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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. Hi,


    today i happened to be killed during wvw, and had no log in my chat about what happened ( i know it was a thief with sword ).

    However, when i checked i had everything else on chat related on npc, other enemy players, etc ( i only had the red message about not enough health ).


    Also, but i could be wrong, i got finished in about half time that is normally needed ( i couldn't shadowstep from downed position because the finisher arrived before it ).


    Any tips?

  2. > @"Ranlares.2513" said:

    > Hey all! I recently decided to make 32 slot bags after 5 of my characters having 24 slots in every slot. I figured I'd just take the bags I had made on each character and give them back to my armorer to upgrade them.


    > Well, as you may know, I couldn't do that because after I used the bags on my Alts they souldbound. So now I can't upgrade those bags because they are stuck on those characters.


    They are account bound and soulbound on use if i recall correctly.

    You should have had a message when you have tried to equip them into a character bag slot.


  3. Didn't have the time to play SPvP.

    Any comments on the after patch druid class compared to the old one?


    Has the DPS and survival been reduced enough or the class is still one of the best ( if not the best ) 1v1 class?


    However, i do like the new Signet of stone ( 3sec every 40 sec instead of 6 every 80 sec ).

  4. > @"Deathok.2914" said:

    > > @"Controlla.7241" said:


    > > Technically there are similiarities between all professions since for example different profession use the same utilities skill base, having said that I don't think just the fact that other classes are able to summon spirits as well replaces the idea of the Ritualist imo.


    > I agree, just because we have classes that have some similiar roles/mechanics doesnt mean we cant get a class which uses some of those mechanics (or leans on mechanics from other classes)

    > So even if we have turrets from the engineer, how does that hold us back from getting a ritualist?

    > Also as I understood the Ritualist main focus is on healing/buffs something the engineer isnt (especially not with the holosmith elite spec)



    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:


    > > Stop with the hybrid stuff.


    > What's wrong with hybrid? I personally would love to have a good mix between support and dps that is not brainless like the druid...


    I happened to see Elementalists and Engineers in spvp during the core game ( as druids now ).

    Guess I don't have to explain what were ( let's hope that druid is finally nerfed to the ground ) the problem.

  5. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > And it seems they weren't interested in giving players a plus-size standard bag. *That's my entire point.*


    > You're trying to argue the sushi joint should have been selling thai food, when the problem was that they couldn't offer the planned sushi menu at opening and some people got used to their temp menu. (Yes, I know that analogy is silly)


    No dude.

    My point is that i Got one item and somebody changed it without ask me anything.


    The point is that nobody cares what they wanted to give.


    They didn't test the item before the reelease.

    They gave the item to players.

    They didn't ask players if they were ok or not with the modify.


    > We wanted the item different


    The care i could give?

  6. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > The type of bag (prioritizing consumables) was pretty clearly the starting point, with the achievement as simply the delivery mechanism.

    > >

    > > I don't agree, because they fixed it after.

    > > So they first gave an item, then modified it.


    > They designed an item (that has been asked for by quite a few players). They then figured out an interesting delivery mechanism.

    > Going live, it is discovered that the item worked slightly different from intended, so they fix it.


    > My point however, was that their intent was never "give players a non-crafting way to get a 32 slot bag", that was incidental.

    > The intent was "introduce >20 slot bags sorting consumables", and they decided to tie it to the map via a series of collections.


    > Thus, any suggestion based around offering a "more useful" kind of bag is *trying to solve the wrong problem*.


    Indeed it was silly to release a new item witout checking it first, but even so some appreciated the old version more than the new.


    But more than this, what i dislike mostly is that they managed to offer all players not a standard ( which would have been useful to 100% players ) version of the bag and then adding a vendor with a recipe for the new, but a "particular" one which could have been appreciated not by all the community ( and as confirm, the fact that the bag were used as an invisible one ).



  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > >

    > > > > Because Unlock wardrobe matters!

    > > >

    > > > For a lot of people, they most certainly do.

    > >

    > > For everybody, except that when they are used to say "golds earned from blc" it's like a scam for the viewer, because it's not something you can sell.


    > Again, that depends on your perspective. Those who are attempting to unlock every single dye in the game are going to value the gold "not spent" every bit as much as they get from selling unneeded items.


    > I agree that the OP could have been more thoughtful in phrasing their post. They could have said, "5000g worth of unlocks" rather than "5000g." But you wrote, "it's like a scam" and "clickbait results", which imputes an intent to deceive, rather than a mistake in using too much hyperbole, something that's common among amateur bloggers and forum enthusiasts.


    > Why not simply ask the OP to change the title so it's less misleading? Especially since the OP probably agrees with you in principle about the amount of principal that dropped.


    Dude, check all videos on tube and relative comments ( when a gw2 youtuber tries to clickbait ).

    It's not me or somebody else, but the world.

  8. Here I am!


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/dmqSJqd.jpg "")


    What do you need in order to deal with runes:


    * Invisible bags which can contain every kind of rare and uncommon rune/sigil which can be dropped by salvaging intems

    * Put 1x every rune/sigil inside your invisible bag when you get it from salvage, and all the new runes/sigils wil go there without occupy your inventory space.

    * Once you have a full stack you will have the runes/sigils in your main backpack. Check your invisible bags for the one you are looking for and remove 249 of em, then sell them.


    Total space required for all runes/sigils = 100


    There you go.


    Ps: It's better to get moving, because it's this way since the release and there's no way it's going to change because of stuff like extra bag slots, golds to 32 slots bags, bank slots, storage slots, etc... the soon you start, the better! ( i have 32 slot bags x 10 but as you can see you don't need them at all. unlocking 7/8 total bags is enough )

  9. > @"GenerationX.9178" said:

    > I have been playing thief since day one and I have never thought it would actually come to this. I guess one thing I need help understanding if why is my class hated to the point of serious fixes down to auto attacks. Lot of the other nerfs I can understand I am referring to mainly the auto trigger traits. I have listed some the major changes to the thief and I want to understand why the community hates the thief to much and just try explain why thieves play way they do and such.


    > Thieves are medium armor/low health and most thieves are normally power. Stealth, Evades, Shadow steps and Mobility are essential to thief. Most of my game play has been on double dagger thief. I understand the to lot players stealth is a huge issue because the thief dispersed and I can target him or do damage. Stealth does not mean thief can not be touch. Honestly a tip on that is your auto attacks will take you a long way. For example if I hit thief is stealth and my auto attack is chaining then well there is thief there no doubt. I don't enjoy the perma stealth thieves, it just means they don't feel sure if they can take you on! There are many tricks to dealing with stealth such as reveals I mean almost every class has a reveal now, use them effectively and thief won't stand chance. Awareness goes long way to know if thief is coming (you may ask how?) you can see shadow steps or blinding powders triggering of even the sounds. Thieves try strike first because honestly thieves require you be first to engage, they are meant to catch you off guard.


    > Lot of the classes now days have stealth,invuls,block,blind and evades. Knowing when to use them is huge in fight vs a thief. It changes fights, on the biggest things to shut thief down is to suppress steal. Most stealth skill/combo fields last ~3sec, thief is on the clock to hit you and if he does hit you there is a reveal time allowing for counter play. Keep in mind lot of classes now have skills they can cast to give them self stealth. If you really think about it thieves are deference out side of stealth. There are evade builds for thieves because of this reason. Evades for days because doesn't take much for thief to go down. Evade builds I have to admit had gotten insane and glad they are getting a fix because no class should have counter damage while evading at a spam able rate thieves do. Honestly don't know what to say anymore but my class is getting seriously destroyed. My biggest problem with the patch is Auto attacks and may seem silly but those are the best skills on your skill bar in my opinion. It really bugged me to see guardian hitting me with 3k auto attacks and I am just hitting the guy for 500-1k and did ask armor was Berserk/Valkyrie. Guy was laughing at how low my damage was with gear specked for more damage then himself.


    > The only buff can think of on thief was the cloak and dagger and none of the other buffs appeared which is disappointing but heartseeker by all means needs no buff. I honestly think thieves have gotten the short end of the stick and I need help understanding why, because since reveals and new expantion thieves have gotten lot tougher to play with the reveals and nerfs and the hard counters.



    > Dagger Autoattack-Reduced damage by 15% overall in PvP and WvW

    > Sword Autoattack-Reduced damage by 14% overall in PvP and WvW.


    > Pulmonary Impact: Reduced damage by 29% in PvP and WvW.

    > Instant Reflexes: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.

    > Pain Response: Increased the cooldown from 16 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP only.

    > Hard to Catch: Increased the cooldown from 45 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.

    > Swindler's Equilibrium: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.


    > PM/Comment Why does the community hate thieves? Help me understand why thieves are OP in peoples eyes but no OP in mine. I get rekted on my thief all the time now days!


    First of all, we have to compare the nerf a class received with all the other professions.

    I.E. All passive stuff was given an incrased cd, which means that passive traits like


    > Instant Reflexes: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.

    > Pain Response: Increased the cooldown from 16 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP only.

    > Hard to Catch: Increased the cooldown from 45 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only.


    has been nerfed for thief, as for other classes.


    Talking about thief, it got 2 nerfs for DD ( Dagger damage and Pulmonary Impact ) and 2 for sword ( sword damage and Swindler equilibrium ).


    We have to see now if because of a lower dmg on AA and the other trait ( depends the build ) the thieves will be out of meta or not.


  10. Aa said before, the recipe could have add to a vendor. And there we could have had a choice between 5 bags.


    I am sorry but you don't want to see the proper way to introduce items. It's not that players like to whine all the time, but that sometimes anet do deliberately stuff not in a fair and proper way.


    Everybody would have been able to guess that, if the real goal were to give players a 32 slot bag, there could have been different options, like giving a standard bag or a choice between all bags.


    If things had been made that way, how could have a player made a complaint?


    Also remember that they gave an invia bag, and after that they decided to remove it.

    They didn't even test the item before releasing it.

  11. > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > No thief among the top tier classes?

    > > > >

    > > > > However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.

    > > >

    > > > Because of all thief nerf already present and incoming - thief can't compete with other above.

    > > > And yeah, deadeye might be in the top, but this is only a prediction.

    > >

    > > It's a prediction also that thief can't compete.

    > > Remember always this.


    > Yeah, but even yesterday before pvp/pve split thief couldn't compete with spellbreaker, mirage, chronomancerm and druid. And those elites gain nearly no nerfs yesterday.


    Thief is not for everybody, and needs a team to play with.

    Obviously there are easier classes to carry with.


    > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > No thief among the top tier classes?

    > >

    > > However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.


    > Was just going to say that but y’know. I’m a Mesmer main.


    I have your back Sir.

  12. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > No matter what ANet does, there won't be "no complaints", simply "different complaints".


    Oh, that's not true.

    If four 32 slot bags exist and you give players 1 for free of their choice, there won't be any complaint.


    It's you that convinced yourself about that.


    Like now, the community could be split between the old and the new bag.

    If there would have been 4 bags to chose betwee, there won't have been any complaints ( unless things like "I choose the wrong bag", but this is a "SUPPORT TEAM" issue, as you know ).


    Nothing but Logic.


    In before "people would have asked for a free mount instead" or stuff like this.

  13. > @"eisberg.2379" said:

    > I am returning to the game after a very long break. Tonight I just completed the main campaign of Hearts of Stone and did the first chapter in Season 3. I really do not like the Jungle areas, so I really want to spend the least amount of time in these areas as possible, but I love the story line so I will do what I have to in the Jungle areas to complete it.


    > Anyways, right now all my traits are maxed out except for the new specialization that came with PoF expansion. I have zero hero points right now and spent none in the new PoF specialization. When I get to the areas created for PoF, will there be enough ways for me to get Hero Points to max out the new Specializations? Will I be able to get all the points I need solo?


    > A side question:

    > Is the new areas for PoF, do they feel different for the game play loop compared to the Jungle area?


    Don't worry the PoF maps are definitely brainless because of mounts and the fact that they are plain as hell ( also HP are soloable with any class ).

    HoT needed a little bit of time in order to learn how to move through the maps, and to unlock masteries ( which are needed to play properly ). It's normal that in a rush it's a very hard impact...


    ... I was mad a Verdant brink at first, but after few weeks I understood that it was the best map they ever created, and because of that I was a little disappointed with PoF :(

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