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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > I doubt there are enough people with actual game map design qualifications that could pull this off. A game map isn't only about how it looks when you press M on your keyboard.

    > >

    > > You don't need much more than a rich imagination really.


    > For a weapon, armor or mount skin yes that's true. But for a zone that players will play on? That's completely different. Graphics is "easy" to design, it mostly takes imagination, but gameplay is fundamentally different. The only thing you could reliably ask the community to design is the splash/loading screen


    Clearly such a contest wouldnt be top to bottom map design. But a concept just takes brainstorming and imagination. Arenanet would need to develop the map from there.


    There has been community input for mapdesign in the beginning and, while of course it was never put in word for word detail for detail, it is technically possible.


    But like I said, the format would need to be limitted by some rules. Like describe your ideal map in x words. or use one picture and a few words. Or that template (weapon contest did that too btw).


    Ofcourse, designing a full map into the tiniest detail and reward structure is never going to be done in a contest.

  2. I could probably make a very basic design for a map. Depending how in depth the design would need to be.


    Ofcourse such a contest probably would have a disclaimer that the exact design would only be used for inspiration and they might change stuff according to ideas sprouting from this initial design.


    I definitely think such a contest would need to be limited somehow. No single player will ever make a full fledged map. Just like with the weapon contest, the design wouldnt be followed to the pixel.


    Lofcourse after the devs are done with the winners original design it might be unrecognizable.



  3. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > I liked gw1 for different reasons than gw2, but I like both. The two games are so different in spite of the underlying story and maps. One I liked as a strategizing solo/small group game and the other I like as a mmo with large numbers of players everywhere with the ability to spontaneously group up when events occur.


    > GW1 felt more immersive. The maps felt bigger. I remember doing the run from Ascalon to Lions Arch and it was a lonnnnng way through multiple maps and past tough mobs. The mobs in that game were better designed and you had to strategize to get past many of them as they were grouped up and had skills to support each other. You couldn’t just go running in and do a Hulk Smash as they’d kill you. Me and a friend did the story line and various other content together for HoM rewards and it was hard in some places. We had to advance in slowly being careful not to agro too much at once. You couldn’t zerg a boss and overwhelm its mechanics by sheer number of players and dying during a mission had consequences as you got a death penalty which increased for each death unless you used consumables. Consumables were a real need in that game in a way they’re not in this one. In this game they’re more of an ‘also have’.


    > However when I go back now gw1 feels lonely on its maps as there’s no chance you’ll run across another player. The maps feel lifeless with no events and mobs either standing in spot or making their endless circuits. So what I like about gw2 is that there are players around. There is a trading post where I can list items for sell. I don’t have to spam trade chat and I don’t have to guess/research the prices. The addition of mounts and gliding also made a big difference to the enjoyment of the game.





    Consumables werent even a thing at the start. :p They were blessings from ressurrection shrines mostly, and even then never a requirement. Ofcourse by the time hardmode came I had played with my builds already so much that the increase in difficulty wasnt that bad. Ofcourse alot of gimmicky builds that made it tons easier and not being able to load up on heroes for a full party, so you would have to take other players or the barely viable henchmen. But I agree with the general sentiment.


    GW2 environment and map design is amazing. GW1s strategizing and building your character heavily outshines GW2s need to monetize (ingame) on any stats.


    Ofcourse even then its about most damage most health or most healing, rather than any strategy.

  4. > @"jwaz.1908" said:

    > I would buy these if they didn't have bat wings. I'm sorry but I like everything about them except wings on a raptor/jackal/springer looks really silly, only the skimmer and griffon look good. Maybe if there was a toggle option? Thoughts?


    I would wait for the next one, this one clearly is for the "Everything is better with wings" or the "pretend angel/devil" crowd.

  5. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > Green, the map is populated by less than 80 people,

    > Lime, the map is populated by less than 100,

    > Yellow, 101-125

    > Orange, 125-149

    > Red, 150 (the map you are trying to join is full, do you wish to enter the queue for this map? Yes/no)


    > Eazy peezy


    > Colours are updated when opening the lfg, and when pressed refresh,


    So which map is full on a tagless squad where half is in one and half is in the other instance?


  6. > @"Magolith.9412" said:

    > The part I don't understand is the end.. in all the past years I never had that issue. Maybe my connection is laggier now?


    > I was at the top *7* times and couldn't get in the tower, even trying waiting less/more in case they had changed it this year..


    Jump straight forward, not towards the hole, that's just an animation/illusion. You actually need to hit the trigger field that is only active if you time it right. Thus Always straight forward even if looks like the door turns away it will trigger.

  7. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > > > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > > > > > It’s the holidays! Is it too much to ask for peace, compassion and goodwill towards your fellow gamers who love the game just as much as you do? ;-)

    > > > >

    > > > > Just because people like a challenge doesnt mean they have no compassion or dont have goodwill towards other players.

    > > > >

    > > > > In fact most suggestions simply point out that there's options that would at least leave some (new/different) challenge amongst the acchievements while also giving those who arent as good at the game something to go for.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > For me farm and excessive time requiring achievements are just as bad as something that may be a bit on the harder side of content.

    > > > >

    > > > > But do those get swift action? Nope.

    > > >

    > > > Liking a challenge is fine. Asking for more challenging achievements is fine. Asking for more challenging achievements on a limited time holiday event is not really fine. It shows people thinking like this. I can do this so everyone should be able to. Or you know, I have the time so everyone should/must have the time. Or people who don't have the time, well, it's their problem not mine, because I want harder achievements.

    > > >

    > > > A limited time holiday festival can have harder achievements, but don't make them part of the meta. Because if you put enough of those in, people who would normally play to play the meta will give up and stop playing holiday content, because they'll realize they can't get it. I saw this happen this year with people in my guild who weren't good enough to do the jumping puzzle and weren't able to get the 1 minute on the race. Sure everyone can spend hours practicing stuff, if everyone has the time or the patience, or the hardware, or the internet connection.

    > > >

    > > > Or we could all just let everyone enjoy the base halloween event and keep harder achievements out of a limited time meta. Saying we're all caring about other people and then saying I can do something so if others can't too bad doesn't show a lot of empathy. I'm not saying anyone is this thread is actually saying this mind you, but there is a difference between people saying something like I like challenging content and I would like more, and them not being sympathetic to people who have less time, worse connections, slower machines, or people who live in places like Australia where some things are just harder due to ping. Me, I say leave the meta so everyone can enjoy Halloween and put the difficult achievements in places where they're more of an option. Halloween should be for everyone, not just people who are more highly skilled.

    > >

    > > If anyone likes or asks for challenging content or achievements people first and foremost ask for what they enjoy, not what they expect other players to do or not do. And if they do its not much different than requesting there to be no(t so much) challenging content imo. Like you saying that mere asking for a bit more challenge during halloween "is not fine". Expressing what interests people is what these forums are about. You policing about like "this is fine to request, that isnt" is pointless anyway. At most you're saying, "This might be interesting to you but not to me and (alot of) my friends."

    > >

    > > Also alot of these achievements are timeintesive all the same. On a time limited holiday event that also doesnt make such a grind all that enjoyable either. If anything a wider variety of difficulty or at least covering more of the playerbase isnt that bad.

    > >

    > > Leaving such challenge out of the meta is not even part of the discussion really, No disagreements there.


    > Well it is a discussion because the discussion started with the change of an achievement that directly affected the meta. That makes it part of the discussion. I guarantee you if someone said make more challenging achievements without bringing that up, I wouldn't have bothered commenting.


    The discussion started with the suggestion to move it out of the meta rather than nerfing it. Ofcourse, with all the thread reforming and merging the original post of the discussion got a bit lost. > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/719535/#Comment_719535](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/719535/#Comment_719535 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/719535/#Comment_719535")

  8. I personally prefer to run with just me and a few others. 5 guildies and no problem. Start your own little group and done.


    I personally dont understand the insistence of using a squad.


    edit: Also its impossible to see if a squad is in a full instance as a squad can be in multiple instances. Though an icon or color or whichever in the party squad window on each player that is in a full map instance could be a thing.

  9. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > > > It’s the holidays! Is it too much to ask for peace, compassion and goodwill towards your fellow gamers who love the game just as much as you do? ;-)

    > >

    > > Just because people like a challenge doesnt mean they have no compassion or dont have goodwill towards other players.

    > >

    > > In fact most suggestions simply point out that there's options that would at least leave some (new/different) challenge amongst the acchievements while also giving those who arent as good at the game something to go for.

    > >

    > >

    > > For me farm and excessive time requiring achievements are just as bad as something that may be a bit on the harder side of content.

    > >

    > > But do those get swift action? Nope.


    > Liking a challenge is fine. Asking for more challenging achievements is fine. Asking for more challenging achievements on a limited time holiday event is not really fine. It shows people thinking like this. I can do this so everyone should be able to. Or you know, I have the time so everyone should/must have the time. Or people who don't have the time, well, it's their problem not mine, because I want harder achievements.


    > A limited time holiday festival can have harder achievements, but don't make them part of the meta. Because if you put enough of those in, people who would normally play to play the meta will give up and stop playing holiday content, because they'll realize they can't get it. I saw this happen this year with people in my guild who weren't good enough to do the jumping puzzle and weren't able to get the 1 minute on the race. Sure everyone can spend hours practicing stuff, if everyone has the time or the patience, or the hardware, or the internet connection.


    > Or we could all just let everyone enjoy the base halloween event and keep harder achievements out of a limited time meta. Saying we're all caring about other people and then saying I can do something so if others can't too bad doesn't show a lot of empathy. I'm not saying anyone is this thread is actually saying this mind you, but there is a difference between people saying something like I like challenging content and I would like more, and them not being sympathetic to people who have less time, worse connections, slower machines, or people who live in places like Australia where some things are just harder due to ping. Me, I say leave the meta so everyone can enjoy Halloween and put the difficult achievements in places where they're more of an option. Halloween should be for everyone, not just people who are more highly skilled.


    If anyone likes or asks for challenging content or achievements people first and foremost ask for what they enjoy, not what they expect other players to do or not do. And if they do its not much different than requesting there to be no(t so much) challenging content imo. Like you saying that mere asking for a bit more challenge during halloween "is not fine". Expressing what interests people is what these forums are about. You policing about like "this is fine to request, that isnt" is pointless anyway. At most you're saying, "This might be interesting to you but not to me and (alot of) my friends."


    Also alot of these achievements are timeintesive all the same. On a time limited holiday event that also doesnt make such a grind all that enjoyable either. If anything a wider variety of difficulty or at least covering more of the playerbase isnt that bad.


    Leaving such challenge out of the meta is not even part of the discussion really, No disagreements there.

  10. > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > It’s the holidays! Is it too much to ask for peace, compassion and goodwill towards your fellow gamers who love the game just as much as you do? ;-)


    Just because people like a challenge doesnt mean they have no compassion or dont have goodwill towards other players.


    In fact most suggestions simply point out that there's options that would at least leave some (new/different) challenge amongst the acchievements while also giving those who arent as good at the game something to go for.



    For me farm and excessive time requiring achievements are just as bad as something that may be a bit on the harder side of content.


    But do those get swift action? Nope.

  11. Also, in general agree.


    Sadly, I wish ArenaNet was so swift with fun-draining "need this one clearly artificially made rare item/material that basically ruins the whole journey to the reward experience" that is much more rampant and intrusive on peoples lives than a achievement that actually requires you to achieve something.


    If the meta is the problem, then change only that.


    Oh well Economy > Gameplay in GW2.

  12. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"Kumouta.4985" said:

    > > now i'll never learn how to drift :(


    > Go to DR and beetle around the "downstairs" ring, running past the crafting stations and the entrances to the "gods" ramp and so on, keeping your speed up with injudicious use of the boost button. Now you can practice drifting into the Dwayna ramp (south, under the plaza where the bank/TP are). Penalty points for piling into the wagon or the wall, and fewer penalty points for sideswiping them, and call it "perfect" if you make a clean entrance without touching anything but the floor.


    > But practice in the north-Kourna or north-central-Crystal-Oasis desert areas and/or Kessex Hills first.


    Theres a difference between random environment and tracks designed to be possible.

  13. > @"StinVec.3621" said:

    > Meh. I haven't looked forward to Halloween in-game since they replaced LA with this awful version. Compared to the original LA that was massively decked out for the Halloween event that was glorious, this new LA looks like the type of decorations you would see on a house where the person spent $5 to buy a plastic pumpkin, a colored light bulb for the porch light and a roll of orange crinkle paper that they threw around their bushes and was done with it.


    > I wish they would move Halloween to Divinity's Reach where they could:

    > * have actual door-to-door trick-or-treating in the housing areas (Ossan Quarter, Western Commons, Eastern Commons, Rurikton) and have each quadrant/neighborhood give different treats (wonder which will be giving out the _full size_ candy bars!) and a unique trick/type of trick that you might receive depending on which area you are in

    > * a giant spider web stretching over and above the pit in the rebuilt Crown Pavilion area with a sort of minigame/jumping puzzle of walking along the web spines while dodging spiders to reach a prize

    > * flood the low walking areas in The Upper City and have spooky gondola rides


    > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fe/Divinity%27s_Reach_Upper_Level_map.jpg "")


    > There are so many possibilities for moving Halloween to DR that would give it a proper Halloween feeling whereas Halloween feels pretty out of place and uninspired in the current LA setup.


    I agree with current "Modern MMO" Lions Arch is still pretty bland. But to move everything to DR isnt that favourable to me.


    I rather have Lions Arch change more dramatically.

  14. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > I’d start by farming Bitterfrost Frontier first for the berries as that will be the best use of your time until you run out of characters. With the standard five characters, you should easily get 50 in under an hour. That there translates to 105,000 karma.


    > How do you get karma from Winterberries?


    I think she means Obsidian and thus if you need obsidian, you can save on spending karma on obsidian shards by buying them with unbound magic from.. winterberries.

  15. I would be fine with just AP and no rewards really. The rewards are just a little extra to nudge people to completionism and so they keep playing.


    That they have whole sets of skins just turned it into a player perceived problem, because it is apparently too much of an incentive for certain players, while not enough of a reward for those who went that extra effort to get there.


    I wouldnt mind taking the more unique rewards away if its really that big problem, but I know Anet want at least some incentive for completionism so people feel they are not really ever done and dont just quit the game all together.

  16. > @"Leablo.2651" said:

    > This condition represents an ongoing technical error with the network service, not a redress of lost game items being sent out by customer support. When the HoM server is down, the user should receive a clear and direct error dialog to that effect explaining what has happened to the service, not a mail message dressed up with in-game role-playing language.


    > "Your Hall of Monuments data could not be retrieved due to a temporary service outage. Any Hall of Monuments achievements that you have earned will be restored the next time you log in. [OK]"


    Agreed. The amount of creative effort for error messages would be better reserved for actual dialogue.

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