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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Bobert.7458" said:

    > Hi everyone, new player here. I will be starting my first character tonight after work. I was just wondering what the current standings are for classes. In previous games im usually a tank, so im probably gonna stick with something like that or maybe go dps if you guys think that might be better. Im also gonna be looking for a guild to join of anyone is willing to take in a noob. Thanks in advance for any help.


    Welcome aboard.

    I suggest you to try to forget most of the things you learnt from previous mmo:


    * Equipment progression: this game is balanced around exotic equipment, which can be obtained in a few hours. There's a more powerful version of the equip, but is mostly meant for a specific PvE game mode ( fractals ) even though it could be useful in Raids too ( but Raids can be achieved with a full exotic party too ).

    * Combo FIelds and Combo Finisher ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo ), which are an important part of the game.

    * Hybrid System with Tab Target + No Target combat ( you are not needed to target your opponent, and mostly you'll have not to target him in order to perform some skills the way you want. It's not complicated even though to be explained in a proper way could need some minutes ).

    * Endgame ( There's no real endgame, but as a new player the world is full of activities. I suggest you to take your time, not to waste your lvl80 Boost and ask for helps in a friendly guild or here on forum ). I suggest you also to spend some time doing Jumping Puzzles in order to learn how jump works and a better handling ).

    * 3 game mode mostly ( PvE, WvW which is server vs server vs server, and SPvP which is 5v5 with no equip. Everybody will have the same stats ), and as Loosmaster suggested you here above, think about the server because ( unless you pay golds or cash to change it ) you will be locked to it in terms of WvW ( only WvW. Nothing Else ).

    * I suggest you also to take the second Expansion, which is currently cheap ( and gives also you another free inventory slot and a booster too, if i recall correctly ).

    * Buy from the gem store the "Copper Fed-Salvage O Matic" asap. It's a must to play this game.



  2. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > * Why is match making so bad in my opinion? 1. Match manipulation 2. Hack programs 3. Log out/back on class stacking 4. Seriously imbalanced intra-class meta.


    1. Can be fixed ( see point 2 ).

    2. Due to the fact that seems there has been hacks since the launch ( wvw invisible stuff anyone ), i guess the only thing you can do is to monitorate and ban those who use em ( even without logs ).

    3. Can be solved by allowing 1x class team ( also more variety ).

    4. Maybe a Split among all 3 game modes could do the work.

  3. > @"Gondolph.7201" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > I convert to exotic (500 luck) and store them on an alt, because I can afford the space. If I couldn't, I'd "consume all" (rather than the delete). I don't believe ANet will increase the cap, but if they did, I'd rather have them as part of my account then lost to the ether.

    > >

    > Well exotic essence of luck has 200 luck. Legendary essence of luck has 500, but I never heard you can convert lower potions into it. Is there really any way to do this?




    You can't.

    He probably wrote the wrong number



  4. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > Also, to those who keep saying "Guild hall decorations" as a sink for Luck, the only decorations that can be obtained via luck are only possible to purchase a few weeks out of the year (during the Lunar New Year celebration). Lucky Red Lanterns are not available most of the year.


    > Regardless, I don’t think buying lanterns is a good enough solution. Some players don’t belong to a guild, and others either don’t like Scribing, can’t be bothered, or do not wish to donate a decoration to the guild hall. I personally will craft one/two statues each year (Year of the Rooster was different because of our guild name, so I made 4 of those statues) the rest of the Lunar decor doesn’t really fit in with the Windswept haven. So even though there’s no storage limit, those lanterns will go to waste if someone is just dumping their luck. Plus I’m not using my own resources to refine thousands of lanterns!



    That's the point many don't understand.

    **Other Account bound currencies which are used for the guild**


    * have also different uses

    * can be mostly used to make golds or profit

    * can be stacked into storage, and probably refined

    * don't drop the way luck does


    **Let's Take SPvP or WvW potions**.

    * You could use them for the guild



    * for personal profit.


    **Let's Take instead a currency which can be traded, like snowflakes**.

    * You can use them for the guild




    * sell them to TP, stack them in personal guilds or storage, rafine them, sell them, craft, etc...


    As you can see, once you capped luck, you have definitely no other use ( and the fact you still drop luck is an inventory sink ).

    The luck system was crap since the beginning, because ANET didn't think about what would have happened after the cap ( or they deliberately decided to put this as a inventory/time sink, which would be probably the worst scenario in terms of community ).

  5. > @"Zenakou.7853" said:

    > They hardly sell direct bundles or skins. Players should be allowed to solely purchase the items they want instead of gambling on the BLC. If players want to convert a ton of gold to gems to unlock the entire zodiac skin collection then they should have that choice. I personally don't believe we should have to spend let's say 20 bucks on gems just to get a chance to unlock a zodiac sword when I can spend said 20 dollars on the entire zodiac collection and unlock them all.


    That would be ok if converion wouldn't exist ( and we all have to pay for every single gemstore item ).


    Personally, i prefer to have a golds to gems trade and let ANET make money out of whales.

    I would have paid over 500€ without the current system.


    Or else, they could split gemstore into something like "gems" and "emeralds".


    * The first one converted from golds will allow players to buy bundles and overpriced items

    * The second one, obtained through real money purchase, will allow players to buy single item for a definitely more moderate price.

  6. What brought players while lowering the skillbase was the introduction of rewards in spvp.


    Currently the playerbase is that low that it's not possible to have the right challenge in order to get very skilled players.

    What I mean is that is definitely true that out of 3k players there will be the top 10.

    It's logic.


    But because of the absent playerbase, the average level is definitely low ( the top 250 players is a joke, also because of traders and the absence of balance ).


    GW2, because of its mechanics mostly, would have never been an e-sport, and it will never be a real one.


    That said


    > 1- The best way for me to answer this question was to look back and see what brought me to PvP in the first place: the wings of ascension. Legendary backpacks had just come out, and those wings looked glorious. I had to have them, so I started playing ranked.

    It's dumb, but what brought me-- and a lot of other players-- was a sexy backpack skin. It was unique to PvP, and served as a symbol that you as a player were truly competitive. Kind of like legendary armor with PvE.

    Today, PvP rewards are lackluster at best. No one wants to go PvP for the legendary armor because it lacks any significant skin. You get PvP legendary armor and no one can even tell. As of now, I have all the requirements to get a full set of legendary PvP armor. I tried, and got the chest piece. But it's useless, especially when I have 4 diff sets of ascended armor. You can't even tell its there. I know it sounds pretty dumb to say this, but if Anet wants new players to come to PvP they need to give them legendary skins. The skins give players something to strive for-- something that's unique to PvP. Of course this doesn't just apply to the legendary armor; the rewards in general are not worth it.


    As stated before, rewards brought players but lowered also the skill ( as the current pip system, the wintrading, the afking/trolling unpunished and so on ), but it's definitely true that given the fact that SPvP is now casual, adding more rewards won't harm the game anymore ( people already farm ranked with no clue or spamming the low skill/high reward class of the moment ).


    > 2- The longer I stay in PvP the more realize that this is becoming a bigger problem. Veterans keep leaving, the top ratings on the leaderboard decrease every season, and I myself have lost most of my PvP friends. This became especially noticeable last season when Anet prevented people from duo queuing above 1600 rating. It really put a dent in the veteran PvP community.

    That's not the only problem though. It's just always the same. Every season is the same-- same game mode with the same players. It gets repetitive and boring. People NEED new game modes. It just has to happen. Imagine playing Call of Duty with Domination as the only game mode. That'd be stupid, right? See what I mean.

    Maybe Anet can add an free-for-all mode. Team death match. There's a lot they could do here. Personally, I think it'd be cool if they added a map where it's free for all, with players being able to kill other players and loot the items they have equipped. Kind of like the wilderness in Runescape if anyone's ever played that.

    Another feature they could use to keep veterans playing is to insert how many times they've won a title into the title. For example, I've been in the top 100 for two seasons. My title could be: 2x Ruthless Legend.


    Ranked should be only soloq since the beginning ( teams do have 4 tournaments per day and 1 monthly tournament ).

    New game modes would be fun, but i wouldn't dare to split the current community ( unfortunately, we don't have enough players ).

    Also you have to consider that giving new game modes is not enought, because after that people will start to complain about things like


    * Why don't we have a ranked for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, New mode 1, New Mode 2, New mode 3... etc...

    * You can't work towards balance and e-sport ( even though i wouldn't consider it as said before ) and proposing different modes. The mode should be one, with maybe different maps ( like the current mode ).


    Also we all have seen the mega fail called stronghold haven't we?


    More than game modes we do need ANET to understand that SPvP, WvW and PvE must be separated from each other.

    Giving total control to SPvP team could change everything.


    That said, they could give some maps or system for 1v1/2v2/3v3 just for fun ( custom obviously. Not ranked nor unranked ).


    >3- I used to look forward to PvP seasons. Now I look forward to the break I have in between the seasons so I can have fun in unranked. That's a big issue.

    PvP seasons are too frequent. They're meaningless now. How could you possibly call it a "season" when it's become the standard for PvP? Seasons are things athletes need to prep for. It's where you give the game your all-- there's supposed to be big hype around them. It shouldn't be a perpetual thing, like it is today. Don't call it a season if that's not what it is.

    E-Sports needs to come back. People need to look forward to watching competitive games-- to try to learn from them, to try to improve their own skills.


    I got your point, but I doubt you will ever achieve something by reducing the number of seasons ( and i mean both new players and e-sport ).


  7. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

    > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > > Assuming that all goes well and we don't have any unexpected issues, the next balance update is scheduled for February 6th.

    > >

    > > Are you guys going to give us any sneak peak of the Balance Patch? D:


    > We are planning PvP/WvW splits


    God, Yeah!


    > changes to the Confusion condition


    I do still hope that confusion won't work on AA but only on Other skills ( with higher dmg maybe ) and maybe does not have a DOT effect in competitive modes.


    > regeneration effectiveness prioritization


    Don't know what to expect.


    >boon/condition conversion table changes...


    Goodbye Scourge Weakness spam ( I hope )


    > PLUS MORE!!




    > There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!


    Maybe EM will be reconsider ( or internal GCD 30 sec, as for thief acro passive trait ).



  8. Legendary items are something which can be achieved by playing the game.

    Whatever the way you decide to play, you are able to get leggies for a character, but there are some unjustified locks on content


    I am talking about accessories


    Currently we do have the possibility to make only 1 trinket and 1 ring ( not sure if the ring is already fully avaible or still locked behind LS4 ), and no amulets.


    I know that I am not talking for all the community, but It would be nice for you ANET to understand that there are players that does not care about auras and aesthetics, and that they only would like to have a full legendary set, in order to save room and change stats whenever they want.


    So, why don't you introduce some no aesthetic/aura offsets in order to let us complete our character/s?


    Having to run a character with X ascended offsets in order to change setup just because reasons is not really comfortable.


    A split between QoL and Aesthetic would be definitely great.

  9. Just to be more clear about the situation


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/VkJywU6.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/6MBv7rD.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/7PCJ4cC.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/u21pWau.jpg "")


    This is more or less what i got in 25 days (with 2h per day ) of playing ( before unidentified item hidden nerf and market adjustement ).

    I do obviously have 1 character per class, and i am lucky ( no pun intended ) that i only like to play thief and revenant, so the others are just extra slots.


    But as you see the problem is definitely real.

    A wallet currency and a vendor which allows you to purchase essences could be an option, but i would be also fine if all the recipes which require luck would be reworked with different materials, and luck stopped to drop from salvagin. Whatever the solution, a fix is needed.


    ps: another character is full of ascended mats ( i do have 8x storage bank, but even so they drop too much ) and black lion salvage tools, which brings the number from 4 to 5.

  10. It's a realistic scenario in terms of progression.

    The soon he starts, the less the time before his own equipment completed.


    * Offsets are for free ( backpack included ).

    * Once you have an armor proficiency ( or weapon ) lvl 500, you just need to play the game and do your time gated crafts daily.

    * Then you will be able to craft everything ( best thing to do is SW chest run + meta event, in order to gather ascended materials, and it won't take too long for a full armor + 2/3 weapons )


    About the infusion, obviously it will pass some time before he would be able to buy em ( unless he specifically farm golds in a proper way instead of playing the game. Or use real cash obviously ), but that's the real difference between an exotic armor and an ascended ( agony resistence apart ).

  11. > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

    > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

    > > > > > My friend who is capped on luck and I frequently build guild halls together and just recently he drained all his luck donating to a hall I'm currently building. No one is to blame for chars and chars filled with exotic luck that you "can't use" where the luck sits useless because you store it and choose not to donate it somewhere because you think anet will add some use for luck that will make you rich later or will benefit you somehow except you. This is a choice you're making. Meanwhile people who aren't capped on luck fall farther on farther behind trying to cap their luck and have to donate luck that could've contributed to their magic find because a large majority of people who ARE capped on it choose to hoard it instead of donating it.

    > > > >

    > > > > I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck.

    > > >

    > > > Definitely this.

    > > > Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall.

    > > >

    > > > Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ).

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > After double-checking the amounts required, any given upgrade (aside from further exploration) only requires a couple days worth of my average luck gain. So, once I hit cap, I can play for a week and supply all of the luck needed for a guild, shy of the Further Exploration upgrade (which would take me most of a month on my average play). Talk about a short-term solution.

    > >

    > > That's one person, playing semi-casually for 1-2 hours a day. Not a guild, but one person.


    > umm what exactly do you do to earn so much exotic luck in 1-2 hours of gameplay a day? I just had space for 984 exotic luck and that was just for the further exploration upgrade (777), hero banner (100 or so i think) and one of the tavern upgrades, there's at least one or two others which I've already done which he's donated for before I think but what do you do where you earn almost 1000 exotic luck in LESS than a month? Given that you only play 1-2 hours a day "semi-casually". Coz it sounds to me like all you're doing is grinding silverwastes and salvaging what you get in your bags for the whole 1-2 hours. I can tell you I find your semi-casual claim pretty hard to swallow. Just coz you don't run a meta build while you grind silverwaste doesn't make you semi-casual. My friend opened tons of new years envelopes last year, but supplied several guilds with their further exploration luck (he just joined, deposited, and left) and he still ran out after this last guild. Now granted, he hasn't had time to play everyday like you since end of summer last year but I'm willing to bet you also didn't open as many lucky envelopes as he did either given you're capped on luck. (And he's been capped on luck since luck release because he was doing a luck salvage droprate thingy).


    I managed to cap luck with pof, but mine was 270% before ( halloween bags mostly ), and i managed to play 1/2 h per day for a month more or less with pof, then dropped completely.


    And i didn't play more or less for 2 years since the mf was released ( since it's my filler game ), so this is something which affects a moderate part of the population.


    And I have no problems stating this again.


    I ( and I am sure many with me ) don't want something in exchange for my luck.

    I just want luck to be a wallet currency in order to save space.


    If in the future ANET will decide to add some other uses for luck, no problem ( i do not pretend to be rich with luck, nor i want more uses for it. But just in case, wasting it is not a choice ).

  12. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

    > > > > My friend who is capped on luck and I frequently build guild halls together and just recently he drained all his luck donating to a hall I'm currently building. No one is to blame for chars and chars filled with exotic luck that you "can't use" where the luck sits useless because you store it and choose not to donate it somewhere because you think anet will add some use for luck that will make you rich later or will benefit you somehow except you. This is a choice you're making. Meanwhile people who aren't capped on luck fall farther on farther behind trying to cap their luck and have to donate luck that could've contributed to their magic find because a large majority of people who ARE capped on it choose to hoard it instead of donating it.

    > > >

    > > > I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck.

    > >

    > > Definitely this.

    > > Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall.

    > >

    > > Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ).

    > >

    > >


    > After double-checking the amounts required, any given upgrade (aside from further exploration) only requires a couple days worth of my average luck gain. So, once I hit cap, I can play for a week and supply all of the luck needed for a guild, shy of the Further Exploration upgrade (which would take me most of a month on my average play). Talk about a short-term solution.


    > That's one person, playing semi-casually for 1-2 hours a day. Not a guild, but one person.


    Yeah i know.

  13. If you aim to do Raids and Fractals, then yes.


    Exotic is a little underpower if compared to ascended, and it also does not have infusion slots ( you won't be able to do fractals because of agony resistence ).


    Here's a full socketed ascended build



    And here's a full exotic build



    You can check the differences in terms of stats ( zerk gear ie ).


    However, i suggest you to start with ascended offsets avaible through laurels and ls.

    Then decide if armor and weapons are worth it.

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