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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > > ^ yep--refund their purchase and ban (forever)everything about the account (IP/e-mail/provider etc.)

    > > >

    > >

    > > refund? lol...


    > Well if they give out permanent bans they really should, just to cover their backs.





  2. > @"Wolfric.9380" said:

    > Shure. It helps if you have 1-3 extra buttons for the burst macro combo´s.


    Due to the fact that gw2 has only few buttons, this is definitely not a problem.

    During the time I played WoW i used to have from 30 to 40 binds, so if compared to GW2 the latter has way less buttons to use.

  3. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > > Aurene mount will **never** happen because she’s a character. She’s not only an extremely unique creature, she’s also _Aurene_.

    > > > > Hence it would be impossible to have her as a mount.

    > > >

    > > > She's a whole series of minis, so why not a mount?

    > > >

    > > > I want to ride Aurene in a LS event, but I really don't want to see Aurene as an all the time mount. The Aurene mini's are bad enough.

    > > > I would like to see Aurene show up in the personal instance like the snow leopard cub, so she follows you around the whole time you're there.

    > >

    > > If you pay attention you will note that every character or monster is a mini.

    > > Mounts are different.


    > Are they? Is it actually reasonable to say something that has existed for such a short time works in some particular way? They can do as they please and if they please they could easily put Aurene all over the place, because it would sell like no other mount ever will.


    > Also, on the subject of minis. There are the miniature versions of normal sized NPCs, and then the life sized version of things that are already small, like all the baby animal minis. Baby animals, like Aurene. There is a miniature version of teenage Aurene, which is properly mini, but the original Aurene was life sized to her already miniature stature.


    They definitely can do whatever they want, but I do hope that before they do this they give players more options to disable other players stuff, because some of us don't like to see minis, people riding meteorites, people mounting aurene, flashy colors, aurafeasts.

  4. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > Aurene mount will **never** happen because she’s a character. She’s not only an extremely unique creature, she’s also _Aurene_.

    > > Hence it would be impossible to have her as a mount.


    > She's a whole series of minis, so why not a mount?


    > I want to ride Aurene in a LS event, but I really don't want to see Aurene as an all the time mount. The Aurene mini's are bad enough.

    > I would like to see Aurene show up in the personal instance like the snow leopard cub, so she follows you around the whole time you're there.


    If you pay attention you will note that every character or monster is a mini.

    Mounts are different.

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Will Laurels be treated as every other currency?

    > How is it treated differently from any other currency now?


    As said it has been used for some skins/items which have been implemented before ( not trinkets, which is only an uppgrade ).


    I got your point, but if i won't get a response i will simply save them ( or most of them ).

    If you consider every possibility, it's definitely the best choice ( but if an answer will be given, then, depends the asnwer, i could recinsider ).



  6. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > If they do update laurela

    > S, I doubt itll just be for those who saved 5 years of laurels as it completely locks out new players.


    > Go ahead and use your laurels for gold. Many do.


    It won't lock anybody, but will be a time gated event which could be prevented by saving them.

    That's the point of the whole thread.


    Adding 10 items total cost 200 laurels will exclude players?

    No, but if they really are planning to make something like this, in order to prevent 3 months of time gate waiting ( because reasons, since i don't like timegate stuff ), saving them would be the best deal.

  7. Scourge is indeed low risk high reward, as mesmer, but what they must nerf to the ground in spvp are support roles ( firebrand and druid currently ).

    healing coefficients should be zero or similar.


    It should be possible to play on a point and be alive for minutes.

    As it should be possible to have bunker which can hold a point in 1v1 with mo problems.


    Toughness/healing power really need to go from necks, and some skills need to be reworked for spvp.

  8. I see 2 inconsistencies there


    * Aurene is not a dragon with a griffon shape anymore.

    * We will be able to see infinite guys mounting aurene, which will make aurene not unique.


    Minis do exist per every single characters, but mounts are pretty different.


    They should give us more options to disable other players effects, skins, dyes, weapon kinds, etc... before implementing new things.

    This will fix everything.



  9. The question is very simple.


    Will Laurels be treated as every other currency?

    If so, there won't be any other item avaible through laurels in the future, and everybody will manage to use them the way he likes.

    If there will be more items avaible through laurels in the future, then everybody will save it.


    An answer from the staff would be appreciated, so players would be able decide if save em or use them in exchange for golds.


  10. Since i started to play the game there was just an update for laurels if I recall correctly.

    And because of the LS1 boxes from gemstore instead through laurels, and the fact that new seasons are always avabile, i guess there won't be any other upgrade LS related.


    So, what about the future?

    I mean, will be laurels something like an old currency ( like HoT or Core game ) with specific items and no further upgrades or are you planning anything?

    Because it's a currency which is avaible only through login ( timegate then ) and some achievement chests, i do expect some improvements...


    ...are my expectations way too high?


    What do players think about this timegate currency avaible for all players ( core/hot/pof , except f2p users )?

  11. Good Video, and really good SB use.

    I could have used some tips during each fights ( there are a few, but knowing what are you waiting, looking for would have even better )


    But it's retarded how easily can a spellbreaker ( or warrior ) spam vs a thief in terms of low risk high reward ( even though the thief can manage to kill him if he plays properly ).

  12. Deathmatch will be a focus feast with no skill.

    That's why some would like to see this implemented.


    However i do agree with Dawdler


    > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > 10-15m? O.o


    > All my matches are about 8-12m (can go even lower if its a blowout) and I dont really see an issue with that. The length is fine.


    Sometimes it happens that a game lasts till 15 mins, but it's rare.

    Most of the times is around 10 m.


    I would change only 1 thing... let the preparation starts before joining the game.

    Something like


    * Click accept!

    * Select Map!

    * Map randomly chosen

    * **You Now have 30 sec to check your build before battle begins ( you won't be able to change class ).**

    * Then, once inside the game, the game starts in 10 sec.


    To me 10 min per game ( given that specific game mode ) is fine, even though sometimes happens that the enemy team ( or you team ) stomps... but this happens in every single game.

  13. Depends




    here you can see all classes with their meta builds for every game mode.


    Tanky equipment as soldier is only meant for wvw ( some pieces maybe ).

    Some classes ( like mesmer with chronomancer build ) could use some tanky equipment ( minstrell ) in order to perform as a tank in raids.


    I suggest you to watch some videos, read the wiki in order to learn things and follow some guides.

    Both guardian and warrior are good btw.

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