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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > But anyway, I find a sincere and prompt apology can accomplish quite a bit. An example of this is the feud between Mara Wilson and Doug Walker. Things with JP snowballed because she kept kicking down the hill, over and over and over again. A single mean tweet against a single person wouldn't cause this kind of uproar, and it would be easy to fix. I mean, you could make the case post hoc that she is the kind of person who could never make a sincere apology, but all that nonsense had to go down first.


    > By sincere apology, I mean she would have to do more than just say "I'm sorry". She'd have to pay tribute of some kind, Maybe guest star in one of Deroirs videos and not in a back-handed passive-aggressive way. But if she did this, all of the outrage would've quelled, and you would only have the more unforgiving and extreme elements still hounding Anet. So yes, I would make the case that an apology could've fixed all of this. At least, before the part where she doubled down several times (quintuple downed?).


    I think, even now an apology or even just a more levelheaded response would be valuable. Although, it would be totally out of character.





  2. It doesn't help that the cannon events have mobs with no loot/no XP, I don't know if that's intended but it's very frustrating to level your mount mastery , when these events basically discourage you from killing the mobs, because they don't give anything.


    Then again, the whole kill mobs to get drops is....kind of... i dunno, old fashioned? I thought we were beyond mob-farming by now, yet this latest map which the FTT and spare parts farming is all about farming random mobs.


    Kind of sad to be honest.

  3. The best things GW2 I guess are when things are interconnected, things that happen in one part of the game has effect in other parts. This can be through permanent changes, cross over stories or i dunno how to say it really.


    Also when the devs pull out all the stops in order to make compelling story moments within the open world. Basically like with Harathi hinterlands before the world boss schedule. Or Dragon's Stand. Or to name something more recent, the olmakhan or the heket tribes. (though they would need to make more heket related events in that zone/area in order to truly blow me away)



  4. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > This whole situation just makes me think of this song:

    > I was going with:





    Yeah that's not bad either, just... I prefer to stress that there is a better way, than to get into the depressing "Humans be humans" narrative. (Plus my musical knowledge doesn't reach that far beyond pop-songs sadly. xD)


    It seems to me that holding on to an altercation, misunderstanding or miscommunication and not being able to let it go has led to such a waste of creative potential. Something which in my opinion can be easily avoided, by taking a step back, counting to ten and let it go.

  5. > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

    > ## _Will you build hard-core and casual worlds?_

    > No. The goal is to balance worlds by population. The matchmaker, at this time, is unconcerned with trying to match skill.

    > ## _Rewards/Tournaments/Leaderboards_

    > If—and that is a big if—we do add/change rewards to be tied more directly to World success in matches, those changes would come later. The plan is to ship the core system and get all the kinks worked out and the teams balanced before we start trying to find new ways to give rewards or do tournaments or anything of that kind.


    I'm just guessing these things are what people are talking about.


    I understand that this might come or be thought about after the main structure is in place, as you described. But what incentive would players have to win their match up? The way I understand how this works is that the teams are like random teams where alliances and guilds function like upscaled duopartners in sPvP.


    The seasons are like 8 matches with the same team after which you get another random team.


    Is there anything in mind to give alliances or guilds a rating or even worlds a rating (later on). Do worlds have a rating so that they dont have to play against the same opponent for 8 weeks?


    (Sudden realisation why its based on population only for now.)

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"PeterFries.1057" said:

    > > We originally planned some content where you were researching Joko's past in order to find his weakness, a way to defeat his immortality. That honestly wasn't anywhere near as compelling as the storyline we released. We've seen it demonstrated again and again that Joko rewrote Elonian history and embellished his omnipotence over the generations in order to subjugate his citizens. Why shouldn't the Commander (who has killed two Elder Dragons and a god) just assume the tales of this tyrant's immortality weren't as phony as any of his other lies?


    > That is quite gutting to hear it was cut. That would helped improve the episode tenfold in my opinion


    Yeah. I dunno, I personally wouldve liked an origin story on Joko. But right up to the end the last instance it was compelling. Until his untimely demise. Then it was more like "oh... but... but hes interesting....:( "


    I dont see why he couldnt be spit out, pretty much drained of magic and be buried and locked away again. and/or spread his bodyparts all over The world.


    I very much like an open end to such an interesting Villain. He doesnt even need to return ever again, as long as the possibility is open.


    This episode felt to me like, I guess they dont understand the value of reoccurring villains.

  7. > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > > > > > > So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > D:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Find PvE maps or custom PvP rooms to do the RP you do in WvW. Because, personally, RP should not be done in WvW due to the map cap of players.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > There are only X number of spots for people to come into WvW. RP can happen on any map, anywhere. WvW can only happen on a specific map. And a large number of RP'ers on an active WvW player map is a hinderance for the world of those RP'ers. It means that the map gets overrun by enemies as the players who own the land can't get enough players onto the map to defend.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Which means I'm basically saying that RP concerns should be the very very very very very last thing ANet devs consider when designing this system. And things put in place for RP'ers should only happen if they wouldn't negatively impact WvW players or would benefit WvW players.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > He's not talking about RPing IN WvW... no one is EVER talking about that when they say RPers regarding this change. Currently, your WORLD/SERVER choice affects what PVE maps you get put in to. If WORLDS/SERVERS are now 100% determined by a PvP mode such as WvW, then RPERS will no longer be matched with other RPERS on PVE maps. Stop being obtuse. All we're asking is for a way to flag ourselves as RPers to increase our chances of being put on the same map as other RPers when we enter any PVE map, since we will no longer be able to get in to maps with other RPers by simply joining the "unofficial RP servers" Tarnished Coast or Piken Square.

    > > > >

    > > > > Its is my belief that Anet will take the easy way out - they simply wont touch the current server system. At least not at the start.

    > > > >

    > > > > Alliances and WvW worlds can be added **on top** of existing servers.

    > > > >

    > > > > So in short, I would still be on the server Far Shiverpeaks and my PvE instances will still filter as the server Far Shiverpeaks, but when I join WvW it will put me with my WvW repped alliance Far Shiverpeaks Community Guild in the WvW world Glorious Danger Noodles.

    > > > >

    > > > > Get it? The servers dont matter for WvW anymore. Nothing changes for PvE, the servers are still there. Anet can make up new WvW worlds.

    > > > >

    > > > > All they need to do then is remove the population limiter in the server list, since it doesnt matter.

    > > > >

    > > > > If course Anet **could** do it much fancier and streamline the PvE megaserver, but they dont need to in order to maintain PvE as is.

    > > >

    > > > They already said, in the original and this post, that worlds are going away completely for everyone, and that your world will be 100% based on the WvW world that you are matched in to. That's why they are considering giving people titles for the server they are on when the change happens... because that world won't exist anymore. They also, in the original post, said that they hadn't considered the impact that this would have for RPers and would have to look further in to it, further suggesting that we are correct in assuming this would screw our pve instance selection. We're just looking for an update.

    > >

    > > Have they?

    > >

    > > All I read about is worlds, which arent servers.

    > >

    > > All they need to do is to maintain a single text string in the player database and keep filtering PvE instances by that, while they use the server for WvW.


    > "This is why, in the new World Restructuring system, we will remove all players from their current worlds, and make new worlds every eight weeks. This will create more granular pieces, which allow us to avoid situations like the Crystal Desert example.


    > **Since worlds will not exist any longer, the "World Selection" that currently is available in character select will be eliminated, and instead a selection for playing in either North America or Europe will replace it."**


    > Directly from the original announcement.


    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > > > > > So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > D:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Find PvE maps or custom PvP rooms to do the RP you do in WvW. Because, personally, RP should not be done in WvW due to the map cap of players.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There are only X number of spots for people to come into WvW. RP can happen on any map, anywhere. WvW can only happen on a specific map. And a large number of RP'ers on an active WvW player map is a hinderance for the world of those RP'ers. It means that the map gets overrun by enemies as the players who own the land can't get enough players onto the map to defend.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Which means I'm basically saying that RP concerns should be the very very very very very last thing ANet devs consider when designing this system. And things put in place for RP'ers should only happen if they wouldn't negatively impact WvW players or would benefit WvW players.

    > > > >

    > > > > He's not talking about RPing IN WvW... no one is EVER talking about that when they say RPers regarding this change. Currently, your WORLD/SERVER choice affects what PVE maps you get put in to. If WORLDS/SERVERS are now 100% determined by a PvP mode such as WvW, then RPERS will no longer be matched with other RPERS on PVE maps. Stop being obtuse. All we're asking is for a way to flag ourselves as RPers to increase our chances of being put on the same map as other RPers when we enter any PVE map, since we will no longer be able to get in to maps with other RPers by simply joining the "unofficial RP servers" Tarnished Coast or Piken Square.

    > > >

    > > > Its is my belief that Anet will take the easy way out - they simply wont touch the current server system. At least not at the start.

    > > >

    > > > Alliances and WvW worlds can be added **on top** of existing servers.

    > > >

    > > > So in short, I would still be on the server Far Shiverpeaks and my PvE instances will still filter as the server Far Shiverpeaks, but when I join WvW it will put me with my WvW repped alliance Far Shiverpeaks Community Guild in the WvW world Glorious Danger Noodles.

    > > >

    > > > Get it? The servers dont matter for WvW anymore. Nothing changes for PvE, the servers are still there. Anet can make up new WvW worlds.

    > > >

    > > > All they need to do then is remove the population limiter in the server list, since it doesnt matter.

    > > >

    > > > If course Anet **could** do it much fancier and streamline the PvE megaserver, but they dont need to in order to maintain PvE as is.

    > >

    > > Yeah I expect something like this too.

    > >

    > >


    > They are eliminating world selection and all existing worlds. There is actually nowhere in game where they are called servers.


    Which was open ended and not definitive. They clearly stated that was their intend, yes. Hence why we're asking for an update on it and stating our expectations.


    It not like I read it that selectively.

  8. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > > > So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?

    > > > >

    > > > > D:

    > > >

    > > > Find PvE maps or custom PvP rooms to do the RP you do in WvW. Because, personally, RP should not be done in WvW due to the map cap of players.

    > > >

    > > > There are only X number of spots for people to come into WvW. RP can happen on any map, anywhere. WvW can only happen on a specific map. And a large number of RP'ers on an active WvW player map is a hinderance for the world of those RP'ers. It means that the map gets overrun by enemies as the players who own the land can't get enough players onto the map to defend.

    > > >

    > > > Which means I'm basically saying that RP concerns should be the very very very very very last thing ANet devs consider when designing this system. And things put in place for RP'ers should only happen if they wouldn't negatively impact WvW players or would benefit WvW players.

    > >

    > > He's not talking about RPing IN WvW... no one is EVER talking about that when they say RPers regarding this change. Currently, your WORLD/SERVER choice affects what PVE maps you get put in to. If WORLDS/SERVERS are now 100% determined by a PvP mode such as WvW, then RPERS will no longer be matched with other RPERS on PVE maps. Stop being obtuse. All we're asking is for a way to flag ourselves as RPers to increase our chances of being put on the same map as other RPers when we enter any PVE map, since we will no longer be able to get in to maps with other RPers by simply joining the "unofficial RP servers" Tarnished Coast or Piken Square.


    > Its is my belief that Anet will take the easy way out - they simply wont touch the current server system. At least not at the start.


    > Alliances and WvW worlds can be added **on top** of existing servers.


    > So in short, I would still be on the server Far Shiverpeaks and my PvE instances will still filter as the server Far Shiverpeaks, but when I join WvW it will put me with my WvW repped alliance Far Shiverpeaks Community Guild in the WvW world Glorious Danger Noodles.


    > Get it? The servers dont matter for WvW anymore. Nothing changes for PvE, the servers are still there. Anet can make up new WvW worlds.


    > All they need to do then is remove the population limiter in the server list, since it doesnt matter.


    > If course Anet **could** do it much fancier and streamline the PvE megaserver, but they dont need to in order to maintain PvE as is.


    Yeah I expect something like this too.



  9. > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > If you have actually read what was being said, you'd find it had nothing to do with RPing in WvW, but a lot to do with servers still having impact on open world instances. And impact many people count on, which, after that change, will be gone.


    > But that is not a concern for WvW devs but more the PvE devs.




    Yeah, because handling game wide systems so that they just function for one part of the game but arent optimized or ideal for other parts isnt at all problematic?


    Like, oh i dunno, the current guild hall system, with their WvW upgrades locked behind the expansion. In a very rigid system that wasnt easy to change


    Or skill balance...


    edit: I guess it doesnt matter who thinks about it in the end, still would be good to know some is aware and on the case.


  10. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?


    > D:


    I would like to elaborate this to:


    What happens to the current servers and their ability to prioritize players to certain PvE map instances.


    Especially considering most player replies seem to have a total lack of understanding on the subject.

  11. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > > > > The whole way Anet is spending dev resources has been very disappointing for a while already. Replayability is on the backburner and everything going into art, voice overs and story you stop caring about after first playthrough. This is not how you make a sustainable MMO. I dont think I ever heared as many disappointed voices after a LS patch like this one started. I think many people are loosing patience with Anet.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Not having the story WILL kill your MMO, it is what the game is sold on.

    > > > > > And this story will kill it, too. Because it is garbage made for simple minded people with no standards and expectations.

    > > > >

    > > > > And what, you think a few challenging fractals will change that? It sounds like you want things from this MMO that it just doesn’t offer, or doesn’t offer enough of.

    > > >

    > > > Not my fault that the direction of this game changed so often

    > >

    > > No, but you can play other games... Anet isn’t forcing you to play...


    > Everyone here paid for our right to complain :)


    Everything under moderation even moderation.

  12. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > The meta is a 3 lane tarrir that got dropped to 1 lane because it didnt meet deadlines. At least thats how i view it.



    > Also it was supposedly said on guild chat that this map has been in the works for a year or something.


    A year for one fractal doess sounds like too much time. Well depending on Amount of people working on it for how long everyday anyway.

  13. > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > I couldn't disagree more.

    > >

    > > What you call "detours" is what is keeping the game and most players' interest alive. I can't hear about the dragons this and the dragons that anymore, and if GW2 was consisting only of that subject, it would be the most boring game in the world.


    > Based on evidence? Or is this simply an emotionally biased response?


    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > A game needs a bit of diversity story-wise. It's like a pen&paper RPG where a campaign consists of several adventures: each has its own plot, with its own dramatic curve and climax, even when there is something you call a "main plot" and the group is eventually working towards a greater goal. It's what makes for good story-telling and keeps people excited.

    > >

    > > Elona was so well done, Joko's return was so well executed. PoF and LWS4 are my favorite content so far. I hope that the devs keep up their good work and don't return to the low quality of LWS3.



    > The story can have as much diversity as it wants... as long as that diversity connects to the main plot. If it doesn't, it's a detour.



    AFAIK we went this way with the story because of... Aurene. And she also ended it.


    I kind of feel like this was Aurenes plan all along. She gave us the vision of the first city fahranur. She probably knew Joko was there and knew we would blindly follow her vision. This just led us to Joko and Aurene just finished him off so she could get more magic, gain our trust by following her Mothers and Brothers Legacy by killing evil dudes.


    I think people are highly underestimating Aurenes capabilities beyond being a child dragon.

  14. > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > This sounds like, can we please remove all obstacles so that we can rollerbeetle everywhere!

    > >

    > > Destroy houses, cut down trees and pave the road for the perfect race track.

    > No, just the one that's, you know, inside the game's main city, in a choke point where a large amount of people go through every day, and where having an obstacle there doesn't really add any gameplay (as opposed to open world maps where you ofter have others options to go around the obstacle).

    > > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

    > > Not a priority by any means. Much bigger fish to fry before this even makes it on the list to maybe discuss at a yearly qol meeting.


    > But it doesn't seem very complicated to do either. It's not like creating a new map or making a balance patch. It's going in the editor, right clic on the thing, and remove collision. Well at least I think it's that simple, correct me if I'm wrong x)


    I gotta admit, I only understood the picture after getting the beetle myself. I can understand now that youre talking about the wire not the pillar. xD


    Still, I do like the ability to walk over those wires maybe hang it higher? Or remove collission, I suppose that works.

  15. > @"Valfaros.6908" said:

    > We recently made this console aswell and I hope they enlarge the thing to it's normal size and I hope that they change the low gravity to apply to everybody in the guild hall just like if you activate it in the fractals. The other two skills are okay as they are however besides these points amazing decoration.


    Why dont you like it as opt-in? I dont see a reason where its needed to apply to everyone.

  16. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > So, where is the problem now?


    The problem is that comparing optimized for WvW/PvP and optimized for Raids is like comparing apples and oranges.


    From a raid mindset, it is just stats and max stats in one direction, its very linear optimization, with max healing max boons and max damage. In WvW theres alot more play and counter play at work.


    Theres simply no raid boss who changes its tactics whereas in WvW there is the possibility to do so, might even be more effective too.

  17. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > So missed opportunities is behind the clamour for a world boss or SW style map. Every map? No def not, but even the smaller ones are really starting to lack substance and good solid design.


    The game is full of missed opportunities.


    I definitely think that Istan and Kourna couldve had so much more older lore build into it. But maybe thats the point, to show what devastation Joko has created. Which, gets lost in the whole, i want a big impressive meta. I dont know a LS map with that either.


    Especially revisiting the historical cities and sites feels very disappointing. That Gandara isnt open does bother me too. Though I kind of hope they update it, maybe? As in to be a saved and maybe 7th main city? Wouldnt be possible in the same map. I just hope they do something with it.

  18. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > It's like you skipped GW2 101 Heart Tasks.


    > To be fair, i'm sure a lot of people would like GW2 to skip Heart Tasks as endgame like they originally set out to do.

    > Instead they've walked that back because they had to cater to people who couldn't go without it and now we're all shackled to a poor system.



    That's not why there's heart tasks (currently), but I can understand that people arent always interested in them.

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