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Posts posted by Sovereign.1093

  1. > @"anonymous.7812" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > blob v blob is still pirate ship. so, range meta will still work. it is still better than melee.

    > >

    > > scourge will have to play like an ele or mele scourge. but f1 bomb is still doable if the com is not bad.

    > >

    > > you will have to have meteors revs

    > >

    > > i tell you

    > >

    > > 1 in 5

    > >

    > > quick brand

    > > alacrity rev

    > > stealth scrap

    > > scourge

    > > weaver

    > >

    > > you'll need 1 war for defense bubble 1 in 10

    > >

    > > team pirate chips

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Yes this is fine in unorganized pug blob fights. Any decent organized group puppies all over pirate ships.


    50v50? or qv q? i dont think so



    1 hour 19 minutes in. is their skrim.


    here's an example a good example:


    bez probably is one of the best eu commanders. his team killed mine so many times over and over when i used to lead in desolation. there's three teams i can't say i can beat head on without gimiks and his team is one. the other is that riverside pirate ship blob. and that commander who's really patient. but even him is having problems in the isle fights because he can't easily push the team's millions of ae (and this is after the patch)




    BASIC of how it's done for those who want.


    first image is basic attack. buff stealth push bomb. 80% of enemies die from this.

    to counter by doing counter bomb - stealth move back and gamble on pirate shiping the enemy who'll die before they g et to you. 50% of the enemies fall for this.

    the 3rd method is to bait and push. this is so those who use counter bombs will waste their bombs and then you can push like that in the video only that the bombs refresh so fast because of the number of aes. and a trick i tell you - alacrity. love your revs and fire brands. they are the pillars.

  2. blob v blob is still pirate ship. so, range meta will still work. it is still better than melee.


    scourge will have to play like an ele or mele scourge. but f1 bomb is still doable if the com is not bad.


    you will have to have meteors revs


    i tell you


    1 in 5


    quick brand

    alacrity rev

    stealth scrap




    you'll need 1 war for defense bubble 1 in 10


    team pirate chips




  3. > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

    > In solo/smallscale fights I think the only necro build that really poses a threat would be core condition. Most run stuff like power Reaper or some form of minion master though, so they're usually a free kill.


    and some run a bad scourge, where they spam f1 first. cooldown rotation makes it less mobile unless they run the port tele thing x worm and green armor skill (forgot the names.)


    i got to try playing it again.

  4. > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:


    > > gvg was fun. but not as fun when wvw was tournaments.


    > GvG, while it had it's flaws, was something that was created by the players. It's too bad that Anet didn't embrace it.


    > The tournaments brought out everything bad with WvW. Massive shifts in players/guilds before the tournament started. Tons of PvE players looking for rewards who didn't even want to learn how to play the game mode. Season two had the 2v1 against BG in response to season one. By season three nobody really cared anymore because we'd already seen the worst. The permanent population decline after each tournament added insult to injury.


    > Anet should have realized that the players want to know that what they do matters, that what they do has an affect on the outcome of the match. The years of neglect only helped the player exodus.


    actually, the tournament is the only thing good about wvw. :/ gvg may or may not need anet recognition since we players can set it up. but tournaments that official

  5. > @"MELORD.5013" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > mmmm makes me wonder how eu is now. :3 i wonder if they catched up to na in skill.

    > i play in both NA and Eu

    > and you can't compare Eu wvw with NA

    > Eu Has much better players



    i'm talking about gvgs. when was the last time eu beat na? when ep visited a long time ago?

  6. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > Because most of you solo dudes looking for fights only run some op or cheeze build and spend your entire day jumping players and either killing them quickly or god forbid you get a good fight and start losing you easily disengage and mobility off because it wasn't an easy fight. You run w ascended food 18 plus 5 infusions a pure single target pvp spec which is nerfed in spvp so you can only run it in wvw. Your day is 30-1 record except the times you get adds and that's so unfair because they all should line up and 1v1 and get slaughtered so you cry no one wants to fight. NO it's we play the mode the way it designed to with taking and defending objectives killing whoever but eventually we learn the guys that run the instant they losing and just ignore them or team up to jump them because they constantly attack newer or average skill players all day. Looking at eb guy gutz guy and any ie member and dozens of others we learn are a waste of our time unless nothing going on or we bored


    oh those super ranger team with nike shoes. @,..@ hehe. no hate they a pain but they, i believe is all they got at a certain time zone.

  7. > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > > > @"Sansar.1302" said:

    > > > > Why do so few people care about figthing?

    > > >

    > > > Way back in the day, there was a time when people stopped playing for objectives and declared, "We only play for fights".

    > > > Buoyed by an air of exuberance and the cult of personality that sprung up around charismatic leaders, a revolution happened in WvW. Scouts and objectives were ignored and giant zergs clashed across fields of the borderlands.

    > > > It turned out that after one side dominated the other for a period of time, they would lose a person here or there, people took the opportunity of being at spawn to go and do something IRL. They would lose people as they lost fights. Players would leave, zergs would shrink and be uncompetitive.

    > > > People didn't like being repeatedly wiped, they felt they couldn't compete.

    > > > The big problem came with POF. When the damage is so unforgivingly high, dominance by one side becomes absolute. Fights became one-pushes.

    > > > With no hope of good fights, the charismatic commanders lost interest. Their cults fell apart.

    > > > That's why so few people care about fighting. In a word: POF.

    > > >

    > > > Let's not remember how nasty the Fights people could be to their own teammates: Supposedly "hardcore" WvWers played for an hour or two a night, whereas dedicated, vigilant scouts who played for vastly longer were laughingly demonised as "casuals".

    > > > I'm getting off-topic now so I'll stop.

    > >

    > > the we only play for fights thing came about because we were too poor to buy siege. :P it was an excuse.

    > >

    > > true fights = organized i challenge you, lets meet in os/arena/eotm. :3

    > >

    > > skrims are fun though, it's like - hey bro, want to do a play date?


    > Playing for fights came about because of Glicko Hell. The tiers were locked and you played against the same opponents month after month and the results were not going to change so commanders started to talk to each other and setup open field fights which eventually led to GvG. It was the golden age of WvW.


    well since they killed tournaments we didnt really have much to do except gvg. and like i said, organized fights. because some or most of us didnt do pve and couldnt afford all the siege.


    hell, we did daily jump puzzles for siege and had a community siege stash.


    gvg was fun. but not as fun when wvw was tournaments.

  8. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"Sansar.1302" said:

    > > Why do so few people care about figthing?


    > Way back in the day, there was a time when people stopped playing for objectives and declared, "We only play for fights".

    > Buoyed by an air of exuberance and the cult of personality that sprung up around charismatic leaders, a revolution happened in WvW. Scouts and objectives were ignored and giant zergs clashed across fields of the borderlands.

    > It turned out that after one side dominated the other for a period of time, they would lose a person here or there, people took the opportunity of being at spawn to go and do something IRL. They would lose people as they lost fights. Players would leave, zergs would shrink and be uncompetitive.

    > People didn't like being repeatedly wiped, they felt they couldn't compete.

    > The big problem came with POF. When the damage is so unforgivingly high, dominance by one side becomes absolute. Fights became one-pushes.

    > With no hope of good fights, the charismatic commanders lost interest. Their cults fell apart.

    > That's why so few people care about fighting. In a word: POF.


    > Let's not remember how nasty the Fights people could be to their own teammates: Supposedly "hardcore" WvWers played for an hour or two a night, whereas dedicated, vigilant scouts who played for vastly longer were laughingly demonised as "casuals".

    > I'm getting off-topic now so I'll stop.


    the we only play for fights thing came about because we were too poor to buy siege. :P it was an excuse.


    true fights = organized i challenge you, lets meet in os/arena/eotm. :3


    skrims are fun though, it's like - hey bro, want to do a play date?

  9. > @"Sansar.1302" said:

    > Seams like most player in wvw only want dailies or karma train and not fight and absolutely only fight with advantage.

    > Takes most fun out of the game as i only care about fighting and its so little fights these days, and if you get a fight you only get adds to the point that they kill you regardless of their and youre skill.

    > What mindset do these players have ? dont they understand that they will never get better if they use the number crutch. ( and grp spec is a bad reason why, gotten many solo kills on my way back to squad )

    > If I not get swarmed might on a good day as few as 30 kills over several hours :(


    huhu, i want ppl to care about organized fights but so few do. so few even in my guild. @,..,@ ahuahuahuhauhauhauhuahauhaua


    it's because it requires effort if you're few and that effort drains, while eophoric and if you lose; team morale actually goes down. i've resorted to jedi mindtricks to keep my team afloat

  10. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > in wvw all toons should have the same available wvw skills and weapons.

    > > > >

    > > > > but you can only choose a combination to specialize.

    > > > >

    > > > > this way no more profession shaming.

    > > >

    > > > Sounds good but than u'd be see alot of post saying this skill combo's OP or this weapon set is OP etc etc as everyone can run the builds they complain about right now but they choose to play classes they like instead which is good. Ud literally have to have all classes be one class basically,same dps on all skills,same range,durations on effects and same utility skills,only different skins if u wanted real balance. This is literally everyone would uninstall the game as soon as that happened as it become a really boring experience with lack of identity through the classes.

    > >

    > > we dont know that. it hasnt happened yet. and final fantasy is doing it and its still strong.


    > I'm not saying it isn't a good method I'm just saying wont change poor balancing as op skills and builds are OP whether one class has it or all. Cheese is cheese and without proper balancing I'd still end up the winner is who out cheesed the other just like how gw2 is right now lol. If the balancing is poor now that wouldn't change it.


    actually it can be balanced if everyone has it all. and nerfs buffs can change the tide every now and then.


    right now, there is also one more factor at play. not everyone is good.


    ideally everyone knows how to play but i.e. ppl below tier 2 are generally bad at team work if individually are not bad.

  11. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > in wvw all toons should have the same available wvw skills and weapons.

    > >

    > > but you can only choose a combination to specialize.

    > >

    > > this way no more profession shaming.


    > Sounds good but than u'd be see alot of post saying this skill combo's OP or this weapon set is OP etc etc as everyone can run the builds they complain about right now but they choose to play classes they like instead which is good. Ud literally have to have all classes be one class basically,same dps on all skills,same range,durations on effects and same utility skills,only different skins if u wanted real balance. This is literally everyone would uninstall the game as soon as that happened as it become a really boring experience with lack of identity through the classes.


    we dont know that. it hasnt happened yet. and final fantasy is doing it and its still strong.

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