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Posts posted by FrizzFreston.5290

  1. > @"Lonami.2987" said:


    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Seems like alot of unnecessary changes to me for very little gain.

    > >

    > > A key combination for hide unhide miniature would be enough.

    > >

    > > And the novelties pop up thingy is already very crowded, imo.


    > We'd go from the current 5 to 6, I wouldn't say that's crowded, specially when there's already an empty space the 6th category could use.


    If you read correctly I said its already crowded. And while changing it from Arenanets arbitrary to your arbitrary categorisation doesnt make that much of a difference, is exactly why I dont see why its needed to change that around.


    Better to ask for full customisation where people can choose themselves in each of the empty slots. Like 4 chairs or 4 tonics or only transport items if players so desire.


    Because so far it's really not better or worse to make 5 or 6 slots; with subcategories! just to make it more confusing, unless you want 12 slots.



  2. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

    > > > > > > @"Tatwi.3562" said:

    > > > > > > 1. It's clearly a change that was made expressly to drain gold from players in the hopes they will buy gems with real money.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This change is one of the absolutely most requested one by forum people, so I would guess Anet made it because it was actually asked for.

    > > > > > > 2. I bought the game in 2012. I bought the two expansions. I purchased gems twice. If that's not enough for ArenaNet, too bad for them! Just going and changing the game in the hopes to squeeze more money from people like who play extremely casually is going to have only one result: I won't buy anything from you again.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Stop making the game worse just to pressure people to buy gems. I can't believe how many times this has happened over the years....

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I have to say I don't feel pressured at all - I'm a casual player (by my own definition), and I very very rarely feel the need to get special runes or sigils. I'm just happy playing the game. If something nice comes my way I'll use a Black Lion kit - but that only ever happens very rarely.

    > > > > > If anything, it's the Heavy farmers who might feel the change since they probably don't have enough kits for the loot they get.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I do not believe this is what the forums asked for.. then again let us not forget of course the forums at best are nothing more than a minor trickle of the playerbase even if it were.

    > > > > This is just another effort to shift the game further towards microtransactions nothing more.

    > > > > If you wanted to gear up some ascended armour previous it was much quicker to do so and a lot cheaper. Now you either have to pray for RNGesus to smile down on you a lot or buy inflated rune prices or symbol prices.. this is just the next step on from the starved supply from the nullification bullcrap… The poster back then who laughed at the notion that the last update was a steer to wards such transaction that would then lead to BLSK's becoming a target, as well as extractors.. well now you have all the proof necessary, this is just another push to gem store transactions.

    > > > > This change is in no way an improvement, its a case of ANET fixing something that was not broken to start with but now offers a more lucrative microtransaction strategy across a broad base of the game. There was simply no reason to alter the way salvage kits worked, if you wanted the option to crunch the runes then there were far easier ways or at worst just allow the same kits to salvage runes at will once in the inventory.. placing ridiculous drop rates on the symbols is just the same push the nullification sigil utilised to push harder to use the TP and hope the mats and symbols become entrenched at much higher prices to warrant gemsales…

    > > > > TBH this more forced push to microtransactional requirements is a worrying sign to me, I've seen it before and it smells bad, which is a shame as I have supported Guild Wars since early GW1

    > > >

    > > > The problem is that, while some, including yourself, apparently, will feel "forced" into microtransactions, others won't feel the sting at all. For myself, I will buy things like bank space, and character slots, I am a self professed altaholic, and those are things I have to have in order to maintain that. I won't be spending a lot of gems on extractors, and if I ever thought I had to, I could focus entirely on changing my gold to gems, and never have to spend any money. I'm not in a big rush, so if it takes me a while, it takes me a while, I can stall a toon at a specific point and work others until I get what I need, or, I can work other aspects that I may not be caught up on, and since I'm relatively new, that's a lot of stuff to do until I feel "forced" to buy anything, that I haven't already listed, anyway.

    > >

    > > Oh I have more than enough gold in this game to do the same, but its not about just ourselves .. new players now will have an even tougher time gearing etc.

    > > Then again if we all just eat through our gold everytime something gets added or "fixed" in game then we have to spend that much more time trying to replace it.. which is why this game is all about farming and microtransactions these days and to me its a bad sign.. like I said in the nullification thread.. perhaps this is the shape of things to come. What will be micro transitioned next I wonder??


    > >


    > Erm, it's easier for new players to gear now. The whole scaremongering about new players gearing has always been that, since I have helped numerous players get started with gear and none of really impacts my budget gearing methods.


    > Plenty of cheap exotics on the TP now and gold was harder to get back then. You don't need superior runes to get started. I mean, I was doing Orr in green gear when I was still keyboard turning before it was made easier with crystals in armor. People will do fine.


    > I always find it funny we always go on about "muh new players" (not you in particular) in subjects about high end runes and ascended armor/expansion stats when that stuff isn't even necessary in content out of raids/high fractals. And if people were playing that, a couple of gold should not be a problem either. In reality, we're not really even talking about casual or new players, but rather players with hardcore expectations, yet don't play like one. That will just lead to failure. And frankly, I've never heard of anyone needing to actually buy gems because they needed gold. Except one guy that was buying primers because he could.


    Funny, because before Superior sigils and runes never were high end. This changed a bit now, so i dont see how backlash is really funny, and I find it really just expected.


    I personally will miss the functionality of salvaging my runes and sigils out too. Ofcourse, they still don't cost that much, but it is one QoL in and another one out. *shrug* I dont see it as an improvement, just changing it to be less inventory taxing and more taxing on gearing your characters. Then again I always found that lacking in GW2, so I never really bothered anyway, then I guess this just solidifies it for me not bothering much with gearing my characters optimally. (and I will just raid with less optimal runes if they are too much money or effort)

  3. You find a guild in map chat: Any major city will do, or find one here on the forum recruitment section.


    Or make a post there yourself with what youre looking for and select 5 that fit your criteria. Since you can have 5 guilds, you have lots of space to try things out or not leave that old guild that has gone slightly inactive but you feel still bonded or invested because of donations/decorations or whatever.


    Something that I always feels really always helps is... well.. communicate. Often enough people stay quiet and dont say anything but then you dont get anything in return either. Like in my guild it is often quiet, because not many say anything, and the only thing to make it feel active is to start the conversation yourself. If you take the initiative in chat you can go miles.

  4. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > > > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

    > > > > > Treasure hunting kits are another thing because of the chance to find material shipments, unidentified gear, freshwater pearls. Now I put this into another section because I will acknowledge that using treasure hunting kits is an absolute pain with the maps as they are. The kits are clearly designed with mount usage in mind based on where the treasures tend to be buried and the special action being usable while mounted, problem is the whole can't mount in battle and being constantly harassed by angry desert critters. That reminds me, I want a change or a mastery that let's us mount during combat and puts a cool down on mounting instead like when a ranger changes pets during combat. Would make the desert less annoying.

    > > > >

    > > > > OMG, I remember this. I once decided to try the treasure hunting kit, then after killing a dozen or so enemies in the treasure area, I never bothered with the treasure hunting kit ever again.

    > > > >

    > > > > Stuff like this really hammers the point. What's the point of having stuff to do, when the aggro range just drives players away.

    > > >

    > > > I treasure hunt all the time. I never fight enemies. I get in, get the treasure and run until I'm out of aggro...even if I have to jump off a cliff and glide till I'm out of aggro, then mount, and use the next treasure map. I usually get 12 or 13 chests during an average run. Just put on some run skills, maybe condition removal and get out of there. Why even bother fighting. The goal of the treasure hunt is to hit and run.

    > >

    > > To run from one side of the map all the way to the other side and from there back where you came from to get, well nothing more than 1 of the several events in between, when it happens, is a bit discouraging to me.

    > >

    > > Whereas sunspear chests in Istan I actually like to run daily once, as it doesnt send me into 5 random locations, and I can be done in 30 minutes AND has the occasional chance for a random exotic with special skin.

    > >

    > > But yeah, aggro.. I never thought that would be a problem.


    > So you don't think a chest is worth a waypoint? Waypoint and move. Waypoint and move. I get 12 chests is 12 waypoints so maybe 15 silver. A single intact mosaic is worth 3 gold. Just port and go.


    I never really thought about it that way. Probably the paying for rewards bit is counterintuitive for me. And I am not someone to sell the materials on the TP.


    But maybe ill give it a try some day. I do have loads of treasure maps still.

  5. > @"CeNedro.7560" said:

    > I never liked the "organised-HoT-Meta-Events". But I really enjoyed the impactful eventchains before and how they were connected to each other(and the rewards). It seems the eventchains in PoF don't matter at all. They feel like solo-quests instead. I know that some are connected to each other, but timegaps between those events make it even more difficult to see "the big picture" since you most likely will already have moved.


    Yeah, I feel the same way. I liked how in core gw2 some/most? events lead somewhere had an ending and a beginning. Usually unlocking a merchant with some flavour gear and such.


    And even though Anet rarely let that evolve into more than that, I always imagined they maybe would have special thematic items. Actually not much different from what collections do now even, just more interactive with the NPCs rather than my achievement UI.


    I also expected more complex event chains that could have slightly different alterations or directions depending on whatever happens in the event, without affecting achievements outcomes or rewards too much. Which I can see now is ofcourse a bit too advanced to make. Although instead of branching definitely a clear ministory/ maybe more (tabletop)quest-like structure, where it feels more like an adventure rather than just patrols, random copy and pasted treasure groups, etc.


    Either way, I believe, that while those are sort of my ideals with the event system, I'm fairly sure its also not that easy to make, and that that is why we havent seen anything like that. Though I do agree with the notion that events have become impersonal, and filler-y possibly gamefied in PoF. It doesnt care whether players do them or not, NPCs dont cry out for help, only rarely guards point to events and then only when asked.


    Alot of sense of urgency is missing with the latest events. And become more of a UI message, where it spams your screen, rather than an NPCs coming to you and begging your face off, or even seeing that the environment changed, was impacted by lack of action.


    Instead of surprising the player with intricate NPC behaviour or environment, its all in the UI these days. Probably because most players would simply totally miss out, though for me its very handhold-y and not as interesting. Entertaining still, but clearly normalised and simplified for the bigger audience. Which I suppose is understandable.

  6. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

    > > > Treasure hunting kits are another thing because of the chance to find material shipments, unidentified gear, freshwater pearls. Now I put this into another section because I will acknowledge that using treasure hunting kits is an absolute pain with the maps as they are. The kits are clearly designed with mount usage in mind based on where the treasures tend to be buried and the special action being usable while mounted, problem is the whole can't mount in battle and being constantly harassed by angry desert critters. That reminds me, I want a change or a mastery that let's us mount during combat and puts a cool down on mounting instead like when a ranger changes pets during combat. Would make the desert less annoying.

    > >

    > > OMG, I remember this. I once decided to try the treasure hunting kit, then after killing a dozen or so enemies in the treasure area, I never bothered with the treasure hunting kit ever again.

    > >

    > > Stuff like this really hammers the point. What's the point of having stuff to do, when the aggro range just drives players away.


    > I treasure hunt all the time. I never fight enemies. I get in, get the treasure and run until I'm out of aggro...even if I have to jump off a cliff and glide till I'm out of aggro, then mount, and use the next treasure map. I usually get 12 or 13 chests during an average run. Just put on some run skills, maybe condition removal and get out of there. Why even bother fighting. The goal of the treasure hunt is to hit and run.


    To run from one side of the map all the way to the other side and from there back where you came from to get, well nothing more than 1 of the several events in between, when it happens, is a bit discouraging to me.


    Whereas sunspear chests in Istan I actually like to run daily once, as it doesnt send me into 5 random locations, and I can be done in 30 minutes AND has the occasional chance for a random exotic with special skin.


    But yeah, aggro.. I never thought that would be a problem.

  7. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > Just to be fair with the game, these are the statistics since Heart of Thorns:

    > **Heart of Thorns: 66.937%**

    > Out of the Shadows: 60.676%

    > Rising Flames: 58.131%

    > A Crack in the Ice: 56.343%

    > The Head of the Snake: 51.405%

    > Flashpoint: 50.272%

    > One Path Ends: 47.145%

    > **Path of Fire: 59.476%**

    > Daybreak: 44.121%

    > A Bug in the System: 38,387%

    > Long Live the Lich: 34.108%

    > A Star to Guide Us: 26.049%



    Just to be a bit more accurate than completion rates, and drawing random conclusions, some of the starting rates (too lazy to find them all):

    It is still not including people who have those unlocked, who havent, but are still playing ofcourse.

    And not accounting for age of the content either.


    **Heart of Thorns: 92,031%**

    **Path of Fire: 76,485%**

    Daybreak: 54,070%

    A Bug in the System: 44,023%

    Long Live the Lich: 42.791%

    A Star to Guide Us: 31,455%


    Also activity % of a random 24h in a random weekend (sort of random, extra life event) : 28,520%


    Also interesting is the birthdays %s:

    1y: 89

    2y: 81

    3y: 71

    4y: 58

    5y: 46

    6y: 24


    Why you guys stop at completion % of story is weird to me. So much talk about this and that being the right data but no one actually looking it up.

  8. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > If they didn't have raids, you'd have elitists in dungeons or fractals or whatnot. The good thing about raids is they're confined there now.

    > >

    > > I seriously dont think theyre confined anywhere. Its really just the content that both needs large amount of repitition for some of the interesting rewards and require some rather mild coordination.

    > >

    > > Since most people dont have that much time putting requirements is just one way to filter ppl so their success chance is higher and take less time. They dont want to bother explaining the whole thing everytime and rather just play.

    > >

    > >


    > This is partially correct.


    > There is however the other side that most people don't get. Training people is mentally taxing. Sure sometimes you get the people who research, care and geniunely want to improve. However those are far from the norm. From my time training people and not in one of the bigger Raid training groups is a lot of push back, crying and people adamant that they know better and outright refusing any help, critique or otherwise.



    Training people successfully depends as much on the trainer as it does on the trainee. Some people are bad trainees, dont listen and don't follow instructions and are unwilling to change. And some trainers are bad trainers who just dictate and dont appreciate ANY feedback and dont listen to who they are training, or even worse dont actually know themselves.






  9. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > If they didn't have raids, you'd have elitists in dungeons or fractals or whatnot. The good thing about raids is they're confined there now.


    I seriously dont think theyre confined anywhere. Its really just the content that both needs large amount of repitition for some of the interesting rewards and require some rather mild coordination.


    Since most people dont have that much time putting requirements is just one way to filter ppl so their success chance is higher and take less time. They dont want to bother explaining the whole thing everytime and rather just play.



  10. The only solution I see, is salvage all prompting you whether you want to salvage the runes/sigils immediately or seperate them.


    I cant imagine ArenaNet will do that though. Clearly the new system is to make the semi-paid options of extracting upgrades more valuable, to get rid of the gold generated from merching them and to salvage runes and sigils out of gear a thing of the past. It does feel a bit cash grabby imo, And to have a separate single salvage to extract would be nicer.


    Still though. I don't like to see max gear customisation like superior sigils and runes to be more valuable and prefer to change/create builds at a relative low cost.


    Ofcourse, the question is, how often did we really change runes or sigils. And how much did you value that. I doubt its that often. Then again, we also get less generated coin now. I always liked the few silver after salvaging a full inventory. Wont be noticeable on the short term though.

  11. Also a now may be outdated [comment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category_talk:Lore_discrepancies "comment") about the ingame time by Angel Leigh McCoy (former Anet dev/writer) :

    _* Moulevian Calendar -- The conflict here is between the reality of game design and needing to fit the calendar properly. When we introduced the Journal, we committed to fitting our Living World releases in a specific timeline. The unfortunate reality is that we can't always release new releases one right after the other -- especially not if you want them to be as awesome as you (and we) want them to be. I understand that this disconnects the calendars, but **Tyria is a fictional place, and you can't expect time to flow exactly as it does in the real world**. We learned this lesson too when we realized we could not keep to a truly monthly schedule and maintain the quality bar we demand. At the time I made those statements about aligning the calendars, our goal WAS to align the calendars. That did not turn out to be possible. You're just going to have to suspend disbelief on this one. :)_


    Basically what I bolded there is your answer, which really makes perfect sense imo.

  12. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > > > Honestly curious as to how PvP is pay to win?

    > > >

    > > > All the meta builds require elite specialization. It's been that way since HoT.

    > >

    > > By your own definition, then, its been that way since GW1 Factions launched....

    > >

    > > lol


    > I seem to recall top builds/comps not requiring Sin or Rit.


    Basically what Mad Doctor said. For example spirit bond is a factions only skill, it gave way from 55hp monks to be 600 hp monk solo farmers. Or splinter weapon from Rit being used alot. As well as Necro/Rit healers being preferred over monk healers in HA at some point.


    I mean, ofcourse it's a bit of a stretch to call it pay to win in the first place, but there was definitely an increase in power and damage or at least versatility.

  13. > @"Valeria Mudgarden.3054" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > The price went up because normal salvage kits cant obtain runes anymore.

    > >

    > > Why would it need a cooldown? Just to make a convenience item less convenient?

    > why does my garden plot, that lets me craft ACCOUNT BOUND kitten (2h) primers need to be on a cool-down? just to make a convenience item less convenient?


    One is a resource generator, the other a tool.



  14. just FYI: Superior Sigils and Runes also have higher crafting requirements.


    old crafting recipe:


    1 ecto

    1 lodestone

    1 ori ingot.


    New recipe:


    10 ectos

    1 lodestone

    2 symbols

    100 Lucent Motes.



    Seems like they mostly want to drive ecto price up, and add a considerable sink to motes.


    Gotta say, i will miss salvaging my runes/sigils out. I kinda used them for upgrading leveling and new characters.

  15. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Yes, but as mentioned above all the components are easily available, so you don't really need to spend a copper (well, except for the initial recipe i guess) and can farm them yourself.


    Yeah, crafting cost if you get the materials yourself is not 9 gold. Sure right now people go crazy over the materials needed rather than the sigils (and people try to sell the materials at a higher price rather than the sigil itself), but over time the price will most likely drop, as impatient people either bought it and patient people just farm it themselves.


    The most important thing is, you actually have that option.

  16. > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > I do not want to ride a classic horse, and no i dont find it weird we dont have one. There are no horses in GW2(the game world, *NOT* the books i know they mention them there.). Now a dolyak maybe.

    > >

    > > But what would it offer? What would be the point of having one? All the other mounts *do* something, what would a horse bring to the game?


    > Aren't the books canon. So that means horses exist. How about a unicorn. They are in the game as a wep and finisher. So let's ride them. I hope they fart rainbows.


    Actually the books arent canon. Or rather, if it isnt in the game its not. I forgot what the devs called it exactly.


    whether they are extinct or never existed isnt toroughly clarified. I suppose that They could exist somewhere we havent been or evolved from things we did see.


    At least would like some proper logical reason if we ever get one. I dont like to have certain a mount just because its like that in the other mostly generic fantasy worlds.


    I think to make tyria not have all the generic mounts or other things just adds to its magic, makes it its own world, rather than half a copy of the real world or previous fantasy worlds because that's what were used to and therefore it MUST be in GW2 too.


    Ofcourse, for some people it might be too dystopian and a weird world with too much non-earthlike inhabitants and architecture is scary and unimaginable or simply too far away from reality.

  17. I have mine ordered by online then rank. None of this default sorting that is supposed to be some sorting but actually isnt sorted at all.


    On the other hand, sorting and or displaying join date/membership time has been asked for since launch.


    Not sure how anything guild related gets done by Anet though, as their dedicated guild team has been disbanded and its tasks divided. Probably something something guild hall being HoT only something, guild activities arent for every single player something something dont want to make guilds a necessity. Idk really.

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