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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Valandil Dragonhart.2371" said:

    > I just finished making my annual Guild Hall decoration, and I have to say I'm rather disappointed with the lack of effort Anet put into creating this year's offering


    > Take a look at any of the other statues and they're bold, proud, sturdy and somewhat celebratory, like a statue should be. This looks like a dartboard with a gold pig's head stuck to it.


    > I guess my gripe here is Anet's lack of continuity with their statues - **the past 4 years they've been relatively the same or comparable**, and this just feels like a wasted effort.


    Just your picture alone should show that continuity with the yearly Lunar new year decorations never was a thing because I see:

    - no lantern, normal standard statue

    - lighted red Lantern on the statue with a bit of extra decoration/bamboo

    - uncoloured unlighted lantern with uncoloured standard

    - coloured unlighted lantern on coloured standard

    - lighted lanterns on wall-mounted head


    And really, the first Lunar new year decorations are still better than the yearly statue, that differs in design year on year.


    If we're talking about disappointment, to me its that there's only a new statue that goes with the animal. And even then, imo everything after the monkey was kind of meh.



  2. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > Good video about the topic:




    > Also, poll numbers for the record, for a total of 1022 votes:


    > * We need both easy and hard modes - 51% - 531 votes

    > * We need an easy mode, but not a hard mode - 7% - 78 votes

    > * We need a hard mode, but not an easy mode - 7% - 81 votes

    > * Raids are fine the way they are, combining bosses of various difficulties - 25% - 260 votes

    > * Raids have problems, but we need a better solution - 7% - 72 votes


    > We have 65% of the voters wanting easy or hard mode, 58% wanting easy mode, and 58% wanting hard mode. Only 25% are fine with the current status of raids, against a 74% which isn't happy with the current situation.


    Isnt happy with the current situation, is as vague as you can be though.


    I think that there's always something to improve, and something that is niche like raids, always has a large majority of people who think it needs improvement in one way or another. Where the double improvement is the more social option. Or perhaps the 'more fair' option. ("If you get easy mode then i want harder mode")

  3. I feel people play this game still as connect the dots (or green stars) Walking in a straight line to the next thing and then the next.


    Do you guys even take the time to fully experience the new map and story in conjunction of eachother?


    The first two hours I didnt even leave the cave. Talked to NPCs, tried out the heart tasks and try to find our way up, to seemingly a place with treasure and some story.


  4. > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > So, I'm wondering, why is the AP per tick going down?

    > > > if you invest effort in something, shouldn't the AP per ticks be going up?

    > > > Shouldn't the 50th kill be worth more than the 1st kill? or at least as much as the 1st.

    > > >

    > > > --

    > > >

    > > > [¹] Incentive being if you care about AP, or rather, if the presence or absence of AP is a factor in choosing what content you want to play

    > >

    > > Because doing something for the tenth, hundredth or thousandth time is less of an achievement.

    > >

    > > Your question is the same as asking why do people celebrate their 5th 25th 40th or even 50th anniversary more than those in between.

    > >

    > > Its not a job, where you get paid equally, its an achievement in a game.


    > I'd say sticking with grinding something for the 1000th time was more achievement than doing it a couple times personally. It's not like the grindy achieves are something you get more skillful at and output less effort to do as you go on.


    Yeah, that's what i meant with less of an achievement. I didn't mean to state it takes less effort.

  5. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > So, I'm wondering, why is the AP per tick going down?

    > if you invest effort in something, shouldn't the AP per ticks be going up?

    > Shouldn't the 50th kill be worth more than the 1st kill? or at least as much as the 1st.


    > --


    > [¹] Incentive being if you care about AP, or rather, if the presence or absence of AP is a factor in choosing what content you want to play


    Because doing something for the tenth, hundredth or thousandth time is less of an achievement.


    Your question is the same as asking why do people celebrate their 5th 25th 40th or even 50th anniversary more than those in between.


    Its not a job, where you get paid equally, its an achievement in a game.

  6. > @"zeldara.4127" said:

    > > @"Dragana.1497" said:

    > > > @"zeldara.4127" said:

    > > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > > > > > @"zeldara.4127" said:

    > > > > > "Don't use chilling reaper in group content. It makes everyone slower."

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Not sure what (s)he meant with that but it sounded odd.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And something that sounded odd to me but not sure if it it. A warning from a complete stranger (more like a rude threat) to change my hunter pets name or they would report me for breaking name policies and get me banned. The pet is the pink moa bird I named "Floyd". (Yes pun intended.) Haven't really dared use the name anymore just to be sure, which is a pity.

    > > > >

    > > > > Maybe Floyd is a dirty word in another language? At which point, I don't think ANet would action you for it.

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, it's kitten near impossible to report a pet name. It's pretty much a screenshot and support ticket. There ought to be a better system for reporting actual violations.

    > > >

    > > > I think it's aimed at the (pun intended by me) name of real live band "Pink Floyd" and the rules state you can't use trademarked names, names of real celebrities. So i think Floyd on his own would be fine, but if you get the pun, it technically breaks the rules i guess.

    > >

    > > Pink Floyd is a nickname for a part of the male anatomy. ;)

    > >


    > Slaps her own forehead. Next time check the urban dictionary :) ok... that makes sense. Learn something new everyday ^^ Yeah ok... the bird gets a new name now for sure :) I'll stop derailing the thread now.


    If youre going to check the urban dictionary for offensive meanings then you cant use any name at all. xD

  7. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > You might want to edit your poll to include a third option for 'Neither.'


    > As such, I'll have to write that vote in, for reasons stated in those multiple previous threads.


    True, because for every poll that is along the lines of:


    If you *had to* choose between these options.... you obviously always have to have the clearly important third option for some people who want to not take part in the poll, but want to click something anyway.

  8. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

    > > I don't think traditional keyboard/mouse games are going to be attractive to the masses in the future


    > I hope they will be! Controllers have too few buttons to be truly appealing for complex games. Also, no thumb movement can be as precise as a mouse, sorry.


    What is a complex game in your opinion. Because I don't understand how the control scheme influences that, and most games with a complex control scheme are a total mess in that area, and hardly fun to play.

  9. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Can't vote on something that includes so many things that the developers have said they aren't working on: dungeons, new profs, new race, new weapon types.


    > Worse, I honestly hope that ANet always works on expansion stuff that appeals to them, rather than based on any sort of arbitrary vote. I feel that they have done a good job of delighting & surprising us. There's a lot of stuff I like that is in the game now that I wouldn't have thought I'd have any interest in. And there's a lot of stuff I thought I wanted/needed from expansions that turns out I can leave without, thank you very much.


    > Instead of running another poll dependent on living in some universe with different rules of finance, why not simply post preferences in one of the several threads that already asks people what they'd like in the next expansion? Then it doesn't depend on the OP's idea of the top 9 things to put on a list.


    Not sure youre understanding the poll right., I never read these poll options as "all examples given should be included", and more broad categories.


    I simply ignored the category examples, and picked the category which is most important to me.


    I also ignored the note at the end, which says its not counting recurring content, though. I feel improvements in the recurring content are totally viable, and expanding systems that are already there and improving them rather than simply adding new features is something that I personally like to see.

  10. Im fine with levelling and exp stopping once youre maxed out. Tbh. I literally only pay attention to it when i need something specific from spiritshards, and actually love it that it has little to no impact.


    I definitely don't want exp grind become anything more than what its now, even for progression, which is already lost once you have all masteries, except the newest one. And since that is accountbound, it really doesnt matter on other characters either.



  11. > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > The move from 1000->2000 total decorations improved the ability to decorate entire halls significantly. It would be nice if they increased the local limit to something higher than 20 as well. It's time.


    > Too many decorations does increase the time they take to load in when you first enter the guild hall, but it's generally not a big deal. You're also in a relatively safe place where you're not going to get killed by a fire drake. FPS just isn't that critical in the guild hall.


    I doubt its just FPS drops tbh.

  12. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

    > > > > Basically any group that wants a ping don't worry about joining.

    > > > > It's a fair indication (but not always) that they're elitist fools.

    > > >

    > > > Way to cover just about 95% of all raid groups in EU except for training runs (and even these require pings on some difficult bosses).

    > > >

    > > > Don't think any one has managed to be this condescending in a while.

    > > Well I'm sorry if the truth hurts. But the raid community is far more toxic than the PvP one in my experience (I have legendary armour from both), at least the US servers. As a new player to raids I would encourage them to stay away from such groups, there are a few other ones out there that don't use such requirements and are very nice.

    > > I do not know anything about the EU community though, for all I know they might be a wonderful group. I should have clarified that.

    > > And, with all due respect, I believe you may need to look up just what condescending means, because it seems clear it doesn't what you think it does, also perhaps try to understand what 'fair indication' means, and finally what '(but not always)' implies too. Your retort is a perfect example of people reading what they want out of something, not what's actually written. But it's the official forums, why would one be hopeful of anything different: That is my shortcoming.


    > Oh I think your reply shows nicely where you are coming from and that my choice of word was fitting.


    > But please, be more general without giving examples or showing any proof while condemning an entire group of players.


    > Especially since you seem not to understand the concept of why people demand pinging of things in the first place.


    > Oh and FYI, pinging of something was not invented with raids in this game. It goes back as far as dungeons in vanilla and the reason back then is similar to the reason now: lack of in game information and player ability to create parties according to one's own desire and specifications.


    Not that you will ever be able to get a party that is completely to your liking. I understand though, working with who you get in your party requires social skills that are below average for average MMO players. I would wager that since the US as a culture is more social based, more extroverted (again, on average) they also tend to work things out by communicating (which is also easier). It's actually striking that you believe that the game lacks ability to create parties to your liking, may be just because players are human, and what you desire is a bunch of robots that do exactly what you expect of them. (ideally speaking)



  13. I never felt there was much difference between controller and keyboard. I mean, sure you need to adjust to it, but it always works out in the end.


    And most MMOs are really really slow games to begin with. Even GW2.


    I cant really comment on being slower as you get older just yet, but.. I don't think i would blame it on the control setup. I mean, if a keyboard and mouse are problematic how can you use a computer just normally? You type with just two fingers?


    Same with mobile games really, which to me feel like their controls are still in babyshoes like in the 90s.


    I dunno, I pretty much always adapted to the controlscheme at hand and worked it out. I cant imagine starting to complain at being unable to use a controller. And 35+ is old now? Dear lord, I hope I dont start calling myself old until at least 50+.

  14. > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > @"Applejuice.4083" said:

    > > ArcDPS is the problem, it is a third party program that breeds toxicity among you elitist individuals. Attacking players who do 1k damage difference from what is meta. I have seen people who use this program go as far as to issue out IRL death threats or making snarky comments like " My grandma can out dps this kid" etc, etc. I have seen people who get DC'd from a raid because of ArcDps then leech the boss at the end by coming back.


    > You can't seriously argue that Arc DPS is the cause of such behaviour, that's on the individuals themselves. Anti social players will remain anti social no matter what, party kicks, death threats and accusations of poor performance will not go away just because you take the proverbial sledge hammer to the nail.


    If anti social players remain anti social players anyway, why did and does arenanet go through so much (re)design in order to make as little conflict as possible?


    Clearly the design of the game or allowance of third party apps can make a difference between more toxic behavior and less toxic behavior.


    This bad people will be bad argument is very flawed.


    Just so you dont get confused, it doesnt mean a DPS meter in general is bad, or should be banned. It just means it does have an influence, unless you assume that all people are stoic, and that some tools are better at making a cooperative environment that others, even if they have the same or similar functions.


    Also, while no design will be completely erasing toxic behavior (hell some people are toxic in open world events) it doesnt mean it can't be improved.


    For a discussion on that to happen we would need to be able to let go of polarising arguments, which.. well is kind of boring I guess.

  15. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

    > > I just want an option to hide my data from the party/squad if I so wish. If said group demand data to be public I did not want to run with them to begin with. If said group don't care then I don't want to share my data anyhow.


    > there's no escape even if you could. even if arcDPS somehow was given by it's dev an option to hide personal DPS, you will eventually run into groups or people who would demand that you make your DPS public or risk getting yourself kicked off the group


    But being asked about your DPS, rather than players passively checking your data without permission, sets the precedent of either being open and honest, or being private and then players accepting that or find someone else. When it's just being checked regardless players have no control over whether they even get checked out and strip searched for anything that could be not entirely perfect. Noone likes unwanted comments about how good their build/gear/DPS when they don't ask about it specifically.


    Would you like it when people go rummage through your stuff when they meet you? I don't. If I want to show what I have, I show what I have. SO even if they demand to see it, then it's on the player themselves to decide whether that's okay or not.


    It's about giving consent. Not immediately, although for some people definitely also a problem, about whether people will demand or want access to that information regardless.


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