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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. They should introduce a new shop currency and Lower the cost.


    Emeralds and gems ie.


    Gems can be converted from golds at will and viceversa.

    Emeralds can be converted from gems in a limited daily or monthly quantity, and will be the new cash currency.


    New skins will cost half the current price, and could be purchased only with Emeralds.

    After 1 year, the old items will eventually return avaible also with gem purchase.


    New skins will cost less and would be purchased mostly with cash, without the need of huge Sums.



  2. Only skirmish tickets?

    What about every single currency in game with a tax like TP?


    You want to sell 100 tokens? You pay a tradable box of tokens which costs 150 tokens and contain 100 tokens.

    I would really like to buy Karma, Tokens, Shards, LS currencies, Contracts, Account Bound Materials, Tickets, Etc... when i need.


    Being able to trade for everything would definitely be perfect ( and also could be something more to bring ANET to release content earlier ).

  3. > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > I'm super bias.

    > > I don't like achievements in any game.

    > >

    > > One of the things I hated on the 360.


    > nobody forces you to do them, so your complete point is moot


    Since there's no option to disable them popping up as a message, he has definitely a point.

    Having them in background without showing ANYTHING won't be a problem at all.

  4. > @"Kraitan.8476" said:

    > So basicly for anything new they wanna add the counterargument is: 'it will kill conquest'. Why force an audience into mode A if they've been asking for mode B for years? That's not growing your community, that's trying to stop it from dying and that's just a matter of time imo. Veteran players who left the game won't come back when they hear: omg, conquest is so good now, they added maps and bla bla bla. Something entirely NEW on the other hand might.


    It's not that it will kill conquest, it's the fact that is going to split the SPvP players pool.

    To me here's the problems


    * There are not enough players to have a different modality.

    * There are not enough players to support all deathmatch possibilities ( 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 and even a stupid mode like 1v1 ).

    * No respawn ( deathmatch ) would mean XX secs queue ( at best ),30 sec for map selection and 1 min for team preparation. And combats will last 20/30 sec due to GW2 mechanics, so no the best deal.

    * They can't split ranked into 2 modalities ( after their big fail known as stronghold ).

    * Stomp and downed state would definitely be a problem since the team will stack as for PvE ( GW2, if you remove capture points, is all about dmg and boons stack ).

  5. > @"ZombieSlayeR.8702" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Is barrier affected by "unblockable" mechanics?

    > > If not, then it should ( a counter to barrier could be the choice to use an unblockable skill in order to deal dmg to the Player HP instead of Barrier HP ).


    > ..... No it should not. That doesnt even adress the problem barrier creates atm and would make playing scourge really frustrating.



    It should only prevent them to save themselves with barrier if the opponent saved his "piercing" attack for the last blow.


    I smell more fear than frustration.

  6. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > I'm not terribly interested in a reputation grind myself, though I'll allow as how there may be ways to implement it to make it fun rather than a chore.

    > >

    > > But the title really made me think this was going to be *against* any reputation system. "Gib" may be cute misspeak for "Give" but I know it as slang for instant murder. http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/gib


    > I... want gib reputations.

    > Can we have an actual "bounty" set up? Like stealth instance missions we have to get in and go after a specific target without getting spotted and murdering the person in cold blood to get our reward?

    > I would like this.


    Eso has the missions you are looking for, and they are not challenging nor that fun ( though they can be randomized in terms of place where to find the target or the booty ). Furthermore we have to take in mind that Eso works in a way that all classes do have "stealth", and that's why they were able to do this.

  7. AP system should simply changes.

    Currently it allows players to get:


    * Achievement Chests

    * Titles

    * Weapon Skins

    * Armor Skins


    Through time gate ( since 15k AP in 1500 days are definitely absurds ) obviously.


    It should be instead something which gives players extra rewards, but that can be obtained through the game.

    So, it should be limited to achievement chests only, and why not in terms of total AP leaderboards ( as currently is ).


    Titles, Weapons and Armors should be avaible to all players through


    * Crafting

    * Mystic Forge

    * A specific Achievement

    * A specific Chain Achievement


    Daily Cap could be removed ( so if you want to pursue achievement chests through also dailies you should be able to do this ), and new players won't need a buff or more APs because these will only be related to chests ( and a 1% extra luck/karma/gold ).



  8. > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

    > I think this is the best black lion chests have ever been.


    > Im grabbing the elementalist sword after only a $50 purchase of keys.


    > I opened 50 chests and now have 59 black statues. Only 1 key farm away from the elementalist sword!


    > At first, I was dissapointed that I didn't get the baby griffon backpack and glider. But then I noticed that I received the Svanirir Gloves and realized that I actually had pretty good luck.


    > I'm even tempted to try another $50 worth of keys this week.


    > And this is coming from someone who has never spent more than $100 on keys over 2 years of playing.


    > Im planning on unlocking with karma as many skins I can, before using the random Wardobe unlocks to guarantee a better chance for rare skins.


    > And the best part, even if I don't get the Griffon backpack after another $50 purchase this time, at a later date the griffin backpack should eventually be offered as a black statue reward.


    > As long as you value dye and realize that it is a common drop, I think you are really going to like the black lion chests now.


    Dude, you could have converted 3300 gems into 610g in order to directly buyout the sword from the TP.

    And by doing this you would have saved 700 gems ( maybe an outfit, or something else ).

  9. They won't give us 500 jewel because the want us to play maps, gain currencies and only at last buy accessories.

    As they won't probably give us the possibility to craft more legendary accessories ( 1 per expansion ), even though we can spam armors, weapons and backpacks.

  10. Wvw has problems related to balance and lag.

    That's why I would prefer a more balance scenario and, before thinking to ad anything else, no more lag.


    And along with spvp it needs balance the most.


    About pve maps in the next expansions, imho there will be new skills ( maybe during ls4 too ), but an adjunct to the core mechanics.


    Mount combat shouldn't replace the classes, and mounts shouldn't give different skills Depends the classes. But some fights with mounts, why not.


    Also you should remember that while you talk about 5 mounts, many still don't own a griffon.


    What worries me is that the game switched from hot to pof. From Normal to extremely casual. And, it's my guess, it will be even worst the more time passes.

  11. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > The idea is to not leave and go to a diff game. The idea is to implement systems that dont hurt some ppl but give value to others.


    It does hurt people, and feed those who have a problem with the game ( i don't have nothing here to do but still i pretend to have something, even useless as farming reputation ). The moment you realize that you are bored, you should stop for a while and try to realize that


    1. You don't have a subscription.

    2. You can return whenever you want and be capped and with your previous endgame equipment which still works.

    3. If the game has currently nothing more to give, you should simply take a break from it and do something else.



  12. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > > @"EnchantixAqua.5327" said:

    > > > > Aurora wasn’t that bad, Ad Infinitum was worse in my opinion.

    > > >

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8OUSNZx.png "")

    > > > Almost 1200 gold = "wasn't that bad"

    > > >

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/PPjcsBv.png "")

    > > > Yet, almost 100 gold more and it's worse?

    > >

    > > It's not a matter of golds :lol:


    > The gold (and footprints) are the only 2 things keeping me from getting a legendary.


    That's your personal pov.


    To me it's the currencies, achievements and any other stuff which is not fun.

    Golds were definitely not an issue if compared to being forced to do specic events, gather specific currencies, craft specific items, and waiting for timegates crafts.

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