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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

    > I do think it wouldn't hurt for there to be a gemstore exchange merchant who will allow you to trade in some large quantity (10-15) of single use items for 1 Black Lion Statuette which can then be used to acquire the items you do want.


    > I know that I have no use for most of the consumables and would rather convert them into something else.


    True enough, my bank is full of boosters and stuff that I really dont care for to remember to use them.

  2. I understand that reward tracks may seem favourable from a utility perspective, but on the other hand, PvE is about the environment and about earning loot respective to that environment.


    In HoT you get the rewards tied and themed to HoT. In PoF you can earn desert themed armor. Like Cultural armor is only available in each of the respective racial cities rather than a possibly much more practical merchant in Lion's Arch.


    While it's entirely possible and probably much more practical and nicer to earn what you want where ever you want, the reason that there's no reward tracks in PvE is simply because the rewards are technically tied and themed to their respective zones, coming with their own "story and background" (In the broadest sense, it's more of an experience and more abstract notion).


    I personally would be for even more of a sense of realism or faked realism (ish), where nothing is really level bound, but rather tied to the zones or environment. IE. making certain materials available in certain locations rather than simply ordering them according to level. Like Auric basin being known for it's richness in Gold and Silver ore, while Kourna is much more Iron-rich or whatever. Of course at this point that might just upset the current market balance, Idk. But just to illustrate some of the idea.

  3. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > Except the upgrade part doesn’t give you armor. What you’re getting is just the skin.

    > > >

    > > > It’s really no different from LS2; they just repackaged and re-branded it.

    > >

    > > Once you have fully ascended gear or even legendary gear, whether youre crafting a "skin" or an actual certain rarity item is of little conscequence really.

    > >

    > > Every new armor skin I can obtain through such a thing I see as crafting the armor. The game system behind it is irrelevant to me.


    > Sure, if you only have 1 character, but many people have multiple characters in this game, sometimes large numbers of them. So extra bits of ascended armour often come in useful. I even hold onto exotics with selectable stats because only one of my characters has full ascended and with most I'll probably just leave them in exotics so it comes in useful for more than just a skin.


    Not saying its not useful for people with multiple characters. I just don't see it as a requirement for a good reward.


    In GW2, one of the strong points of the game also in GW1 really, is that getting some decent gear is relatively easy. Prestige rewards always have been alternative skins, this has been the case for ages now.

  4. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Except the upgrade part doesn’t give you armor. What you’re getting is just the skin.


    > It’s really no different from LS2; they just repackaged and re-branded it.


    Once you have fully ascended gear or even legendary gear, whether youre crafting a "skin" or an actual certain rarity item is of little conscequence really.


    Every new armor skin I can obtain through such a thing I see as crafting the armor. The game system behind it is irrelevant to me.



  5. Im personally also for slightly altered texts for one of the major variables of your character. Race and gender for example.


    I don't see how it would be that much different work as theres a seperate voiceactors for each race and gender already. Ofcourse, there would be more writer work to do.


    Also options to pick slightly different routes, that would still lead to the same endpoint, for flavor.. make the story much more interactable and personal, from a game perspective. Though it feels to me that Anet is more going for the "We wanna tell the story our way" style of game writing.


    Which is fine, just not the way I prefer it in a game. I always loved those books which let you make your own story. And the way GW2 started out that was a selling point to me. So yeah, to me that feels like a step back.



  6. > @"Reirli.3817" said:

    > I'm all for it, people dont understand that eternity requires two legendaries to make and as such, should reward you for the effort. People up here have made many good points. The aura, animation, and footfalls on eternity is infinitely better than twilight and sunrise. These precursors will pale in comparison once you have eternity. I love the suggestion that ANET should create a night/day toggle option .. for sylvaris, ascalon weapons. I hope the developers see this.


    > -the first comment is just plain stupid.


    I have two legendaries that dont combine into a new one. Eternity is the reward for crafting both legendary greatswords already and therefore eternity doesnt need to be rewarded for effort of making it.

  7. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > Hate to shoot ya down, but If we are not getting the most iconic race in all of Tyria, ... which are Dwarves... we are not getting humanoid fox creatures.

    > >

    > > And just what do you think those pet rocks are made from?

    > >

    > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > Id rather be a skritt

    > >

    > > Honestly? Me too. But there's a whole list of problems with trying to make skritt playable. Or tengu. Or dwarves. I suggest Kitsune because they actually bypass a LOT of these issues. The only existing race that's not lore-breaking is tengu, and they have armor problems. If a new race is added, it almost has to be something new, and then how do you merge that with the existing story?


    > Ever hear of “stone” Dwarves? The current Dwarves are not mindless creatures... See Ogden Stonehealer... And to think it wouldn’t be “game logically” possible to introduce them would be silly.


    > It’s all moot anyway. The devs are not going to make a new playable race, Dwarf included by a clear dev statement, so the chances of us getting a brand new race is like 0. And I highly doubt more players would like to see a made up race as opposed to creatures existing in-game and in lore.




    Meh last time I checked the stone dwarves are a puddle of lava.. "Molten Dwarves"

  8. > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:> They have stores in Australia and Canada. Why are those areas not included when they obviously *do* have business in those areas? Trying to argue that point is absolutely redundant.


    > Their presence in those countries is rather limited (one store in each IIRC).


    > And 2 in Viêt-Nam. (but then, I'm not sure the Vietnamese GW2 playerbase is very big)




    Their presence in the US is arguably just as limited. :p

  9. > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > I did it on my guardian with my mounts under 35 seconds. Used jackal first, ran around, jumped off to jump on the shrooms, mounted up to the next shroom switched to bunny and ran on my bunny to the one on the ledge, switched mount again and used two jackal jumps to get the last one and the finish.

    > >

    > > You do need to set some mount shortcuts though. (Mine are like alt + 1 through 6)


    > Just out of curiosity, did you switch Griffon from alt+5 to alt+6 after the beetle came out, because I did and it messed with my brain for a week.


    Nah I just added the new beetle mount with the next number. Im lazy like that xD

  10. I just noticed how the Upper Rihlon River doesn't give the speed boost it usually does as you skim over water.


    Then I realised that this bit of water is not actually at Water level. (FYI. Every map has water at the same height, and the rest of the map is build on top of it.)


    I wonder if they can fix this somehow (like they did in the desolation, where the sulphur isn't at the exact same height everywhere, but does grant the speed boost)


    Ofcourse, I wonder if they can make water at not water level all together and keep all the same mechanics (Or vice versa and make land based content somewhere underwater in an airbubble/cave). I feel like that if we ever would have and underwater expansion, these kind of structural details will make a huge impact on creating interesting maps. Ofcourse, so far water that is not at water level never was more than a slight layer to obfuscate the fact you can't actually swim at that height, or skim apparently for that matter.


    I wish they could look into changing that. Underwater tunnels to walk, or getting into underwater bases where you can walk, OR swimming through an water stream higher upstream, or even through the air, could be very itneresting, well... to me.

  11. > @"Fleabite.7528" said:

    > For those blithely claiming 'the market will sort this out' - it won't. Demand once again far exceeds supply.


    > Take a look at Red Steamed Dumplings, of which 500 were needed to get 25AP from Droobert back in February. Even today there are only enough on the TP for 80 players to complete this, at 44 silver minimum price. Total present cost? Around 300 gold. For the lucky ones.


    > Devs are making some meh choices it seems with these items: supply needs to improve, relatively, or the bulk of the player base is left frustrated.


    > For both the sigil and the dumplings, enabling player recipes (even with a relatively high mat cost) appears the obvious solution. That would also share the bounty more widely across the player base than those lucky enough to have hoarded these items at low prices.


    No one can say for sure, it will back down faster than the dumplings as those are only available with the festival, im guessing.


    Still, how fast that will go and whether or not players will simply have to not worry and wait for the price to eventually come down (being told by players who do hawkeye every requirement so they dont have to wait, is then extra hypocritical imo but thats how that goes) is just a bad experience.


    I have loads of materials where I think, yeah I wish I could get some use out of those. (eyes of kormir/putressences and what not) Where I feel like i have some options of what to do and then pick something most comfortable to me, rather then being shoved into the pit of despair that the TP is and feel like just not playing.(or at least put the collection on hold for at least a few years)


    Then such claims of "a new armor to strife for!" are fairly empty. It doesnt motivate me to play the game more or whatever.


    Not to mention that by the looks of it, they couldve used at least several kinds of sigils.





  12. Maybe they should use material/item requirements that at the very least can take such a price or supply beating on the TP.


    I dont play this game for sitting at the TP hoping the price will go back down or spending alot of gold for something that is bottlenecked through TP supply.


    I rather have a time gate than a supplygate.


    Even if Arenanet intended it, which I believe they did, they need to slow players down somehow, this kind of arbitrary requirement with a non overseeable waiting time on when you can have a slightly better if at all better experience because you have to rely on some supply and price of some fairly arbitrary item on the TP., is just a bad game experience to me.


    I guess I can look at which named weapons have this sigil once the time comes and see if some of those have nicer material costs (through mystic forge or whichever)



  13. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > Seriously, we are asking to give us a way to get rid of story tab from UI you just go ahead and slap another tab on it. Not funny Anet, not funny. :s


    Current festival/news/event golden star has always been there. Though it has not always been in use.


    Doubt they want players to be able to remove it permanently. But idk.

  14. To be fair, I am kinda glad decorations aren't part of this new thing (yet?). I put loads of effort into our guildhall, after which such an addition would feel like to me my effort was misplaced.


    I would rather have them expand on the guildhalls/guild features than give everyone a personal space to play in. (Or make it so guilds can allocate personal spaces within a guild hall, sort of like personal housing within the guild hall.)

  15. I did it on my guardian with my mounts under 35 seconds. Used jackal first, ran around, jumped off to jump on the shrooms, mounted up to the next shroom switched to bunny and ran on my bunny to the one on the ledge, switched mount again and used two jackal jumps to get the last one and the finish.


    You do need to set some mount shortcuts though. (Mine are like alt + 1 through 6)

  16. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"dani.4398" said:

    > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:.

    > > >

    > > > Because having a healthy economy actually matters and as i've already showcased in the other thread with just 4 "new sources" the priced tanked 50%. Arguably people only do 3 of the 4 because the 4th is Dragon Stand and that "takes to long". Given that very simple information it's pretty easy to make an educated guess what will happen by introducing "1 or 2" more sources. That nice "valuable" reward you added just became yet another useless reward. You're not solving the problem and you're actually just inadventnly pushing more people to go farm gold.

    > > >

    > > > Additionally, it's not like AG's are without a way to craft them and if you want "more things to do" then they can increase the end of jumping puzzle T6 Gem rewards so you're more incentivized to craft them.

    > >

    > > Lad, if you are so worried about the economy you can add a cap to how many AGs you can loot per day. Let's say you can only loot 4 a day... problem solved. The economic side is not my point, my point is arguing for the introduction of new metas with valid or unique materials and relevant currencies, like AGs and HoT currencies.


    > Lass, if you add unique crafting materials to everything you deem relevant, they will quickly cease being such. Learn to craft them instead. Additionally, these meta's for PoF do not need crafting materials to be the go to shiny reward. New rewards unique to those meta's do the job infintely better than adding a pittance of gold in the form of materials.


    Although between adding new unique rewards or already existing rewards, one is more likely than the other to happen.


    I don't see ArenaNet adding new rewards to old metas, unless they use all those metas in one swoop under some collection for one new reward.

  17. When i see these kill proof threads or those silly requirements i always think, just ignore them join where youre comfortable and tell that you have this much less but that much kills. Either they accept it or they dont. *shrug* I believe if youre friendly, honest and communicative you can get away with alot of lacking requirements.

  18. > @"Greener.6204" said:

    > > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

    > > Gaile, can you confirm that absolutely nothing will be done to compensate the non-US players that cannot access the economic advantages you are giving to your US players with this promotion?


    > You might be better served by reaching out to local companies to see if they are interested in partnering with Anet in a similar fashion.


    Yeah, i dunno, somehow i feel its not our place to do that.

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