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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. * a word from anet about underwater combat. I would like to have to know that there won't be any rework or resources spent on underwater combat in the future. This will prevent both underwater content as main content and related threads.

    * wvw as spvp. No more equip or consumables. On proc sigils removed and so on. I don't expect balance, not after have seen scourge class and wind of disenchantment, but having flat equipment would definitely Bring more balance and less powercreep.

    * transmutation charges removed and Wardrobe templates ( also build templates ).

  2. > @"costepj.5120" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


    > > That said, submitting to dailies is a form of compulsion ( even the daily login ), since is not something you do for fun.


    > I hit the 15K cap long ago, but I still do 6 - 9 of the available options each day. For fun. It takes my characters back to maps they wouldn't otherwise visit. It takes me into WvW when I might not otherwise bother. It even takes me into PvP for a round or two on farm servers, which moves forward my reward track.




    That is what daily quest do.

    They give you tasks in exchange for a reward.


    What I like about gw2 is that I am not forced to do anything.


    SPVP dailies are top, because they are automatically completed. I mean that I don't login for spvp dailies, but If i login in order to play spvp i got completion Regardless the way i play.


    WvW is a mix because it can be achieved by playing in group or roaming, or by doing specific tasks. I don't really like them btw, but they are better than PvE in terms of freedom.


    PvE dailies imho sucks because you have to do specific tasks, that's why rarely i happen to complete any of them though i could have played a whole hour.

  3. > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > And Since there is no cap yes, you have to farm every single daily login in order to pursue your goal.

    > > >

    > > > Incorrect. The cap is a total of 15,000 AP.

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement#Categories

    > > >

    > > > The cap is probably the reason why they added 2 gold to the daily.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I was aware of the cap, but since you should do 1500 days of dailies with no days off in order to complete ( compulsive people ) it, it's definitely a long term goal.

    > >

    > > I play since 6 months after the release if i recall correctly, and i don't have more of them ( most of the daily are because of SPvP or because i managed to do the last daily of the day because i happened to indirectly make 2 out o 3 ), so yeah the "normal target" shouldn't be the hardcore from beta till today nor the compulsive one which feels the urge to do his dailies.

    > >


    > There use to have monthly achievs on top of daily achiev. Those that maxed their daily cap didn't need 1500 days to cap it. Don't need to be compulsive or hardcore. just needed to be there at the right time


    That does mean nothing.

    Given the discussion's topic you can't just consider only those who happened to be there in the right moment, as you can't consider only those who played since the release and managed to cap the 15k from dailies ( but ofc veterans do exist, indeed ).


    A new player has to do 4500 dailies for 1500 days in order to cap the AP from dailies and unlock skins or other stuff AP related he could want.

    There's no specific path to follow, just meaningless farm ( and AP from dailies are definitely good toward this goal ).


    That said, submitting to dailies is a form of compulsion ( even the daily login ), since is not something you do for fun.

    Same goes for farming and grinding, though all these things are pretty standard for a MMO.

  4. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > The condition system in the game isn't inherently broken just some builds need tuning. Reinventing the wheel isn't necessary.


    It is, since there's no dmg mitigation on condition if compared to physical dmg ( toughness, protection, rarely persistent damage like condi aoe do ).


    Conditions should have been debuffs, but they were not enough casual both for all modalities, and since the casual/carebear is the one who put real cash, here we have conditions.

  5. > @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > And Since there is no cap yes, you have to farm every single daily login in order to pursue your goal.


    > Incorrect. The cap is a total of 15,000 AP.

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement#Categories


    > The cap is probably the reason why they added 2 gold to the daily.



    I was aware of the cap, but since you should do 1500 days of dailies with no days off in order to complete ( compulsive people ) it, it's definitely a long term goal.


    I play since 6 months after the release if i recall correctly, and i don't have more of them ( most of the daily are because of SPvP or because i managed to do the last daily of the day because i happened to indirectly make 2 out o 3 ), so yeah the "normal target" shouldn't be the hardcore from beta till today nor the compulsive one which feels the urge to do his dailies.


  6. Skins the one awarded through ap chests.

    Titles from ap great chests.


    There’s no way to aim directly to them.

    You have to farm ap forever and ever.


    And Since there is no cap yes, you have to farm every single daily login in order to pursue your goal.


    Edit: and what about halloween? We don't put new content...instead you can get a new skin every 5th day of halloween dailies, which also does not count towards the 10 daily ap requirements. And jokes on you! You can't unlock all the skins during a single season nor trade them through tp!



  7. What about the guild's growth?

    If the guild pass from 100 to 200 and then from 200 to 500?


    Also, why should a Small guild get the same space as a large one?


    You want to pay 1/5?

    You should get 1/5 in terms of space ( guild dimensions ) and features. If a large company can afford a pool, not necessarily a Small one could afford the same, unless found and resources.



    It seems pretty reasonable to me. The more players, the easier progression.

  8. > @"Sarahxx.5378" said:

    > What's the point of playing video games if you simply have stuff done for you? Go out and play the game like it was made to do, and earn your rewards. Games will always get repetitive, unless there's new content every single day. For me, dailies are not difficult to complete and I don't mind it for the AP and gold.


    Doing dailies is not playing vg.

    It's something related to addiction and not necessarily fun.


    The fact you have to do dailies everyday in order to unlock skins ( there's no other way ) or titles is simply stupid.

    That said, instead of asking for an item like that, i would simply stop doing any daily quest.

  9. Then ofc the ''better'' counts absolutely nothing.

    Not to mention that not al players do dailies for AP, and many still fail at world events or content like veteran hp in pof... But we could talk about any part of the content.


    I talking about skins, I would prefer a specific way to unlock those.


    Want a skin? A specific achievement or a specific chain achievement.

    Same goes for titles, Minis, etc...



  10. > @"MarkoNS.3261" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Ap are a pain because they are related to skins.

    > > It was really a bad idea.

    > >

    > >


    > there are also quite a good way to see how long a certain player has played and cleared content while it doesnt represent skill in 90% of cases players with 20k ap + are better then a large amount of low ap players. sorry if this annoys someone its just a fact you can try and deny but its true.


    Since most of the AP can be obtained by doing dailies, i really doubt this could be always the truth.


    As there can be players with low ap which are way better than ap Hunters.


    Btw not be able to work toward a specific skin simply sucks.

  11. > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > With the decrease in Black Lion Tickets and Scraps from Chest drops they now try and sell us gambling keys with 2 scraps? Not even a ticket? Dissapointed this bundle exists.


    It is way better this way.

    The inpressive amount of scraps ruined the blc skins market.


    Imho the less scraps, the higher skin price.

  12. Isn't Thief weak condition cleanse against everything but imparing movement effect skills?


    Here's the Meta DD


    build https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol


    And here's the S/D core build ( 3rd utility as for DD is mostly, if not definitely, blinding powder )




    So thief has signet ( 3 condi > 30 sec cd ) and shadowstep, which is not necessarily for condi removal ( on return ), because it's the only bs thief has.

    S/D has also Sword skill 2, which cleanse a single condition on return.


    Compared to many of the other classes, the class itself does not have many condi removal ( but because of dodges, teleports and stealth, it's a good trade despide the horrible condi meta ).

  13. > @"HealAlNite.9658" said:

    > So if I dont want thieves in my team because they are useless I just queue as thief and then rerol to my main class. Good job anet for making a exploitable matchmaker.



    That could give them the chance to definitely disable the sawp feature.

    I really don't know why is it allowed to swap character with the current system.


    I know that SPvP community is not big enough to have separated queues, but even so i am sure it would be simple to grant


    * 1x class limit per team

    * no character swap before the game starts



  14. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > I still don't see why people are blaming "Raids" when the real blame is on inadequate group finding tools.


    > If the game had proper filtering, request, restrictions and had ways to find people and guilds which are active in your timezone who do similar activities as you, im sure that'd solve the problem more than anything anyone can do to "Raids".


    What would be the difference between a pug raid made with the current tool and the new one?

    I mean, given 10 players which sucks or tend to be upset easily... what improvement could bring a better LFG tool in terms of efficiency?


    To me, the only things that could change is the time needed to set up the raid, but the outcome would be the same.

  15. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

    > > > Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

    > > > BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

    > > > TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)

    > >

    > > ARE YOU KIDDING ME quest: Drudic BackPack TimeGated ChainQuest.

    > >

    > > Btw, who would like to have more timegate/sink in the game?

    > > Don't you have nothing else to do or you simply enjoy to earn things in a slower way and pretend that the game forbid you to play the content?

    > >

    > > Though i could still understand achievements if they are meant to be fun or challenging.


    > To be fair, i initially enjoyed the Druidic backpack collection. Just endlessly having to repeat the hearts was its flaw. Without that it wouldve been a great quest, imo


    Repeteable Hearts contribuited to ruin the whole thing indeed, but also the time gate part added because reasons was definitely not wanted, as for evertything else which is timegated... it's simply an exploit in order to provvide a longer content without work on new content.


    I would have enjoyed it, but having to stop because not enough runestone keys was definitely bad.

  16. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > Fun quests: Order of Shadows Mastery point: find and kill specific enemies.

    > Fun quests: Fighting challenging enemies in the fake god’s sanctum.

    > BAD quest: bring an apple to some hungry guy 50 times.

    > TERRIBLE quest: find pages spread out across the desert when half the time the hints are inaccurate, and one time maximally wrong (hint, anet, one of the page’s hints was LITERALLY diagonally across the map from where the hint said it would be)


    ARE YOU KIDDING ME quest: Drudic BackPack TimeGated ChainQuest.


    Btw, who would like to have more timegate/sink in the game?

    Don't you have nothing else to do or you simply enjoy to earn things in a slower way and pretend that the game forbid you to play the content?


    Though i could still understand achievements if they are meant to be fun or challenging.

  17. > @"jheryn.8390" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > While I’m not against your request, I do have to wonder what you need more tabs for?

    > >

    > > I share you point.

    > > I got 14 and only 2 full.

    > >

    > > If we are talking about Mats, then is way better to buy another character slot ( 800 for 100 slots vs 600 for 30 slots ), or maybe storage slots ( i laughed at them at first, but they are definitely a thing ).

    > >

    > > If you want more tabs for QoL ( avoid yo waste time ), then you should probably manage better your 14 tabs. I mean, Since there are no more extra tabs, it would be better to realize what is essential inside your bank and what's not.

    > >

    > >


    > Considering you don't know what other players do or do not have or what is important for them to keep and where, it is awfully presumptuous telling someone that they should manage their tabs better.


    Feel free then to provvide some examples or supposition then, in order to explain how 420 slots are occupied ( instead of alts used as storage, personal guild tabs and so on ).

    Remember that since bank has *only 420 slots* ( jokes on everybody ), you have to manage in order to make it more efficient, since there are not alternatives.


    It's not related to what you could have or not.

    It's something which you could benefit if properly done.

  18. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > While I’m not against your request, I do have to wonder what you need more tabs for?


    I share you point.

    I got 14 and only 2 full.


    If we are talking about Mats, then is way better to buy another character slot ( 800 for 100 slots vs 600 for 30 slots ), or maybe storage slots ( i laughed at them at first, but they are definitely a thing ).


    If you want more tabs for QoL ( avoid yo waste time ), then you should probably manage better your 14 tabs. I mean, Since there are no more extra tabs, it would be better to realize what is essential inside your bank and what's not.



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