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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > actually theres a thing called shared account where one account is played by atleast 2 ppl

    > >

    > > i.e. siblings, friends

    > >

    > > where i am from we call it piloting.

    > >

    > > i.e. i ask a friend to play my account, and do some mapcomp

    > Where I am from we call that breaking the ToS


    it used to be prolific too in computer shops where the owner would pilot for players with the return of x amount of levels etc. or certain accomplishments.


    but as always, care for things to be stolen so secure account, screen shot items etc, so the other party can be held liable.


    was a serious business years ago. atleast back in the early 2k

  2. > @"Danger Dave.9046" said:

    > My home server is Ehmry Bay and I'm wondering how often Ehmry Bay people move from server to server? Currently I am attached to Fort Aspenwood for wvw, which seems to be full of super unfriendly elitist people. Can't wait to get moved to a different server.

    > My next question is, since I'm part of Ehmry Bay I can't join any wvw guilds unless they are from Ehmry bay, right? I've asked a few people for invites and they've told me they got an error not letting them invite me to the guild, when I have an open guild spot.


    linking every before reset of the 2nd month.


    as for guild invite, anyone anywhere can invite you if they got perms.

  3. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > > I'll translate for you guys... New guy joins the WvW team and talks a big game and does nothing is what he said. It's just like Alliances.. get you hyped up without having to do anything Anet 101.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Well, Cal is like new lead #4 and they all make a thread then never reply again after day one.. So yeah pretty by the book

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Except he's been replying to threads a bit more.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Were ya'll expecting some gigantic, massive, ginormous balance patch that was going to flip and reinvent the meta and pvp gameplay on day one of the announcement of his new position? That isn't how that works. I'm just as annoyed at the current state of things as well, maybe more so considering *I don't really play anymore because of it*, but I'm reserving judgment until I see the big balance patch thats been hinted at and what they do in terms of balance release cadence afterwards.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Keep giving feedback on the current state of things, *real* feedback, with information, reasons, etc and give them the opportunity to parse through it. The changes GW2 needs to see in terms of PvP balance are not an overnight thing, as much as we might like them to be, and we found out about Cal being in his new position only a month ago.

    > > > >

    > > > > Cal may be fine.

    > > > >

    > > > > Point is, and has been, that for this area of the game it’s ‘here are some ideas’ then radio silence. And in some cases for years. Literally years.

    > > > >

    > > > > And have you read through the forum? I mean spent some time on this particular section?

    > > > >

    > > > > Feedback has been voluminous. To say the feedback now would be better than a year ago, or five is disingenuous at best. And that feedback has been all kinds of jumbled. Asking for more won’t help. It will be the same jumbled mess.

    > > > >

    > > > > Playing the mode regularly and experiencing the issues is what is needed and has been needed for years. A one hour stream once a week on occasion by people who barely know how to play their class is at best, laughable and at worst, insulting to be honest.

    > > > >

    > > > > Cal appears to be someone who has put some playtime in on the PvP side. That is appreciated.

    > > > >

    > > > > But the track record of people placed has been, well, sketchy would be a compliment compared to how it’s been.

    > > >

    > > > I'm aware of the radio silence problems.

    > > >

    > > > However my point isn't that feedback now is going to be any different, or better, its that posts like this are wholly unhelpful. I understand the impatience, I understand the frustration and I have been someone who is more than willing to throw ANet under the bus and be critical of their approach to balance updates and their contents. **But** I'm not going to go and continue that trend until I **see** what will happen under the new management. I want to **see** what the upcoming balance updates will do, and if things at that point will change, and all I am doing is echoing that sentiment to the people who are making these posts; posts that do *literally nothing*. Its like posting "I ate bread today" on Twitter.

    > > >

    > > > If people want to post feedback and have it be seen, ideally so that the devs don't have to go digging for actual *relevant* and *coherent* feedback threads on these forums as they get completely *buried* under the even more numerous threads like this...then I highly suggest that people do so in an actual *helpful* way. Not this "ball ents potch wen?" stuff. Which that is exactly the problem, it *is* all jumbled, its all lost in the forums under everything else. Those kinds of threads get buried pretty quickly, and some even devolve into petty nonsense between specific individuals.

    > > >

    > > > Don't get me wrong, my expectations are *low* in terms of what will be seen, as they usually are and have been with this game over the past several years. I know people just want to see their complaints echoed and a post like mine will get scoffed at as "fanboy" because, in essence, I'm suggesting for people to be patient for something that has taken *years* to still *not* happen and we still don't know much more about it.

    > > >

    > > > Make threads that will actually be helpful and are able to be noticed, makes their job easier when looking for feedback.

    > > >

    > > > If the game is bothering people that much, as it has bothered me for such a long time, do what I'm doing and take a break...play something else and wait for the balance patch to hit to see how much of an impact it makes, or begins to make but also temper your expectations as I get the feeling it might just be the start of iterative changes over time, though hopefully with a faster release schedule.

    > >

    > > you are speaking for the devs?


    > In what way am I speaking for the devs? I'm giving my own perspective on it and simply offering a suggestion(s). That is it.


    how does your suggestion help?

  4. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > I'll translate for you guys... New guy joins the WvW team and talks a big game and does nothing is what he said. It's just like Alliances.. get you hyped up without having to do anything Anet 101.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well, Cal is like new lead #4 and they all make a thread then never reply again after day one.. So yeah pretty by the book

    > > >

    > > > Except he's been replying to threads a bit more.

    > > >

    > > > Were ya'll expecting some gigantic, massive, ginormous balance patch that was going to flip and reinvent the meta and pvp gameplay on day one of the announcement of his new position? That isn't how that works. I'm just as annoyed at the current state of things as well, maybe more so considering *I don't really play anymore because of it*, but I'm reserving judgment until I see the big balance patch thats been hinted at and what they do in terms of balance release cadence afterwards.

    > > >

    > > > Keep giving feedback on the current state of things, *real* feedback, with information, reasons, etc and give them the opportunity to parse through it. The changes GW2 needs to see in terms of PvP balance are not an overnight thing, as much as we might like them to be, and we found out about Cal being in his new position only a month ago.

    > >

    > > Cal may be fine.

    > >

    > > Point is, and has been, that for this area of the game it’s ‘here are some ideas’ then radio silence. And in some cases for years. Literally years.

    > >

    > > And have you read through the forum? I mean spent some time on this particular section?

    > >

    > > Feedback has been voluminous. To say the feedback now would be better than a year ago, or five is disingenuous at best. And that feedback has been all kinds of jumbled. Asking for more won’t help. It will be the same jumbled mess.

    > >

    > > Playing the mode regularly and experiencing the issues is what is needed and has been needed for years. A one hour stream once a week on occasion by people who barely know how to play their class is at best, laughable and at worst, insulting to be honest.

    > >

    > > Cal appears to be someone who has put some playtime in on the PvP side. That is appreciated.

    > >

    > > But the track record of people placed has been, well, sketchy would be a compliment compared to how it’s been.


    > I'm aware of the radio silence problems.


    > However my point isn't that feedback now is going to be any different, or better, its that posts like this are wholly unhelpful. I understand the impatience, I understand the frustration and I have been someone who is more than willing to throw ANet under the bus and be critical of their approach to balance updates and their contents. **But** I'm not going to go and continue that trend until I **see** what will happen under the new management. I want to **see** what the upcoming balance updates will do, and if things at that point will change, and all I am doing is echoing that sentiment to the people who are making these posts; posts that do *literally nothing*. Its like posting "I ate bread today" on Twitter.


    > If people want to post feedback and have it be seen, ideally so that the devs don't have to go digging for actual *relevant* and *coherent* feedback threads on these forums as they get completely *buried* under the even more numerous threads like this...then I highly suggest that people do so in an actual *helpful* way. Not this "ball ents potch wen?" stuff. Which that is exactly the problem, it *is* all jumbled, its all lost in the forums under everything else. Those kinds of threads get buried pretty quickly, and some even devolve into petty nonsense between specific individuals.


    > Don't get me wrong, my expectations are *low* in terms of what will be seen, as they usually are and have been with this game over the past several years. I know people just want to see their complaints echoed and a post like mine will get scoffed at as "fanboy" because, in essence, I'm suggesting for people to be patient for something that has taken *years* to still *not* happen and we still don't know much more about it.


    > Make threads that will actually be helpful and are able to be noticed, makes their job easier when looking for feedback.


    > If the game is bothering people that much, as it has bothered me for such a long time, do what I'm doing and take a break...play something else and wait for the balance patch to hit to see how much of an impact it makes, or begins to make but also temper your expectations as I get the feeling it might just be the start of iterative changes over time, though hopefully with a faster release schedule.


    you are speaking for the devs?

  5. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > Lately I've been having issues winning these fights.


    > At least a 95% uptime on 25 might, awesome mobility, awesome damage, barrier and heals for days (i would get them to like 10% and next thing ya know, back up to 100%) and cleanses.


    > A condi mirage and a DPS ranger couldn't take them down. There was also a self stealth as well (didnt know weavers can do that).


    > Any idea how to fight these god mode weavers?


    using best food?

  6. bunker on wells, that would melt the war.


    scourge can well fear the guy off. else, you can risk one rev to staff 5 him. the cc should be enough.


    staff 5 on scourge is also fear. just dont forget to make marks ublockable.


    there's always the guard's staff 5, shield 5 or hammer 5. even banish or f1 3 on fb. the idea is dont fight on the warrior's strength or.that team's.


    if you want a sustain scourge team, you can rotate scourges doing f4 every so and so seconds and you probably will never die.

  7. > @"chilled.6794" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > i thought pll wanted the warrior train back. :/ guess they want easy carries.


    > Why would anyone want stacking bubbles. It‘s just too much value for doing nothing. Defense is just insanely strong, when it comes to survivalbility and it should stay like this, because without warrior is kitten.



    i dont know. we rarely have warriors when we raid and we make do beating teams with warriors.

  8. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > I think the biggest thing the wvw meta lacks... is a counter. everyone runs the same thing cuz its really effective. there is no counter to it, so we see meta staling and the same types of encounters happening over and over. its funny since the game was balanced around counters but in large scale there are none. buff aoe I guess lol idk.


    mmm kind of true. who ever falls for the fake push trap dies. pirate ship is really strong if blob versus.


    fb rev weaver scourge x

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