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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > I don't believe a special title or something unique is needed for a competitive mode to be competitive.


    > That's an interesting sentence. I mean in WoW or GW1, the point was mostly to show off your achievement by displaying HA emote, champion titles, guild tag, guild cape.

    > You could consider someone with a silver trim, phoenix emote and champion 6 title a good player.


    > Now, how would you notice someone is good without anything to difference him from a beginner in HotM ? Pretty much the same as saying " legendaries are useless for PvE " to me .


    The key word is "needed". You dont **need** treats for players to peform competitively.


    I understand that its not common for MMOs where players are constantly rewarded, but if the PvP landscape becomes so obsessed with obtaining the goodies that theyre willing to cheat for it, then the only thing that can be done to focus the players more on being the better player, which what PvP happens to be about, then leaving out some unique rewards might indeed improve competitiveness rather than feeding the reward junkies.


    IE. I sometimes try to get the best time i can in certain adventures. It doesnt have any reward at all beyond the ranking on that list. And still its very competitive.


    Its not that are rewards useless, just not required.

  2. LS1 was never really a season, that only came later when the switch to ls2 was being made to repeat story content. There was talk of story arcs that explored each part of the story and everything is linked somehow. Like ls1 wasnt just about scarlet, but also functioning as the origin story of, well, what is now dragons watch.


    As for scarlet, the devs have said, publicly, that story is planned at least a year if not years ahead. Bringing that story across right isnt easy.

  3. I personally wouldnt measure actual content against a certain number of AP. If we're going to implement some way to simply all be able to "catch up on achievepoints" and consider that the same as playing the actual content then I personally dont really see the point in it.


    I feel AP is just to track what you have or havent done. Not to be used as some point system on a reward track.

  4. It seems logical to me to add them to PoF metas as well, just so theres more incentive to also play those.


    Maybe adding them to a choosey box between elegy mosaics or amalgam stones. Or having a max of 4 guaranteed gemstones daily if valueloss is so important, just not "only" tied to HoT metas.


    There are options in design that allow that level of control, that theres no reason to not think about it.

  5. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > > > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)

    > > > >

    > > > > Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.

    > > >

    > > > The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people

    > > >

    > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > > I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.

    > > > >

    > > > > Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?

    > > > >

    > > > > Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.

    > > >

    > > > I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.

    > >

    > > I do see people purposefully misunderstanding the point here.

    > > Theres several things speaking for this:

    > > - The last time gauntlet was a thing there was no elite specs. Now there are and, the experience is different because of it. They may be the exact same achievements but with many more different tools available.

    > > - Breakbars were added.

    > > - People cant redo historical achievements, even if they were reruns previously. (theres at least 3 years of wintersday and halloween reruns full of achievements, not all were, sure but still)

    > >

    > > So, if you think they should reruns of avhievements 4 years ago, then everyone should at least get a chance to get those other 4 year old historical achievements as well for the same reasons.

    > >

    > > The way I see it, you didnt do the achievement then, you shouldnt be able to catch up now just because of those reasons you stated.

    > Oh please, your arguments are useless. SAB didnt get an achievement reset despite tribulation mode being much easier nowadays. And I know for a fact that Liadri's difficulty for example is pretty much unchanged except maybe some outlier specs. I did not notice any break bars on the old bosses.


    I didnt know all elite specs are now outlier specs.

  6. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

    > > >

    > > > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)

    > >

    > > Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.


    > The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people


    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.

    > >

    > > Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?

    > >

    > > Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.


    > I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.


    I do see people purposefully misunderstanding the point here.

    Theres several things speaking for this:

    - The last time gauntlet was a thing there was no elite specs. Now there are and, the experience is different because of it. They may be the exact same achievements but with many more different tools available.

    - Breakbars were added.

    - People cant redo historical achievements, even if they were reruns previously. (theres at least 3 years of wintersday and halloween reruns full of achievements, not all were, sure but still)


    So, if you think they should reruns of avhievements 4 years ago, then everyone should at least get a chance to get those other 4 year old historical achievements as well for the same reasons.


    The way I see it, you didnt do the achievement then, you shouldnt be able to catch up now just because of those reasons you stated.

  7. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > The discussion about elitism in this game originated with dungeon speedfarming scene. Everything you will ever imagine as an argument, no matter which side you are, has already been spoken multiple times.


    > Now answer me this - with the introduction of raids and fractal CMs, which scenario is being realised - anet fighting toxicity and elitism or anet actively promoting this kind of behaviour and segregating the playerbase?


    Introduction -> half of the games' age ago. We're way beyond that.


    If challenging content always leads to some amount of elitism, does this mean ArenaNet is responsible? And if so, is the ideal situation to have no challenging content that may cause elitism whatsoever?


    By putting any published work into the world, are you actively promoting or preventing or is it a mere effect, or at most a mere intention to change peoples minds or maybe just make a memorable albeit subjective experience?


    Does this subjectivity mean that anything that isnt liked or anything that people only do with their selective group mean it shouldnt exist?


    But most of all, is it possible or even ethical to force people to play with people they dont know or want to play with?


    You said it yourself really, even with dungeons you had elitism, and that really didnt change. You cannot design an MMO where people always play with anyone. The notion that ArenaNet is in any way responsible for human behavior or should go to the maximum of efforts to avoid it isnt thinking realistically.


  8. I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.


    Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?


    Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.

  9. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > Done it with dh .. made a vid with dh pov.. lots of kiting :p not perfect but it's a kill xD


    > Are you using the standard meta build for this or did you change certain traits and trait lines?



    You can use fragments of faith... that literally blocks 4 of his attacks, if you find the little shields If you also take the trait that puts fragments of faith down you have 8. Not much further protection needed. i also took focus because scepter is so good.


    Defeated him without any food or utility buff.

  10. Ideally I wouldve voted:

    I like storymode, the characterinteractions entertain me, I read all dialogue and wish there was more diversity to it.


    I dont feel any high excitement anymore since they dropped the whole "the world is changing with you".


    Festival of the 4 winds is actually more exciting than any living story part in that regards. I also feel like smaller deviations (branching dialogue options, where possible in text) or at least options in how you handle a story situation like more pronounced battle tactics or personality traits would make for a better experience. The way Arenanet started was ambitious, and since it hasnt worked out I feel like they sort of, to some extend (not completely), gave up on those ambitions.


    The way the story is going atm is alright, it has improved on the character side of things, but apparently at the cost of world building/world lore aspects. Alot of LW areas within maps are basically void or barren on story, or at least solely resting on mapdesign, which can only portray so much.

  11. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

    "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

    > > > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

    > > > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

    > > > >

    > > > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

    > > >

    > > > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

    > > >

    > >

    > > So you mean... this game, for example.

    > >

    > > Every game is some sort of challenge some sort of task that you do to interact with the game, its part of the experience. Ofcourse not everyone likes the same things, but that doesnt mean the game would be designed so that people who dont care about it find it tolerable. That means the game would be designed to be fun to those who do care about it.

    > >

    > > What youre saying, as an example, is that PvP would need to give you what you want from PvP ASAP because you dont like to PvP.

    > >

    > > No. PvP is designed for those who like to PvP. While LW story is designed for those who like that content. And since Story and maps in GW2 are completely intertwined, to make sense of Tyria as a whole, you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all.

    > >

    > > Thats also why my previous post I proposed that resrushing being necessary or possible will make for a bad experience. This would only make the LW less enjoyable.

    > >

    > > Looking at how easy story becomes when you take a friend... It might be enough to show a message at the start of a Instance that bringing someone along will make up for a much better experience. Most Story is simply better to not be soloed.


    > Unfortunately.. There's very few people who want to team up for LW. And none of my friends play this game. And I haven't found a guild that actively team up them either.

    > But not all of the bosses/ instances benefit from other players.


    > The rezzing allows people like me to complete the instances that they need to, (again, like to get the beetle) as painlessly as possible.


    > I don't consider open world a challenge.

    > So put it this way. I dont enjoy things I find difficult in a game.

    > Making them more difficult to achieve, doesn't make them more enjoyable. I don't understand why you're so vehement against understanding this side of things.

    > It's not about getting rewards ASAP. I loved the personal story(and repeat it). I love the open world LW ... But the LW instances don't appeal to me. One reason is because of the increase in difficulty. The other reason is because they're quite time consuming.




    > If they took away the rezzing/ continue .. There's a good chance that I couldnt do..and even more of a chance that I wouldn't even do the instances that I "have to".

    > You understand?


    I think **you** don't understand what I'm talking about. Its not about the challenge, and I can perfectly understand you dont like it. But Res rushing enabling you to pass it shouldnt be considered a feature to let players pass the story. It doesnt make it a better experience, it doesnt really help you make it more painless and for those who dont mind a bit more of a challenge it makes it feel gimmicky. I feel ArenaNet should look into other options rather than enabling people to force their way through by dying and getting up right away, if they feel it needs something like that in the first place.


    The gist of it is: Dont keep resrushing in place because people dont like story instances, but look for alternatives that incorporates challenge with options for people to pass said story instance.


    I said as example: Making a party with people is a perfectly good way to get past story instances that are harder.

    The problem possibly being, just as with raids,just as with open world group events, is that this game can do alot to improve on finding people to play with.

    Especially since you stated, its not that easy to find willing players to play with (although I generally dont have any issues with it, but okay)


    Maybe a hot join function on story instances? I dunno. I was just giving other options without needing to rely on gimmicks that potentially ruin it for other people.


  12. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

    "https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

    > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

    > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

    > > > >

    > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

    > > >

    > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

    > > >

    > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

    > > >

    > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

    > >

    > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.


    > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?



    So you mean... this game, for example.


    Every game is some sort of challenge some sort of task that you do to interact with the game, its part of the experience. Ofcourse not everyone likes the same things, but that doesnt mean the game would be designed so that people who dont care about it find it tolerable. That means the game would be designed to be fun to those who do care about it.


    What youre saying, as an example, is that PvP would need to give you what you want from PvP ASAP because you dont like to PvP.


    No. PvP is designed for those who like to PvP. While LW story is designed for those who like that content. And since Story and maps in GW2 are completely intertwined, to make sense of Tyria as a whole, you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all.


    Thats also why my previous post I proposed that resrushing being necessary or possible will make for a bad experience. This would only make the LW less enjoyable.


    Looking at how easy story becomes when you take a friend... It might be enough to show a message at the start of a Instance that bringing someone along will make up for a much better experience. Most Story is simply better to not be soloed.

  13. I personally don't care about how difficult it is, I do care that a boss fight is a coherent experience. You go through the motions to defeat what's in front of you and have a satisfying fight from beginning until the end.


    If res-rushing is possible that will break that experience and you're quite literally chipping away at a health bar not caring about mechanics because you can, not caring whether you hit, dodge at the right time or use your skills right. Or at least to a lesser extend.


    I feel that every boss fight needs to play out as one scene. You don't stop pause and play in a key action scene within a movie either. (well maybe to see it frame by frame and make a fight scene analysis I suppose)


    If res-rushing needs to be enabled in order for people to make the fight or at least get through it, it's better to tune the whole fight down or differently in my opinion.

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