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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. You claimed this


    > So until you're ready to cough up proof, I'm just going to think that you're just trying to keep people away from your gold mine by making people think that it's been nerfed. But I'm not going to tell you how I came up with that. That's my data and I'm not sharing.


    and now


    > If the reason is because something was nerfed, then even those who raise their MF to the max are better off selling.

    >If the reason is because something is tedious, then it's a personal choice.

    >So yes, the reason matters.


    So, i was wondering if my true evil goal changed somehow.

    Because i felt a little lost after that.


    However the point was that if you manage to try yourself and understand how many items can u identify yourself ( and how much time does that need ), you will probably realize that selling em + spend the time farming the best map ( let's say 1h ) will give you way more golds.


    That was the whole point behind ( except for a full MF salvage on rare unidentified, as he stated in the first post ).


    I quote just to make it easier


    About Common Unidentified Gear.


    >Recommendation: sell on the TP.

    >The best option is worth about 10g extra per stack of gear, but takes a lot more time to process (boosting MF, then dealing with the mats and minor runes). Salvaging is >terrible at the moment because mats are at their lowest prices in years, which makes the cost of salvaging noticeable. Silver-Fed suffers from this a lot: it drops more and >'better' loot, but not enough of it to pay for the extra cost.


    And about Uncommon Unidentified Gear


    >Recommendation: sell on the TP.

    >I have data on salvaging, but not from opening. (I'm sure it's out there, I just haven't found a good source to collate). Based on my own experience with smaller samples, I >don't expect significant differences from the blue/common variety.


    So, unless i am god or a cheater, or his modus operandi has some flaws, that's the outcome, which is the same for everybody.


  2. What should a player, which own PoF, think while reading the bundle message?

    I mean, would him expect that the new skins are different mounts with different skills?


    I see no chance for a mystake, unless somebody really wants to troll.


    But let's feed

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/xaFjWzS.jpg "")


    Oh god, they don't clarify that black lion weapons are not weapons but skins!!

    But don't worry, everybody knows that they do mean skins, and because the advertisement is the same since years, there are no problems for mount packs either.

  3. > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

    > I don't understand the negativity. Granted, I think they didn't go far enough, but these are some significant changes to the viability of condition damage.


    > For example, doubling the duration but halving the stacks of condi reduces the chance that you will experiences the full affect of the condis before you can cleanse. This means that a burst of burning from a guardian or engineer won't be lethal in 3 seconds, but lethal in 6 instead. That's a game changer for condi in PvP, especially at higher levels of play.


    I do agree with you and i think it has been a fair try...

    ... the only problem is about the confusion skill ( and more than that, the motivation the devs gave about... which shows that they, imho, probably don't understand what does confusion means in SPvP and WvW ).


    Confusion apart, i do like the changes.

  4. > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > The reason does not count imho.

    > > If we do agree on something like selling an item, whatever the reason the outcome is the same.

    > >

    > > However I could have just omitted the part about the stealth nerf because i am still trying, this is true.


    > If the reason is because something was nerfed, then even those who raise their MF to the max are better off selling.


    > If the reason is because something is tedious, then it's a personal choice.


    > So yes, the reason matters.


    Though i do disagree, since the outcome for you and me is the same, i feel lost about me myself.


    Am I trying to make people sell items because they are no more worth it

    Or Am I buying them?

    Or else, do I not consider the gold per hour worth enough to play with them?


    Reading your reasons in the example you made i can't figure out what my purpose should be.

  5. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Punishing skill usage, perfect.

    > > If so remove confusion proc from AA.

    > > THANKS.

    > >

    > > There's literally no counter, and the cofusion user wins facerolling.


    > Or remove the damage/second part of it in PvP.


    I would prefer to see AA proc removed.

    Confusion is meant to be a nice dps, but on skill use.

    I like that.


    But you should at least give a player his AA.

    Maybe incrase the damage on skill use since players can't spam them ( except some classes ).

  6. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Many did complain about the rng licence and accepted the spooky bundle.

    > > This time everybody should be happy.


    > The bundle came out before the rng lootbox so not a valid comparison. All we had were the base skins as a source of comparison and the spooky skins gave us more channels at least. No, we are not happy.


    You are not happy, and i do pretty understand.

    But many said that they were ok with the spooky bundle.




  7. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > Luck is just like the boosters and level tomes: for some, valuable, for others, junk. Those who are not maxed will still get value out of the luck drops.


    > Does anyone have any guesstimate on what percent of accounts have maxed luck? I think I hit 190% this week on my main.


    It's pretty different.

    I can consume a tome for an extra shard or use it for the weekly key.

    Legendary luck essence into Commonwealth drop from blc is a scam.

  8. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > > Well it moves you faster than walking so it counts. :)

    > >

    > > yeah let's say it counts :lol:

    > > Btw i edited


    > Read them,.

    > For WvW solo roaming Renegade might be a bad choice.

    > For WvW group roaming as long as someone bring group swiftness you are fine.

    > For WvW zerg does it really matter what you do when you are reading a comics?

    > For Open world - Raptor > all movement skills.

    > For PvP there are people that can give you swiftness and plenty of targets.


    You don't have a way to move forward, unless u target something and enter combat, or to mantain swiftness up.

    You have different choices if you want to chase your target ( only if he's at range ofc, if he isn't bad news and go back the the previous part ), also due to revenant unique use of utilities, indeed.

  9. > @"Yasi.9065" said:

    > Thank you? I got 2 kitten legendary luck essence... and Ive been at luck cap for a few months now. Thank you Anet, for another useless drop.


    I guess that you are unlucky, but since you already capped your luck and managed to get extra luck, you should definitely be lucky.

    I didn't realized it ( and i have 20 milions luck stored, which are 400 slots of full exotic stacks ) when i was browsing the rewards...


    This is definitely bad.

    There are really no excuses for this.


  10. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > which is the harder path?


    > > [Patch notes are your friend](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20444/bookmark-game-release-notes-december-12-2017)

    > > > The Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle has been updated: Each of its three routes now presents jumpers with a different difficulty, ranging from the sedate and scenic Quaggan Route to the fast-paced Gingerbread Route. Adventurers will face colder temperatures and less-stable platforms on the harder routes, but they will find greater rewards waiting for them at the end of the climb! Several bugs and timing issues have also been addressed, making a safer experience for all participants.



    Scrolled to fast thanks.

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