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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. First off, I generally see non exclusive rewards as generic junk rewards. And exclusive as you need to do something specific.


    Like the olmahkahn bow order caladbolg are exclusive. And elonian rare weapons are not exclusive.


    As such rxclusive is what I prefer, it just gives more meaning to the reward, it has a place and specific task as part of the rewards story. And it meand that certain weapons can have their own story attached to it rather than just being yet another skin.


    I guess in total I would like more of a mix, Where on exclusive sets would still be more disstinctly regional rather than purely non exclusive. But this is just polarising poll of exclusive or non-exclusive only. Seems like this is more to fire up a controversy by not having common sense poll options rather than these two purist ones.

  2. > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > I dunno i enjoy the collections, figuring out the "riddle" is kinda fun, but then again i did most of the JPs myself and enjoyed that too.


    > That's perfectly fine. Im sure there's a lot of people that enjoy them as well, but im also certain that there is a ton of people who despises them, just like i. For those who like em, there's a lot of things for you to strive for. For those who don't, what do we have? Nothing else but new gem store items. You don't offer goals for people to strive for, and that is where they leave an mmo and don't look back.


    There's also collections for the raids... In fact collections and lack of challenging group content have very little relation to eachother.


    While I do understand that youd like more challenge, the collections have nothing to do with it.

  3. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > I have mixed feelings about the way collections are used. I like a lot of collections now. Some of them are super well done, like the Griffon, Caladbolg, and Roller Beetle collections, but even the good ones are held back by the fact that they're stuck using the Achievement Tab instead of a proper quest journal.


    > Let's face it, a lot of the collections that are actually good, memorable and interesting aren't just collection achievements. They're traditional quests. They're all great traditional quests. And instead of a proper quest journal, they're using the Achievement's tab which gets bloated into both a tab for actual Achievements. A guide towards content. And a story journal. And it's so absolutely weird to have this basically nondiagetic interface giving us story and sidequests.


    > I get that GW2 loves to be different and tries as hard to for as long as it can. And in many ways I love that aspect about it. I think focusing on dynamic events instead of traditional questing for the bulk of the content was a great choice. But traditional questing can be incredibly fun when it's not padded out as filler content. And the legendary collections, current events, and stuff like the beetle and griffon would all have felt more fun, more immersive and more enjoyable if they had proper quest journals. I like quests. It's not just "Bring me 10 bear kitten." They can be interesting, dynamic, and tell fantastic stories and make the world pop and feel alive just as much as dynamic events can. Just look at some of the better questing in something like Morrowind, or the [top tier questing of Secret World, which while not great as a whole has the best questing I've ever seen.

    > ](

    "top tier questing of Secret World, which while not great as a whole has the best questing I've ever seen.

    > ")

    > Crafting Astralaria and Bolt felt like such nonsense because instead of being able to properly sit down and tell the story of creating these weapons they're shoehorned into this weird element of the UI that was never intended for such things and getting a Cosmic Power, or Star Chart ends up not feeling like anything. All of the collection quests have this problem to some degree, even the good ones.


    > I'm going to leave off with a video of WoodenPotatoes talking about the value of traditional quests all the way back in 2013 and it's still just as relevant as it is today.




    This is actually the one of few if not only post in this thread with constructive criticism. And I actually agree with the notion of it.


    Not even so much as the quest text, but more about the UI and text placement. Alot of the achievements or collection achievements DO have loads of text, except its all in the achievement window, or in obscure item descriptions or achievement objective descriptions that only appear when you mouse over.


    Its simply not visible enough to bother with. Sometimes I want to care but I simply forget. Other times I read the objects interaction window or try to pay attention to the dialogue, but miss it or simply cant bother by it every single moment.

    Theres alot of ways to simply lose track or ignore the descriptions. See how many people ask for help with something that is literally spelled out in those descriptions! Its often too obscure for some players.


    One other aspect I dislike about collections or achievement driven quests is that they arent repeatable. When you miss a piece of text or when you do a certain route through a dungeon in the open world with interactables, it cant be repeated, either for less or the same rewards.


    An especially nasty example of this, i think, is that the dwarven scavenger hunt in Desert Highlands in PoF essentially is one time per account, (through design as well as thanks to the achievement system.)


    Its ridiculous to think that in some of these cases Anet havent used characterbound progression to the fullest, and are moving towards doing everything once.


    Lack of, especially intentional lack of, replay value is something I will never understand, especially for an MMO which has repeatable achievements for the most menial tasks, but not for the achievements that are more fun.

  4. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > I wish it had no visual effect so I would be interested in making it.


    > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > I wish we could turn off the aura.


    I guess the moral of OPs story is... play an Asura. ?


    But OT, Asura are generally notorious for lack of or lesser effects because effects scale down with them.

  5. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > With instance selling being allowed, none of them had any worth to begin with.

    > > > >

    > > > > They had.

    > > > > They had about 1.5-2K gold worth.

    > > >

    > > > You can still sell them, probably for less if potential customers exploited them. Still, instance selling is not officially supported, so your loss is not economical problem for anet to solve.

    > >

    > > In my opinion it can be solved by revoking those titles from people who exploited the bug, but I don't wanna get into a pointless discussion.


    > But this bug doesn't cause any harm to the game, therefore it's very unlikely they gonna do anything about it. It's their fault afterall.


    Back in the day, they banned / suspended users for exploiting these kinda bugs. But alot has changed in 5 years I guess. (Although some of those may have been more economical of impact, but still)

  6. GW2 does have roles, except its always tied to also fighting (DPS) yourself.


    I would recommend playing Guardian, I do have near full DPS gear, but... I always trait for extra support and always try to use my skills as such. So yeah youre doing mostly damage, but you do keep an eye out for those who need healing or protecting while doing so.


    I would say, its like a shooter, everyone has a gun to kill ... but your utilities determine your role..

  7. > @"Sorlis.9238" said:

    > > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:


    > > **You can always sell your materials and just buy the time-gated materials** used for legendaries/ascended. The issue here isn't that people don't like time-gated crafting, its that some people are anti-trading/anti-market. A lot of games there's some people complaining they can't get everything quickly without trading.


    > You literally can not. That's the whole point of this thread. Mystic Binding Agents used for Dimensional Destabilizer are LAUREL ONLY and that is not signaled or warned about anywhere in the game. And even with peoples best efforts they miss it.


    > **It's not about daily crafting. It's not about T6 mats, it's about final step of the way being locked behind laurels.**


    Except youre the one that used up your laurels for T6 materials, which you can buy with gold, with other currencies, can farm or, if you will upgrade lower tiers into.


    Hence, never use up all your laurels for non timegated materials.


    Its like using up all your gold and then complaining you forgot you need 100 gold for runestones..

  8. Hmm... The only other thing I can think of now is that your authenticator time isn't synced up.


    I had alot of failed codes at one point and also had weird issues with the authenticator codes.


    What you could try, if it's google authenticator, is to sync the time of the authenticator. It only needs to be off a little bit and it screws up everything.


    https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185834?hl=en (last question/issue)


    Though I'm fairly sure other authenticators would have something similar)

  9. You only have to let it remember your IP once for it to remember it forever.


    The best way to reset that isn't to remove and then add the authentication, but:

    - Go on the website account.arena.net,

    - Go to security

    - Check Authorized networks where you can see which IPs are remembered

    - Remove all (or whichever) of them.


    If it doesn't or didn't show any, that is indeed kind of weird.... But it might be also possible you haven't logged out too long ago so that it remembers it for a while, if that's a thing? I dunno. Feels like grasping at straws.

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