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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > if u guys want ud go to the blobiest server. get on necro then staff away


    > That's the same as having gone to diamond legend in EoTM though.


    rip eotm. you will be missed. /f for support.

  2. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > Last month I saw 5 roamers jump on a recruit rank PvE guy trying to do his dailies and then proceed to comment that his skill was terrible.

    > I told them if they wanted a good fight, there are a few skilled enemy roamers in the middle map ganking players going by.

    > They ignored me and avoided riding past the middle map :s



    you attack where your opponent is weak. =)

  3. note ppl boon rip is not only the war. you get hit from revs, sigil of absorp on interup, necros. @,..@ this dome is simply visible


    what to do if in war bubble


    1. food -10% damage

    2. rotgd

    3. scrap bulwark

    4. stun break dodge out

    5. cc the war since it is a cast spell.

    6. guard strength in nos.

    7. necro warrior barrier

    huddle with healer for dodge heals and blasting waters.


    if ur team in good position inc war gets ccd before goes to u.

  4. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > o.o so its back to this again.


    > Yeah "nerf hammer rev damage" will be back in rotation of things to complain about soon too I'm sure.


    i thought pll wanted the warrior train back. :/ guess they want easy carries.



  5. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > @"shiri.4257" said:

    > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > > > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > > > > Does ANET even look at the actual WvW population when they create these "teams"? Why is Maguuma and SBI together? This month is such a waste.

    > > >

    > > > Do you guys bother to take a moment and think about it before asking questions like this? The population for both were on medium at relinks, how are they suppose to know when and where players bandwagon? Maybe players should control themselves for a change and stop jumping ship every two months.

    > > > Or hey maybe CL and the sea guilds should give Anet a heads up next time huh.

    > >

    > > I heard people transfer for "more fights" and the "community." is this still true?


    > It is laughable it has nothing to with fights ,the so called fight servers sit in towers until they outnumber and then come out to blob down which is their way of calling it fights. The game is all about PPT regardless of "fights" dead time zones are ktrains. Even blob v blob once one blob gets done in 3 times they leave .


    fight servers blob :p

  6. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but there is no balance to be had with these types of designs. This is what needs to be done... Yes, I know, a change would require other adjustments, but the team should start here and start caring about competitive balance for profession designs a bit more...

    > >

    > > - Thief- Get rid of Initiative and put skills on lower recharge timers.

    > >

    > > - Necro- Shrouds are now stances. Stances are maintained until downed or manually exited. That’s it.

    > >

    > > - Druid- Celestial Avatar form is now a stance. This stance is maintained until downed or manually exited. That’s it.

    > >

    > > - Revenant- No more energy mechanics. All skills function on recharge timer only. Facets, and a couple others, exist for a set duration of time.

    > >

    > > Again, I know other adjustments need to be made for such changes, but we need to get this stuff under control and make improvements for all areas of the game.


    > I came into this thread thinking it would be preposterous, but these are 100% solid suggestions. Great job, Swagger! You can be my dev any day!


    pay swagger money

  7. > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

    > Played for 1-1/2 years from beta, reached rank 333. But that was because I was a tower or keep scout. I stayed in position, defended, and watched my location that I was assigned to. Lot of the scouts had very very low rank during the early years. Due to one event, won't get into, went into Edge of the Mist, and nearly quadrupled my rank in same amount of time. When went back into EB and the Borderlands after the Legendary backpiece arrived. Did a little scouting, and was given "Participation" because it was the thing. However, commanders no longer give participation because they want full combat zerg, so ….no scouts, defenders, or people keeping an eye out on the enemy. So scouts really can't rank up without participation. Probably why you don't have as many eyes as you used to. No rewards for just sitting around watching stuff. No loot. No participation....no rank increase. So...no Legendary Backpiece or Legendary armor for some, and you only get that with combat. Or with participation which is no longer a thing. So ….combat = rewards+rank. No combat, no participation, no rewards - no rank.


    you can always ask for participation. but if the team is small, you know why they wont give it. they need all the numbers to fight and probably cant defend

  8. actually you cant force others to accept you. :/ unless you decide to be the commander and lead, so you can choose your own composition.


    got to meet ppl half way here.


    i.e. people demand a lot from me to open tag, but i do not, because i end up lecturing how easy it is to beat the opposition if we just zerg.


    also if the situation is hopeless, and i let things go because the ppl around me wont zerg up, you then get blamed for the loss of x y z when they wont even be on you? people should command and see how difficult it is fighting many.


    so i just run my small hidden tag. i know what we can do and face so, we dont get stressed over outnumbered situation and has been pretty pleasant.


    still many demand open tag, and i just say no.


    although as how i run things, i dont mind a ranger as long as it has smokescale. no smokescale, no slot.

  9. i suggested in the past a similar to diablo 3 seasons.


    every season, each of us will need to sign up for wvw thus allocated to server A B C and we start fresh. no advantage over each other, except probably our food and wvw gear.


    we all got to work for ranks again but this time these are gotten more easier. and after each season, these are added to your original toon's rank.


    think about it.

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