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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Zietlogik.6208" said:

    > What would you add or subtract to make it more interesting?


    competitive should be 3v3, because it's easier to achieve in terms of group.

    Ofc we will need new maps, but this will definitely bring more players into real competitive gameplay ( if we have 100 5v5 premades, with a 3v3 we could reach 1000, simply because you won't need 4 more team mates, but just 2 ).

  2. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > Well, one reason to vote no might be the cost of changing up the system. We, the players, really have no idea what's involved, or why there is an item cost involved. It might use resources that could be spent on something more enjoyable. /shrug


    > Should be as easy as changing a value in the item database. If that is more than 10 seconds of work per item Anet programmed something terribly wrong



  3. This must, imho, being solved though builds.

    Finding a ploy in order to deal with imperfect features is what we have to do to begin with, but at the end it's ANET that have to fix it in order to make it "right".


    I am starting to guess that with the current system they are no more able to realize a build feature which works with legendaries.

    It's easier if not stupid to do a build system with different ascended pieces, but i wonder about legendaries.


    Let's consider that they were able to work on rune swap because there is only 1 slot per rune each piece, but some weapons have 2 slots ( this is imho the issue they are not able to solve. And obviously they can't release a sigil swap for 1h only, because it would be ridiculous ) and because of that they are facing problems.


    it is sad that endgame QoL equipment like legendaries is instead a pita.

    In order to deal with sigils, currently the best way is to purchase a permanent extractor ( over 3k gold value ) and have different sigils slots on the backpack.

    Same goes for runes ( the only difference is that you don't need the extractor to manage your equipment ).


    And also let's consider the time spent.

    Changing all ascended equipment = 10/15 sec.

    Changing all legendary equipment = 1,5 min ( and I hope that you don't plan to change any sigil ).



  4. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > Unfortunately when you doubleclick a 2h to replace 2 one hand weapons only one is put inside the invisible bag.

    > >

    > > Any suggestion?


    > This might seem like a weird solution but in line with the larger inventory space I think making two handed weapons take up 2 inventory slots would solve that issue of messing up the order when swapping to equip two one handed weapons.


    Would be definitely simplier set to zero the value of all ascended equipment to be honest :lol:

  5. > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

    > Can we have the pvp endure pain from pvp in wvw also? Just like you do it for rangers now..


    > I dont like that they are different between these modes


    > Edit: they dont need to be different in the first place..


    Why don't you?

    It's the easiest way to bring balance... if something works perfectly in a game mode, you leave it as it is, then you try to fix it in the other game mode ( instead of trying to modify what already works in the first place ).

  6. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > Sorry guys I just can't see past taking rewards away from WvW'ers no matter how insignificant. It's already by far the least rewarding game mode.

    > Not a huge deal for sure but...

    > The thread was started by someone who is most likely a PvE-focused player, annoyed by how long it is taking to earn his fast and easy 2g.


    > This isn't a problem. Wait 5-10 mins for the harpy or go compete to tag mobs in Daily Metrica Event Completer. The choice is there.


    > If 5-10 minutes waiting to get your 2 gold becomes so counterproductive that you need to post on the forums about it, then you probably shouldn't be wasting your time doing dailies anyways.


    Waiting ten minutes for the spawn is not playing.

    Trying to see that in terms of reward only, imho, is definitely wrong.


    However, I started the thread and I am not PvE focused ( as a roamer, i never used to do any veteran in order to take up my partecipation ).

    I happened to notice this because I happened to find the spawn ( and decided to wait for it because i was too far to tag, and realized that it was extremely slow ).

    Currently I am rank 332, and i never noticed the spawn till today.



  7. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > and punish the people > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > If you make them spawn faster they will just get used for AFK Farming.

    > > >

    > >

    > > remove the contribution, since they have nothing to do with wvw.


    > ...and punish the people who wvw regularly and get a little bump on their contribution by sniping one or two of these as they go about their caps and roaming.



    You said yourself.

    "A little bump".


    I doubt it will hurt somehow ulness the roamer tends to go afk ( the fact that the veteran is close and gives contributions supports afkers ).

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Well, one reason to vote no might be the cost of changing up the system. We, the players, really have no idea what's involved, or why there is an item cost involved. It might use resources that could be spent on something more enjoyable. /shrug


    Obviously, but it would be a minimal part ( just to set their price value to zero ).

    And after that, if any ascended remains untouched it will be fixed with the next patch.


    What I am saying is that there's nothing to invent or work with.

    It's simply a change of price which will require more or less nothing ( 1000 items to modify or even less ).

  9. The real problem is that GW2 started as a game which should have had the possibility to let all classes play all roles, but it was a failure since the beginning on this part ( guardians were king as support, dps warriors were definitely a thing as dps, and so on ).


    I would also consider WvW and SPvP about this trinity system, with firebrands and necros, and also with classes like druid which are currently able to deal a high amount of damage while having a tanky build with nice supportive skills.


    I guess that, whatever the content, a class more "support" oriented ( or even a player which spec his class into support ) is definitely legit, because it is better to balance dps and heals, but i would dislike another game with the boring trinity. The way it is could be fine, but i will give other classes more supportive skills, in order to let players chose what to bring ( or at least, an alternative, even if it woulnd't be performant as the meta one ).

  10. I disagree.

    Spamming matches is neither a good thing nor synonym of skill.


    If the problems are the wintrader, then it's a thing, but if you are complaining about how players distribuite their playing time, it's another.

    Does the fact that some players managed to reach a specific rank in 1 week, instead of spamming games every week , hurt you somehow?

  11. > @"Gorani.7205" said:

    > There are two issues with WvW dailies and the Veteran daily in particular

    > 1. How they they relate to other dailies (from PvE e.g.) and

    > 2. How "difficult" they are


    > First, the relation to other dailies. I think Veteran Slayer is fine compared to stuff like daily miner, vista viewer, mystic forger etc. It is an easy one. Second, and here is the problem with the Veteran Slayer is the "difficulty". They are somewhat difficult, because the re-spawn timer is quite long and everyone is competing for that quick kill. Monuments reset faster, land claims are faster to re-spawn and come in a lot more numbers when you compare them to the Veterans.

    > A good solution would be to have the rewards (participation, WXP) as well has the re-spawn time halved.


    > And since we talk about dailies: daily ranker was introduced when you could buy liquid WxP and should be reduced to one rank. It would be way more in line with other dailies and the time needed to get them.


    I do almost agree on everything.


    I am just not sure if half the current spawn time would be enough ( I'd say more 1/3 or 1/4 ).

    This, obviously, if they plan to mantein the quest inside the WvW.


    If I recall correctly, they stated that they wanted stuff like that in order to provvide easy daily x3 even on outnumbered/farmed borderlands.

  12. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > It seems to happen to many players. There's been many a post about it. It doesn't seem game-breaking, as after a period of time, everything unfreezes and behaves normally.

    > I'd guess the Devs are looking into it.


    Didn't check for other threads, my bad for opening another one.

    Thanks for answering!

  13. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > Yes and at one point kasmere should get captured by joko and then 9 months latter have his skeleton babies.


    I would like to see joko vs an actual mesmer.

    I imagine him posting on GW2 forum asking for mesmer nerfs.


    However, in a Hypotetical scenario which sees one of the two girl dead ( Kasmeer or Marjory )...

    ... how would you think the other could respond to the death of his lover?

  14. I would say Male Norn or Male Charr, because they are mighty.

    But also human and Sylvari could be a good moderate choice ( more realistic and less pumped ).


    I suggest you to try on SPvP lobby the greatsword and hammer animations ( which are the best animations for a warrior ), then decide yourself.


    Ps: remember that with both large characters as charr and norns it is difficult to achieve tasks like JPs.

  15. Hi guys,


    I have noticed that when i load the new zone all the stuff in background frozes until the zone load let's say till 5/6 seconds before the loading image disappear ( i need more or less 12 sec to load the map for the first time, so let's say that after 1/2 of the loading, everything unfreeze ).


    I tend to play on windowed mode, and happened to notice just today.


    Also, It seems that the cpu usage is slighly higher than the other maps ( sometimes it reachs 100% ram, 7.89 gb out of 8, and cpu usage, which is 100% ).


    Does any1 what the problem could be?

    I tried other maps and everything works perfectly.

  16. I would play hot in order to unlock the glider ( the whole traits if possible ) and the LS3 masteries ( the lifesteal on ground combat ) then move to PoF.


    If you find HoT hard, do viceversa.

    Play HoT and then, once with all mounts, consider to play again HoT Maps.


    AliamRationem explaind very well all the stuff equipment related.


    If you want to know something specific about the class you are going to play, leave a message.

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