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Everything posted by kamikharzeeh.8016

  1. interesting, i didn't even know kinda thing existed thaha
  2. Anet: "we remove tournaments bc we don't want ppl to play very long" 70%+ of Wvw-population "we play verylong anyways smh" @"ArchonWing.9480" i also play it very casually only atm. but still, 1k kills per matchup are doable in just the weekend, and yeah i usually only log in for Wvw. i do pvE only for the better rewards now and then... i did play not even to mithril for the last month tho, but it has app no effect on our serverpopulation anyways. just need a break from the repetitive format now and then, and our unlinked-status was a good time for that i feel. had like only bronze, wood, gold or so in these, but u get to silver often if u just play relink evening.
  3. tbh for me it is really bad that the failed the relink this time exactly :P or rather, for my playtime in it, since there's another game release next thursday, means won't have less time for Wvw. @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" stacked link? which one lol. the only one that was good was the one french server with tF... rest just buffed our numbers.
  4. at the "choose character" screen, there is a "delete" button. that's what u seek, your Wvw-ranger-build. @"ArchonWing.9480" my fav is that when u leave the portal towards Odel Academy and jump on foot outside, you'll kinda fall on your face somehow. and yeah, desert border needs a tons of overhauls, isn't much more buggy than other maps tho, we just know them better. like cam at Lowlands EBG keep is horribly bad, at Quentin Lake there are barely visible uneven ground that can block movement etc @"Paposeco.6013" well, you get "daze" state for 1 second or so at demounting forcefully, that is why you're open to a quick dmg income. plus, you are disabled state there, which means you take more damage than normal (this is always the case and a reason why brainded CC spam is a thing and somehow works), so just try to use / keybind the "behind you camera", so that u can ideally spot rangers around and maybe mount-jump-dodge before they can demount-daze-pew-pew you.
  5. you'd not say "awww" if ur unlinked or in a weak or dead link @"Ashantara.8731" @"Sleepwalker.1398" don't assume that EU doesn't have those crazy trolls that u have blocked for longer than you remember, but still see references on in teamchat constantly lol. @"Dawdler.8521" that'd be a solid fix in Anets terminology :) @"Bristingr.5034" as for EU people, we got usually zero clue what thanksgiving is about, or when it happens. it doesn't exist on our continent lol.
  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > > for both sides of the coin. > So what, there is a good side of the coin and a bad side of the coin now? the sides of the coin are: 1) the zerg is under constant guerilla attacks, which is not usually effective, but annoying 2) the guerilla factions lacks likely numbers to form a zerg themselves due to a rather big number of clowning happening. now, if those 15 ppl just would use proper stuff and not thief/ranger, you'd have the half of a zerg ready yet. therefore i'd say it is a loss-loss situation. also from my experience, outside of ganking single targets, rev-scrouge-guard-warri-ele are more effective on disruption and decimating enemy zergs than thief rangers are. @"Naxos.2503" usually staff has lost usage. yeah it has defense and mobility options, but it lost all damage sadly, most ppl just run dualsword on their herald. rev generally lost so many big damage options, shows how unbalanced the "balance" we got is. it somehow reads as if u play renegade... not recommended, herald is just so much better. renegade is a roamerclass, for any group over 10 ppl it immensely less effective. weaver surely is fun as pug (outside of zerg groupsupport), made one yesterday and surely not bad. u can however sidebomb as rev as well, just u need to be a bit more cautious. with dwarf roads u get stability up, and have the option to switch fast to herald for quickheals and superspeed for disengage etc out of zergs i would mainly focus on playing dmg-scrapper, weaver, scrouge or herald. (guardian offense maybe, but i really never did that. guardian shines in wvw as firebrand_healbrand, and only works against rookies really great in the offensemodes imo) and funny enough CCs are more annoying than ever before. the ping-pong happening is wore than ever. (or than any time i remember, which is last 3 years~)
  7. i'd not take 4k gems for beeing another 2 months unlinked... our opposing severs have like freaking 2k-3k more population than our one. and some new skins don't really make that better.
  8. for Wvw builds use gw2mists site... metabattle has often pretty outdated or bad sets for Wvw afaik also this "zerg busting" isn't zerg busting, it's just a bad moving group if u can pick of single targets on roamerclasses. u shouldn't need any input on how to do this, it's generally just bad behaviour and happens all the time automatically that like 15 players try to gank a zerg's tail. some servers even cloud for hours in blobsize so yeah... many newbies in the format enable these bad habits - for both sides of the coin.
  9. their balancings are crap anyways, u cannot balance some meta u have no clue of.
  10. instead of just buffing the 30 trash runesets... but well. i still view the golem runes are a big meme. saw not one time yet that they did anything outside of nothing @ enemy groups.
  11. i honestly don't care anymore. kinda happy that they even fix it... a third time beeing unlinked within the same year would be horrific. (and it still can happen yikes)
  12. it feels like half of the people in the format play random stuff anyways, bunch play spvp sets and some maybe cele/solider etc stuff. at least on our server the top meta players may be like 700% as effective as the kittens, but also way less numerous. we had last MU sth like about 90% of the serverkills done by like 25 people, roughly.
  13. u cannot even compare that.. Wvw are rather spoiled brats... they never had to wait for something even close as long i think. the longest durance there takes probably the raids, while the new mini-raids are basically content for this playerbase, so also doesn't really count.
  14. guess knite just memed. 2+ years no news about alliances and calling for patience is not even a good meme tho. btw lmfao @ the 4 years aged post ahahaha. what did he even refer to at "using the Wvw community" (by kinda ignoring us for most of the time?) "to drive team priorities" ... which team's priorities? the matchup-teams? their not-anymore existing developer team for Wvw? hm?
  15. if u want to roam as in 1v1, just get some pvp build. for just clearing camps fast, many casual pve builds are fine. build doesn't even matter that much if u have a good aoe class like necro, guardian or rev. warrior etc works as well, but comparing warrior and the other mentioned classes, you have to be way more cautious. (u on the other hand gotta be more cautious about enemy roamers either way, because it isn't uncommon that they just open fire at sight)
  16. camps are in many cases just not worth defending. if ur the biggest server in the matchup by around 2000 activity count, then yeah okay. if not, high questionable to defend anything, since the chance of the opponent bringing just several times your size is big, and not all classes have a chill time at disengaging from a set up gank against 2+ roaming chars with pvp sets.
  17. just shows that a thief player cannot understand the meta. warrior- spellbreaker is one of the core classes in wvw. u gotta be very kitten to not knowing that. he just wants smaller groups and constantly unmounted, so he and his 10 thief guild buddies can constantly gank everyone. as if that'd be not easy enough yet.
  18. warclaw alone is nearly useless. i see zero reason for another fake-content mount.
  19. the lack of content is really bad, but that is the status quo since several years (!) seems like anet thinks warclaw, gliders and nerfs/buffs is content. it just is not. i mean we currently don't even have a good system to distribute the players across the teams. ever relink one (two, three, depends) server is basically f*cked for some months bc they got no links or a deadlink due to transfer politics and therefore get outnumbered for an eternity.
  20. thief nerfs have been a joke. barely happened and far too mild. they still do extreme amounts of damage, while barely beeing downable due to all other dmg sources got nerfed, and the thief mobility, stealthing and pull options and really long evadetime is just ridiculous. for real Wvw groupplay action they are useless, and they deserve that. glasscannon egostyle classes just have no space in Wvw. not to mention, the ever unfixed portal spots on several keeps.
  21. what really need to be nerfed is the range of pulls. hard to tell which class has the most crazy pulls, but it shouldn't be possible to get pulled over walls at a range of 400-600, which does happen though. surely it would be nice if everyone could play as henrik says, just in reality most people cannot even stab up and bomb a zerg at the inner SM gates, means u have not many options left with your 10 ppl against a 45 ppl group.
  22. u can literally BUY memories of battle. in the trading post. may be not cheap but yeah. the badges are really a crazy overloaded currency. u need them for dailies mainly and for very basic food/utility as newbie, but later u have over 10k without much serious ways to spend them.
  23. allijances wh3en? btw did anyone realise how the NPCs in the new episode talk about "alliances" ahaha. i felt honestly a bit pranked. hope's still up that they plan something for the release of End of Dragons DLC. not a big hope tho. also see guys, i'd totally be willing to work out this for Anet if i'd work for them, but creating waterproof concepts without getting paid is something pretty questionable. you'd also always need ppl that u can contact to ask "can this work alike", which we here do not have. best communication u may get is a warning for offtopics thaha.
  24. rewards never been really good on most tracks. but yeah, u really get much progress going by just playing Wvw, and at higher ranks u get more pips per tick or sth alike, so with all boosts noticably faster. that to be said, our server got too many times unlinked recently, cannot play much really that way. 90% of time, all across day and night, outnumbered. and once u have a blob, enemy has at least two blobs on different maps. that is what really messes up the farming speed then. but i really did not notice that leather sells good? some pieces of it do, yes, but others don't sell that well. to make the real money in Wvw, it is anyways only about selling the stuff. mats like clovers, mystic coins, specific mats give huge money. most Wvw-exclusive stuff however barely make any, sadly. even memories of battle aren't that well-selling often.
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