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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > This entire thread basically boils down to this .

    > I want something thats only available in the gem store, but I dont want to buy gems to get it , and I dont want to convert gold into gems to get it.

    > Answer thats easy , DONT get it.

    > Theres nothing in the gem store thats needed to play the game.



    > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

    > > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > > This entire thread basically boils down to this .

    > > I want something thats only available in the gem store, but I dont want to buy gems to get it , and I dont want to convert gold into gems to get it.

    > > Answer thats easy , DONT get it.

    > > Theres nothing in the gem store thats needed to play the game.

    > >


    > You didn't even read the initial post.


    He did, but I guess we both could have a point.


    Talking about gardening, it could definitely be considered game content even though it's not content because it's something meant to farm which is not necessarily related to fun ( a new event is content, a new zone is content, new LS episode is content, a new frafctal is content ).


    However, mount skins are definitely not content because they won't affect your way of playing unless you suffer from OCD or something similar.


    That said, I wouldn't mind to have some extra items locked behind some achievements, farming or time gated events... but I wouldn't consider them "extra content" given the game.


    Shortly, given LS4 episode 2, i would enjoy


    * The new part of the story.

    * The new map exploration.

    * The new events.

    * The new JP ( if there's one ).


    but features like


    * 1 Mount licence skin per account avaible for 5k new map currency

    * Armor skin unlocked after you complete the whole LS4 ep 2 achievements

    * 1 more garden plot deed after hitting "gold" in a griffon race


    are definitely not extra content.


    Given a bored player which enjoys all game modes ( PvE, WvW, SPvP ) and now stopped to play the game because no more content, do you think he will come back for some new skins locked behind a moderate farm of the old content, if the reason he stopped to play was boredom?

    He definitely won't, because of no new content.



  2. > @"Adrian.4857" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > 30 eur every 2 years, yet complaining for everything. Yuk.


    > People that talk before they think. Yuk.


    > You probably don't understand so let me tell you, I bought both expansions, how did you reach the conclusion that I didn't?


    Did i say anything about the fact that you did purchase any expansion or not?



    I just said that people complain in a game where the only fee is the expansion, which occours every 2 years.

    Now you are complaining about something which has been the way it is since years, and has its sense.


    Good luck with it, and btw nice try but still not enough.

  3. I was confused because it was not a dps check, since the equipment is not necessarily related to skill ( especially here in GW2, i would say ), but now I understand what you consider about DPS check ( which is not ).


    To explain things better:


    When you want to do fractals or raid you have some ways to make you up your party of elitists as you:


    * Equipment check

    * LI ( if raid )

    * Class/Build Check

    * Eventually Title

    * Etc...


    But you can't be totally sure that the one you allowed to join your group is performant because


    * It could have been boosted ( pay for runs )

    * It could have been carried ( not so skilled but lucky to find good groups ).

    * It could be skilled, but not with this class which is new for him ( even though he has the right build/equipment ).


    Eventually, you will have to kick him and looking for someone else ( it's a possibility, if the one you invited sucks ).


    That's why when i talk about the right


    * Class

    * Build

    * Equip

    * Consumables

    * Etc...


    I mean that there are some ways to limit the RNG ( the player's skill and knowledge ).

  4. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > > Not at all. You are implying without verification that complaining about elitism = I don't want to or can't play efficiently

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Nope i don't.

    > > > > > What i am saying is that most of the times people who don't play in a proper way tend to fail.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Let's say that you have 100 out of 100 chances of success with a party with meta builds ( given the fact that players skill is the same ).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **numbers are just random. just follow the logic**

    > > > > >

    > > > > > * If 1 out of 5 decide to bring a tanky build, let's say that the chances drops to 90 out of 100.

    > > > > > * If then another player decide to play ranged dps instead of melee, dropping his DPS from X to Y, the the chances will eventually drop from 90 to 85.

    > > > > > * If you don't have a full meta socketed equip + consumables, then obviously you will deal less damage even if you have the metabuild and stats needed, which brings the chanced down from 85 to 80.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And so on.

    > > > > > Given the most easiest way, the more you modify it, the harder the encounter becomes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And remember the most important thing.

    > > > > > If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    > > > > > I will play my meta and i will joing others with meta builds.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And it's only a matter of time and efficiency.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If somebody is playing with friends or simply other players who don't care about builds and equipment and consumables and infusions ( given the time obviously ) then there's the possibility that he decides to use a non meta build.

    > > > >

    > > > > In your message proper = efficient. But the reality is, that there are no dps checks in fractals. Yes, playing efficiently may be faster, if whole team understands and follows this concept. But playing slower is also proper way as long as you don't fail mechanics and manage to kill the boss.

    > > > This is the DPS check for him, and it's also the DPS check for most people:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    > > > Not everyone has the whole day to cater to people who don't want to play efficiently. No one's forcing anyone to play meta builds. But if i want to do T4+recs in one hour (because that's usually the time i have to play before reset), then i don't want to have a Knight's Elementalist dragging the group down.

    > > > I don't even care for classes or check builds, or even see if they have the right food or anything. I simply **expect** people to want to be efficient. If they don't, and the group starts failing encounters too often, then, yes, i vote to kick.

    > > > I shouldn't be hindered from completing content because someone doesn't want to be on par with the requirements of the content.

    > >

    > > You probably quoted the wrong person or didn't understand the part you quoted.


    > Or maybe you didn't understand my post?


    So were you supporting what i stated in a not so proper way?

    You basically stated what i said previously, and in that part of the quoted message too.

  5. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > Not at all. You are implying without verification that complaining about elitism = I don't want to or can't play efficiently

    > > >

    > > > Nope i don't.

    > > > What i am saying is that most of the times people who don't play in a proper way tend to fail.

    > > >

    > > > Let's say that you have 100 out of 100 chances of success with a party with meta builds ( given the fact that players skill is the same ).

    > > >

    > > > **numbers are just random. just follow the logic**

    > > >

    > > > * If 1 out of 5 decide to bring a tanky build, let's say that the chances drops to 90 out of 100.

    > > > * If then another player decide to play ranged dps instead of melee, dropping his DPS from X to Y, the the chances will eventually drop from 90 to 85.

    > > > * If you don't have a full meta socketed equip + consumables, then obviously you will deal less damage even if you have the metabuild and stats needed, which brings the chanced down from 85 to 80.

    > > >

    > > > And so on.

    > > > Given the most easiest way, the more you modify it, the harder the encounter becomes.

    > > >

    > > > And remember the most important thing.

    > > > If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    > > > I will play my meta and i will joing others with meta builds.

    > > >

    > > > And it's only a matter of time and efficiency.

    > > >

    > > > If somebody is playing with friends or simply other players who don't care about builds and equipment and consumables and infusions ( given the time obviously ) then there's the possibility that he decides to use a non meta build.

    > >

    > > In your message proper = efficient. But the reality is, that there are no dps checks in fractals. Yes, playing efficiently may be faster, if whole team understands and follows this concept. But playing slower is also proper way as long as you don't fail mechanics and manage to kill the boss.

    > This is the DPS check for him, and it's also the DPS check for most people:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    > Not everyone has the whole day to cater to people who don't want to play efficiently. No one's forcing anyone to play meta builds. But if i want to do T4+recs in one hour (because that's usually the time i have to play before reset), then i don't want to have a Knight's Elementalist dragging the group down.

    > I don't even care for classes or check builds, or even see if they have the right food or anything. I simply **expect** people to want to be efficient. If they don't, and the group starts failing encounters too often, then, yes, i vote to kick.

    > I shouldn't be hindered from completing content because someone doesn't want to be on par with the requirements of the content.


    You probably quoted the wrong person or didn't understand the part you quoted.

  6. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > McDonald's did the same strategy many years ago, introduce toys so children will make adults buy stuff for them. This is the same tactic. It's shady. Also, industry is teaching current children that gambling is fine so when they become adults, they gonna be familiar with the concept and happy to spend more money on lootboxes. This is a longterm strategy developed by educated people to manipulate customers to accept bad deals.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nope. There's a reason that microtransactions are called a whale based economy: most players don't buy in to it. Only a very small fraction (1.5% for mobile games, circa 2014) actually pays real world money for things, and in that group only a small number go full ham and dump a lot of cash. The vast majority of players don't make any in-game purchases at all These practices don't shape player behavior any more than the motion of the stars do.

    > > >

    > > > There are microtransactions and "micro"transaction.

    > > >

    > > > What you are talking about are pricy mount skins in GW2. They are targeted towards whales.

    > > >

    > > > But for small purchases, like BL keys, it's targeted at everybody. Look at their scheme - from time to time they offer you free key in gemstore. So you don't care what you get, it's free right? But they are already programming you, the thrill of gambling is there and in some cases it's gonna work. You get baited to buy next key, and another one, and another, wishing for the big prize. Or anything expensive you can sell. Let's say you buy 1 key per week. It's still money for them. This system is made to teach you to accept gambling and not getting the desired reward to overpay for multiple tries.

    > >

    > > _That doesn't work._ All these practices produce exactly zero habitual gamblers. That "free key" quickly demonstrates that the BLCs are garbage and not worth the time. The fact is that 49/50 people have enough wit to know when they're being gamed. The [swrve Survey](https://www.swrve.com/company/press/swrve-finds-015-of-mobile-gamers-contribute-50-of-all-in-game-revenue "https://swrve.com/company/press/swrve-finds-015-of-mobile-gamers-contribute-50-of-all-in-game-revenue") that found these numbers monitored in-game purchases over all their games for the span of a full month. Tens of millions of gamers, and nobody buys anything.

    > >

    > > This isn't like drugs, which forcibly alter your brain chemistry. The BLCs can't shape you to gamble. The BLCs exist to find the people who are already loose or generous with their money in the first place. BTW I acquired all mount licenses without spending a single cent of real world money.


    > Casinos don't use drugs either and yet they can make you addicted to gambling. BLCs and other gambling boxes are created by people educated at customer manipulation. They study how to make people into buying these things.


    > If it wasn't true how is it possible that more and more companies claim they get more money from micros than from sales? Even for single player games?




    Because the micro affects a wider part of users.

    Remember also that here we do have a gold to gems transiction, which also explain why they are making high priced bundles instead of small items.

  7. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > Not at all. You are implying without verification that complaining about elitism = I don't want to or can't play efficiently

    > > > >

    > > > > Nope i don't.

    > > > > What i am saying is that most of the times people who don't play in a proper way tend to fail.

    > > > >

    > > > > Let's say that you have 100 out of 100 chances of success with a party with meta builds ( given the fact that players skill is the same ).

    > > > >

    > > > > **numbers are just random. just follow the logic**

    > > > >

    > > > > * If 1 out of 5 decide to bring a tanky build, let's say that the chances drops to 90 out of 100.

    > > > > * If then another player decide to play ranged dps instead of melee, dropping his DPS from X to Y, the the chances will eventually drop from 90 to 85.

    > > > > * If you don't have a full meta socketed equip + consumables, then obviously you will deal less damage even if you have the metabuild and stats needed, which brings the chanced down from 85 to 80.

    > > > >

    > > > > And so on.

    > > > > Given the most easiest way, the more you modify it, the harder the encounter becomes.

    > > > >

    > > > > And remember the most important thing.

    > > > > If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    > > > > I will play my meta and i will joing others with meta builds.

    > > > >

    > > > > And it's only a matter of time and efficiency.

    > > > >

    > > > > If somebody is playing with friends or simply other players who don't care about builds and equipment and consumables and infusions ( given the time obviously ) then there's the possibility that he decides to use a non meta build.

    > > >

    > > > In your message proper = efficient. But the reality is, that there are no dps checks in fractals. Yes, playing efficiently may be faster, if whole team understands and follows this concept. But playing slower is also proper way as long as you don't fail mechanics and manage to kill the boss.

    > >

    > > The longer the fight, the worst.

    > > Even though you could still manage to accomplish your goal.

    > >

    > > But if you could always manage to end the fight, why would be there so many threads like this one?

    > > To me, the scenario you propose is definitely real, but It's not the normal scenario from what I see.


    > What you are presenting here is exactly the elitism OP is talking about. Your way of thinking is "so what he completed the content, he didn't do it proper (my) way".


    > He completed the content - this is exactly the reason why his way is as good as yours. Slower? Maybe. But as long as he succeeds, it's good.


    I don't get your point.

    You managed to Clear the content with a different build, and now you are browsing gw2 lfg... Then What happens?

  8. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > If somebody is playing with friends or simply other players who don't care about builds and equipment and consumables and infusions ( given the time obviously ) then there's the possibility that he decides to use a non meta build.


    > You are actually forced into it. If for some reason you join a T3 Oasis or Shattered Observatory LFG, you better don't bring your meta dps class. At least 2 other players in your team will go full ranged defensive weirdo build and you and the other two meta build players have no chance of survival. So you are in a cage with those players who force you to do the same kitten they do if you want even a slight chance of finishing the encounter. Once I was in such a run in T3 Uncategorized. At some point I realized I'll never convince them of a better way to handle this content, and that their way "works". It does work, but it's a way of blood, toil, tears and sweat. And I gave up and adjusted to their way for this run. These players trait for solo play when they enter fractals because they expect everybody else to do the same, and then you have 5 solo players doing content that was created for a 5 player team.


    I talked about the possibility of making up a party or joining one pug not meta one.

    I didn't say a thing about the outcome.

  9. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > Not at all. You are implying without verification that complaining about elitism = I don't want to or can't play efficiently

    > >

    > > Nope i don't.

    > > What i am saying is that most of the times people who don't play in a proper way tend to fail.

    > >

    > > Let's say that you have 100 out of 100 chances of success with a party with meta builds ( given the fact that players skill is the same ).

    > >

    > > **numbers are just random. just follow the logic**

    > >

    > > * If 1 out of 5 decide to bring a tanky build, let's say that the chances drops to 90 out of 100.

    > > * If then another player decide to play ranged dps instead of melee, dropping his DPS from X to Y, the the chances will eventually drop from 90 to 85.

    > > * If you don't have a full meta socketed equip + consumables, then obviously you will deal less damage even if you have the metabuild and stats needed, which brings the chanced down from 85 to 80.

    > >

    > > And so on.

    > > Given the most easiest way, the more you modify it, the harder the encounter becomes.

    > >

    > > And remember the most important thing.

    > > If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    > > I will play my meta and i will joing others with meta builds.

    > >

    > > And it's only a matter of time and efficiency.

    > >

    > > If somebody is playing with friends or simply other players who don't care about builds and equipment and consumables and infusions ( given the time obviously ) then there's the possibility that he decides to use a non meta build.


    > In your message proper = efficient. But the reality is, that there are no dps checks in fractals. Yes, playing efficiently may be faster, if whole team understands and follows this concept. But playing slower is also proper way as long as you don't fail mechanics and manage to kill the boss.


    The longer the fight, the worst.

    Even though you could still manage to accomplish your goal.


    But if you could always manage to end the fight, why would be there so many threads like this one?

    To me, the scenario you propose is definitely real, but It's not the normal scenario from what I see.

  10. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > Not at all. You are implying without verification that complaining about elitism = I don't want to or can't play efficiently


    Nope i don't.

    What i am saying is that most of the times people who don't play in a proper way tend to fail.


    Let's say that you have 100 out of 100 chances of success with a party with meta builds ( given the fact that players skill is the same ).


    **numbers are just random. just follow the logic**


    * If 1 out of 5 decide to bring a tanky build, let's say that the chances drops to 90 out of 100.

    * If then another player decide to play ranged dps instead of melee, dropping his DPS from X to Y, the the chances will eventually drop from 90 to 85.

    * If you don't have a full meta socketed equip + consumables, then obviously you will deal less damage even if you have the metabuild and stats needed, which brings the chanced down from 85 to 80.


    And so on.

    Given the most easiest way, the more you modify it, the harder the encounter becomes.


    And remember the most important thing.

    If i have 30 mins and i want to make some fractal runs, i don't care if you are performant even with a different build.

    I will play my meta and i will joing others with meta builds.


    And it's only a matter of time and efficiency.


    If somebody is playing with friends or simply other players who don't care about builds and equipment and consumables and infusions ( given the time obviously ) then there's the possibility that he decides to use a non meta build.

  11. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Tarasicodissa.7084" said:

    > > > I've no idea why we're even discussing this anymore...

    > >

    > > Because Bad players whine if they can't find a party, and also realize that if they start a new one it will probably be a failure becuase elitists will be playing with other elitits, which leaves only Bad players teamed up with Bad players.

    > >

    > > Every Bad player will bring his class with its own equip, build and consumables, because they want to play the way the want, then they will end up failing fractals and raid and at last they will put the blame on someone else.

    > >

    > > But the guilt is both their, because they didn't manage to learn the game in a proper way, and ANET's because they pushed towards a casual direction, feedind Bad players to a new level.


    > TIL play the way I want/like = I am bad player


    Not necessarily.

    However, if you start to opening threads and complaining because elitists play with other elitists and you can't achieve nothing because of them, you will simply show that you are a bad player.

  12. > @"Tarasicodissa.7084" said:

    > I've no idea why we're even discussing this anymore...


    Because Bad players whine if they can't find a party, and also realize that if they start a new one it will probably be a failure becuase elitists will be playing with other elitits, which leaves only Bad players teamed up with Bad players.


    Every Bad player will bring his class with its own equip, build and consumables, because they want to play the way the want, then they will end up failing fractals and raid and at last they will put the blame on someone else.


    But the guilt is both their, because they didn't manage to learn the game in a proper way, and ANET's because they pushed towards a casual direction, feedind Bad players to a new level.

  13. Dude we do have the scourge class and unskilled condition classes.

    How could it possibily get better?


    > Will they remove scourge from SPvP?

    They can't, because they can't ban a class from the game.


    >Will they fix conditions?

    They can't, because SPvP team has no power at all, and skills are shared between SPvP, WvW and PvE because stupid reasons like "Eh... we don't want to give players different skills because they will have to learn many of them depends the game more..."


    Well ofc, it's way better to have a ruined SPvP and WvW instead!


    > Will the patch be SPvP oriented?


    Obviously not, so it won't probably do much in terms of balancing the game.

  14. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

    > > Mid season makes a lot of sense lol


    > The competitive team has been pushing to get more frequent balance patches, but we've also decreased the off-season time from 4 weeks to 2.


    > In the end, we decided that getting more frequent balance is worth the mid-season shake-ups.


    More frequent balance patches is definitely good, but you can't change the meta with the season ongoing.

    It makes no sense at all.

  15. Hell no.


    Tagging mobs is required ( and as healer you can manage to aoe tag too ), and healers were probably the worst mystake ANET made.

    Oh right, i forgot about underwater combat, which makes Healers probably the second worst mystake ANET made.

  16. To me it's definitely not a lottery, because you are not able to trade all the goods you win.

    You are forced to redeem most of the goods, even though some can be traded.


    There's no progression by opening BLC, nor a granted loot every X chests ( like it is on many other games ).

    They are only meant to unlock earlier a specific skin ( or for the thrill of the RNG ).

  17. * learn animations in order to deal with mobs or players.

    * enjoy the exotic equipment and the absence of a progression ( no farm for equip ).

    * login whenever you want, and you will be powerful as you were before.

    * Explorer the world and don't focus too much on lvls, exp, equip, etc...

    * try to forget games like wow and try to enjoy the game.

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