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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. No.

    Boosters suck except specific situations:


    - Unidentified items ( more or less 35/40 stacks per hour ).

    - Log in/log out gathering, like at the trees spawn in malchor's leap.

    - SPvP/WvW massive farm ( 50% extra track reward ).


    Or else, a birthday booster in order to cap Tyria masteries by exploiting CoF P1 for some hours.

  2. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > Fingers crossed for 6th birthday gift I guess. /shrug

    > >

    > > This

    > > Even though i already have dyes, the price is something related to their earlier aviability.

    > >

    > > You want the new dye soon? You buy it or gamble with the gem store.

    > > Or else you simply wait 2 years ( i guess. we'll see ).

    > Not 2 years. As soon as the first people will get it in their birthday gifts (so, half a year from now), the price will crash. It has happened to all the previous costly dyes. They may still cost a lot (if the gifts will be the only source), but it will still be much, much cheaper than it is now.


    > So, just wait and buy then.




    I just meant that after a new dye is released, over 1 year has to pass before we can see it as birthday gift.

    Permafrost was released months ago, so probably could be on the next birthday dye.


  3. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > @"Kahyos.1437" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"LUST.7241" said:

    > > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > > I'd also like weapon skins and items that are exclusive to PvE for some reason.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I don't see why only 1/3 of the gamemodes actually get new skins and items while PvP and WvW are left in the dust.

    > > > > > Because PvP is always the same lame conquest. In PvP you have to do new content to earn those new items

    > > > > > PvP already has too many PvE rewards that are now easier to get in PvP than the original content. Eg. Dungeon skins or Kralkatite Ore for the stellar/astral skins.

    > > > >

    > > > > The argument can go both ways...

    > > > >

    > > > > Outsmarting other players for rewards isn't earning? Forgot that the predictability of outsmarting fixed NPCs in PvE is better definition of earning, I guess the _Most Dangerous Game_ is actually fighting that Moa in Caledon Forest.

    > > > >

    > > > > PvP is easier than PvE? Then why doesn't everyone play it instead?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Given how the balance shaped itself after both expansion....to claim that pvp easier than pve is not extreme

    > >

    > > Playing against skilled players that evolve and adapt is still a lot harder than static NPCs.


    > actually nah, pvp matches gives you 50% winrate, so you will be farming at a fixed rate if you are placed in the correct rating and playing at your skill (rating) level..

    > while raid, if your squad is bad or can not find a decent squad, you can easily end up wasting hour or more time getting almost nothing


    > also pvp since hot is more of a skill spam then outsmarting..


    This... bring back Core Game SPvP <3

  4. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > Fingers crossed for 6th birthday gift I guess. /shrug



    Even though i already have dyes, the price is something related to their earlier aviability.


    You want the new dye soon? You buy it or gamble with the gem store.

    Or else you simply wait 2 years ( i guess. we'll see ).

  5. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Do the same.

    > > As far as i happened to see they have no way to see if they are using or not a macro.


    > But not all classes or builds benefit from macro to the same degree. So you end up with an unfair advantage for some players and not others. If everyone had the same build then a macro would be more “fair” in the sense that certain combo automation was assumed to be possible for all players.


    But since they can't stop nor prove that somebody is using a macro, doing the same would probably be the best choice.

    I mean, instead of witch hunting ( he was using a macroooo ).

  6. > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

    > > > I would remove rally not downed.

    > >

    > > I would like to try this.


    > I’d try but I think a better solution would be to put a rally range limit on it. That way if you’re in mid you can rally off a player death on far but can rally off someone who is stomped at mid.


    Also this would be a nice change.

    Or eventually a 5 sec buff for rally ( untill you attack the target you have your buff ), but it would mean a different buff per player attacked.

  7. I am doing a personal sheet with account name, date of report and reason ( currently I only happened to find 1 harasser/afker, which is still allowed to login ) and i add em to my FLIST ( with a BAN nickname ) in order to see if they can login or not.

  8. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > I also don't get why all of these players keep coming in here and saying: "welp 5 man ranked had to go because there weren't enough teams". That is a bunch of bologna and I don't care what official statement that was said in, it just wasn't true. Anyone who played in the final days of the last guild league leaderboard will remember how many teams were still playing. You guys need to stop believing what you hear and start paying attention to your own experiences.


    Partecipation for automated tournament is also for rewards ( if you happen to be on a spvp lobby minutes before automated tournament begin you can read people lfg or lfm, just for spvp potions ).


    Also when the topic is **there are not enough 5v5 teams** it is if compared to soloq ( and maybe duoq ).

    And there are way less players playing 5v5 premade than solo and duoq


    And as said, among them, a good portion do a premade not with the same people in order to get skilled, but just to claim rewards.


  9. They can add whatever they want...


    ... they should just give us the possibility to set separately


    * Standard gliders

    * Standard mounts

    * Standard armor/weapons

    * Standard dyes

    * Minis YES/NO


    I'm ok with ppl buying flashy skins, dyes or troll skins like golemancer glider, sab, etc... but ANET should give us the possibility to set standard models for every single category separately.

  10. > @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

    > I just collected 100 statuettes and am torn between picking a home node and two golden keys...


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

    > > I just collected 100 statuettes and am torn between picking a home node and two golden keys...


    > I'd recommend a home node, selling it, and buy something you like with the funds. Evidence suggests that there's very little chance that you'll get something more exciting than what you got with your ~100 chests you opened with regular keys.


    > (If you do decide to get the keys, let us know what ends up dropping for you. And good luck!)


    Definitely this.

  11. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > 2. since the nerf of unidentified gear, it has no sense working toward mf cap ( if you compare the golds needed to the benefit of 100 extra mf ).


    > First, there's been no demonstrated nerf in unidentified gear (this has been discussed previously in another thread). Second, the amount of account magic find affects all the loot you get from all kills of loot-bearing foes, so it definitely matters in the long run.


    As discussed before, i happened to see on a extremely large scale.

    And about the drop from kills in the game, it means nothing, because the effort put into capping mf is definitely too high if compared to what you gain.


    More or less the truth behind permanent tools ( or better, how many harvesting you need to get a profit ) or other permanent stuff ( like copper salvage o matic and silver salvage o mati ), even though most of the players buy them as QoL items, while on the contrary a capped MF is not a QoL.


    About the trading post ( i forget to answer ).


    > Listing Fee (5%) — This nonrefundable cost covers listing and holding your items for sale. This fee has a minimum of 1 Copper coin and is immediately taken from your wallet when you list or instantly sell an item.


    > Exchange Fee (10%) — This fee is the Trading Post's cut of the profit. This fee has a minimum of 1 Copper coin and is deducted from coins delivered to the seller after a successful sale.


    However, If he play the game farming event over and over ( or wvw following a captain ), then he could consider to cap MF, but it would be hard and there won't be any profit ( given the 200% mf, he could gain another 40% from food, 10% from fireworks, 20% from amulet infusion, 30% from utility food, 150 from silverwastes stack, 50 from silverwastes meta, 100 from birthday booster, he will be able to reach a nice amount of mf, even though without the right setup will be hard to optimize the salvaging. And also, not everybody like to gamble on a game, and prefer to "play" it ).

  12. 1. no ( the tool does ).

    2. since the nerf of unidentified gear, it has no sense working toward mf cap ( if you compare the golds needed to the benefit of 100 extra mf ).


    If you usually open items which require mf ( new year's envelopes, spvp bags, some hot bags, etc... ), the you could have one more reason, but even so I wouldn't do it.

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