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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > Limiting to POF specs only is stupid.


    > Going On


    > S: Scourge, Firebrand, Mirage

    > A: Druid, Spellbreaker, SD Core Thief, DP Daredevil, Chrono, Holosmith

    > B: SD weaver, Dragon hunter, Radiance Guard, Power Mirage, Soulbeast

    > C: Herald, Tempest, Scrapper, Reaper, Scepter Ele

    > D : Doesn't really matter at this point everything else is garbo.


    E : Renegade ( which is worst than garbage ).

  2. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Shirlias, you get ascended shards on the way to Byzantium:

    > * Cerulean = 25

    > * Jasper = 50

    > * Saffron = 75 (You will actually achieve 150 right here, only completing the 3rd tier)

    > * Persimmon = 75

    > * Amaranth = 75 (Here you get another 150, and could get a 2nd trinket)

    > * Byzantium = 100 (Once you hit this tier, you build asc gear easily so long as you can craft marks)

    > = https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_League



    You don't get a thing, really.


    We were talking about farming for accessories.

    Obviously at the start of the seasons you will have to do all the previous tiers, but once you hit Byzantium you can do 100 each time you complete the whole tier.


    I link one random thread from SPvP, which is about Golds ( and so shards which are golds related because in the same reward tier ).




    So, let's say that 1 whole tier per hour is pretty impossible, and let's talk about a whole tier every 2.5 hour.

    You have the possibility to have an ascended piece in the faster way ever.


    And still i don't get what would be the point of saying that you can get ascended shards on the way to Byzantium ( if not an extra but slowly if compared to byzantium, which supports what i have said ). Really.


    Also, marks are only needed for weapons and armors ( as also fractals and wvw do ).

    Since we were talking about trinkets, no mark is needed.


    > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > Also, I never heard back from the guy who claimed to have 29,000 trade contracts and some method of farming them easily. I wish he would respond with some amazing method


    > You blew your chances of me responding when you wrote to me in game demanding to know my method instead of addressing me with some courtesy.



  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > With all due respect Shirlias.8104, that's garble.


    > Let's not avoid the fact of the matter :

    > * Player A can achieve an ascended ring from spvp and select whatever stats he wants on it, in a single day of playing a ranked season. This is on top of other rewards and gold gain to go with that.

    > * Player B can achieve an ascended ring from PoF after he runs 9 characters entirely through the PoF story line, while clearing every map and all events in his way, which will realistically take a week if he plays heavily. Or he could use a single character and bore himself into tears as he follows bounty trains all day, every day, for the next week.

    > Exactly why is that designed that way? I don't know but maybe that would explain why more people are still in the Auric Basin and not playing PoF content.


    > But at any rate, I can safely say that if the game allowed me to equip double mist talismans and double mist bands, I wouldn't even be worried about farming 4,500 trade contracts to finish the harrier setup because it is an outrageous time sink. I'd like to point out that time sink is required to obtain any good gear, I get it. But the time sink for those gear items obtained through Elonian Trade Contracts is waaaaay too much time invested for what those items are actually worth.


    > The prices on those should just be halved.



    As said, I do agree with you.

    I was just going even deeper byt saying that they are now relying on trinkets in order to let players farm.


    Halved wouldn't be imho enough.

    1/3 should be fine, since contracts do have many use.


    Let's check for a moment to SPvP trinkets currency needed




    Completing the whole tier ( [byzantium](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_League "Byzantium") ) will give you 27,5g and 100 shards.

    You will need 150 for neck, 175 for accessory and 200 for a ring, with the stats you want.


    It's obviously unbalanced ( WvW is imho worst than SPvP in order to make trinkets, but still better than PvE. Unless you farm Winterberries. but they are unique and also don't have PoF stats ), so that's why even 1500 contracts would be way too much. I am currently not sure about 1000 either.

  4. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Stop making new gear stats overly difficult to obtain. Legendary weapons should be difficult to obtain. Legendary anything should be difficult to obtain. Cool items that make me look awesome or grant something special that is out of the ordinary, sure make it difficult. But just gear stats in general, that are required by community players to even allow a player to participate in said given activity, does not need to be an epic time sink to obtain.


    The point is that they can't.

    Or better, if they will ever give that possibility, then they will somehow be forced to make new content more frequently.


    Just think about trinkets compared to armor and weapons.


    > You can craft ascended weapons and armors. Can you do the same with Trinkets?


    You can't.


    > You can craft legendary weapons and armors. Can you do the same with Trinkets?


    You can't ( and the ones which exists are definitely a timegate goal if compared to the rest of the leggies, and also limited ).


    There are plenty of players which would like to have the QoL provided by Leggies ( runes/sigil* and stats swap ) regardless the aesthetic, but giving this to players, as said before, would put the dev team in a very bad spot, because players will have everything they need, and will eventually get bored of the content.


    I know that fun should be the main part of every game, but mmos work in a different way ( and also some players tend to dislike games without progression, long term goals and stuff like this ).


    However, I will be here waiting for changes, playing when i want to.


    *in a future sigils could be swapped.


  5. To me the problem is not the fact that there are cleary differences between the way you can acquire a specific item ( by playing wvw and spvp indeed, then you are in need, you can simply convert some currencies into the item you need. PvE requires you to farm a specific content ), but the fact that, after years, we still don't have the possibility to craft our own trinkets through jewelcraft.


    Using trinkets as something to force players to play a specific content ( instead of playing and using gathered materials in order to craft ) it's not the best deal.

  6. No need for data.

    I am going to explain since it seems that they did modify something.


    Before the patch i managed to use only blue, due to cost and profit.


    Here what was ( and what is currently, talking about the tires i made after the hidden nerf ).


    * 300 From LUCK

    * 10 From Fireworks

    * 30 From Halloween Food

    * 30 From Halloween Utility Item

    * 10 From guild Magic Find Potion

    * 100 From Birthday Boost

    * 150 From The Silverwastes map ( i didn't do the meta event, which would have granted me 50 more MF ).

    * 20 From Neck iNfusion


    Total MF = 650%


    I managed to have a precursor every 42k unidentified items, more or less.


    Here's my current drop list in less that 1 month


    * Tooth of Frostfang

    * Spark **x2**

    * The Energizer **x1**

    * Chaos Gun **x1**

    * Storm **x2**

    * Zap

    * The Bard

    * The Chosen **x1**

    * Rodgort's Flame

    * Howl **x1**

    * Dusk **x1**

    * Dawn **x2**

    * The Colossus

    * Leaf of Kudzu **x1**

    * The Hunter **x1**

    * The Lover

    * The Legend

    * Charcharias

    * Rage

    * Venom **x1**


    **Now, after the patch ( due to instan, uncommon gear price dropped ) i managed to try _Uncommon Unidentified items_, and after 300k unitendified items i got zero precursors**.

    The 11 december i posts here about the possibility, but since i only managed to try uncommon there was the possibility that precursors were only common unidentified items related, so i decided to try.


    After 300k of unidentified common items, no precursors ( the rest seems the be the same as before ).


    So, from what i happened to test, there was definitely a hidden nerf.

    Now we should ask ourselves if they


    * just removed the chance of dropping precursors from unidentified items

    * managed to adjust the MF requirement needed to let em drop ( something like "if you have 800 MF, then you could roll for precursors too" ).

    * lowered so far the chance ( as said before was 1 out of 42k, now i couldn't manage to get one out of 300k green and 300k blue ).


    I have enough MF boosters to make a try ( read the point 2 here above ), but i am not interested ( since whatever the outcome, it wouldn't be a good deal ).


    That's it.

    Of course I am glad that they managed to make buy thousands of gems and all permanents stuff, but i really don't like stealth nerfs.

  7. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Well, tournamenters are for 5v5 premades ( 4 per day + 1 monthly, which are definitely enough ).

    > > Ranked should be soloq due to low population and wintraders ( but currently they allowed you to cheat till platinum through duoq ).

    > >

    > > Those who like to play with a friend should go unranked or gather more friends and try out a tournament.


    > Tournaments are not enough people will not join them because they don't have anywhere to practice or make a team you expect people to PuG tournaments like they do fractals? Would you do that?


    Fractals are for premade vs AI.

    It's not the same as Premade vs Premade in a ranked scenario.


    In order to have a nice queue time how many teams would you need? 1k? 10k? You can see that's pretty different.

  8. > @"Illurim.6059" said:

    > > No you were just assuming things, don't worry.


    > I'm unclear on what you think I've assumed. I've specifically addressed blocking and self-control. What assumptions have I made?


    You misunderstood that i was refering to a category and not directly to you ( though the sit down part was exclusively meant for you, in order to suggest you to slow down for a while ).


    > > Used to see users like you, so as said it's nothing unexpected.


    > There's no need to be rude.


    I just answered with the same tone of


    > Simply don't read it, you have that right and that capability built into your human DNA. Use it.


    But instead of poking you i smiled.

  9. > @"Illurim.6059" said:

    > I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. I'm saying to people who want a block feature that you already have it - it's in YOU. If you choose not to exercise self-control by skipping posts you don't like, that's entirely up to you. There's no selfishness on my part, however much you try to paint me with that brush because it suits your argument to do so. I'm just a person saying to you, someone who wants a block feature, you can block already, but you're choosing not to do so. It's that fact that seems juvenile to me, and your responses haven't improved my assessment.


    No you were just assuming things, don't worry.

    Used to see users like you, so as said it's nothing unexpected.


    I wouldn't have blocked anybody just for assumptions ( just to clarify and prevent more assumptions ), but the feature works perfectly and have it's use but, as many features, depends the way the user decide to use them.


    @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" : yeah, polls are definitely part but not the only problem ( but i like the way the tried to organize the SPvP section, through dedicated sticky threads with Staff Answers ).

  10. > @"Illurim.6059" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Illurim.6059" said:

    > > > It's a forum. People don't have the right to restrict the posts of others because they find them objectionable or "too much to deal with". They do, absolutely, have the right to pass them over and move to posts they find more interesting though. That's what adults do.

    > >

    > > Actually, as a forum, the user should be able to move and read the way he wants.

    > > If this would mean to block some users, then it's by his own choice.

    > >

    > > The more options, the better ( and i mean useful ones, not things like thumbs up/down or helpful, which are not necessarily useful ).


    > Normal human processes of reading what you want and ignoring what you don't want applies. Deciding that your need to read what you want means blocking others is juvenile. Simply don't read it, you have that right and that capability built into your human DNA. Use it.


    You have to sit down for a while and realize that if a feature like that could cause you some issues, then the issue it's on you only ( and since you like being an Adult, you should try to understand that force the others to accept your own version by forbidding an extra feature it's simply selfish, but as always been there, seen that ).


    Not to say many forums do have the possibility to set up your own account with preferences, in order to read the way ypu want.


    That said, ANET is not going to introduce a feature like that, so it will only remain a discussion with a definite outcome.

  11. > @"Illurim.6059" said:

    > It's a forum. People don't have the right to restrict the posts of others because they find them objectionable or "too much to deal with". They do, absolutely, have the right to pass them over and move to posts they find more interesting though. That's what adults do.


    Actually, as a forum, the user should be able to move and read the way he wants.

    If this would mean to block some users, then it's by his own choice.


    The more options, the better ( and i mean useful ones, not things like thumbs up/down or helpful, which are not necessarily useful ).

  12. Well, tournamenters are for 5v5 premades ( 4 per day + 1 monthly, which are definitely enough ).

    Ranked should be soloq due to low population and wintraders ( but currently they allowed you to cheat till platinum through duoq ).


    Those who like to play with a friend should go unranked or gather more friends and try out a tournament.

  13. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > No to many polls


    This is the current situation.

    And also many of them do not have proper options.


    I tend to make 3 option polls like yes, no, other, but some players tende to use all 10 slots for nothing. And some other players tende tp spam many polls.


    Howerver it does not harm at all...It's slightly dispersive. That’s all.

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