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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > Just remove edge of the mists as a tab, and replace one of our two existing Alpine with it. Then we will have one alpine, one edge and one Desert which would bring edge of the mists and all its assets to use within WvW and would clean up the WvW tab. This would save them, time, effort and would saitiate the player-base for something new because SO FEW of the existing player base probably ever touched Edge of the mists. The players who used to play on it are few and far between, and we remember it was fun but for years its been abandoned. Just bring it into the fold... It has everything to be a good map. (Especially since we have gliding, so falling to your death won't be as prevalent unless CC'd because you can just glide and waypoint.


    > The mount would also make traversing it faster, but there were good fights on that map and tons of fun mechanics... its an good example of where WvW should of continued to go.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88775/world-vs-world-reborn#latest


    > ^ Other than that, all of this.




    1 alpine 1 desert 1 edge 1 eb.


    as for an over flow map make it so that it is simply king of hill. no structures nothing. just like that pit on pvp where everyone can try killing each other.


    no teams even. all is red


  2. > @"ThomasC.1056" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > it is relinking time. when will the links be posted?


    > I don't know where you are, but in EU, WvW relinks happen at reset, which should be in like 5 hours.


    ah in 5 hours for eu. so no early posting of new links?



  3. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > hire this guy


    > Lol, based on what? He just freely gave out his ideas. While it would be great to improve the new player experience (the "tutorials" have been lacking) much of these changes won't be practical in scope for the immediate future. We don't even have alliances...so I doubt ANET will get right on these.


    > D:


    it is my opinion.

  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > o.o i dont want to retire in eu.

    > Retire in the UK then, I hear they love sovereignty.


    > Either way if OP was refering to the *supporters* instead of the ones *actually playing* that makes the comparison all the more hilarious.


    > Because it shows that rivalry is just in the name they chant. Which seems rather shallow.


    i dont want to lead in eu server. huhu. i'm too soft.


    irl i love eu. <3 just sponsored my family to go there. they enjoyed it. =)

  5. > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > Funny comparison, considering soccer players move from team to team based on the highest bidder.


    > They sound like my ex


    > Ironic enough she with a soccer player now


    :< meh, poo

  6. > @"Sarrs.4831" said:

    > So I don't do much big group PvP and I don't really have much to add to that discussion but

    > Why is Reaper, which is supposed to be excellent in group fights with its Shouts, melee-oriented shroud and cleaving greatsword, outclassed in melee by Scourge, which are supposed to be ranged area denial?


    > Someone said earlier that Scourge does too much. It absolutely does. I don't mind it throwing out a Shade and crapping all over a group, that's its shtick, but it seems to do just about everything better than a Reaper when a Reaper should imo be a big scary pusher.


    some players know how to do it.

  7. bloodlust presence of keep and claim stats. any bonuses like these unless food has got to go. it benefits the bigger team too much.


    also ensure population of each server is not less than 50 as a total on all maps. getting overwhelmed with 5 only versus too many is disheartening.


    these are it in my eyes. the two most important issues.

  8. > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

    > Decided to hunt the post down I was referring to earlier: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85879/future-plans-competitive/p1


    > Basically what I've been wanting for WvW for a long long... Oh so very long time. Population balanced with plans to actually make "winning mean something". Along with plans for better rewards. Sounds absolutely amazing... Great news @Anet! Though, I don't see that happening with "24/7" matches. With 24/7 there is just too much room for real life to take away from any truly competitive nature otherwise to be had in a match. This should go without saying, but everybody's time is different and can/does change at any moment. Just gotta figure out a fair match time. Like I said I think matches should be approximately 1 hour for WvW, but hey.


    > If Anet can encourage and establish quality participation system for WvW. I think that will get them a lot farther with "World Restructuring" than without. If people lose... Well, they generally won't feel as bad because quality participation was encouraged and likely experienced. Similar to if you win, that would just feel better too knowing you actually won as a team because you actually played and participated as a team. And it should also go without saying that you can't have _quality_ population balance without _quality_ participation.


    > Anyways, I would really focus on the participation element if I were Anet and ways to make that a more enjoyable experience for all sides involved, but hey maybe that's just me :)


    a tier on all sides must have atleast 40 at all times.


    that is the minimum for wvw

  9. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > riffle berzerker <3 fun fun


    > I made up a cheese build thats a 1 trick pony last night (intentionally) with rifle, and if/when I nail the burst, holy geebus that damage. Had to play in a small group so i'm a little less noticeable lol.


    i do remember a condi build for rifle too, but i dont know if it will work still.

  10. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > N4 t4 has no players, it’s one full server vs several empty servers.



    > Hosts on t4 besides BG need to become links, nsp included.

    > Nsp has been linked with other empty server wich means populations still almost none.



    > Nsp needs to become a link.


    we be a link as we med pop now. i knew things would change since i lessened our raid to 4 hours instead of 6.


    i dont see some of our guys recently. so, probably they want to do something else.


    the change i did is learned to solo roam. since i cant raid pass 4pm.



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