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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > > > There' no reason not to. Stomping is neigh impossible in WvW and almost never worth it VS cleaving anymore. Weren't they only removed because of quickness revive anyway? Bring back quickness stomp (don't bring back quickness revive) There are so many ways to revive players (stealth, downed teleport, revival skills, mercy runes, etc.) but NOTHING that helps players finish off the player that some people argue should already be dead (no downstate).

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Oh and while we're at it.... REMOVE mount stomp. It's disgusting. That skill should only deal damage. Mount stomp removes any possibility of a small group ever beating a larger group. A mount is basically an infinite defiance bar and 10k barrier. This is bad for the game in every way, cmon now - it shouldn't stomp players. And when a sentry that marked you dies - it should remove the marked effect. Let's make WvW alive again please. Too many mechanics are against low mans. We'll move on to invulnerable fortifications after all this gets changed, too.

    > >

    > > *"There is NOTHING that helps players stomp players so lets REMOVE the OP mount stomp.*"

    > >

    > > Really... is this what WvW discussions has become...


    > Yes it's sad isn't it? None of the WvW veterans wanted mounts _at all_ and with a dwindling playerbase there is still a vocal minority who defends mounts on the forums, not understanding what such "additions" have done to roaming/havock and WvW as a whole.


    > Other such "additions" include the marked mechanic (needs to be removed if the sentry is killed and it'll be fine) tier 3 objectives being impossible to even go near (this means a borderland with tier 3 keeps/towers means you just flip camps - shoutouts to Jade Quarry) and for those who are new to GW2 such as yourself, the borderlands bloodlust was also very hated and contributed to the death of GvG. Even this many years later, it should still be changed to do something other than a stat increase.


    i am a vet. i wanted mounts. i roam too. @,..,@ i'm a commander formost. some ppl are just too lazy to use gorilla tactics or ask players for a one on one.


    but i dislike bloodlust so much. its anti few.

  2. > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"MELORD.5013" said:

    > > > WvW nowadays is just an AoE spam fiesta and it feels bad

    > > > broken classes specially the pof ones

    > > > i hope the new team will balance some of it

    > >

    > > to be fair, wvw has always been about aoe spam. but now 111 spam is less.


    > To be more fair, wvw was les aoe and skill spammy before HoT and it's powercreep that came with elite specs and such.

    because we used 111 that hit 5 ppl :P


  3. > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > actually mounts are really good for gankers. if u got a good duo. both stealth if push = down. mouunt pounce = win.

    > >

    > > and ppl wanted perma downs. well u got ur mounts now.

    > >

    > > also wvw will be slower without mounts. less ppl will probably play


    > Ya. Mounts are good for outnumbering opponents, as I said. They can keep the mounts. Just remove the stomp.


    > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > How does it affect you? What could you do before these 3 things and what can't you do now? What class/spec you play. That would tell me if these are indeed WvW issues or just you play style being affected issues


    > I play every class.


    > Before the removal of quickness stomps, a group of 5 could target one in a group of 15 and quickness stomp him.

    > Sentries simply shouldn't keep you marked when they are killed. The very purpose of the design behind sentries is to kill them if you don't want to be marked. Therefore, sentries don't currently work the way that they logically should.


    actually not my point. 2 v many can be evil with 2 stealth 1 bursts 1 mounts after 1 is down and bombs. :3 of course this can be abused by more. and since ppl wanted down state - mounts pounce is downstate with extra steps

  4. me.


    1. tournaments a go

    2. server kickout instead of relinking so ppl can choose where to stack

    3. allow race change and class change

    4. no 1 hit ever. if hit hits life at max is 90% then 5s invul. if player cant survive after, he deserves to die.

    5. no upgrade on gates walls.

    6. sieges can be placed at certain areas only

    7. guild ranking

    8. commander tonic

    9. gvg a dev team events

    10. devs are required atleast 8 hours of game time per week.




  5. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > How different would zerg battles be if these two classes were disabled from the mode until their properly fixed. hypothetically of course.

    > >

    > > it's going to be more of a pirate ship thing. lots of revs, eles, rangers, mesmers, and even warriors will be using rifle or bow. it'll be very boring if no one pushes


    > Well I donno I'd be alot more inclined to go in for some melee fights if fb wasnt boon farting loading up there zerg and scourges wernt spreading death carpets throughout and around its zerg at a rediculous rate. Just me though lol.

    > Rev and ele bombs are more manageable in my opinion.


    well it's always ok to try. :3

  6. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > scourge is nothing, they are super squishy, the core problem is the fbs, a single good fb can carry 4 trashy team mates in pvp arena just show how powerful they are


    > i feel the problem is fb's capability to not only sustain others but themselves, if Anet thrower a spanner to make Guardians need to sacrifice self sustain for group sustain, perhaps that will make more interesting gameplay


    that is asking for 2 fbs in a group

  7. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > How different would zerg battles be if these two classes were disabled from the mode until their properly fixed. hypothetically of course.


    it's going to be more of a pirate ship thing. lots of revs, eles, rangers, mesmers, and even warriors will be using rifle or bow. it'll be very boring if no one pushes

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