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Posts posted by Shirlias.8104

  1. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > This was probably not the best choice ( even though it is clear that the goal was to provvide a 32 slots with problems, and with "problems" I mean not a standard version, which would have been used by 100% of the players without any complaints ).

    > Granted, I probably wouldn't have complained if it were a standard bag


    Oh God, you got the point of my message ( that was addressed not to you or a specific player but the whole community! ).

    But you should have read the whole post instead


    >**Also they didn't think about the possibility to give players a choice**.


    > This, also, was definitely bad.

    > Plenty of times you have to chose your reward from a list, and so this could have happened with the invisible bag.


    > It would have be win/win for everybody:


    > * **Players would have had a choice between 4 kind of bags**.

    > * **Anet shouldn't have think about a new recipe**.

    > * **The would have been no complaints**.


  2. > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > No thief among the top tier classes?

    > >

    > > However, why did you put DD/Core on the same lvl of a Deadeye, LOL.


    > Because of all thief nerf already present and incoming - thief can't compete with other above.

    > And yeah, deadeye might be in the top, but this is only a prediction.


    It's a prediction also that thief can't compete.

    Remember always this.

  3. Let's see...


    * The higher price for food on TP is 1g and 36s ( **but i want to enjoy this even more and i say that I pay it 3g instead** ).

    * A metabolic ( or utility ) primer is worth 150 gems, which are 50g

    * High tier food last 1h

    * metabolic/utility primer last 12h


    So, 3g x12 = 36g vs 50g ( and you will be able to dose it between sessions, and not to lose it because you stay afk, or do other tasks which are not the ones the food is required. In before trollish stuff like "log out your character and use another one!!!11


    Hardly somebody will buy primers.


  4. A vendor which allows you to trade a 32 slot bag for another could do the thing ( they add vendors with pof because of the souldbound version on 32 slots ).


    like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dalal#vendor21


    However, once again, the whole thing is mostly stupid if you think about it.


    > They decide to add a free bag through LS4 ep 2 achievements


    This is definitely a good thing. Players would appreciate a free 32 slot bag which could be worth 150/180g.


    > However, they decide not to put the base version but a "particular version".


    This was probably not the best choice ( even though it is clear that the goal was to provvide a 32 slots with problems, and with "problems" I mean not a standard version, which would have been used by 100% of the players without any complaints ).


    > Also they didn't think about the possibility to give players a choice.


    This, also, was definitely bad.

    Plenty of times you have to chose your reward from a list, and so this could have happened with the invisible bag.


    It would have be win/win for everybody:


    * Players would have had a choice between 4 kind of bags.

    * Anet shouldn't have think about a new recipe.

    * The would have been no complaints.


    Shortly, everything happened because the real goal was not to provvide players something useful, but something incomplete ( the recipe could have been add to any vendor, so it's not an excuse ) and probably not useful for everybody ( even though the new recipe could have been easily introduced ).


    It's not the first time things stuff that happens, and honestly I am not surprised at all.

    Nice one for giving an invis bag ( which could have been not necessarily used for stacking containers ) and then removing it.

  5. I support this.

    Aurora ( and probably the new legendary ring too ) needs some updates:


    * The possibility to move its skin on different characters.

    * The possibility to disable the skin on the main item, as it was a back piece ( as the OP said ).

    * The possibility to build more of them, in order to have 2x trinket equipped on your main, or even 2x legendary trinket on every character you have if you are rich.


    And since the fact that Aurora was released during LS3, this should have been done months ago.


    And I do really hope that, because legendary ring is still not avaible, they have thought about those things before releasing it.

    I mean, it would be ridiculous if the legendary ring will be released with the same issues, but still here I am. Worried.

  6. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > It will be implemented with the next expansion.


    > Do you have a source for that? Or are you joking about how lots of fun features get pushed into expansions?


    Obviously a joke.

    They said many times how hard will this be because of personal story.


    But hell, who knows!

  7. Mastery points are meant to give players not a single way to achieve their masteries.


    Out of X total Mastery Points you have to achieve Y of them in order to unlock all the masteries.

    And because of that ( X > Y ) you are somehow free to chose what kind of mastery points redeem by playing the game.


    Every LS will also provvide you another Mastery and more Mastery points ( through zones and achievements ), giving you even more choice.

  8. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > @"Shirlias.8104" Would you be ok if PvE OW leggy armor shared the Orr temple (or any other core skin)? I mean, if its skin wasnt unique, but an already existing skin?




    I ask for them only as QoL items.


    Skins should be locked behind different and specific challenges ( raids, fractals, openworld, achievements, dungeons, Spvp, wvw, etc ).

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > You didn't ask a question ... so ?


    Actually i did.


    > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > What I don't understand is how adding a OW ( and fractal ) way in order to get legendary armor would do more damage than afkers in WvW and SPvP, which just spam games or tag without any effort.


    I don't understand, could you please explain your point about?

    It was indirect but still was a question for you.


    I also don't get why should we ignore that both competitive game modes are full of afkers which only farm for currencies.


  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > So because you think there is an abusive/leeching way to get legendary armor in WVW/PVP with no effort, you think there should be and OW path? persumably because you want to get legendary armor with no effort in your preferred game mode as well? Um ... I can't being to describe what I think about that. It's not worth the warning. I will just leave you to ponder why that's a terrible way to think about why you deserve a OW path.


    You didn't asnwer to my question.

    I stated a fact, and now you are being upset because you don't accept that many players do this because it's easier.


    Empty words.

  11. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > You see, the reason the 'casual' distinction doesn't work is that Anet doesn't make that distinction. If Anet makes a path in OW for casuals, that path is open to everyone ... and if that's the easiest path, that's the path MOST people are going to take; soo why would they make a 'easy path for casual players? I mean, it's pretty unreasonable to think that if Anet would make a new path, it would accommodate the amount of time a casual player can spend in the game in the first place, especially considering this distinction to them isn't real. I can't think of ANY content in this game that does that now, what would compel Anet to do it for Leg. armor?


    What I don't understand is how adding a OW ( and fractal ) way in order to get legendary armor would do more damage than afkers in WvW and SPvP, which just spam games or tag without any effort.


    It won't change anything, because you will always need golds, and remember also that many players won't have the possibility to get the amount needed even for a piece of armor.

  12. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > The amount of time it takes is irrelevant. What most of these discussions boil down to is the unreasonable idea that you should be able to get loot doing what you want vs. choosing the ways available to you. That idea is not made more real or reasonable by how you define game mode, yourself as a player or your concept of balance or fairness. You're going to have a REALLY hard life in MMO's if you stick with that philosophy.


    GW2 is different from the others mmo, that's why many of us are here.

    You can drop and resume whenever you want.


    Talking about having an opportunity per game mode, it is still not clear how could this harm other players ( or even only you ).

    Players will be simply have alternatives, which are always good, depends the way they want to play.


    And let's remember that you will always need around 330g in order to craft every single piece.



    > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > I don't see a problem with that at all. That's a limitation imposed by the player ...

    > > > >

    > > > > and yes ... if a casual player wants armor, they can choose the BEST path for them to get it of the three available. I mean, this is a nonsensical discussion ... you are saying people don't have choice for a path to get gear they want because they restrict themselves to doing content where they could never get that gear ... NO WAY!!!!. Read that a few times and let it sink in.

    > > >

    > > > It's not imposed by the player, but by the system ( I am sorry, i shouldn't dare to play the game mode i like! )

    > > > If the player like to play WvW and another like to play PvE, 1h per day, why should one be allowed to get his armor by playing the game mode he wants?

    > >

    > > I encourage you to go do math and then tell me how long it would take from a casual WvW newbie to obtain his legendary armor through WvW by plaing 1h a week... or even 1h a day. Go on. Having that little playtime wont get you anywhere close to maximum skirmish ticket cap per week, which is extremely slow and grindy route to a legendary armor, even more so than raiding.

    > > Lets say Anet would make legendary armor to be obtainable through open world. How are these 1h/day people or 1h/week people even going to make it to the required meta events and such to complete their gear? Hmm?


    > This here is a great point and question.


    > But see, your question stems from the view of a meta junkie that is only thinking of time and efficiency to the end goal.


    > See, a Casual player just needs a plausible path that they can do, the time is not as important as it being within reach. In this venture WvW Legendary Armor is totally doable to the Casual WvW player and while it will take them many times longer then a seriously invested WvW player, but it is still well within their reach to get it simply by playing WvW at their casual pace in a manner they enjoy.


    > The same is not to be said for the PvE Legendary Armor.


    > The Irony that the PvP Legendary Armor is more casual friendly then the PvE version is not lost on me.



  13. > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > I don't see a problem with that at all. That's a limitation imposed by the player ...

    > > >

    > > > and yes ... if a casual player wants armor, they can choose the BEST path for them to get it of the three available. I mean, this is a nonsensical discussion ... you are saying people don't have choice for a path to get gear they want because they restrict themselves to doing content where they could never get that gear ... NO WAY!!!!. Read that a few times and let it sink in.

    > >

    > > It's not imposed by the player, but by the system ( I am sorry, i shouldn't dare to play the game mode i like! )

    > > If the player like to play WvW and another like to play PvE, 1h per day, why should one be allowed to get his armor by playing the game mode he wants?


    > I encourage you to go do math and then tell me how long it would take from a casual WvW newbie to obtain his legendary armor through WvW by plaing 1h a week... or even 1h a day. Go on. Having that little playtime wont get you anywhere close to maximum skirmish ticket cap per week, which is extremely slow and grindy route to a legendary armor, even more so than raiding.

    > Lets say Anet would make legendary armor to be obtainable through open world. How are these 1h/day people or 1h/week people even going to make it to the required meta events and such to complete their gear? Hmm?


    Less than playing OW pve or Fractals.

    Is it enough?

    And what about the other currencies?

    Obviously once you have the tokens or ascended armor you are done ;)


    Or probably you just wanted to underline how fast it is to unlock legendary armors through PvE if you have a group to play with ( and you are not a casual ) even for 3/4h per week?

  14. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I don't see a problem with that at all. That's a limitation imposed by the player ...


    > and yes ... if a casual player wants armor, they can choose the BEST path for them to get it of the three available. I mean, this is a nonsensical discussion ... you are saying people don't have choice for a path to get gear they want because they restrict themselves to doing content where they could never get that gear ... NO WAY!!!!. Read that a few times and let it sink in.


    It's not imposed by the player, but by the system ( I am sorry, i shouldn't dare to play the game mode i like! )

    If the player like to play WvW and another like to play PvE, 1h per day, why should one be allowed to get his armor by playing the game mode he wants?

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