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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"jonG.8369" said:

    > So I have a friend coming into town and he's bringing a laptop with him. I'd like to give him a tour of my account but I'm worried that I could get banned or have my account frozen. Has anyone had an experience with this?


    > Thanks!


    The only way they could ban you if they see impossible ip changes ( ie, Italy and 1 min later China ), though i really doubt we will ever see any ban related to account sharing.

  2. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > I don't understand what the difference is between the two generations of legendary weapons. Can someone explain it, please?


    The first one is something which can be achieved by playing the game the way you want, the second isn't.


    Also the first generation leggie count as a trade good since it can be traded, while the second generation leggies can't.


    Also second generation managed to get some players sick because of ''legendary as a prestigious item'' idea.


  3. I didn't read the whole thread but I do have a question.


    Since the wiki is something made by players, is the percentage fee about gems something which has been stated by ANET or just players?


    What i mean is


    > Did ANET say anything about gems to gold, and viceversa, fees or the percentage is something that players managed to know through the api feature? So, apart the fact they told there would have been fees exchange related, did they also stated the exact percentage and players managed Somehow that it was not accurate?

  4. I would like to see a better way to play fashion war. Currently transmutation charges are the way, but the situation is not the best.


    * Hardly you can get transmo charges.

    * a game based of fashion who limits you that much about changing appareance is a problem.

    * no templates can be saved into Wardrobe.

    * legendary armor can't have different aesthetic Depends the stats and obviously weapons ( it will be better with 2 different set in your backpack )


    Changing appareance should be almost free in a game like this, if not definitely free.

    I wouldn't mind to lose my trasmo charges, and currently have more or Less 600.


    Also infusions should have their own slots as skins, and being account bound on use. It will also move the market even more.


    Stats only infusion would be obviously more affordable, in order to give everything to everybody in terms of stats and requirements.

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > @"Shirlias.8104": Thanks for posting the data you have so far. I confess it never occurred to me to consider the possibility that precursors were just as likely to drop from plain gear as from ordinary drops in the wild. I can see why you were reluctant to provide details earlier.


    > That said, I could use your help understanding the data you have posted. I know some of these questions are answered above, I'm just having some trouble sorting through the verbiage and images.


    I like the way you manage to lead a discussion.

    That said, about your questions:


    > * Is it correct that you only opened common/blue containers prior to the change you're talking about?


    I managed to only use common/blue because it was convenient and green/yellow were too expensive


    * [Common Unidentified Gear](https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/85016 "Common Unidentified Gear")

    * [uncommon Unidentified Gear](https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/84731 "Uncommon Unidentified Gear")

    * [Rare Unidentified Gear](https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/83008 "Rare Unidentified Gear")


    As you can see, the prices before were way higher.

    It was definitely much convenient ( due to t5/t6 ) to invest into common ( exotics and rares dropped frequently with blue too, and the gamble with gree wasn't imho worth it ).


    > * Was your MF consistent for all openings? Or did it vary a bit from session to session?



    I managed before ( when i was around 3k per hour ) to more boosters ( the list i posted was my META, so consider magic find boosters and item boosters, and map meta maybe for the initial tries. but i stopped after i happened to drop a precursor with what i posted in the previous post ).


    > * Do you have a break down of the non-precursor exotics, e.g. PoF/named versus Core/named etc?


    It could be, but sometimes i happened to drop only 1 every 20k and other times 4x, so i couldn't say.


    > * Do you have a count of ecto from salvaged rares?


    I don't unfortunately.


    > * Do you have a count of ordinary mats resulting from salvaging blues/greens?


    I don't unfortunately.


    > * How many bags did you open before the change? How many after? Do you have a break down of all the before|after numbers?


    It's possible they reduced the drop of pof exotics but i really don't know since it was not important to me after the market drop


    > Thanks.




    ps: i am in a hurry and i am not sure about my answers. probably i got some questions worng. If so, please try in a different way.



  6. ![](https://i.imgur.com/lhL899C.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/JVEPKZQ.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/NFT8T7P.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/UE8Szjj.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/YSBHCmP.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/TYnlBXZ.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/nlw5FzD.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/GLDl1XC.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/N1dU15v.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/udt1q1F.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/qSPWq46.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/cWtSTiE.jpg "")


    After this screen there are INFINITE exotics from the high price till the actual very low price.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/iNil6Qu.jpg "")


    I don't gain anything by sharing you this, and i wouldn't have shared this if it would still have been working.

    That said, i was able since the release of pof to make tries and i know what the drop chances were and what currently are.


    There's no debate, even more with you guys, only because you don't have data to compare with me ( 1750 unidentified per hour made laugh, since i do 20k per hour ).

    Seriously, better accept what i said, because the discussion is now over.

  7. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > No need for data.

    > > I am going to explain since it seems that they did modify something.

    > >

    > > Before the patch i managed to use only blue, due to cost and profit.

    > >

    > > Here what was ( and what is currently, talking about the tires i made after the hidden nerf ).

    > >

    > > * 300 From LUCK

    > > * 10 From Fireworks

    > > * 30 From Halloween Food

    > > * 30 From Halloween Utility Item

    > > * 10 From guild Magic Find Potion

    > > * 100 From Birthday Boost

    > > * 150 From The Silverwastes map ( i didn't do the meta event, which would have granted me 50 more MF ).

    > > * 20 From Neck iNfusion

    > >

    > > Total MF = 650%

    > >

    > > I managed to have a precursor every 42k unidentified items, more or less.

    > >

    > > Here's my current drop list in less that 1 month

    > >

    > > * Tooth of Frostfang

    > > * Spark **x2**

    > > * The Energizer **x1**

    > > * Chaos Gun **x1**

    > > * Storm **x2**

    > > * Zap

    > > * The Bard

    > > * The Chosen **x1**

    > > * Rodgort's Flame

    > > * Howl **x1**

    > > * Dusk **x1**

    > > * Dawn **x2**

    > > * The Colossus

    > > * Leaf of Kudzu **x1**

    > > * The Hunter **x1**

    > > * The Lover

    > > * The Legend

    > > * Charcharias

    > > * Rage

    > > * Venom **x1**

    > >

    > > **Now, after the patch ( due to instan, uncommon gear price dropped ) i managed to try _Uncommon Unidentified items_, and after 300k unitendified items i got zero precursors**.

    > > The 11 december i posts here about the possibility, but since i only managed to try uncommon there was the possibility that precursors were only common unidentified items related, so i decided to try.

    > >

    > > After 300k of unidentified common items, no precursors ( the rest seems the be the same as before ).

    > >

    > > So, from what i happened to test, there was definitely a hidden nerf.

    > > Now we should ask ourselves if they

    > >

    > > * just removed the chance of dropping precursors from unidentified items

    > > * managed to adjust the MF requirement needed to let em drop ( something like "if you have 800 MF, then you could roll for precursors too" ).

    > > * lowered so far the chance ( as said before was 1 out of 42k, now i couldn't manage to get one out of 300k green and 300k blue ).

    > >

    > > I have enough MF boosters to make a try ( read the point 2 here above ), but i am not interested ( since whatever the outcome, it wouldn't be a good deal ).

    > >

    > > That's it.

    > > Of course I am glad that they managed to make buy thousands of gems and all permanents stuff, but i really don't like stealth nerfs.


    > You can't prove anything without data and as you only listed the precursors, your data that you've posted is worthless. We need every drop. Not just the drops that are worth something.


    > Without knowing what percentage of the drops the precursors were before the patch, it can't be determined if getting 0 precursors after the patch is statistically significant or still within the realm of possibility.


    > You haven't provided enough data for anyone but yourself to answer those questions. So until you're willing to provide exact numbers (every 42K or so is not exact numbers), you might as well stop asking if post-patch things changed. Because currently published complete data shows that there has been no significant change in drops.


    > Especially if you're talking only about precursor drops since the chance for those is so low to begin with. Not even fully topped out MF is likely to increase it by a large amount.


    You don't need the specific data if you know that out of 600k i got 14 prec.

    What are you complaining about?


    > Were there any other drops?

    Ofc they were.

    > Are they relevant if the goal is to prove that before 1 the rateo was 1 prec every 42k ( more or less ) and that now out of 300k both blue and green ( 600k total ) not a single precursor has been seen?


    Definitely not.


    So stop whining about this.

    I could understan if you don't believe that i dropped that many precursors ( 1 every 2 days more or less ), but stating that you need the garbage drop is ridicolus.


    Get a hold of yourself, please.

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