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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

    > > My friend who is capped on luck and I frequently build guild halls together and just recently he drained all his luck donating to a hall I'm currently building. No one is to blame for chars and chars filled with exotic luck that you "can't use" where the luck sits useless because you store it and choose not to donate it somewhere because you think anet will add some use for luck that will make you rich later or will benefit you somehow except you. This is a choice you're making. Meanwhile people who aren't capped on luck fall farther on farther behind trying to cap their luck and have to donate luck that could've contributed to their magic find because a large majority of people who ARE capped on it choose to hoard it instead of donating it.


    > I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck.


    Definitely this.

    Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall.


    Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ).



  2. > @"Zenakou.7853" said:

    > ANet why don't you allow us to just directly purchase the items we want? Why does ANet not just bundle a collection like the phoenix skins or gargoyle skins for example and just sell them to us for 600-800 gems? I think a lot more players would be apt to spend money in the gem store if they can just directly buy what they want instead of spending a lot of money on stupid BLC keys in hopes of unlocking the skins they want through the wardrobe. I've been playing for some years now and I'm still confused about why we have the RNG instead of direct purchases? I think the micro money they make from BLC key sales and what not would pale in comparison to the amount of money players would spend on items they actually want. Anybody else think so?


    Because if the cost is high players are more inclined to purchase gems in order to buy it.


    > Let's say that the item costs 700 gems.

    * X players would be able to convert golds to 700 gems


    > And now let's consider the item cost 2k or more

    * Y players ( Y way more lower than X ) would be able to convert golds to gems, and due to both the limited time of aviability many players will ( or at least would consider ) the possibility to buy the bundle.


    Same thing goes for unique account bound skins from BLC ( which probably could be tradable after a year or so ).


    They did their math, and managed to learn that they are definitely going to make more money by selling high priced bundle or skins ( because of whales, mostly ).


  3. > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > I'm going to be hesitant. Guild wars 2 will be my only MMO though.

    > I can no longer play for the story, because its garbage.

    > Next expansion will be Non Mount friendly because that's their model. And in my opinion is extremely dumb.

    > PoF was just a check list of the bare minimum, and shipped as an "expansion"

    > Maps were scaled for mounts and were clearly just resized over all, (look at most doors)

    > I'd rather have an expansion in Core Tyria, major fixes and a true cleansing of Orr.

    > For the faults HoT had at launch, Anet redeemed it by adjusting loot. I preferred that way of gameplay. Except TD



    I bet instead that next expansion will also be mount friendly.

  4. > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > You do really want that gw2 sinks.

    > > I won't buy an expansion with underwater combat and environement.

    > >

    > > We must learn from the past ( core underwater combat ) and never forget.


    > they would lose a couple of players, but gain thousands other

    > they have successfully driven away most of their original playerbase, do you really think they would care about one more?

    > i have never seen better UW combat in mmos, sadly they just dropped it for some other useless kitten


    They said the same with pof and its mounts, and currently the copy which have been sold are less than hot.


    And we had a -25% discount on the new expansion after 2 months.


    Uw combat is probably better than others mmo, but still sucks and can't be a replacement for the terrain one.


    Uw could be part of thr game, but not the game.

  5. > @"Neural.1824" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


    > > But don't pretend to be right.


    > He *is* right. You do not get to dictate why he uses the commander tag.



    That's why because of few many are not allowed to have Nice things.


    Why do you take your commander Tag if you are not doing events/wvw lead?


    Because i paid for it and it can use it thr way I want.




    It's not an order from above.

    More likely Common sense.

  6. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


    > > Why would you take the tag on if not to play with a large group?

    > >

    > Maybe because they don't want to play the game the way that you think it should be played?



    As said before, the Tag was given to us in order to semplify tasks and provvide better coordinati on.


    You don't give a cat about the other players?

    Your choice.

    But don't pretend to be right.

  7. > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Pretending to use the commander tag in order to roam with another player is kinda selfish.


    > How is this selfish? You earn and pay for a tag, you can wear it however and whenever you like really. Block from joining or what have you, it's the tag wearers prerogative. Ignore and block pushy "join squad" invites you get as well.


    The commander tag is something meant to lead a group.

    Is not meant to be used with a friend solo or a party of 5 players.

    If you have bought it for petty reasons as those you said


    > You earn and pay for a tag, you can wear it however and whenever you like really


    you are definitely wrong.


    * During PvE, players will follow you because they think you are doing events, hp and so on.

    * During WvW players will follow you because they thinjk you are leading a squad.


    Why would you take the tag on if not to play with a large group?


  8. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > I don't think the op is using a commander tag, they're talking about repeatedly being invited to join a squad (squad invites not squad join requests).

    > >

    > > Oh my bad then sephi.


    > What?


    > Did you guys read or just trolling ?


    Mostly trolling, but this time I misunderstood squad invites with squad join requests ( as Pifil said in his post ).

    That's why i corrected myself.


  9. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I don't think there is a way to disable them.


    > If someone tries to get me to join a squad or party I don't want to be in I refuse the 1st time and the 2nd time I just ignore it. It's annoying because it leaves the invite up on the screen but it means they can't keep re-sending it, and it actually seems to get the message across more effectively than rejecting it.


    > And before anyone says anything I'm talking about times when I'm just roaming around the open-world not doing meta-events or world bosses or anything else that needs a squad and someone invites me totally out of the blue without saying a word to me about what they're doing or what they expect me to do as part of this group. I tend to assume they're used to games where you get bonuses if you're in a party with people on the same map and want to party up then carry on doing map completion, but whatever they case I don't want to participate so I refuse/ignore them. If it's a group activity then I often appreciate the invite rather than trying to click the commander.


    There shouldn't be a way to disable em, since we are talking about a MMO.

    But a way to make them less invasive could be appreciated:


    * An option to remove the invite sound

    * Custom UI would allow you to move the popup somewhere else


    I mean, i don't really like to move toward self centered features, but i also i don't really like invasive pop up and messages.

    And because GW2 ui can't be modified, i am forced to see many things i wouldn't like to see


    * Achievements

    * Loot

    * Avaible Dailies/Story/Events ( i should be able to stick only what i would like to see ).

    * And so on ( also the sound from invite and the request on the left is something i don't really like ).

  10. > @"pierwola.9602" said:

    > Here's mine.


    > # Tabula rasa

    > * **Conditions** removed from all weapons, utility skills and traits (to be potentially re-instated later).

    > * **Crowd control** removed from all weapons, utility skills and traits (to be potentially re-instated later).

    > * **Stability** removed from all weapons, utility skills and traits (to be potentially re-instated later).

    > * **Runes and Sigils** removed from the game (to be potentially re-instated later).

    > * **Condition cleanse** skills removed from the game.

    > * **Boon corruption** removed from the game.

    > * **Stun Break** skills removed from the game.

    > * Conditions are now classified into two groups: **Damaging Conditions and Debuffs**.

    > * Crowd control are now classified into two groups: **Interrupting and Control Effects**.

    > #Damaging Conditions

    > * Damaging conditions include: **Burning, Torment, Bleeding and Confusion.** Damaging conditions damage scales with Condition Damage and Expertise.

    > * Attribute combinations; **Power, Condition Damage and Expertise** gives the same killing potential as Berserker Amulet; **Power, Precision and Ferocity**.

    > * **Resistance** is a defensive character attribute. Each attribute point put into resistance increases the condition of the character by one, which improves the character's ability to withstand condition damage.

    > # Debuffs

    > * Debuffs include: **Poison, Blind, Chill, Cripple, Immobile, Slow, Weakness and Vulnerability.**

    > * Debuffs do not stack _(besides Vulnerability)_ and the duration cannot be increased with Expertise Attribute.

    > * High mobility classes/specializations have no access to anti mobility debuffs; Cripple, Immobile.

    > * High damage dealing classes/specializations have no access to Poison and Vulnerability.

    > * Classes/Specializations with access to Protection have no access to Weakness.

    > * Classes/Specializations with access to Blind; Necromancer and Thief.

    > * Classes/Specializations with access to Chill; Elementalist, Revenant and Reaper.

    > * Classes/Specializations with access to Slow; Revenant and Chronomancer.


    > **Debuffs List**


    > * **Poison**: Heal potency decreased by 66%.

    > * **Blind**: All outgoing attack misses.

    > * **Chill**: Recharge time increased by 33%. Endurance regeneration decreased by 100%.

    > * **Cripple**: Movement speed decreased by 66%. Gap closer range decreased by 33%.

    > * **Immobile**: Unable to move, leap or teleport.

    > * **Weakness**: Outgoing damage decreased by 66%.


    > # Crowd Control

    > * Crowd Control do not stack and the duration cannot be increased.

    > * **Control effects** are a set of effects that temporarily prevent actions or movement and disable all skills _(include instant cast skills)_ for the effect's duration. Skills which are interrupted with control effects skills have no cooldown penalty.

    > * **Interrupting** skill prevents a foe from completing its current action. Skills which are interrupted have a 10 second cooldown before they can be cast again.

    > * High damage dealing classes/specializations have no access to Control effects.

    > * High mobility classes/specializations have no access to Pull.

    > * Classes/Specializations with access to Interrupting skills: Thief, Mesmer, Elementalist

    > * **Stability** is a boon that protects against Crowd Control and Debuffs attacks, although it does not remove effects that are already in place. Stability do not stack.



    I really like this ( a dedicated thread in order to gather views/comments and let ANET see it would be nice ).

    Just one extra


    * Confusion dmg on skill use drastically incrased

    * Confusion dmg removed from AA.

  11. > @"jihm.2315" said:

    > > @"costepj.5120" said:

    > > I think you're playing a different game to me. Structured PVP perhaps? I play all classes in PVE and WvW because I find them all fun.

    > i play all game modes from wvw pvp to even pugging high lvl fractals, no class is actually fun


    You should change game then :lol:

    Not a flame, but since you are playing all game modes and you are not having fun with any class... why are you still playing? i would have dropped the game earlier.

  12. What abouy this


    Conditions should be an extra in terms of damage.


    The scenario should be


    * physical dps




    * hybrid physical/condi dps


    Remove necks which gives more than 550 condition damage and you will see players forced to deal dmg with both conditions and power ( which is affected by weakness, armor, protection and sometimes dodge,because many condi effects are persistent ).


    Try to fight with a Scourge friend with celestial equipment and see his damage.

  13. > @"Asur.9178" said:

    > > @"Coronit.9432" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > Very good plays, but Somehow is Clear the unbalancing of on target teleports ( being able to Kite enemies which can't teleport avoiding walls ) if your enemies don't have any.

    > >

    > > Actually they added counterplay to sword 2 ports. Its used to be instant and a stunbreak ages ago. Fun Times.

    > > People will get used to how to fight S/D-thieves. Flanking strike aftercast still exists. What I really hate is that they added unblockable to flanking. its a prime example what is wrong with the game. Just adding blocks and unblockables in a race to make it spammier each time.


    > It was never a stunbreak.


    It was



  14. #Scourge is not fit for the GW2 spvp because of capture points and its own mechanics ( scourge's ).

    And what has been said about the scourge


    > And it is **a class which a noob player can be immediately a champion with it, low risk high reward**, and **in the hands of a good player has too much advantage against any single class in the game, it has no real counters**, because power ranger or deadeye or other professions aimed to counter it are trash tier builds overall and if they can counter scourge doesn't justify their use in the pvp meta.


    >**A bad mediocre player using scourge can win against a decent-good player**.


    Is unfortunately true.


    The real problem is that, given the specific class, there is no real fix ( unless you bring scourge dmg to a dead end ).

    They should rework what they shouldn't have conceived, but I am sure this won't happen.


    Then we do have 3 possible scenarios


    1) Scourges will remain as they are

    2) Scourges will be nerfed to the ground ( or enough to put different classes into meta )

    3) Other classes will be reworked and scourge will move out of the meta ( not because of nerfs but because of buffs to other classes... but it's definitely impossible given the class and ANET way of balancing ).


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