But I'm considering this the first step in the process and will follow up if necessary.

    > >

    > > That would fit with the MO. When I was browsing around for soy/nut milk at KFT yesterday their responses seemed to indicate they thought lactaid was a viable alternative (which is still dairy milk).


    > being vegan is silly anyway, humans are omnivores


    Its in human nature to go against (human) nature.

  8. Still though, promoting a promotion that is only for maybe half the playerbase, regardless of whether it will be in all languages or not, should at the very least be indicated as such... ON the launcher.


    Not that I feel happy with ads or promotions on the launcher for stores on other continents that I cant take part in.

  9. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Tbh I dont understand, aside from this whole fiasco, the heroic edition is given out for free over some app of some random company. Youre basically making the core game free to play (not the current F2P model) over some random app. Which naturally is going to set this app ablaze.


    > One theory among players is that whoever at Anet was involved in setting up this promotion didn't realise the code they used would unlock free accounts. If you look at the first few pages of this topic a lot of people (myself included) assumed it would only add the bonus items, even on a free account. It was only once people started getting and using the codes that we found out it unlocked the account too.


    > Of course that should have been checked when the promotion was being set up but it's the kind of thing that's very easy to overlook. If the people who are arranging it don't know to ask then the people who know how it works don't know they need to tell them.


    Hm, I personally dont see how one overlooks such things. Maybe I personally would double to triple check what a key unlocks before sending them out, but okay.





  10. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"KaryuZeir.9346" said:

    > > > > @"Scar.1793" said:

    > > > > > @"KaryuZeir.9346" said:

    > > > > > This really is just so unfair man... after all this trouble, the crashes, the delays and supposed promise to fix the issue from KFT, they change everything to ''limited to US only'', when only the sweeptakes were US only in the first place... what's the idea of this scam? steal our personal information from our accounts for using their app or what?

    > > > >

    > > > > I’m no fan either but you gotta admit since it’s a US company it would be a hint that it would only works in the US since the goal was to get some traffic for KFT

    > > >

    > > > Yeah that could be true, but even so it doesn't mean that they can just abuse of a promotion to trick players all over the world and change the info after saying that ''they would fix the problem'', adding a limitation to something that originally didn't had... it was other stuff what actually had that US limitation, those sweeptakes and other of their social rewards, not this... all this stuff is misleading advertising and can be sued.

    > > >

    > > > I hope that KFT and Anet fix all of this and giving all the players in all countries what we were promised in the beginning.

    > >

    > > It was a reason for me to report this app to Google tbh.


    > How do I report the ap to Google. ?


    In the googleplay app in the topright corner with flag as inappriopiate, or over the google support website. There is an option to flag it as spam. I doubt it will really do anything, but it felt warranted for this mess up.

  11. > @"KaryuZeir.9346" said:

    > > @"Scar.1793" said:

    > > > @"KaryuZeir.9346" said:

    > > > This really is just so unfair man... after all this trouble, the crashes, the delays and supposed promise to fix the issue from KFT, they change everything to ''limited to US only'', when only the sweeptakes were US only in the first place... what's the idea of this scam? steal our personal information from our accounts for using their app or what?

    > >

    > > I’m no fan either but you gotta admit since it’s a US company it would be a hint that it would only works in the US since the goal was to get some traffic for KFT


    > Yeah that could be true, but even so it doesn't mean that they can just abuse of a promotion to trick players all over the world and change the info after saying that ''they would fix the problem'', adding a limitation to something that originally didn't had... it was other stuff what actually had that US limitation, those sweeptakes and other of their social rewards, not this... all this stuff is misleading advertising and can be sued.


    > I hope that KFT and Anet fix all of this and giving all the players in all countries what we were promised in the beginning.


    It was a reason for me to report this app to Google tbh.

  12. First its hackers and then its botters. And then its always been limited to the US. Of ...course it has been.


    Kung Fu Tea PR seems to be quite dishonest if you ask me. I mean, stuff goes wrong all the time, atleast admit it that it does. Clearly being transparent is not as important as (failing miserably at) trying to keep face.

  13. > @"RazielSpecter.6295" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Let's bring up years old videos as an example as to why marketing is bad now.

    > >

    > >


    > So, you think the marketing is okay?


    Recently their marketing efforts were fairly okay. Barring when stuff went wrong ofcourse.


    I think the one thing that feels missing from GW2 is maybe physical box-sales or merchandise not sold by a third party. Because when I go to any computer shop, or any game shop, the amount of GW2 related releases that are physically present are usually countable on one hand- IF there is one at all.


    Not that I go into an actual gameshop much, but being a GW2 fan in such a shop is like, yeah I play this game.... that you don't really seem to have .. what am I even doing here?! GW2 players don't belong in gameshops, apparently.


    Ofcourse, something like that probably requires some sort of funding. (Though kick starters and 3rd party gw2 merch stuff seem to be popular enough, but what do I know)

  14. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > a promotion only for NA?

    > > >

    > > > wow, why does that feel like many other games where NA players drown in good stuff, while the rest of the world and especially EU is told to #?*$ themselves?

    > > >

    > > > really anet? Really?

    > >

    > > As has been said already, EU players can participate in the code giveaway for the outfit and Heroic edition. The only part they (and anyone else not living near a Kung Fu Tea location) cannot take part in is the sweepstakes for the deluxe editions of PoF/HoT.


    > and that is a good thing?


    > Pro tip: it isn't.


    > well, I made a throwaway twitter account, my facebook account has been locked down, and I will never send a copy of my passport to FB, but.. do I really want that company access even a throwaway account?


    > I doubt that.


    > Maybe, just maybe, anet should rethink their decision to go down a route that screams 'NA only, screw the rest of the world'. I mean, they constantly doing it during events, where they only care about NA. So nothing new there. But still.


    You should check the Kung Fu Tea website really. Even in the US their shops arent as widespread as you believe.

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