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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Oozo.7856" said:

    > > @"Choppy.4183" said:

    > > > @"Inoki.6048" said:

    > > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > > > There are tons of skilled roamers running around, but even the really good mesmers I talk to say they have a macro for that combo. Nothing in game should allow a player to cast that many abilities (up to 6) in the time most classes can cast 1 (maybe 2).

    > > >

    > > > Fully agree with you. That doesn't demonstrate skill when a computer program does something for you. That is considered cheating and should be punishable.

    > >

    > > It technically is, it's just difficult to catch and everyone knows it.


    > A majority of people playing games now probably have a gaming mouse. GW2 needs to enter this thing called reality and start designing their game and abilities to take their usage into account.


    > Look at the solo roaming videos on youtube. Almost all of them are using a mouse macro to do jump dodges to look cool and impress people that don't know any better. :P


    Dodge jump gives you a wider Gap, and also is not that hard to perform ( i could still miss it 1 out of 20, but it's definitely not too hard to perform. With a macro however you would have 100% success chance )

  2. Stop defending scourge dude.

    You hit the maximum score as ridiculous person.


    Reaper hard counter for scourge, that's why is full of scourges and there are no reapers.


    Trolls started a great 2018.

    Defending scourge, suggesting to avoid boons in the class players should play and the reaper's supremacy, which is currently the nr 1.

  3. Reaper can't counter a good scourge, because he will Signet after his signet. I still have to see a reaper kill a Scourge.


    That said, it's not about adaptation ( which does not bring fun, because being forced into playing a class or build which allows you to deal with an unbalanced class is not fun ).


    And go without boons is not a solution, nor possible.

  4. > @"Wolfheart.7483" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @YuckaMountain.3786 said:

    > > > How about luck eater or hourglass that you can buy stuff, obsidians or currencies?

    > >

    > > It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.

    > > I will try to explain this better:

    > >

    > > It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.

    > > The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.

    > > Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it.

    > >

    > > But since it's

    > >

    > > * Not usable for any recipe

    > > * Not able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )

    > > * Not able to be exchanged for items

    > > * Not able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).

    > > * Not able to be consumed because of the cap

    > > * Not used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ).

    > >

    > > We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ).


    > It is required for some recipes, wallet will not work.


    A vendor from who you can trade a wallet currency for some real currency ( or items ) and the problem would be solved ( as stated many times in the previous posts ).



  5. > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > @YuckaMountain.3786 said:

    > > > How about luck eater or hourglass that you can buy stuff, obsidians or currencies?

    > >

    > > It won't work because eaters are supposed to eat a really small part of the used currency.

    > > I will try to explain this better:

    > >

    > > It's not something which is needed in order to make a profit or an equal exchange.

    > > The currency has no use once you hit 300% MF but it does still drop.

    > > Not knowing what would be avaible in the future, as for karma, tokens, golds, quartz and so on, we do simply not trash it.

    > >

    > > But since it's

    > >

    > > * Not usable for any recipe

    > > * Not able to being refined into something else ( like bloodstone dust or other stuff which has multiple uses )

    > > * Not able to be exchanged for items

    > > * Not able to be stacked in bank ( but due to fact that you gain too much would be pointless. i do currently have around 400 slots occupied by exotic essences stacks ).

    > > * Not able to be consumed because of the cap

    > > * Not used with any eater ( though it would be a joke because of the way you get it. I mean that eater would eat 6x250 and you will get XX x 250 per day ).

    > >

    > > We do currently save it ( i currently have 4 full characters, which due to MF stacks can't be played. Fortunately i don't play them but i am also gaining more MF so the problem is getting real ).


    > Throw it away and your bags will be free. Or are you saving it just in case you can do something else with it?


    As a currency, i have to save it.

    It should simply be a portfolio currency, and currently it's ANET the one at fault.


    And since it's a QoL problem which affect the game since years, it's ridiculous that we don't have a fix yet ( i was lucky i dropped the game and i only managed to cap my luck 4 months ago, or else part of my game would included manage it ).


    Actions like


    * Throw it away

    * Convert them

    * Stack them

    * Use them


    Should simply don't exist, because they are a time sink and simply bad development.

  6. > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

    > More condi cleaner should give a 1-2 sec of condi immunity. With that, condi spammers should be more carefull when throwing their condi burst.


    That's it.

    With a Dragon hunter i first managed to cleanse 5 with f2, then convert 8 with meditation.

    Got 8 conditions again in the next 8 sec.


    Condispam has imho some problems


    * Persistent ( while a physical dmg once avoided is avoided )

    * Too many conditions ( damaging conditions + non damaging conditions )

    * Condi Cleanse works it a very bad way ( there should be a way to chose what to remove, as you can use a skill to remove imparing movement effects, you should be able to clean on use damagin condition effects ).

    * You can't avoid all shades, also because the scourge itself is a shade ( you can't simply go outside the shades, if you are a melee class then jokes on you, because the scourge could manage to follow you ).


    Therefore, a class with only has aoe, in a capture point pvp mode, shouldn't exist ( you can dodge all dh traps with a single dodge, but with scourge you can't ).

  7. > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > Weren't people complaining about power-creep like crazy? And that elize specializations are supposed to be "sidegrades"?

    > Suddenly the crowd chants to merge that? What is that all about? xD


    > Excelsior.


    It's since the release that GW2 balance has problems, and it went always worst than the beginning ( Both SPvP and WvW. I don't know about PvE, but since you are vs AI i see no real problems at all ).


    So, given the fact they don't care or are not able to develop or fix ( After HoT mystakes they managed to release PoF with spellbreaker, scourges, mirage and firebrands... even though the real issue concerns mostly only scourges and mirage ), why shouldn't players be ok with a similar feature?

  8. Droprate is definitely low ( not sure about a comparison with the chak egg ).

    The fact it isn't on the TP is due to the fact that it's something which is traded outside the game due its value ( real cash ), because there's not control in terms of mail ( there are limits on golds you can send, but not about items ).

  9. > @"obcan.1470" said:

    > > @"insaneseagull.7063" said:

    > > > @"ukuni.8745" said:

    > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > > > @"ukuni.8745" said:

    > > > > > I never understood why might stacks wernt flipped to vulnrability when corrupted

    > > > >

    > > > > It get's flipped to weakness not to vulnerability.

    > > > > Protection turns into vulnerability.

    > > > >

    > > > > But in a game in which almost has any class have always boons even only by weapons 1-5 skills, boon corruption of scourge is too broken.

    > > >

    > > > Yep i know that allready what im saying is i think might getting flipped to vulnrability would make more sense, like hey i turned your extra damage into my extra damage and same goes for protection hey i turned your extra tank into my extra tank since weakness.

    > >

    > > When you think about it that way,sure it makes sense. But think about it,so does weakness.

    > >

    > > The warriors might is converted into its weakness. Strong/Weak are polar opposites.


    > Is it just me or is this guy completely clueless. Just like Scourge main would be.


    Aiming for the scourge oscar.

    Or troll of the day.

  10. I am up to counterplays, but it's true that many other persistent skills do not have any.


    * Shades

    * wells

    * symbols

    * random persisten aoe skill

    * etc...


    Then i guess making them untargettable would be the best deal ( obviously they should then reduce the duration of some skills like the heal, which lasts 10 seconds ).

  11. The request is ok, but since the game is about fashion it should be the easiest thing to switch between differente appareances.


    Transmutation charges need to go.


    Players must be able to switch whenever they want for free ( as repair now is free ).

    If they want to add new sinks there are plenty of ways, but TC and a stupid system with no templates are no fit in a game like GW2.


    The soon ANET is going to realize this, the better for everybody.


    ps: already existent transmo charges could be converted into nothing for what i care, if a free system is going to replace the current one.

    pps: mixing appareance could be confusing at first but I think i could enjoy something like that.

    ppps: i have plenty of transmo, so I am no crying because i have no TC. It's an objective point of view given the specific game.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/gcfeShD.jpg "")


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