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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"ThomasC.1056" said:

    > I agree with all that you're suggesting.


    > I'm not expecting much though, especially in the QoL section : most vendors, bank and crafting would make any WvW lobby a far better alternative to all the lobbies (royal terrace, lily of elon, mistlock sanctuary etc.) they're selling in gems. Moreover, the WvW one would have the "get me back to my previous map" that only mistlock has.

    > Of course, some would say that luring people in WvW for QoL may have a positive effect on population, but I'm honestly not betting much on that part, unfortunately.


    I like the ideas here but unfortunately I bet that ANet would not go for a lobby in OS that's like Mistlock etc. That would just make them lose gems on lobby purchases.. Seriously! People would be able to go to WvW... and actually USE it for more than farming karma and pips and not have to pay a fortune for these blasted lobbies that ANet must make a lot of money off of, esp when a new one is created.


    Seeing this thread was almost exactly what I have been thinking lately... at least the parts about a 'lobby'... get us some crafting stations, bank, TP, and yes even a couple JP's in there for fun. Make it a fun place to go let your pips die down, and yes the ideas about golems/siege etc so people can learn in there would be great!

  2. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

    > > > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

    > > > >

    > > > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

    > > >

    > > > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.

    > >

    > > nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!


    > @Balthazzarr.1349, players dont care about active defense, they just dont want anyone on defense....


    > **I feel that every gw2 ktrainer actually doesnt wanna any kind of defense, they want just a free cap...**




    > **It is the behaviour of the players on this game... **


    > **To make T3 structures easy for blobbers Anet will have to make the walls larger so players can defend their PPT (seams logic right?????)...**


    > **T3 strucures are already more easiers to take since ANet increased damage on catas, and u guys want them to melt faster w/o effort AT least Anet needs to improve walls so they cant be aoe'ed from the ground**



    > ireally dont understand why u guys just want to keep farming w/o fight or effort.. seriously...

    > Game is already broken inm population and its BLOB or be BLOBBED, and u guys want to take structures even with less effort.....


    > Are the players on this game that lame???? lammerwars???? and dev's sure like they help this lammer ambient.


    > Sorry to be blunt but this is the atitute that leaded to WvW lost of populaton, it is due has become a noob mode more and more.



    Hey I agree with this a lot. I see so many zergs and blobs avoid the T3 structures until there's nothing left to pip farm, then the go after them as well. Even the so called fields fights are laughable a lot of the time. As I said in my other note, it doesn't matter what you or I like... there will always be someone to tell us how dumb we are for liking it and why we should do it different. I gave up on hoping WvW would change to something that felt "worth going in to". I go into WvW for fun with friends. "For the Server" doesn't exist anymore. Even the score keepers don't keep the linkings up to date anymore in the online scores because I think they just gave up caring. So all we're left with is the ktrain/piptrain thing... Nothing else seems to matter to most people except a few that like and know how to zerg fight.

  3. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

    > > > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

    > > > >

    > > > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

    > > >

    > > > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.

    > >

    > > nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!


    > "active" offense and defense on keeps is a bunch of pvd and siege with no reward. It's not fun for any guild or decent commander it's only fun if there is a fight between 2 groups in the keep but they could just do that outside the keep lol. Sounds like a nsppt style of play that you're describing





    okok... it doesn't matter what type of play style someone likes I suppose there is always a way to make it look useless and bad so to that end I will drop the back and forth. I will let you "win" this argument in your mind at least since I know you won't see or understand what I'm trying to say. It's not as all ridiculously bad as you say it is but that's how you feel and I'll respect that and move on. Bottom line.... have fun!

  4. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

    > > > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

    > > > >

    > > > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

    > > > >

    > > > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

    > > > >

    > > > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless

    > >

    > > Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!


    > It is PVP. But when you "troll the enemy" All you're doing is boring them to death and when they quit who will you get to troll? You'll just sit in your tower or keep refreshing siege and asking yourself "Wish those big groups would come back but they quit the game because all they did was fight our arrowcarts all day and now i have nothing to defend against" this is the future of wvw. siege humpers will rule with a iron fist and even they will get bored since they never leave the tower.


    nah, you're missing the point of my note. I'm not talking about sitting in a Keep all day long seriously... I AM talking about active offense on a Keep and active defense of the Keep as long as it takes to make them give up... at least until they try sometime later when they believe it's all clear. For me, if they do go away and things appear clear then it's time to get the heck out of there and start pounding enemy stuff again, (or reclaiming our own), and so on. "Capture the flag"... is fun... it's what I enjoy. To me that equals fighting for and defending objectives... NOT the oh so boring pvd!

  5. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > Big part of the problem is server linking, people used to be on one server, so asking people to get in TS, if the did voice coms at all, already had the server and were verified. Now it's not so easy, whos the tag? What server are they on? Whats the server address? Now I need to go get my API key again and get verified etc etc. Back in the day tags used to get in map chat and tell people to get in TS and you would have a flood of people joining, that all seemed to take a massive hit once linking happened and without an introduction of a in game voice com of some sort, it makes getting together harder, and lets face it, it was hard enough getting some people in TS when it was zero effort.


    oh it's even better now... Now people are also using Discord... So now I have TS for 6 different servers now... yes I can get into enemy ts now if I want ... but meh, what a waste of time. and Discord is similar, many discords. The result for me is almost never using either anymore unless I am with an organized group. When I tag I run havoc and never use TS or Discord. It's all about causing trouble, dieing a lot, and wp mastery! oh ya, and fun of course.

  6. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @Raymond Lukes.6305, t3 wals arent that strong >_> people cant even defend t there nor builds siege... unless they want to be wiped from aoe's from the ground.

    > > Strucures can be siege from above, due your keep and map design as well.

    > >

    > > And T1 walls are so strong. that 1 blob took keep arround 30seconds.. GG (this just happened while i was writing the post since defense was impossible due numbers ofc).

    > >

    > > Are u guys going to make ktrainers more rewerded, and people that dont want effort nor fight taking stuff making their gameplay more easy..?

    > >

    > > Are u guys gona make free takes to make player avoid defend so this game is pure ktrain??

    > >

    > >

    > > Whenever u guys talk that something that isnt that hard due how broken this game has becomes it already easy and u listen players that want it even easier....

    > >


    > The game had more action when there was nothing but k trains now, no one even comes out of their towers and keeps. This games major strength is it's combat so why would you even wanna sit in a tower defending it? what do you even gain? Did you build the tower or the keep(that would be cool if you could. Maybe this stuff would be more important.)? Winning means nothing and defending these towers and keeps is meaningless. If you can't fight you should lose all your towers and keeps and maybe all these players will start focusing on fighting rather than sitting on siege to defend. If they outnumber you so be it. you will lose but you can improve as a group. People are afraid to lose and that's the only way you can get better. God bless


    Ya don't agree here. If you live to just fight group against group then yes I see your point. But if you love the challenge of trying to keep a large group from taking over your tower or keep then there is some fun in that. Having a group inside that struggles for sometimes even hours and manages to send away zergs and blobs is actually quite fun. Call it "trolling the enemy"... or call it whatever you want. At the end of the day it's another way to have some fun in this game. If WvW was supposed to be just about groups fighting groups then it would be ... wait for it ... PvP! Period!

  7. > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > @"kitten.5682" said:

    > > o look people are loosing their insta win buttons and start the crying already. How typical


    > Instant win? Do you even know what you're talking about? Conditions have clear, abundant and easily accessible counters, even under stunned conditions. Power does not. Really, please educate yourself before spouting such pretentious nonsense.


    Interesting that you say power does not. One of my classes is a soulbeast that runs at the lowest with: 2.7k power, 75%+ crit chance, 225% crit damage... engaging a skill I can put the crit chance over 100% after stacks and put out a huge amount of damage. ok so you say.. yep that's what I'm talking about. But then I come across a warrior/spellbreaker.. I hit the skills and engage and watch as he takes almost zero damage, switch weapons and reset power etc to a degree and power him again and see his bar move a little bit. I've taken down guards in seconds, I've had thiefs sneak up behind me, and if they're not real good, watched them die fast... but warriors? These days it's like they have some sort of perma invulnerability... at least for the folks that really know how to play them.


    Maybe it's what you're saying in that the counters aren't easily accessible? I'm not sure... but I know that regardless of my soulbeast, and my DH (which kills even faster), that I have serious problems against the new warrior meta. ;)



  8. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Some of you guys man...

    > He came in here and answered some questions about potential future plans, something they don't do, take it as an early Christmas gift that they are actually talking and planning on what to do next, and not just sitting there letting wvw slide on it's current way with links for the rest of it's life like we all normally think.


    > A revamp of wvw will take a lot of time and planning, it's not something you flip a switch and do overnight, do something wrong with the revamp and you risk losing the rest of your players in wvw, they have to make sure they do it properly to make most of the players happy to move to a new system. Sounds like they probably need to finalize ideas and plans to take to the higher ups before making changes.


    > So cut them some slack and be glad to know they're working on changes.


    > > @"Zenral.3958" said:

    > > I'd prioritize on fixing Necros because that class is killing WvW and partially the game faster than Balthazar's attempt.


    > They're the wvw team, not the balance team.



    Agree on most levels.. but... Remember the switch to Desert Borderlands "overnight"! Although there was lots of whining about WvW before that, I can pretty much say from experience that this ONE 'flip of the switch overnight' did more to hurt WvW than pretty much everything else that's been done. Since then they fixed DBL so that it's actually nice to play, but so so many people went away during that time.. and many didn't come back. Now we get the "balance" changes, aka world linking, then the new improved condi meta that, imo, has really hurt WvW more than it's helped, and so on.


    Yes I'm glad they're talking... I would be more glad if they did something good.

  9. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"mixxed.5862" said:

    > > > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

    > > > I just hope they show some love to the little guilds out there that try to keep the game mode diverse instead of focusing too much on 30+ man group guilds.

    > >

    > > An idea to help small scale guilds with their stealthy playstyle :

    > > Let ballistas damage spy balloons (from the watchtower upgrade). So the tactic is disabled for a few minutes once you shoot it out of the air!

    > >

    > > Not my idea initially, but I think it's a good one.


    > well there are already ways to work around that watchtower but i am not sure if they are intended.

    > the issue with ballistas shooting down the watchtower..for how long will that last? if its short, this will already be a signal to check the tower and if it is long, no point in watchtowers anymore. i do think with watchtowers people dont check their towers on the map as often as without them, as most got used to the tower doing the job for them.

    > good roamers are able to open any tower without getting marked on the map and with only few it is flipped really fast. so i think people letting the towers scout for them is an advantage for roamers while it is very obvious when a zerg is going to attack a tower as most zergs got pug that will get marked even if the commander tries to be sneaky.


    > i still hope they will change the rewards for taking an objective to become a total number of exp, karma etc depending on objective and tier and then distribute it between all the people that took part, this way you get alot more if you flip a keep with 5 people than with 50. but then again that is only wxp and karma while most of the reward is comming from kills, i am not sure if loot from kills could be done the same. like you get 10 heavy loot bags for a 1 on 1 roaming kill while in 50 vs 50 you only get one from every 5th kill on average. but this could cause too much work for the server as i am not sure how loot is generated.


    Yes I kind of agree that many people rely on the watchtower... BUT for the older experienced folks that actually watch the map we see the swords, yes 30 seconds after they hit but we do see them.. sadly that's not many people. When I'm running a havoc group I get so many comments from people asking how the hell I know that a group is somewhere, and where they're most likely going etc. The simple fact is that most people that are in wvw these days don't understand how to watch a map etc. Ah well... WvW is the new PvE... as I said in my last reply.. rock on!

  10. > @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

    > Noone runs the show there.

    > The balance patches are created focusing PVE.

    > The changes we grt are the result of PVERs crying over their classes and PVE dev team boosting/nerfing to make the PVERs happy.

    > WvW will remainas it stand.

    > It is up to you to accept it, adapt and try to have fun, lots and lots already did it and stopped caring with things like balance, competitivity, server pride, winning matchups, etc...

    > Or

    > Move on to a new game. Lots and lots alrrady did it, and more do it evreryday...

    > No matter which decision you make, just remember, ANET doesnt care about it ??


    Exactly right! WvW really is just the NEW PvE! Sure you got real people you're fighting but after all is said and done it's just another place to find loot and possibly some challenges... but mostly it's just blob and loot... just like PvE...rock on!

  11. > @Loosmaster.8263 said:

    > > @takatsu.9416 said:

    > > Pulling tactivators and it's level of effectiveness could be an ability track, or be available for players of a certain wvw rank who are relatively responsibly in charge, and there are always good or frequent veteran players around


    > Yes but there are some that have gone sour and become full fledged trolls...


    ha that may be true but most of the trolls I see pulling tactics have very low achievement points which means they're very new on their accounts, which also means they are low level WvW players.


    I think this is a great idea.. make it so that you have to have a mastery level of some sort to pull the tactivators. You want to be a troll? Well then you would have to actually work WITH the team you're trying to troll for some time before you could screw them over.

  12. I picked lower tiers just for the troll of it. This poll is basically non-sensical... There's no way of knowing where the most skilled players are period. Some say it's the higher tiers cause there's more people, some say that just means there's more pugs.. and so on.. I say it's probably a pretty even mix of skilled and non-skilled percentage wise across the board. I could be wrong but since I'm usually right I'll go with that.. bahaaa

  13. > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > Wow! I wasn't expecting solo that to be the biggest vote. Seems wvw is mostly about guerilla warfare, rather than armies.


    It goes to show you that the havoc and solo artists come into the forums. The zerglings don't.. because as anyone knows that goes into WvW.. zerglings make up the bulk of WvW.

  14. > @Jeknar.6184 said:

    > > @JoEWas.1409 said:

    > > If they want to have 12 host servers, why don't they bring down the total servers to 12, this could help intra-server communities grow again. There are ways it could be done.


    > Their response will likely be cause with the server links they can "help to balance" population discrepances... We can just look at T1 or T4 NA and see that it is working wonders.


    > /s


    ... And the sad thing about all of this is that despite the fact that they relink based on some sort of metric that's apparently supposed to result in a decent balance after each relink at least... it doesn't work. The imbalance is terrible in some cases.. it doesn't solve the problem of some servers sandbagging.. or people bandwagoning to linked servers and so on and so on. After all is said and done, even though the relinking will continue.. it too is a failure. It killed server pride (that so many people laugh about because they never had any to begin with); it killed a lot of communities.. and it really killed the desire for a lot of people to actually care about defending, supporting etc. What I see a LOT of is divisive map/team chat, infighting (and I'm talking about the current host we're linked with [who it is, is not relevant atm since I hear about it from other people on other servers as well]). Lots and lots of apparent field fights which really are nothing more than people mobbing up killing each other all day long mindlessly.


    I'm pretty sure this wasn't the way WvW was thought of when it was designed, but it's sure what it's become. Yes I can still roam and get some small fights here and there but these days it's a lot more about dealing with the ganky thiefs (that aren't too hard to kill a lot of the time, except for ones that actually KNOW the class)... and figuring out how to take down a camp or tower before being ganked by a mob ...


    After all is said and done... I remain on my original home server and enjoy people I like, but server pride? pfft... yelling out for help and expecting it most of the time? not so much either... Relinking isn't working, making it all 12 new servers won't work either unless all servers are closed for transfer and people forced to stay where they are.. which also won't work.. in the end.. it's a lousy set up but still I find ways to have fun with friends and don't care about scores that really don't matter at all!

  15. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > So everyone defends this type of gameplay even though it's low skill and unfair and griefing, then when someone (me) points this out, I'm a troll, and deserve to be bullied/made fun of or have my skill insulted, even though I never said I had a problem dealing with roamers, everyone just assumed I must. Well you're all wrong.


    > Raptor does 2 birds with one stone, eliminates roamers and makes wvw more fast paced, problem and solution addressed.


    Roamers would get raptor's too right? BAM even playing field. Now I catch you quicker and still stomp you. Read my other posts though... you are not right in what you're saying about roamers.

  16. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @Caedmon.6798 said:

    > > These are the people i love to hunt down when i roam.

    > >

    > > Just port to spawn like everyone else is doing,or log off and relogg when you spot a roamer.Or better yet ! Call the blob for those 2 guys.


    > when did I say that "I" had a problem with dealing with roamers? I don't have a problem with them (in terms of them ganking me, or having trouble killing them), but I do think they are unintended and a cheap form of playing wvw that wasn't really intended. I also think that 90% of the kills they get are purely to grief others as opposed to actually being an asset to the server.


    "grief others" "cheap form of playing" -- seriously just because you don't like it doesn't make it less of a game function. Of course WvW was meant for both zergs and roamers / havoc teams. If you truly understand WvW you would know this. After over 3000 wxp rank points (nope not the highest by any means), and over 6000 hours in WvW I can accurately say that roamers are essential to the WvW game play and a huge asset to the zerg commanders.


    You can say I'm bullying you by speaking from a huge amount of experience but I'm not. I'm simply clearly stating what's true with all the people I command, and all the commanders I support.


  17. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @Cirrion.8951 said:

    > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > > I don't think roaming was ever an intended activity in wvw personally. I agree with zergs (of course) and havoc groups but roaming feels like a cheap gimmick. All I ever see from players who roam are 1v1 oriented builds that are extremely overpowered vs anything else other then 1v1 builds. They usually stack Vit + Tough so that they stay alive forever and whittle other players they come across until they finally drop. Since its not SPvP, they can reset the fight for themselves an infinite number of times through, movement skills, stealth or defensive traits and the victim has nowhere to hide (unlike spvp) because the map is so open.

    > > >

    > > > Most of these roamers run full ascended gear, with food + utility and completely overpowered specs + stats that are completely suited for 1v1 play (even using stats combinations that are banned in spvp because they are too imbalanced and deemed OP). They tend to mostly encounter players running back to the zerg whom are not suited for 1v1 play, or in most scenarios sub level 80's or new 80's still in greens, whom they mercilessly hack away at and grief. Yes you can argue that roamers stem the tide of reinforcements to the zerg, but really the impact is negligible and it mostly amounts to trolling and griefing, then actually bringing the server a tactical advantage, especially since wvw centers around large scale zerg battles.

    > > >

    > > > I think adding the raptor would solve this type of imbalanced bullying. It would allow players to traverse the map quicker, and get back to their zerg/havoc squads faster. It would allow them to get back into action faster, making wvw more fast paced. Lastly it would completely eliminate most roamers, because its pretty hard to stop someone running by at full speed on a raptor. I think this is a change that is needed to combat an aspect of wvw that was never really intended and would bring QoL improvements to the game mode.

    > >

    > > So wait, which is it? Are roamers having a negligible effect or are they enough of a problem that it needs fixing? It can't really be both.


    > It's both, roaming is basically trolling and bullying, and does almost nothing for the server. More then one roamer is a havoc, and I'm fine with that. the solution to eliminate solo roamers while keeping group roamers (havoc) viable is the raptor mount.


    > A solo roamer most likely can't stop someone on a raptor, a havoc group most likely could. So plz put the raptor in wvw.


    You must not be reading most of the responses against what you're saying. roaming is NOT bullying and trolling. Roaming does a LOT for a server in the way of taking enemy camps, killing yaks, scouting and so on. Just because you get your butt kicked by us roamers doesn't mean that we don't provide a huge and good function in WvW. As other people have suggested... learn to give us a challenge, build your fighter for more than a drone in a zerg and so on. This is a great part of WvW for those that don't like blobbing around that much, and is a great support tool for the zergs/blobs.


    oh and a Raptor? I bet if you brought one of those to WvW I could cut him down fast then stomp on the riders head a few seconds later.. Then what you want? Raptors, Jackals? Maybe some dive bombing flyers? Noooo... all you should want is to learn to fight us!

  18. That would be fine if they hadn't given us the ability to make hundreds and hundreds of decorations to suit halls of a certain size then give us a new one that was half the size. It's perfect for you.. It's definitely not perfect for me. Still love the look of it.. just wish it was bigger.

  19. The new Guild Hall looks pretty cool and so on but it's TOO small! Walking through it considering where to place over 2000 decoration pieces like I had in my old hall and from what I can see I'll be lucky if I can put 1/4 of them out before it's way too cluttered. Different spots far from each other with different themes aren't going to be as easy in this new hall unfortunately since everything is so close together. In Lost Precipice I had so many areas that were set up in so many different ways. This new hall seriously needs to be twice the size it is.


    As it is I'm going to have to build lots of stuff up in the sky just to make use of the hundreds of gold worth of decorations I have.. :( **sigh**

  20. > @Balthazzarr.1349 said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Aerial Melodies.4938" said:

    > > > EWP? You mean the thing trolls keep pulling on purpose while there is no enemy attack rendering it useless? I've learned to ignore the calls in map/team because it's either a troll call or a wasted pull.

    > >

    > > We even have one who pulls it with a call out to get his guild into EBG when there is a que.


    > well... even that won't get you into a borderland that has a queue.. you will just queue up behind the rest waiting to get in...


    oh wait... you mean he pulls it on another BL to pull people out of EB? lol... trollalollaloll... nasty stuff.

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