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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > They already solved this issue with the items that consume this stuff and spit out gift bags.


    Nope, it's both an inventory and time sink.

    Fortunately there's a way to reduce most of the pain, but it requires some investment in order to benefit from the QoL.


    * Capped storage ( and when you have 2k you trash everything ). But this is 800 gems per storage, which makes 5600 gems, or 4480 gems on discount.


    Improved storage is definitely worth it imho.

    I was not sure at first, but even with 1 or 2 more upgrades it was definitely great!

  2. > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

    > I have the feeling the game is designed so macros play a minor role. The might help maually bad players a bit but won´t bring to large boosts. Shure defining a few buttons to execute 2-3 keys in a row might help but it won´t help with the realy important things like positioning, awareness and reactive gameplay ... and last but not least build wars ;-). So i think the route allowing them might not be so bad. Problem is people will find a strong combo where a macro is better and there will be some that overuse it. It´s usually the outliers that then ruin balance so globally banning macros is a save version that then allows to lock down the problematic users ...


    The problem is that those people do already exist.

    With the new patches macros could indeed change, but even so it's not the issue if there's no ban currently.


    What keeps some players away from using macros is the fear of loosing everything ( account ban ), which however won't ever happen ( different is for speedhack or wintrade, or bots because we do have some casese which have also been posted on the old forum. However investigating takes its time, and i guess mostly because of the small team ).

  3. Well, let's say there were 2 exploits:


    1. The playersbase, focused on farming instead of understanting the game.

    2. Me, one of the few who did the opposite ( but to be honest, 1/2 hours during the beta were definitely enough to understand how the new items would have worked ).


    [Here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/332872#Comment_332872 "Here") you can find more informations about, even though in order to make money it's pretty late ( but you still can manage to cap MF easily ).


  4. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > Ok, I'm impressed! And this is after maxing out one char?

    > >

    > > I'm not to max yet, and doubt I'll ever have a shiny storage pane like that. Well done!

    > >

    > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > I save em, though it's going to be hard and hard

    > > >

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5L1PqbO.jpg "")

    > > >

    > > > Here's my artificer almost full ( i will need soon to move em to an alt ).

    > > > Since the mf system is not structured in a proper way, is it obvious that is going to be somehow reworked, but the real question is when.

    > > >

    > > > Currently, MF as a wallet currency would be imho the best ( then they will be able to put a vendor whenever they want ).

    > > > And ofc, for those who still haven't reached the cap, the vendor could be used to trade the currency for essences, which could be consumed.

    > > >

    > > > ps: **message for ANET** > an eater won't do ANYTHING, because unlike ascended materials, there are no way to stack or use em ( we do have 8 ascended material eaters, a way to convert 100 units of em into a ingot, and some recipes which can be used. Also they can be fit into storage raw or refined ).

    > >

    > >


    > There is no way he earned all that by playing the game normally. Obviously he exploited some bug or something, I have been playing this game for 5 years EACH DAY with 10+ hours per day and I have max magic find of 273%.




    Check then for the images i posted in page 4.

    I definitely broke the game.


    Best exploiter EU.

  5. > @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

    > > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

    > > No. So far, each expac has been a case of "nerf everything *except* the expansion in order to force people to buy it." Not interested in another cycle of that.


    > This.


    > I'm really fed up with this kind of behavior.


    According to Metabattle that's not entirely true.


    > Necro

    * SPvP - Scourge

    * WvW - Scourge

    * PvE - Scourge


    > Mesmer

    * SPvP - Mirage

    * WvW - Chronomancer

    * PvE - Chronomancer


    > Elementalist

    * SPvP - lol ( weaver if you want )

    * WvW - Weaver

    * PvE - Weaver


    > Engineer

    * SPvP - Holosmith

    * WvW - Holosmith

    * PvE - Holosmith


    > Ranger

    * SPvP - Druid

    * WvW - Druid

    * PvE - Druid


    > Thief

    * SPvP - CORE ( zomg, core! )

    * WvW - Daredevil

    * PvE - Daredevil


    > Guardian

    * SPvP - Firebrand

    * WvW - Dragonhunter/Firebrand

    * PvE - Dragonhunter/Firebrand


    > Revenant

    * SPvP - lol ( Herald if you really want )

    * WvW - Herald

    * PvE - Renegade


    > Warrior

    * SPvP - Spellbreaker

    * WvW - Spellbreaker ( also core could probably be viable for some roaming, but i would prefer spellbreaker )

    * PvE - Berserker


    **9 classes**

    **3 Game Modes**


    11-14 out of 27 is definitely balanced ( PoF didn't replace all HoT builds, and this will probably be the same with the next expansion ).

    Let's also see after the incoming balance patch.





  6. > @"shinta.8906" said:

    > why would you use macros in the first place? most skills are situational at the same time you combine several skills used at several different situations to one button. u gonna cut your own flesh there.


    Obviously nobody would replace his skills with macros. Macros would be some extras Depends the situation ( as for each specific skill ).


    Your point has definitely no sense ( unless you would have done what you wrote, but I doubt ).

  7. > @"Neutra.6857" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > > Ascended also isn't usable in spvp, but creates endless confusion in that most new players to spvp constantly ask if their ascended gear is needed to participate in spvp or if ascended alters their stats there in some way.

    > > >

    > > > I don't think that's a result of ascended gear so much as the difference between GW2 and other games not being obvious enough. I see similar questions a lot, except a lot of the time what they're actually asking is "Can I do PvP in dungeon gear, or do I need raid gear first?" - which implies they're used to other games with a clear linear path for progression - you use crafted or dropped gear to run dungeons to get better gear, which you use to do the first raid, which you use to do the next raid, and so on until you've got the best there is (or as near as most people ever get) and then you're good enough to be allowed into PvP.

    > > >

    > > > Unless you've read up on the game in advance or gone to the Heart of the Mists and checked out how to put together a PvP build there's nothing to tell you that you don't need to do that here. And of course a lot of new players don't think to try entering PvP if they assume they aren't ready until they've played a lot of PvE.

    > >

    > > The point is that it's not a justification.

    > >

    > > There's only a 10% stats difference...

    > > Why should there be a 10% stats difference instead of standard stats for everybody?

    > >

    > > There's no excuse.

    > > Competitive modes won't EVER be balanced.

    > > But even so, there are no justification to bring equipment into competitive modes-


    > When I first started PvP I was trying to figure out how to set up my gear with exotics, not ascended. Someone had to tell me that my gear in PvE did nothing in PvP. The issue with PvP is not ascended, it is that people think that their PvE gear matters at all in PvP, regardless of if it is simple greens or ascended.


    Yeah I do agree with you ( I was refering to your first line but I misread it ).

  8. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > > Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    > > > >

    > > > > About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?

    > > > > It was just an alternative.

    > > > >

    > > > > I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.

    > > > > And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

    > > >

    > > > Why do you need that decision, if based on information, they can't track macro-users anyway?

    > >

    > > Is Players with over 10k ap using macros in spvp enough?

    > > I happened to add to friend those who was definitely clear they used macros ( like a so good blink forward with mesmer staff. With burst macros i can only guess that they probably used a macro, but It's definitely hard to say ), and after months they were still avaible to login

    > >

    > > Let's say that they can't do anything but ban players using teleport hack ( and we can make videos as proof ), but about macros seems to be different.

    > > Currently it is forbidden to use them, but even so many players are using them ( and i can continue adding those who I find, but even so I doubt I will ever see somebody permabanned from the game and his name removed from Friend List or something like this ).


    > First of all, LOL @ AP.


    > Secondly, you can record fights and create a ticket. In-game report function is a placebo - everyone knows it. With some luck those people will see some punishment (although it would assume that most don't even get reported).


    I managed to create tickets in the past, but now i consider doing this not worth it ( also, many others would report instead of me, so there's no point in add 1 single report ).

    About the AP It's true.

    I happened to see players with some AP and not only smurfs, and both ( veteran accounts and barely new ones ) were not banned.

    The point was that players cheat even with their main account ( the AP was only the proof to me ).


    Also we are not talking about punishmet but about a ban.


    If you cheat or exploit you should be banned from the game, not being punished.

  9. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    > >

    > > About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?

    > > It was just an alternative.

    > >

    > > I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.

    > > And also it's not something which needs to be developed.


    > Why do you need that decision, if based on information, they can't track macro-users anyway?


    Is Players with over 10k ap using macros in spvp enough?

    I happened to add to friend those who was definitely clear they used macros ( like a so good blink forward with mesmer staff. With burst macros i can only guess that they probably used a macro, but It's definitely hard to say ), and after months they were still avaible to login


    Let's say that they can't do anything but ban players using teleport hack ( and we can make videos as proof ), but about macros seems to be different.

    Currently it is forbidden to use them, but even so many players are using them ( and i can continue adding those who I find, but even so I doubt I will ever see somebody permabanned from the game and his name removed from Friend List or something like this ).

  10. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.


    About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?

    It was just an alternative.


    I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.

    And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

  11. Macros are forbidden from this game, but seems also that ANET has no way to detect those who use them.

    Given the fact that a good player can win with or without macros, at this point wouldn't be better to allow macros instead?


    It's something everybody has access to, and it would eventually mean more binds in order to play.

    The current situation shows a scenario where some use macros while other don't.


    Or maybe a 1/4 sec internal cd on all instant skills.


    Let's also remember that we can't provvide reports for this, becasue report a video could show somebody using teleport hack, but not macros.

    Screens and report won't do nothing.



  12. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > It should only be the animation.

    > > > > If I recall it correctly it is not something which can't be interrupted ( when you press 5 the arrow get fired whatever ).

    > > >

    > > > It can be interrupted.

    > > > In PvP other Thieves can rarely interrupt Infiltrator's Arrow by Headshot. However, never seen it being interrupted by anything else.

    > >

    > > Never had it interrupted in over 3 years... are you sure?

    > > Also, all interrupt are the same. The only thing about P4 is that you can spam 3 of it in a row if you want.


    > Yes, I am very very sure. Triggered me more then few times =D

    > Same goes for Headshot. One Thief can interrupt other Thief's Headshot even though it is supposed to have no Channel time.


    On headshot this happened plenty of times to me too :lol:

  13. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > Ascended also isn't usable in spvp, but creates endless confusion in that most new players to spvp constantly ask if their ascended gear is needed to participate in spvp or if ascended alters their stats there in some way.


    > I don't think that's a result of ascended gear so much as the difference between GW2 and other games not being obvious enough. I see similar questions a lot, except a lot of the time what they're actually asking is "Can I do PvP in dungeon gear, or do I need raid gear first?" - which implies they're used to other games with a clear linear path for progression - you use crafted or dropped gear to run dungeons to get better gear, which you use to do the first raid, which you use to do the next raid, and so on until you've got the best there is (or as near as most people ever get) and then you're good enough to be allowed into PvP.


    > Unless you've read up on the game in advance or gone to the Heart of the Mists and checked out how to put together a PvP build there's nothing to tell you that you don't need to do that here. And of course a lot of new players don't think to try entering PvP if they assume they aren't ready until they've played a lot of PvE.


    The point is that it's not a justification.


    There's only a 10% stats difference...

    Why should there be a 10% stats difference instead of standard stats for everybody?


    There's no excuse.

    Competitive modes won't EVER be balanced.

    But even so, there are no justification to bring equipment into competitive modes-

  14. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > The only gear gate this game has is fractals. Mechanically. Other gates are artificial barriers created by players. So the problem here are players not gear. You can't fix players.


    It should only be related to PvE modes.

    A progression for compulsive gear farmers It's understandable to me, but WvW should be something apart ( with standard equip and stuff = from lvl 2 to lvl 80 ).

  15. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > It should only be the animation.

    > > If I recall it correctly it is not something which can't be interrupted ( when you press 5 the arrow get fired whatever ).


    > It can be interrupted.

    > In PvP other Thieves can rarely interrupt Infiltrator's Arrow by Headshot. However, never seen it being interrupted by anything else.


    Never had it interrupted in over 3 years... are you sure?

    Also, all interrupt are the same. The only thing about P4 is that you can spam 3 of it in a row if you want.

  16. > @"BlackPot.4521" said:

    > You shall not duel in WvW. Go PvP for that


    Even though I think that reassumes everything ( because of the powercreep, broken sigils, consumables and so on. It's not that SPvP is balanced, but It's definitely more balanced that WvW in terms of stats/sigils, and obviously the absence of consumables, infusions and other pve stuff ), I don't think that ruin Duels on purpose is correct.


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