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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. You don't say.

    AOE with a hybrid system like GW2's means spam of attacks, conditions and boons.

    But they didn't do anything since the release, so they don't really care ( and the fact they decided not to split skills and mechanics among the 3 modalities says everything ).


    * AA spam which deal 70% of total dmg or even more ( and confusion skill which works on AA too ).

    * Condifeast with has no way to be mitigated ( no possibility to build -% dmg ) unless cleansed.

    * Condition users which also deal a high amount of dmg throguh physical dmg because reasons.

    * Boons AOE spam .

    * Corrupt AOE spam.

    * AOE spam also on AA.

    * Persisten AOE skills ( want to shake hands with the genious who managed to create the Scourge elite ) which obviously can't be evaded even if you play good.

    * Instant skills which can't be countered.

    * Skills with the same animation which can't be distinguished from the others.


    Let's be honest, the don't care about skills do relate between players.

    They only care about PvE overall balance.


    But since GW2 hybrid system has born already broken, then it's not their fault at all if the SPvP and WvW are a mess. It could have probably been more balanced, but still the system would have been definitely not good.

  2. > @"Xuazinegueri.3592" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Ok at first it seemed that you had more chance to resist, but after being downed by a scourge in 5 sec i have to reconsider my idea of "conditions need more time in order to deal damage" ( with a -33% + -20% dmg from condi ).

    > >

    > > It's senseless.

    > > Still a condifeast and the modify really did nothing.


    > As I said, he probably corrupted all your boons and it became the condifest.



    I don't have boons as a renegade ( i was vengeful hammer which give -20% and it's not a boon, Kalla's Fervor which gives -33% and it's not a boon, and paladin amulet, so i was near 2800 armor ). Didn't use any boons because i have few and they can corrupt.

    It's simply ridiculous.

    The braindead escalation From Gw > Gw2 core > Hot > PoF.

    Can't wait to see the next expansion.



  3. Ok at first it seemed that you had more chance to resist, but after being downed by a scourge in 5 sec i have to reconsider my idea of "conditions need more time in order to deal damage" ( with a -33% + -20% dmg from condi ).


    It's senseless.

    Still a condifeast and the modify really did nothing.

  4. They should now remove traits which enhance condi durability and expertise.

    The patch itself is good, but they didn't consider this part imho.


    edit: nevermind, the patch did nothing. Still die in 5 sec with a 33% + 20% condi dmg reduction ( vs 1 single player ).

  5. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > Your post is basically "git gud", ... i intend to keep trying, but it would be much nicer without being time gated...and it doesn't have to be.

    > And reading comments in this post, I'm not the only one who would enjoy it more, if it was a relaxed pace.


    As said, maybe a 4th path ( or more likely they could have removed the frozen effect in the third. but compared to the previous years, for those who don't handle well JPs, it's a nice upgrade ).

  6. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > Or I won't be able to do it? You realise that is a possibility right? Not everyone is able...what's so wrong with asking for a scenic buff to actually be able to relax doing the jp? It wouldn't affect anyone else.


    > I have spent 3 hours on it so far (with breaks), and I've only just got the present area twice.


    To me it's simply part of the game.


    This time we do have a easy, medium and hard path, which not all JP outside do have.

    The possibility as you say do exist, but it's the game which is meant to be a time event... you are saying "i want it as a not time event".


    I do agree a fourth patch could have be present ( with less rewards and with no time limit, which for quaggan part is 1min and 40 sec ), but even so the quaggan part is ok.

    You asked about the fire in you first post, which makes me think that you were somehow close to it ( or managed to think that you could have been able to get there ).


    Just try a little more.

  7. If you want a skin, then winter presence could be a long term goal ( unlock the collection and do the seasonal parts, then the rest can be made during the whole year ).


    SPvP and WvW reward tracks can reward you with some stuff which could interest you with its last reward


    [ultimate Wintersday Gift

    ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ultimate_Wintersday_Gift "Ultimate Wintersday Gift



    There are also infusions.

  8. > @"Gilgamesh VII.8690" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Gilgamesh VII.8690" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > @"Gilgamesh VII.8690" said:

    > > > > > I always believed that the garrateened junk slot should always be a blackloin scrap, so even if you didn't get what you wanted you can still progress towards a Blackloin weapon you always wanted.

    > > > >

    > > > > Could be an idea.

    > > > > Instead of random seasonal stuff as granted, maybe a scrap which allows you with X tickets to chose what you want from a list.

    > > > >

    > > > > Obviously the list would be

    > > > >

    > > > > * Limited ( can't containt any rare tradable items like nodes or contracts ).

    > > > > * Account bound ( whatever you decide to buy, it will be account bound. So you won't be able to chose a skin in order to sell it ).

    > > > > * Common drops would be more reasonable because of the granted ticket.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > If your talking about a separate ticket from the Blackloin scraps, sure the ticket could open the shop menu what let's you chose what you want out of the BLC but with a cost like:

    > > >

    > > > *5-10 tickets for a common.

    > > > *10-20 tickets for uncommon

    > > > *15-30 tickets for rare

    > > >

    > > > Making anything obtained thought this method will be account bound as a limit.

    > >

    > > I like it

    > >

    > > A full stack of keys is 25 for 2100 gems, and 25 won't allow you to take a rare reward, so you have to buy 5 more... but it would be a waste if you decide to pay for the 5 keys bundle, so maybe the player will buy the 25 keys bundle again, and so on.


    > Even if 5 tickets can get you a mini pet unlock or 10 could get you a garrateened weapon or armor unlock I feel it would be better then what we have now just extra incentive to buy, or even if you farm 1 key a week you still progressing to somthing.


    Yeah, don't get me wrong i do agree with the number of tickets you decided.

    I was praising the possibilities that system could offer.

  9. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

    > > >

    > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

    > > >

    > > > Edit:question.

    > > >

    > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

    > >

    > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.


    > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.


    > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.



    One word.



    You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

    Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).


    I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

    Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).


    The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

  10. > @"Gilgamesh VII.8690" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Gilgamesh VII.8690" said:

    > > > I always believed that the garrateened junk slot should always be a blackloin scrap, so even if you didn't get what you wanted you can still progress towards a Blackloin weapon you always wanted.

    > >

    > > Could be an idea.

    > > Instead of random seasonal stuff as granted, maybe a scrap which allows you with X tickets to chose what you want from a list.

    > >

    > > Obviously the list would be

    > >

    > > * Limited ( can't containt any rare tradable items like nodes or contracts ).

    > > * Account bound ( whatever you decide to buy, it will be account bound. So you won't be able to chose a skin in order to sell it ).

    > > * Common drops would be more reasonable because of the granted ticket.

    > >


    > If your talking about a separate ticket from the Blackloin scraps, sure the ticket could open the shop menu what let's you chose what you want out of the BLC but with a cost like:


    > *5-10 tickets for a common.

    > *10-20 tickets for uncommon

    > *15-30 tickets for rare


    > Making anything obtained thought this method will be account bound as a limit.


    I like it


    A full stack of keys is 25 for 2100 gems, and 25 won't allow you to take a rare reward, so you have to buy 5 more... but it would be a waste if you decide to pay for the 5 keys bundle, so maybe the player will buy the 25 keys bundle again, and so on.

  11. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.


    > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.


    > Edit:question.


    > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?


    It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

  12. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was

    > >

    > > * 300 ecto for a single boss.

    > > * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).

    > >

    > > 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

    > > So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.

    > >

    > > Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

    > > So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

    > > If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.

    > >

    > > You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.

    > >

    > > So, a little recap

    > >

    > > * Raid cost = 9000g

    > > * Timegate Skip = 1420g

    > > * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).

    > >

    > > * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.

    > >

    > > And you asked 400 per piece.

    > >


    > True but if you read the OP s/he already have the legendary and want to change it to another armor class.

    > I wouldent be against it if it cost 400 gems for each a total of 2400 gems to go from light armor to medium or heavy aslong as the skins stay in each respective game mode.


    But it's the same.

    He will obtain an item ( who cares about the skin, as the OP said ) which he couldn't have obtained if not as a long term goal.

  13. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was

    > >

    > > * 300 ecto for a single boss.

    > > * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).

    > >

    > > 260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

    > > So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.

    > >

    > > Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

    > > So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

    > > If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.

    > >

    > > You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.

    > >

    > > So, a little recap

    > >

    > > * Raid cost = 9000g

    > > * Timegate Skip = 1420g

    > > * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).

    > >

    > > * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.

    > >

    > > And you asked 400 per piece.

    > >


    > Minor corrections, there is 17 bosses (3 in wing 1, 3 in wing 2, 3 in wing 3, 4 in wing 4 and 4 in wing 5). Thus your first armor would be 150/17= 8.8 weeks, not calculating in the fact that Dhuum and certain bosses are more expensive.


    > That's not what you skip though, you skip making a 2nd or 3rd set of armor, which essentially costs 300 LI, so the calculation goes up to 300/17= 17.64 weeks again not factoring in different cost for bosses.


    > Going by your suggested 800 gems per week, that's now 14,400 gems. So let's redo the math:


    > Raid cost = 18,000g (not counting higher prices for Dhuum or other wing bosses)

    > Timegate Skip = 36,720g (at 25.5g per 100 gems)

    > Time spent = 2,160g


    > Total price = 56,880 gold


    > So yes, 400 gems per piece is ludicrous as far as conversion price per item.


    I did count the minor bosses too, thanks for correcting me.

  14. > @"Gilgamesh VII.8690" said:

    > I always believed that the garrateened junk slot should always be a blackloin scrap, so even if you didn't get what you wanted you can still progress towards a Blackloin weapon you always wanted.


    Could be an idea.

    Instead of random seasonal stuff as granted, maybe a scrap which allows you with X tickets to chose what you want from a list.


    Obviously the list would be


    * Limited ( can't containt any rare tradable items like nodes or contracts ).

    * Account bound ( whatever you decide to buy, it will be account bound. So you won't be able to chose a skin in order to sell it ).

    * Common drops would be more reasonable because of the granted ticket.


    > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > I'll give you an honest answer. BL-chests are RNG. This means you can get a useless item. It is what gambling is all about. If you don't like it, don't do it.


    The RNG here is not the problem, as said many times.

    It's the fact that even if you don't like the drop ( or it's a duplicate ) you can't trade it.


    And because you can't trade, the duplicate items ( and i am not talking about teleport to friend or dyes, because the first can be stacked and used since there's no permanent one, and the second is RNG itself which can be TRADED ) should be fixed instead.


    Trade or Check.

    I don't see any other fair solution here.

  15. I asked around in the past weeks and more or less the result was


    * 300 ecto for a single boss.

    * 260 ( discounted ) for all bosses needed to cap LI for all armor pieces ( light, medium or heavy. not all 3 ).


    260 ectos are more or less 60g, and you need 150 bosses in order to reach your 150 LI.

    So, 60gx 150 = 9000g.


    Also, we must consider that it's a time gate long term goal, and currently we do have 19 bosses.

    So, you will need 150/19 ) 7,8 = 8 weeks in order to complete your armor.

    If you want to bypass the timegate with a shop boost let's say that each week could be worth 800 gems, so 5600 gems, which are worth 1420g.


    You will have also to partecipate the raids, which is time spent, and if we assume that an hour of pure optimized farming is 20/25g ( let's say 20 ), you will need let's say... 6 hours per week to complete all the raids? so 120gx 8 = 960g.


    So, a little recap


    * Raid cost = 9000g

    * Timegate Skip = 1420g

    * Time spent = 960g ( this one is for the average farm, but we could consider that it could be way higher since it's an extra ).


    * Total = 11380g = slightly less than 40k gems for a full set.


    And you asked 400 per piece.


  16. > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > > > > Your solution does not sell more keys. Getting something you don't want in a gambling loot box does not produce the response of "I'm not going to ever do this again." In fact it produces the opposite response. This is clinically proven in addictive gambling studies and also probably backed up by ANets own sales data, which is why you see things the way you do in the chests.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Want them to change things...stop making polls and stop buying the keys.

    > > > >

    > > > > it's not something I don't want.

    > > > > It's something i can't use because i already have it.

    > > >

    > > > But if you buy more keys, which most people do when they don't get what they want or get something they already have or get something they have no need of, it proves my point.

    > > >

    > > > Gambling works like that.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > I was assuming some of the stuff he posted that people would already have or have the better stuff of is account bound so the most they can do is just throw it and not even NPC is is the issue.


    > Maybe but that still doesn't invalidate my point that getting something you have already, don't want, or can't use doesn't stop the urge to gamble, which is what makes BLCs profitable. Changing this may not be to ANet's advantage financially. I know people don't like it...heck, I don't like it, but it's not an accident that it works the way it does.


    It must have a value.


    If i decide to **play the lottery** and i happen to


    * win a prize i don't have but i want, i take it.

    * win i prize i do already have, i sell it, trade it or give it for free.


    **Here you can't sell duplicates**, and duplicates have no value if you already own the item.


    It's not the same.


    Even i RNG loot boxes games like overwatch, hearthstone, battlerite, paladins, etc... every duplicate you have is converted into currency you can use to buy something else ( in gw2 since there's no general currency it should simply rerolled into something else ).

  17. > @"Cuddy.6247" said:

    > While I agree the advertising isn't using the greatest of words...do you really think they'd throw mount unlocks in the gem store? Not a chance.


    That's the point.

    Though the argument could be discussed, it's ridiculous to scream like it was a scam.


    They could and they should write that better?


    Still, i find hard that somebody who read the ads though that he was going to buy 5 new mounts for 20€.

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