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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > Back when WvW had a team, you would see them all the time, most were on a few servers, and every time we were matched with them, I would see their tag. However, they don't HAVE to run the tag, they can turn off the rep and look like anyone else. You would often only see them with the tag on while zerging, reason being is when they would roam with the tag on people would hunt them so hard, some people would even pay gold to other players to kill them. It was all fun and games, but if you are playing for enjoyment, or to better understand the game you work on, having 15-20 people all over the map looking JUST for you, calling you out when you are spotted on the map.....Would get old fast. It also would not let you experience the game in the way everyone else does.


    > Now, if the new balance WvW team does, and how much they play, well, thats something only they can answer. Also, as someone else said, just because you see a anet tag does not mean they have any say in WvW, they may have NOTHING to do with the skills or WvW team.


    to be fair there is an achieve so, its nothing personal :p


    and if they feeling being hunted, then - welcome to how we feel in unfair populated scenarios. i.e. jq/hod vs tc vs nsp/et. where we defend with 10 against queues ^^ (backcap onli, can't really defend)

  2. > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Yeah cuz guards, soulbeast, holo, weavers and chrono's dont soak up insane damage when built for it among others especially in today's game. Least warrior is basic and strait forward making them easy to predict.

    > > What does the community want? A warrior that is good at melee but takes less damage than half the builds that exists in the game on other classes? It's a fricken warrior class. U want to lower warrior sustain there better be a huge sustain nerf swept across most classes when the warrior gets his sustain lowered.


    > I think most people would simply be happy with not allowing warriors to run and out of zergs completely unscathed. Lower their mobility, and lower their invulnerables, or at the very least do not allow them to attack with any type of invulnerable active.


    if build to do this, all classes can di it. just time the shield and dodge and have a stun break and energy sigil.


    maybe not necro. ah it can too with barrier and that green thing

  3. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > retreat guard skill should be called advance!!!

    > > >

    > > > "i dont retreat, i simply advance in the opposite direction"

    > >

    > > make guards scream, you cannot advance

    > >


    > Change 'Retreat' to 'Re-deploy'.



    or just deploy.


    > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > retreat guard skill should be called advance!!!


    > No because you don't know who the Guardian is yelling at. The Guardian could be telling the enemy to retreat


    could be? come on :p there is no could be when you fight and commNd.

  4. will hold our first try this friday philippine time 10pm it is plus 8gmt. or 12pm to 2pm server time.


    putting in a two hour lag in case i need to woo my son to sleep. so i can organize the event. i will shout it out in la too, to see if ppl find interest.


    come if free. spent time with me and my troops and lets have some in house organized team v team. (na only though).


    if we can get atleast 10ppl in discord to coordinate this, it will catch on.


    why friday?


    day before reset. so we dont have that much wvw obligation.

  5. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > You'll have to set it up to streamline any prep so people aren't loosing steam waiting and you'll have to be prepared to just make a call and run with it, or it becomes an ingame job like organized raids can become. In Age of Conan I felt like rage quitting after every guild siege but there was a harvesting and production payoff if you're crafters and gathers owned one of those plots in the border map. For awhile there had been cooperation in the planning between sides and within alliances to try to include people and to try to avoid drama but eventually I shook all that off and downsized to my guild+trusted floaters and honed our preparation and real time teamwork around whatever the game mechanics offered even if they were buggy and lacking.


    > I think you'd have better options for gvg in the long run if we try to inject the devs with solid ideas to ride in ontop of alliances because ultimately as populations move around the ingame systems are what will carry the backend regardless of how invigorated event planners can be. But I also think it's worth at least getting momentum on something, even if it starts out small and janky, to build a community around it. Good luck, sounds aggravating and fun. If it bombs here and there laugh it off and have fun with it and make corrections, better than nothing going on.


    =) indeed. hope it would be a fun hour or two and becomes a regular thing not only for me but others too.

  6. > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

    > it will never work sinsce 99% of wvw players just want to blob ppl down with # they dont care about gvg fair fight.


    not everyone will do it, but i've talked to a few who are willing - we may already have our first match this friday - but probably just 5v5 or something. we'll see. to those who want to blob up, well, not much i can do about it. :/ this is a community thing based on players agreement. an in house pub game that requires only consent. your server/guild won't matter here because anyone can go to team A or B.

  7. > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

    > Just a tip

    > Maybe make a shared Excel list for guilds, timeslote etc and tabs on different scales of fights

    > Try to coöperatie with guildleaders or representaties to fill in the sheets for their guildy


    > Gonna take a lot of time now but Will safe a lot of effort and communications through you


    > <3 hope IT works out a bit


    yes. google sheets ftw. =) i recall being competitive in starcraft 2. and that sotis game was really fun, like dota and or lol.


    it roughly took us 5 minutes or so to organize on fights and agree on rules.


    i hope its doable here to since some players are indeed serious in somethings.


    of course some will say casual x x x but, in house games are fun.

  8. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > should have no daredevil rule lol


    hehe if you guys agree to it. =)


    > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Then do it. Nothing stopping you.


    > Well except most people dont want to spend 2 hours organizing a 2m fight that will probably end in disappointment.


    well most people play farmville in the day.


    actually i will test drive this for a month for na. so for those interested. just send me mail. lets hope we can coordinate atleast 1 fight in na. and hopefully make new friends.


    in the least 1 5v5 is a start imo. baby steps. from there, can probably use an existing discord etc. we'll see.



  9. This is an idea that popped in my head as I recall my old days fighting for private competitions in starcraft 2 sotis.


    Why not have a public discord for opposing servers where players who want to do pub gvg can have players who want to do it discuss the match with the opposition and have fights.


    and i mean not wvw capture pron but, have an organized 5 v 5 10v10 15 v 15 and not just guilds, you can rotate members and players provided in coms.




    we got server a b c go to discord and they name self i from a b or c


    we want to do 10v10 or 10v10v10 so ppl in discord choose a driver base on vote.


    2 person 3 people choosen chooses from their pool the players in their server to join the organized skirmish and play.


    i mean this bypasses our wait for the alliance when we can do this now and organize.


    although i hope this already exists. think about it.


    get ppl from all sides in coms and have regular gvgs and doesnt have to be per guild but you can randomly choose ppl to so more ppl get into it.


    best done in the guild arena so anyone can vote for a driver and all players from all interested servers can play.


    you can organize this now.


    go to discord. ppl who want to do it. talk.


    choose 2 drivers.


    drivers, choose your team mates.


    who is left out. sorry hehe.


    if there is enough ppl many can do this at the same time.


    then fight. =)


    make rules like.


    1. ok no invis

    2. no more than 1 fb per 5 players

    3. only 1 scourge per 5

    4. no commander sniping

    5. commander dies, x team wins or y team

    6. no stacking runes of the grove


    etc etc


    what about the loot?


    well... go pve for that. do this after you do dailies


    i'll dedicate fridays for this for those interested. so, help me out. day before reset i'm sure ppl would like to duke it out and make friends. hehe.


    it will be difficult to organize too but it has to start somewhere.


    send me a mail if interested.


  10. :/ everyone will be range when this happens. gg




    the way to adapt right now is ppl outnumber u is to let them have it. and go elsewhere.


    let them be bored with no bags.


    yet some are simply happy to rotate the capture of stuff. keke


    eotm babya



  11. > @"Viral.4903" said:

    > Thank you EGIS for GvG'ing with us!

    > Again, forgot to record the first half but they went pretty much the same as these (EGIS rolled us):



    hehe still processing

  12. > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

    > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > Great. But what does necro get back for these insane nerfs?

    > >

    > > Nothing?

    > >

    > > Wheres the guardian nerfs?

    > > - way to many boons and support + way to much dmg from burn guards

    > >

    > > Do they get deleted as well?

    > >

    > > Also where's necro buffs for pve?

    > > Cause that will make necro not worth playing in any gamemode


    > I think Reaper and vanilla necro got enough feathers recently lol


    vanila necro is super strong right now.


    =) <3 its love.


    sould blood curses. loving it.

  13. devs got to find a way where there is a working population on all sides.


    it sucks where you got 6 and the enemy is queue and not only on 1 border but atleast 2. :/


    also it does not help that there is no incentive to help each other since you cant trully know a person for 2 months. like the bonds you make per link is superfcial.


    and knowing that diablo 4 is coming out soon, i am sure wvw will be empty. >.<

  14. > @"Ziggyoom.9124" said:

    > new player to wvw and having a hard time and would love some advice.

    > which profession and build is the best in terms of new player friendly for wvw , i want to be able to kill some one once in a blue moon at least

    > thank you for your time :)


    revenant herald


    assassin glint.


    staff hammer. pretty simple backline game play. =)


    i dont know any easier class to play.

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