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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. 1. Scourge is good for SPvP, and it's Support/debuffer/controller/Condidps..

    2. If you enjoy support classes, try Firebrand ( guardian ) and revenant ( ventari ). Also Tempest ( elementalist ) could be good, but i am not really into elementalists.

    3. WvW ( warriors are welcome because of the spellbreaker elite ).

  2. Hi guys,


    as I happened to see during these years of GW2, the game itself has 1 major problem related to SPvP.

    Which is related to the playerbase and the team size.


    Given the fact that GW2 has not that much players, and the community who plays competitive SPvP is way lower, in order to maintain some balance, they tried different solutions:


    * Split SPvP between Soloq/duoq and 5v5 premade


    This was a fail, because 5v5 had non queue, and it was a wintrade feast due to the low playerbase.

    Also, the soloq/duoq was not really a thing, because duoq was way better than soloq, and also because a single player or a duoq could managed to lose due to other random players.


    * Remove 5v5 from ranked and move it to automated tournaments. Duoq till plat, then soloq.


    This was better than before indeed, but still not worth in terms of competitive gameplay, because you were forced into a random team.


    The major problem here is that SPvP is meant for 5v5.

    And the players allowed to manage a 5v5 premade are few ( which means that mostly we could see random premades for tournament rewards and only few competitive 5v5, which can't train themselves because ranked does not allow 5v5 premades ).


    I would like to see a smaller map with 3people team size, only avaible for premades.

    I see different advantages from a system like that:


    * Making a team would be definitely easier ( every player will have to find only 2 more people instead of 4 )

    * Team aviability ( it is normal that sometimes not all players are online in order to play 5v5. with a 3v3 queue this will be way more easier to achieve ).

    * Less stomp

    * Competitive gameple will be the main part of this modality, because there will be only premades.

    * More teams ( 5v5 needs 5 players, 3v3 needs 3. And if you think about how many players drop the idea to do a 5v5 premade, you will probably understand why there will be more 3v3 teams ).


    I know that a 3v3 could seem strange, but if you try to focus on the problems because the 5v5 failed, I really think a 3v3 game mode could definitely help.

  3. Btw, given the fact that I currently resumed with SPvP, I am going to make some tests, like reporting players for afking and verbal abuse, then add then to my List and do a check everyday in order to see how long it takes to do the procedure


    * There's a new report

    * The reported message contains verbal harassment

    * **Account suspended**




    * There's a new report

    * The report says that player went afk

    * **investigation, whatever this means, and account suspended**



  4. > @"Abisha.9028" said:

    > Like i say many thing's do not makes sense.

    > 1. I understand



    > 2. Tome of knowledge (screenshot) https://www.mediafire.com/view/d0174nrjdmdd1hc/Tome.jpg


    Tome of knowledge gives your character +1 lvl ( lvl 80 is cap ).

    > it do not state anything i need to use it twice or reason why it exist. after use i not level 80 but fake 80.


    Also in SPvP you won't see any difference, because your character is capped with everything unlocked ( try to go in PvE and you will see your real character lvl ).


    > 3.Webpage https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/#mastery

    > it not really explain what you get. unless you likely play like months GW2


    Probably the darker ones are related to the previous expansion, which is Heart of Thorns ( both the uppgrade and the Living Story ).


    > 4. Gear not meaningful i do not understand why are those then? https://www.mediafire.com/view/cgrgyecebr9cpcr/gear.jpg


    While in SPvP, everybody has the same equip.

    You won't be able to have better equipment or worse equipment than other players.

    It's only a matter of skill ( even though the game is not properly balance ).

    > 5. i understand



    > 6. https://www.mediafire.com/view/tl81um5xvkcl8a2/unaccessable.jpg


    You need to have a pass because it's an exclusive place which is only avaible for those who managed to win the monthly contest, through this pass



    > 7. I understand.





  5. Given this specific game


    - 64 characters cap

    - Achievements & related stuff

    - Account bound stuff as Armor, Weapons, Skins, Minis, Mounts, Professions, Etc...

    - Expansions ( which have a cost )


    There's no reason for anybody to have more than 1 account, unless


    - You want to optimize your crafting because of TP trade ( multiwars + XX account crafting/refining instead than 1x. That's because they decided to add a crafting time in order to provvide a time sink, but since they are ok with multiaccount with multicraft, which is not considered an exploit, i guess there's no problem at all )

    - Multi login rewards ( buy more accounts and do the daily login with every single one. This will provvide around 60g per month. Because weekly chests stacks till 7, you can probably use a program which log all your accounts without claiming any reward, then claim all of them the seventh day ).

    - SPvP smurf or Match manipulator ( you will obviously need hide your IP ).


    I currently have a main and 2alts for daily login.

  6. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?


    > Here's how I would formulate a report:


    > * PvP Match: Date and Time

    > * World Name

    > * Names of characters (with exact spelling)

    > * Your own character name (so the team can see where you were and match chat around you -- contextual reference)



    Sorry Gaile, but if I report using the report function in the specific chat ( with the incriminating word ) isn't the support able to read the phrease i chose to report?

    If not, why don't you implement something like this?


    Reporting a player is currently a waste of time ( not because no action would be taken, but just because you lose 5/10 secons to make the report ), but thinking to add everything you said is kinda ridiculous ( 1 min per report more or less ).


    Knowing this, i will stop report anybody from now on, until a proper report system will be introduced ( right click > end ).

  7. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > > > > This is not true, because predictability can destroy said balance. Diversity destroys predictability, which will then not negate proper balance.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The balance will be ongoing, and you don't have to care about

    > > > > > > * 1000 builds

    > > > > > > * Equip

    > > > > > > * traits

    > > > > > > * skills

    > > > > > > * weapons

    > > > > > > * sigils

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > but just 9 builds with flat stuff, which just need to be barely adjusted.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > There's no way having diversity will bring more balance.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Simply math.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Simply math doesn't apply in some instances however. This is not trying to read stars or determine coordinates, masses, or distances of other celestial bodies in the universe.

    > > > >

    > > > > Feel free then to explain how, in terms of balance, a system which consists in random templates with random elements could be at least balanced as one with X static characters, with no customization.

    > > >

    > > > Having different professions become viable with different generations of codes, which include the binary digits 1 and 0, could cause proper balance to fall into place and occur simultaneously, by having more options for desired gameplay instead of trapping said professions in a constant state of operating under the dictating laws of said 1s and 0s. You tweak a few things in aspects of one build, and tweak a few things in aspects of other builds, to meet a general balance. Now balance does not need to mean it is all the same. you see, balance also means:

    > > > 1) roles not overstepping their boundaries (e.g. holosmith with perma stab, making it sort of a bursting tank. perform greatly in one, while decently in the other, that is the remedy, not greatly in both.)

    > > > 2) being strong and weak to certain other roles and build choices (e.g. support beats condi, however due to lack of defense, support can't beat burst damage, etc etc)

    > > > 3) numbers (see what i did there? i numbered this all for you, "astronomer")

    > > > 4) science

    > > > 5) potions and elixirs (kk enough trolling)

    > > > I am more than familiar with computer programming and code generation, as I myself am studying to become a software engineer. If you are attempting to sound brilliant, i'd hold your tongue if I were you. =P

    > >

    > > I am still waiting here.

    > > When you feel ok providing reasons to the question i asked you, i will be delighted to read them.


    > Feel free to reread my response to your question. Until next time, when you've gotten rid of your extra salt, we can have a decent discussion. bye for now.


    I do understand that you have plenty of time to lose, but next time i ask you not to involve me with false hopes.

  8. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > > This is not true, because predictability can destroy said balance. Diversity destroys predictability, which will then not negate proper balance.

    > > > >

    > > > > The balance will be ongoing, and you don't have to care about

    > > > > * 1000 builds

    > > > > * Equip

    > > > > * traits

    > > > > * skills

    > > > > * weapons

    > > > > * sigils

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > but just 9 builds with flat stuff, which just need to be barely adjusted.

    > > > >

    > > > > There's no way having diversity will bring more balance.

    > > > >

    > > > > Simply math.

    > > >

    > > > Simply math doesn't apply in some instances however. This is not trying to read stars or determine coordinates, masses, or distances of other celestial bodies in the universe.

    > >

    > > Feel free then to explain how, in terms of balance, a system which consists in random templates with random elements could be at least balanced as one with X static characters, with no customization.


    > Having different professions become viable with different generations of codes, which include the binary digits 1 and 0, could cause proper balance to fall into place and occur simultaneously, by having more options for desired gameplay instead of trapping said professions in a constant state of operating under the dictating laws of said 1s and 0s. You tweak a few things in aspects of one build, and tweak a few things in aspects of other builds, to meet a general balance. Now balance does not need to mean it is all the same. you see, balance also means:

    > 1) roles not overstepping their boundaries (e.g. holosmith with perma stab, making it sort of a bursting tank. perform greatly in one, while decently in the other, that is the remedy, not greatly in both.)

    > 2) being strong and weak to certain other roles and build choices (e.g. support beats condi, however due to lack of defense, support can't beat burst damage, etc etc)

    > 3) numbers (see what i did there? i numbered this all for you, "astronomer")

    > 4) science

    > 5) potions and elixirs (kk enough trolling)

    > I am more than familiar with computer programming and code generation, as I myself am studying to become a software engineer. If you are attempting to sound brilliant, i'd hold your tongue if I were you. =P


    I am still waiting here.

    When you feel ok providing reasons to the question i asked you, i will be delighted to read them.

  9. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > This is not true, because predictability can destroy said balance. Diversity destroys predictability, which will then not negate proper balance.

    > >

    > > The balance will be ongoing, and you don't have to care about

    > > * 1000 builds

    > > * Equip

    > > * traits

    > > * skills

    > > * weapons

    > > * sigils

    > >

    > >

    > > but just 9 builds with flat stuff, which just need to be barely adjusted.

    > >

    > > There's no way having diversity will bring more balance.

    > >

    > > Simply math.


    > Simply math doesn't apply in some instances however. This is not trying to read stars or determine coordinates, masses, or distances of other celestial bodies in the universe.


    Feel free then to explain how, in terms of balance, a system which consists in random templates with random elements could be at least balanced as one with X static characters, with no customization.

  10. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > This is not true, because predictability can destroy said balance. Diversity destroys predictability, which will then not negate proper balance.


    The balance will be ongoing, and you don't have to care about

    * 1000 builds

    * Equip

    * traits

    * skills

    * weapons

    * sigils



    but just 9 builds with flat stuff, which just need to be barely adjusted.


    There's no way having diversity will bring more balance.


    Simply math.

  11. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Shazmataz.1423" said:

    > > > A general comment.

    > > > Please, when making any changes keep diversity of builds in mind. It is boring to have to be a "certain" build to be competitive. Please make it so that all builds can be competitive in their way. Diversity is the spice of life.

    > >

    > > I think the opposite.

    > >

    > > We know that SPvP is unbalanced because many reasons:

    > >

    > > > * Different Necks ( sigils more ore less are fine, even though the "on swap" sigils are random as passive skills, and need to go ).

    > > > * Different Builds

    > > > * Low resources for SPvP ( and WvW ofc ) TEAM.

    > > > * All game modes share all skills

    > >

    > > Given the fact that they are now starting to separate skills from the 3 modalities, here what would be the new situation

    > >

    > >

    > > > * Different Necks ( sigils more ore less are fine, even though the "on swap" sigils are random as passive skills, and need to go ).

    > > > * Different Builds

    > > > * Low resources for SPvP ( and WvW ofc ) TEAM.

    > > > * All game modes share all skills

    > >

    > > Now they want to point at build diversity, but instead i suggest both developers and players to stop for a moment and think about what is mostly needed.

    > >

    > > **Diversity or Balance?**

    > >

    > > Imho, since it's clear that a mmo can't provvide diversity and balance altogether ( not GW2 fault, but the RPG elements which are part of every single mmo ), i would prefer to have 9 different classes with a standard build, weapon set, neck, sigils and that SPvP team continue to work on them in order to incrase the balance the more the time passes.

    > >

    > > Diversity brings more problems than advantages, expecially in what should have been a competitive mode.

    > >

    > > I will definitely prefer to play with the same 9 classes and get more skilled with all of em than have to change the build because of the meta reasons ( yesterday staff was op, now sword and scepter. Tomorrow focus and warhorn ).

    > >

    > > Players should ask themselves what they mostly need, and if they would be ok to sacrifice something in order to achieve that goal or not.

    > > Currently you can play the build you want, and try everything, but it's not fun because:

    > >

    > > * You are not competitive.

    > > * You are matched with players which are "experimenting something new".

    > > * You could find them in the opposite team, having an easy match instead of a competitive one

    > > * Players won't be able to learn a class because they will always change something, and they indeed will become less skilled i compared to the "chose your class only" scenario.

    > > * There will be way less balance if compared to a base character selection. Always.

    > >

    > > Splitting the skills between SPvP and the rest is a good step.

    > > Now please realize that in order to achieve balance you need to sacrifice something else ( and that in a competitive gameplay balance is supposed to be the first goal, before diversity and whatever else ).


    > Proper balance can bring proper diversity.


    But without diversity you will have way more balance.

    There's no confront between static build balance and free builds balance.

  12. > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > PoF was a low experience compared to HoT ( even though the maps are cool ).

    > > This because of mounts ( Springer mostly, and griffon once you acquire it ) and the fact that maps are plain as hell ( and let's not forget about the low number of teleports, which force you to spend more time on travelling ). And META maps too.

    > >

    > > I would prefer to see a comback of HoT maps in the next expansion ( taking into account that PoF was not definitely something, and that now the community is even less used to play the game, in terms of challenges ).


    > Sorry if close to a dozen legendary bounties (that while are not Tequatl or Triples Trouble they definitely are a lot tougher than the World Boss Train) are not good enough for you, I'm pretty sure the droves of us that still do them are happy with them though.


    > While I grew to appreciate Heart of Thorns I almost quit the game because to me Orr, World Boss, Silver Wastes difficulty was my skill threshold (until I Got Gud). Path of Fire is perfect, and I bet you the rest of these LW Maps will have Instan type Metas as well because you can tell they heard us with the first map.


    > Take it from a guy that complains all the time, get some perspective and love the things you love about GW2; in the real world Marriages fall apart because this lack of Perspective.


    Dude it is an objective statement that PoF is way more for casuals than HoT, and that players got worse ( or more casual ) because of it.

    If you search on the forum you could find hilarious threads like:


    * Personal story is too hard

    * PoF HP are too hard

    * Can't manage to complete the Chef Mastery Point Event

    * Can't rest for a moment while in PoF maps

    * Got dismounted everytime


    and so on


    PoF ( mostly because of mounts ) managed to bring more casual players in, and also fed those who already were unskilled ( or better, refused to learn how to play the game in the right way ).


    About the maps it's also an objective statement the fact that they are plain if compared to HoT maps ( and with springer/griffon evern more, since you are able to exploit and skip paths ).

  13. > @"Shazmataz.1423" said:

    > A general comment.

    > Please, when making any changes keep diversity of builds in mind. It is boring to have to be a "certain" build to be competitive. Please make it so that all builds can be competitive in their way. Diversity is the spice of life.


    I think the opposite.


    We know that SPvP is unbalanced because many reasons:


    > * Different Necks ( sigils more ore less are fine, even though the "on swap" sigils are random as passive skills, and need to go ).

    > * Different Builds

    > * Low resources for SPvP ( and WvW ofc ) TEAM.

    > * All game modes share all skills


    Given the fact that they are now starting to separate skills from the 3 modalities, here what would be the new situation



    > * Different Necks ( sigils more ore less are fine, even though the "on swap" sigils are random as passive skills, and need to go ).

    > * Different Builds

    > * Low resources for SPvP ( and WvW ofc ) TEAM.

    > * All game modes share all skills


    Now they want to point at build diversity, but instead i suggest both developers and players to stop for a moment and think about what is mostly needed.


    **Diversity or Balance?**


    Imho, since it's clear that a mmo can't provvide diversity and balance altogether ( not GW2 fault, but the RPG elements which are part of every single mmo ), i would prefer to have 9 different classes with a standard build, weapon set, neck, sigils and that SPvP team continue to work on them in order to incrase the balance the more the time passes.


    Diversity brings more problems than advantages, expecially in what should have been a competitive mode.


    I will definitely prefer to play with the same 9 classes and get more skilled with all of em than have to change the build because of the meta reasons ( yesterday staff was op, now sword and scepter. Tomorrow focus and warhorn ).


    Players should ask themselves what they mostly need, and if they would be ok to sacrifice something in order to achieve that goal or not.

    Currently you can play the build you want, and try everything, but it's not fun because:


    * You are not competitive.

    * You are matched with players which are "experimenting something new".

    * You could find them in the opposite team, having an easy match instead of a competitive one

    * Players won't be able to learn a class because they will always change something, and they indeed will become less skilled i compared to the "chose your class only" scenario.

    * There will be way less balance if compared to a base character selection. Always.


    Splitting the skills between SPvP and the rest is a good step.

    Now please realize that in order to achieve balance you need to sacrifice something else ( and that in a competitive gameplay balance is supposed to be the first goal, before diversity and whatever else ).

  14. PoF was a low experience compared to HoT ( even though the maps are cool ).

    This because of mounts ( Springer mostly, and griffon once you acquire it ) and the fact that maps are plain as hell ( and let's not forget about the low number of teleports, which force you to spend more time on travelling ). And META maps too.


    I would prefer to see a comback of HoT maps in the next expansion ( taking into account that PoF was not definitely something, and that now the community is even less used to play the game, in terms of challenges ).

  15. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Necromancer


    Here you can find all the necro builds used in all game modes.

    Remember that scourge bring DPS,BOONS CORRUPT, BARRIER and CONDITIONS to BOONS ( probably something else ), and that pve ( as for fractals and raids ) is not only about full dps.


    About SPvP It was faceroll before the fixes ( shades skills had no interna gcd and could be spammed with a single macro ).

    Now it is more balanced ( and since SPvP is about capture points, a character which has persistents aoe mostly large as the capture point is not something which was needed nor will be eventually missed ), even though it needs more skill to put pressure in order to let your target waste dodges.


    About the top 250 classes you should check the SPvP section.

    If i recall correctly sometimes some players post a class related ladder ( in terms of the most used from the top players ).

  16. > @"sheppyk.4810" said:

    > I am on my new character, a Rev, and trying to unlock all the Mistward gear as it looks the best in my opinion.


    > I have got to the part where i need Ley-line crystals.... I don't have a clue how to get these, i see you can get them in the cache pods, but in order to open them you need the Acid right, but to buy the acid you need Ley-line crystals??


    > I'm confused, how do i get them....


    Do the meta once per day and upon the chest reward's selection chose the box with ley lines and acid.

  17. > @"Despond.2174" said:

    > You always get something. Whether it's what you want is another story. There is nothing wrong with the system and they even added statuettes for back up. It's not AANET responsibility to cater to a small portion of people who cannot exercise discipline with virtual gambling. Don't ruin it for the rest of the majority, but once again this is nothing like real gambling where you can end up with nothing. Too many people playing victim, trying to blame everyone else except themselves. Be an adult, make a decision about your finances.


    On one hand, they put some skins ( which are no content, nor prevent you from playing the game ) behind the gemstore and the RNG of BLC.

    On the other hand they allow players to spend irl money in order to pay for the missing subscription.


    The only problem is that some skins are only avaible through chests ( they can't be traded ).

    And this sucks ( and it's totally different from irl gambles ).


    However, to me it's definitely fine, since I only pay 30€ every 2 years instead of 30€ + 300 € sub every 2 years.

  18. > Are you 100% forced to play meta to enjoy raids?




    You can manage to clear every single content with a good team.

    If you want to be efficient you will probably decide to join/create a meta team, to lower difficulty and reduce the time needed to complete the specific task.


    And since GW2 raids are currently on farming, they are not difficult at all ( not that raids in other mmos are difficult. They simply have a feature called gear block, which requires you to have better equip in order to reach a good dps/healing/tanking ).

  19. Legendary armor is how a legendary should be.

    Skins are imho useless if compared to the QoL provvided by the item itself, but even so there are some issues:


    * Different armors ( you can't swap the whole legendary armor among all your character because of the armor type restrictions ).

    * Missing pieces ( Still we don't have 2x rings and 2x trinkets. Also a forced animation on a QoL item is something definitely wrong ).

    * Weapons price is way too high if compared to armor.

    * Missing inernal build tool.

    * Really stupid management of sigils/runes ( which points to the previous point too ).

  20. All condition builds could be simply fixed removing all necks which give more than 560 condition damage ( forcing those classes to deal hybrid dmg and not full condition ).

    Firebrand could be simply fixed removing Magi ( and eventually mender ) Neck, which gives more than 560 healing power.


    Btw the changes to Scourges are definitely something.

    Not the solution of course, but we are going in the right direction.

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