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Posts posted by TheQuickFox.3826

  1. > @"ixora.3569" said:

    > You get these brain dead players literally not capturing objectives and going into a team fight alone and getting destroyed. This game has been out for a while now you would expect people to at least know the basics. After a 10 game losing streak its clear as day matchmaking isnt working.[...]


    You should not judge the matchmaking system on such a low number of games. These streaks can happen and usually when you ended up significantly above or below your player skill level. My player skill level is between 1100 and 1200. I had some bad luck in my placement matches and was put in 950. After this, I had a big winning spree to around 1250. Now I'm losing again because my rating had grown above my skill level.


    Because of luck and of course the other players in your team, the adjusting will have jagged edges, but in my experience things always even out again. Your losing spree will give you access to easier matches again after which you will have more wins again. The game tries to achieve a win/loss ratio of around 50% in the long run.



  2. This is my general build for WvW and PvE


    For PvE I also have a pure berserker build I run in strike missions.


    I currently have no build for sPvP because I tried to use my build in PvP but was not able to find anything close. Before, I used something as similar as possible in sPvP and was moderately successful in doing so. (High-silver, low-gold) And yes, I know there are more effective builds on sites like metabattle, but I prefer something I enjoy playing and that was scepter/dagger with Celestial stats mostly.

  3. It is quite easy to misjudge players of botting. A couple of days ago I returned to sPvP. Joined a ranked match. I was surprised to see a DeathMatch game type and was immadiately turned into a Moa bird by an enemy Mesmer player. Lost my skill bar and I played quite badly. After a respawn the same happened. A team mate directly announced that he/she was playing with a bot but it was just me playing poorly. If playing poorly is a sole reason to assume botting, then many newbies or otherwise lesser skilled players will be wrongly accused.

  4. I tried to return to PvP this evening and noticed my amulet selection was empty, and the Celestial stats I had are gone and I can't re-select it from the list.


    I only play Elementalist and need some of the defensive stats that Cele gives me to not be killed very quickly. (Ele is fragile without extra vitality and toughness)

    Do I need to wait for it to return or do I need to unlock it somehow?

  5. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > The only way to keep your current account and upgrade to Digital Deluxe is to purchase the Digital Deluxe Upgrade from the Gem Store.


    This. And the digital deluxe upgrades will be on sale from time to time, but not now.

    If you buy the game again from buy.guildwars2.com then you will end up with a second account. (Which can be fun if you want to do some roleplaying between your own characters) but that may not be something you want.

  6. Thanks. I reset my WvW mastery tree and I now can have some wintersday fun in WvW.


    The specifics: You can train all masteries, except for the specific ones for the sieges you want to use with wintersday effects. Like the catapult and trebuchet. Not all sieges have wintersday effects. Foe example, cannons still shoot cannon balls.


    It would be nice if ANet would do some updating here, like selling wintersday sieges for snowflakes that work fine with all mastery levels.

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