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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > OP isn't wrong. I would argue that the game does offer challenge in the form of raids and pvp. Pvp being the hardest content in game imo, with raids being second to that. But balance is a problem. People have been complaining about power creep for a very long time and a lot of balance patches seem mostly insignificant. People have been asking for Guild vs Guild since launch. And not having build templates for PvE is a huge problem, especially for classes like mesmer/rangers/guardians that have so many builds they switch between. OP is ranting, but his rant is valid.

    > >

    > > WIth that said, this is still the best mmo for me and I will continue to play it till the end. But I would like to see some improvements such as build templates and more game queue supported game modes in pvp.


    > People have been asking. How many people? What percentage of the playerbase. I want something doesn't mean the majority wants something.


    > Before HOT came out, many many hard core players had come to the forums and asked for harder content. We want harder content. We want challenging content. We want raids. And Anet, in HoT gave those people exactly what they asked for? The result. HOT was NOT accepted over all by a community used to easier content and many left the game. Many never bought HoT at all. It got so bad that Anet had to go back to the drawing board with HoT and make changes so that solo players could have stuff to do. So that it was less challenging over all.


    > Just because a lot of people ask for something doesn't mean most people want it, or that it will go over well. If anything, the biggest issues we've had with this game comes from Anet listening to the wrong people. I'm absolutely certain half the playerbase hasn't asked for guild vs guild. Maybe the amount of people asking for it number in the hundreds, but that's out of a lot of posts.


    > The OP is wrong in saying Anet doesn't listen. Anet doesn't, however, nor should they, blindly obey. I'm 100% sure they have heard people want gvg. They listened. And they made an educated decision not to provide it.


    Its a common misconception that ArenaNet only adds content the majority wants. It's the ideal outcome ofcourse once content is released, but it's not a democracy and content and QoL doesnt not get prioritized according to some observed majority opinion in the playerbase.


    In fact all additions that have been made by "following" community advice are from only a few voices where most people don't even voice their opinion on it.


    The bigger issues ingame are also mostly subjective and mostly issues perceived by the playerbase, that aren't necessarily actual issues. Or some issues arent even observed until Anet changes it.


    Its also wrong to assume that those bigger issues are from listening to the wrong people.


    _There are no wrong people to listen to._


    Between what people think they want, being able to voice what they want, what they actually enjoy, arenanet intrepreting on what people want or enjoy and internal discussions on whats an actual good addition etc.; there's too many additional steps to even begin this scapegoating that theres wrong people to listen to.


    Because in the end... HoT is still harder, even PoF is still more challenging than core. In fact, Arenanet didnt change much of the difficulty of HoT , and mostly restructured how events take place, rebalanced rewards and rebalanced some adventure treshholds,. Difficulty stayed pretty much the same overall (yes, slightly easier in some locations), but got more rewarding.



  2. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > You guys butchered my nerdy dark fantasy MMOs, turning them into cheery kiddie shows, well now you're getting replaced by the Farmville and Candy Crush crowd.


    Youre living about a decade in the past...


    And Farmville and candy crush are mostly Facebook games alongside mobile games.


    I feel alot of this commotion is the older generation of gamers swinging their sticks about anything that isn't PC or console, feeling threatened by the growing mobile gaming market unwilling to adapt to what the new generation plays.


    Every big gaming company is releasing big titles soon or has released big mobile titles in the last few years. Not all of it good ofcourse, but still alot of pretty good games out there. But this is hopefully just the beginning. It's about time some big players hit the mobile market, hopefully able to up the overall quality. Or ofcourse, fall victim to the draw of money and create a cashgrab.


    IDK if anything, I would almost feel excited if ArenaNet took it on to innovate there and bring out a quality GW mobile game.


    Idk why people are asking for a dumbed down on-the-side side gw oriented mobile game. Better do it right, than spend time making junk.

  3. inb4 recipe is something like


    1 Grandmaster Finishing kit

    50 Wood Glue

    25 Wintersday Trees

    and 250 snow diamonds. :p


    But yeah there are some big chrismas tree models.


    Other wishes includes those winterwonderland peppermint platforms and the miniature racial cities or even just other miniatures from Toypocalypse.


    Could even see a miniature wintersday monorail as a guild hall decoration to drive around those miniature houses.


    Imagination is endless!

  4. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > I’m watching the sigil price drop as we speak.

    > >

    > > It might.. we haven't seen what the recipe will require yet...…


    > Not it might ... it already has. Though I'm sure people complaining it was too high are still looking at the price (current 5G) and thinking "Nope, not yet". Can't wait to see their face when the sigil recipe and its ingredients are released ... it's just going to be the same complaints about robber barons buying up all the sigils/runes they could and now everything is too expensive .... but don't forget, they aren't complaining about the costs.


    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > Glad to see ANET gave in to reason.


    > Anet didn't give into reason ... they said they were working on this new system for a long time now; it's just a coincidence that the release of the new system is happening so soon after people decided this very standard implementation of content was egregious to them. The best part is that they STILL released Requiem armor with this sigil as a mat ... yes, apparently they did so in mistake some people claim.


    It's probably not much different and mostly psychological, but if the game sets the bar people are more willing to accept it than when a "player influenced" market does.


    So I think you're not going to see that much complaints about this sigil in particular.

  5. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > It really would help if they had a second message to use when mass-mailing items. It could still be something generic so they can use the same one all the time, but something which talks about promotional items instead of replacements.


    So much this. The wording of that mail doesnt make any sense. I don't understand why they can't write a simple ingame mail saying just that. I thought this just would need translation and wouldn't need to be a localisation thing.


    Some stuff just needs a practical to the point text, but somehow it's not that easy apparently. idk.

  6. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Scud.5067" said:

    > > > > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

    > > > That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)


    > Some do but in the PC world it is not unusual for a top-tier game to have been out a decade with constant expansions over that time. Meanwhile the same is not true of mobile games. True, mobile platforms have not existed as long as PC and consoles but their games are not built to last either.


    > There are some types of originally-PC games that do well on mobile (looking at you simcity) but a port of an MMO? No, just no.


    What does built to last even mean? It's software, it doesn't age. If you mean updates, that's also possible. How many games do really live on for decades? That's like a fraction of a fraction.

  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Scud.5067" said:

    > > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

    > That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).




    Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)

  8. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > What exactly is wrong with a mobile game set in the GW universe?

    > >

    > > Would you be cool with your significant other of 10+ years dating other people on the side and doing certain things only with them but not with you?


    > kitten?


    > *backs away slowly* ...


    > Maybe https://www.betterhelp.com/



    > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > What exactly is wrong with a mobile game set in the GW universe?


    > Would you be cool with your significant other of 10+ years dating other people on the side and doing certain things only with them but not with you?


    A different medium doesnt necessarily mean you can't play them. Alot of people have a smart phone. And even then, there are options, on your PC, to play your mobile games there.


    There's nothing that a console or other platform can do, that a pc cant do really.



  9. Mobile games are fairly okay, for alot of them, they're mostly stuck with outdated pay to win tactics to get players to pay.


    Other than that. If youre willing to pay some money or sift through or ignore pay to win stuff... There are enough games that are pretty fun.


    As for MMOs, currently maplestory, runescape, dragonnest, lineage m are there.


    I havent really played them but judging by reviews Dragonnest on mobile is most positively received.


    While you might still be a pc gamer, mobile gaming is on the rise, definitely dont judge every mobile game just because it is a mobile game. There are many real good ones.

  10. > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:


    > > I dunno. I generally feel that if you have an issue thats serious enough that warrants such action, support is always much better for the simple fact that the player doesnt simply get away with bad behaviour.

    > >

    > > With online/offline status this is similar. It would be onesided control to be able to control whether one unfortunate player could be excluded while having no control whether he gets seen as on or offline, unless blocking as well.

    > >

    > Did you even read the post just above yours? A year of reporting and the player is still playing. We need better tools to control our own situation because relying on Anet doesn't cut it.



    Thats ironic then, because it seems to me you're relying on ArenaNet either way.


    Also I clearly quoted a post, where I was talking in general, not about single cases,. Which are very subjective either way.

  11. > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

    > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

    > > > Whilst the social system really isn't ideal and definitely needs an overhaul - I can't help feeling that the OP is easily offended and block heavy.

    > >

    > > On the contrary; I don't block often and am open to talking about differences in opinion. When I do block it's either a case of someone harassing or abusing me.

    > >

    > > > The feature is there to 'mute' people who are doing serious harm to the community, and it seems like you might just be blocking people for the sake of blocking people - judging from the wording you used, you've blocked a considerable amount of people.

    > >

    > > The feature is there for each individual to use to block people for themselves, not for me to cleanse the "community". That's what the 'report' function is for. Also, you're making leaps and bounds in your assumptions. I have about 5 people blocked who still use the game (last I saw anyway, I don't check often). The rest are gold sellers.

    > >

    > > > Use the feature as it was intended, not just because you disagree with someone in your guild.

    > >

    > > I am using it as intended, to personally block people for harassment and/or abuse. Tell me how that's against the rules. Last I checked that was exactly what it was designed for. And again, making incorrect assumptions. Please try to make 100% less assumptions in your next post, it'll save us both a lot of time, and add a lot more to the thread.

    > >

    > > > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > > I would go as far as implementing a no party/no squad for people in your block list. Meaning if a blocked person in your list is in a party/squad, you cannot enter either. And vice versa.

    > >

    > > I wouldn't quite want it taken that far. If there's someone I've blocked in a squad for DS meta, I wouldn't want to miss out on the whole thing because one person is in a squad of 40+. Nor would I want to be unable to join a party in LFG because there's only one person out of four in there that I've blocked. Especially being in a farming guild, the chance that the one person I have blocked there will appear in a squad would be fairly high, but you'd have to go out of your way to find that person, which is a waste of time anyway.



    > Guild Wars 2 has an amazing and diverse community, I can't imagine people are actively harassing and abusing you. Aforementioned, I have an explosive personality, I am also openly in a same-sex relationship and I have never received any type of abuse or harassment within this community.


    > I honestly feel there's some exaggeration or hyperbole here.


    I always think its really to do with someones tolerance level. Some people find repeatedly saying something along the lines: "oh youre so obviously *insert label here*" harassment. Others can take endless amount of verbal abuse and think nothing of it. (two extremes btw, not applicable to anyone in particular) Feeling harassed is pretty much that, a feeling.

  12. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Not need for her to turn nor having the green fog frizz, just the elements to rebuilt a static version of her to train yourself to jump.


    Just some single elements seems fine with me too. Just don't see a full fledged clocktower as a guild decoration happening. Nor all the single pieces to fully rebuilt it. (which is finnicky at best anyhow)


    Im all for new GH decorations and the bones really aren't all that great. Some more fences and platforms would be nice.


    Though the casket and slightly out of the theme chrysathemums are alright this year.


    Still feel the price for pumpkins (100 cc) is quite steep though, but that might be because my guilds mostly on the hunt for anything but GH decorations or decorating for that matter. (even tho most if not all, when asked for, members are able to.)



  13. > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Not being able to see messages or status from a blocked player in public chats or areas never will be a thing. You can't exclude people out of your public chats for the simple fact that it can be abused.


    > If you carefully read the first post you'll see you're not talking about the same thing in the slightest.


    I am, but I explained it perhaps a bit crudely.


    If a malintended person, would want to publically smear or even simply exclude someone, they could as there would be an option to block that person (temporarilly) and do so. In the hypothetical case if you would be able to block both ways at least where the other player wouldnt be able to see the messages of the one that blocked him/her.


    In a way the block functionality would actively control another persons chat and one sided at that.


    In an extreme case, for example ,If some wvw commander feels like it he could block a player he doesnt like tell everyone else to block this and that player and put this player out of the public chat entirely simply because he got mass blocked for a moment.


    I dunno. I generally feel that if you have an issue thats serious enough that warrants such action, support is always much better for the simple fact that the player doesnt simply get away with bad behaviour.


    With online/offline status this is similar. It would be onesided control to be able to control whether one unfortunate player could be excluded while having no control whether he gets seen as on or offline, unless blocking as well.


    And a system where this happens automatically (when you get blocked you autoblock back) you would lose control over who you block.


    Either way, its one sided censoring, because thats simply the best option.

  14. Not being able to see messages or status from a blocked player in public chats or areas never will be a thing. You can't exclude people out of your public chats for the simple fact that it can be abused.


    Otherwise you can go around block someone and then harrass/humiliating them in public without them knowing or being able to report. Same goes with tracking information. You could block someone to essentially be invisible and then you can easily stalk them without them even being able to see you.


    How about when you block someone and you wouldnt be able to see any of their information nor contact them.


    Personally I just block bots and gold spammers. Rarely an active player. Even then I occasionally empty my list. Information is power. I want to know whats being said, and rather not stick my head in the sand.

  15. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > Gw 2 having no trinity is a lie it got roles like controll(tank)support(healer buffer)dps (damage) they only changed the names but generally mmos are not succesfull now days gw2 is getting old (engine wise)


    Not really a trinity then. If anything its tank (if aggro exist), CC, support, healer, dps (sometimes distinction between condi dps and physical dps needs to be made)


    Its not like you need all at all times. More often than not its just a player standing in a specific position. Which is what makes gw2 different.

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