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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > to be fair wvw is not a starting zone. its the end game but is accessible to all for little requirements.

    > >

    > > you dont become op if you dont use the lamer builds. all pk games are like that.

    > >

    > > its not the builds you fancy that makes it work but the counter to the enemy you face.

    > >

    > > and you cant win all the time unless you learn the game.

    > >

    > > less whining :< and spend time learning the game mechanics.

    > >

    > > the only ppl who dominate here are those who synergize.

    > >


    > It's unfortunate because not many are willing to learn or step outside of their comfort zone (not aimed at anyone in particular, just players in general).


    it is unfortunate. all games got a learning curve and gw2 is one of those that teaches us thru the stories

  2. > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > Hi girls and guys!


    > I am looking for a good WvW NA server. I mean I am looking for a server where are many ppl who are playing WvW.

    > I want to move from EU server to NA server, due to the fact I am living in Canada now.

    > My playtime is 7PM-10PM Pacific time in the middle of the week and 8AM-1PM, 6PM-2AM (depends) in Weekend.

    > Thank you in advance for any info regarding this matter.


    go to gw2 stats, check the time zone with the most activity. join that =)

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > i miss the super lazer.

    > It was good *in theory*, if it had only done some damage and on garri specifically so that it turned into a larger battle for defending garri or taking the gun... But nope *all* enemy doors was opened at T0 and badly damage otherwise


    > The fact you could basicly cheat the item collection requirement and that the entire border became unplayable due to lag didnt help.



    mmm... we need beta testing. :/

  4. to be fair wvw is not a starting zone. its the end game but is accessible to all for little requirements.


    you dont become op if you dont use the lamer builds. all pk games are like that.


    its not the builds you fancy that makes it work but the counter to the enemy you face.


    and you cant win all the time unless you learn the game.


    less whining :< and spend time learning the game mechanics.


    the only ppl who dominate here are those who synergize.


  5. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > wish the equipment and build templates were accountbound. >3<


    > Id probably even buy some more slots if it wasnt just characterbound.

    > I understand they need to make money... But this is just too cheesy.


    it's like the extra slots of bag slots and the character stuff. it's a nice addition since i carry a lot of stuff in my inventory, and i didn't really need this. but, it sucks that something good comes in - character bound not account bound.

  6. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > I never bothered with the ArcDPS build templates, so they are new to me in practice.


    > I like the idea and already have some different builds I would like to use in WvW. I would switch depending on the situation and the enemy's class and even rough build. I play mainly thief, and like with other classes, there are different builds that work better in fights against specific classes. My all purpose build used to be staff/PP Daredevil full berserker. There is almost no necro that can beat this, so this would be my preferred setup when I approach a camp and I'm about to fight a sitting duck necro.


    > Now, if I see a Guardian taking that camp, my build is much less useful with all those defensive capabilities Guardian has. If we are similarily skilled players, I'll certainly lose. The idea is to quickly switch to a more proper build before engaging.


    > That makes two build template slots occupied already, I guess you already see where I'm going here. Fighting a Ranger also requires another setup, same with a couple of other classes. Not to mention players want at least a roaming and a zerg build, right? The best duelling build is also not the best build to quickly cap camps. What about Revenants and Guardians, even more templates needed to stay competitive.


    > The point is that you have to expect other people buying all template slots possible and always be ready to have the best counter-build at hand to fight you. If you do not buy more slots, you are restricted to having the same power for only 2 other classes you fight, besides your all-purpose build.


    > In a competitive setting like WvW, it will soon be a significant disadvantage to not have the maximum number of slots. The game was always promoted under the premise that gem store items do not provide a competitive advantages but are mere cosmetics.


    > In the case of build templates, at least in WvW, I don't see how the build templates are merely cosmetics. The more you have, the greater the competitive advantage.


    of course. it favors those with money. and so you got to focus on only 1 char at a time to build and grow.

  7. > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > Times are changing. I feel like a lot of people complain about the good old days. Like we are a bunch of old guys sitting at a restaurant sharing remember when stories. While the youth is looking at us laughing secretly saying in their head, "Get with the times nothing stays the same". I've found that no matter how much I want things to be like the days of Old it just is never going to happen. Things get harder and easier we just have to adapt. Especially with the ebb and flow of the WvW player base which I believe is the main reason for these camps. We just don't have coverage like we used to...


    it is similar, my experience. and my guys are indeed not young anymore. :/



  8. yes for nsp, just need to learn to set aside ego and try what commanders bring into the field.


    as it was in the begining and always, servers live or die based on the quality of commanders and pugs following.


    scouts roamers havok - should always be just the 5 to 10%.


    et is a good link.

  9. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > > I wonder why they don't use "LOW"


    > They probably don't want to do anything that makes it seem like the game mode isn't doing well.


    it is like starbucks, you use tall grande venti instead of small, extra small, or micro size. because bigger is better. @..@


    hence no empty, very low, low.

  10. > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > > > @"Forty Keks.9620" said:

    > > > > finally no more NSP. dragonbrand holding every bit of our territory ALL WEEK. ridiculous and only serves to show that WvW needs alliances FAST

    > > >

    > > > No it showed the server who doesn't play Halloween as much wins. I chose the 30g an hour instead of my 14 WvW hours. But hey your on super active Kain. I'm sure you will be an asset to your new host.

    > >

    > > to be fair, if kaineng/nsp joined coms and run the basic fb scourge the week would have been different. :P but not many did, and i salute the few who tried to commit.


    > You can't motivate the dead :(



    hehe, that i can't.

  11. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > @"Forty Keks.9620" said:

    > > finally no more NSP. dragonbrand holding every bit of our territory ALL WEEK. ridiculous and only serves to show that WvW needs alliances FAST


    > No it showed the server who doesn't play Halloween as much wins. I chose the 30g an hour instead of my 14 WvW hours. But hey your on super active Kain. I'm sure you will be an asset to your new host.


    to be fair, if kaineng/nsp joined coms and run the basic fb scourge the week would have been different. :P but not many did, and i salute the few who tried to commit.

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