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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Loboling.5293" said:

    > Hey,


    > I was wondering if it's intentional that BLC award less scraps and tickets than before? They have some nice (ish) rewards now, but the tickets and scraps seem reduced. (I got 4 scraps out of 50 chests)


    > Was I just unlucky, or did the changes to reward structure alter the frequency of tickets?


    Got 17 scraps out of 50.

    On the second 25keys i got no uncommon, rare or super rare drop ( i got a platinum node on the first 25 keys ).


    Simply RNG.

  2. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Don't know exactly what the "Commemorative Black Lion Token" is, but this rework is way too reasonable. Would never get changed that way as it's "too good".


    It's a trohpy which is worth 1g.

    a filler item which seems does not have any sense at all ( we should ask the staff but i guess it's only a way to get golds back and fill the reward place with a useless item ).


    A key is around 20/22g, so you'll get back 1g, which is 4/5% of the key cost.

  3. > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > Your solution does not sell more keys. Getting something you don't want in a gambling loot box does not produce the response of "I'm not going to ever do this again." In fact it produces the opposite response. This is clinically proven in addictive gambling studies and also probably backed up by ANets own sales data, which is why you see things the way you do in the chests.


    > Want them to change things...stop making polls and stop buying the keys.


    it's not something I don't want.

    It's something i can't use because i already have it.


    It would be a duplicate.


    To make an example, the Commemorative Black Lion Token is ok if confronted with a hairstyle kit, if the one who open the chest already has the permanent tool.

    And it's not that the Commemorative Black Lion Token is something that I want.


    It's a trophy which is worth 1g, but still it's better than a duplicate.

    The same goes for luck.


    @"khani.4786" : Yep, total makeover is different and does not exist in a permament version.

  4. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > @"Anela.3867" said:

    > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > > @"Anela.3867" said:

    > > > > I need all the hairstyle kits and t6 ingredients I can get so I would not like them replaced.

    > > >

    > > > You misunderstood, hairstyle kits remain, but would reroll a new item if the player already had a permanent hairstyle contract.

    > >

    > > Sorry...I did misunderstand. I would kill for a permanent hairstyle kit. If there is someone out there who would like to be a very generous secret Santa, you would be my hero forever!


    > Same boat here. I'm hoping my old tonics turn into a permanent stylist kit nest egg fund, but prices are dropping fast enough that I doubt I'll even accrue 1/3 of the TP price of the kit.


    > I voted Other because while I agree it would be a nice QoL I see two caveats: One, coding could be complex since the normal re-rolls are on items unlocked in the Wardrobe, thus account wide, while the kits are individual, character-swappable items. Two, not everyone has shared slots to spare to hold the kit (I certainly do! I just lack the kit :( ), so they could still use consumable kits. In corollary to that, just like your example of the transmutation charges, the kits do have *some* use even for those who hold the permanent one, the more so because they needn't feel bad about using one up.


    > And finally, how many people even *have* the kits? What tiny percentage of the player base? Is it worth the effort of juggling things like this for the sake of the lucky, lucky few? Though yes, it sucks to have one of your BLC rolls used up on something you absolutely didn't need (but can still use for its intended purpose, just redundantly). So ... Other. Not against, not for, I see valid arguments on both sides.


    The reroll do already exists for some items, so won't be a problem at all ( rare items like wintersday minis pack, glider, etc... ).


    About those who own permanent tools you are right, it's definitely a small part of the population ( but we can't say the same about luck, which is way higher that those who own permanent contracts ). The point is simple btw: buying a RNG chests which gives you duplicates is not really worth it.



  5. > @"reukies.6418" said:

    > > @"FANY.6524" said:

    > > Currently, the hard path will net you 1g a run + karma. The medium path is also good if you just can't continuously finish the hard path.

    > >

    > > The choir bells are also decent if you don't want to do the jp at all.


    > How are you getting the 1g?


    15x wintersday gifts each run, which are worth more or less 8s each ( currently ).

  6. > @"Kythan Myr.4719" said:

    > During the Halloween event, I did the basic achievements/collections called it good and went back to PoF. Too late did I realize the opportunity I missed out on acquiring wealth. So I'd like to not repeat my folly. Is there anything that I can grind that will help fill my empty pockets?


    Quartz dropped drastically, so it's possible ( not certain ) that it will return to its price after the end of wintersday.


    Here's a chart



    PS: you have to notice that this time quartz does really drop aoe, so you have to consider this too.


    Getting skilled with JP would be also a deal due to infusions and the price of wintersday gifts.

  7. > @"Anela.3867" said:

    > I need all the hairstyle kits and t6 ingredients I can get so I would not like them replaced.



    > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"Anela.3867" said:

    > > I need all the hairstyle kits and t6 ingredients I can get so I would not like them replaced.


    > You misunderstood, hairstyle kits remain, but would reroll a new item if the player already had a permanent hairstyle contract.



    T6 could also remain ( as said ) but would be better to let T5 go.

  8. Hi,


    First i want to say that I do appreciate the common drop modifies ( or at least the try ).


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/GCTrcEk.jpg "")


    However, since you managed to rework the chests you should have paied attection to more things, which need to be fixed in order to grant players a definitely fair gamble.


    #Here's the list of items that should be removed or replaced with other items, and the reason behind the request.


    1. **Hair Stylish kit**


    > It can't be traded nor sold, and due to the fact that some players do have the permanent tool, BLC should reroll after making a check ( as it happens with skins duplicates ).


    2. **Upgrade Extractor**


    > As for the Hair Stylish kit, if the one who opens the chests do already have the endless tool, then the reward should be rolled again.


    3. **Commemorative Black Lion Token**


    > It's a filler drop, but could somehow have more value than a mini or a dye. I am not saying that removing it should be a must, but i would like you to consider an alternative ( something unique, since i chose to get a Black Lion Key ).


    4. **Essence of Luck ( Legendary )**


    > If the one who opens the chests do already reached the MF cap, then the reward should be rolled again.


    5. **t5 and t6 materials**


    > Since we do already have on the loot table the **Black Lion Material Bag**, what's the point of these 2 bags? Or to say it better, what's the point of the 2xT5 material bags? At least would be nice if you decide to remove the t5 bags, since the T6 could have a similar value of Black Lion Material Bag or Commemorative Black Lion Token. But i think that these 2 drops are enough, and both t5 and t6 bags should go.


    That's it.


    Any other drop is fine because it can be used though you couldn't find it useful ( Example: To me, who have 600+ transmutation shards, drop more of them would be not the best deal but still something useful and from Black Lion Company ).


    PS: this thread is not about unique account bound drops from Uncommon and Rare drop lists. If you want to discuss about the fact that some skins are locked behind BLC, I suggest you to open a different thread.


    Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

  9. > @"Wanze.8410" said:

    > > @"Daniel.5428" said:

    > > Farm Istan, **stack t6 and t5**, wait some months until new leg weapons and leg ring comes out. Sell t6 to a price three times higher than now. Profit.


    > why would I want to stack t6 and t5, sacrificing storage space and racking up initial investments for the vendor fee, if I can just farm istan, stack VM in my wallet and buy trophy shipments with it in a couple of months, when demand goes up?


    Definitely better.

    Watch ou for nerfs.

  10. > @"T E N S H I R O C K.3826" said:

    > What a exploit of 400 gems?

    > Then where is the relationship with the PvE tokens?

    > Whether you did it in PvE or PvP or WvW, you got involved.

    > There is no demand to convert a legendary WvW / PvP armor into PvE.

    > What we WvW and PvP players, we have no right pcq it would annoy you in PvE?

    > You are already favored by us in WvW or PvP.

    > 3/4 of the contents of the game are for you PvE boy.

    > Logic...


    Collections and skins are put behind content in order to be obtained.


    You are saying something like "Since i got my armor through SPvP, lemme change the appareance with the raid or wvw one by simply paying 90g".

    Is it right?

  11. > @"T E N S H I R O C K.3826" said:

    > No, where you do not understand is that if you change the type of armor, it's because you already have one.

    > So the time spent and the LI you have already done.

    > Ditto for the legendary armor PvP or WvW, you're already invested.

    > It just gives the chance to change it.


    You do already invested for your wvw tokens, but not PvE tokens ( which are also timegate stuff ).

    You are simply trying to exploit paying 400 gems dude, cmon.

  12. > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > > @"T E N S H I R O C K.3826" said:

    > > 10.000 gems for a legendary = 2537gold...

    > > At a price there you craft another type armor ...

    > > The idea is also not to see players go on other games because of an abusive nerf and that class is out of meta ...

    > > And for example how many players love a warrior but do not like revenant or guardian? (yes it exists a lot)


    > Personally I don't see this as unreasonable. The cost incorporates the efforts made acquiring LI and other timegated parts - the premium paid should reflect more than just the materials cost.


    It would still be not enough, since it would be the same cost more or less.

    It should be


    1. Price overall way higher

    2. Single item price 2k gems or more ( as for bundles and rare mount skins ), in order to let players pay CASH and not GOLDS to GEMS ( want to bypass the game? PAY )


    Also, if they don't want to go meta, they can do their own team.

    Reading comments about


    * My class is not meta

    * I can't play the build i want


    are just excuses, because if many tries with people with no meta classes and fantasy builds result into a wipe, then you probably will assume that you should review at least your build. And then, back to the 2 points, you will realize that you have to chose if you want to get something or not, and do whatever it takes.

  13. > @"Daniel.5428" said:

    > Far right - Quaggan path : Easy ; the snowflakes do not disappear ; a bit longer than others -------- Reward: 5 gifts per run

    > Middle - Snowman path : Average ; the snowflakes disappear but very slowly ; mid length -------- Reward: 10 gifts per run

    > Far left - Gingerbread path: Hard ; the snowflakes disappear very fast ; shortest and fastest ---------- Reward: 15 gifts per run


    Yeah it's a nice deal.

    i did see players which achieved 18 run in the hard path, so it's definitely worth it.

    The other runs are probably not worth it ( unless you want to have fun or need a both golds and karma ).



  14. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > First people says content is too hard then now its too easy cant people just decide


    > People been saying it since PoF and wishing "Make the Veterans in the hero points champions like HoT! It's too easy!"


    > Thankfully, Arenanet have not listened to them.


    Indeed pof veteran are a joke, but since the game is meant for casuals veteran is way better ( though maybe boring ).

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