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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"K THEN.5162" said:

    > If you want to watch the world burn, then play minstrel's daredevil with all the evade skills and traits and equip adventurer runes. Once you've done that, choose a server you dislike the most and make their keep perma tapped with your excess of damage skills while invulnerable. It also gets pretty entertaining when there's +8 people chasing you.

    > Sample build: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAWWn0MB9OhFmCmOBkmiFqiqLBCgDw7CShBYO73+xH-j1xHQBwT9nHqEEc6C2x+DK7RAAQlfA4KAEA4AY+5T+5Dc/93f/93X5nf+5nf+5nf+5LFQVq0A-w



    Why would you equip a staff in both slots? Cool down is still there if you swap. Just curious... Is there another weapon set you use for this, or just the staff? (Pardon my ignorance on DD but I haven't run it) :)

  2. It's interesting to me how many people don't really get that soulbeast (one or two) can be a pretty decent thing to have on a backline in a squad. If you know what you're doing you can provide a lot of damage from range. All this talk about reflects negating the pewpews?? I run Soulbeast almost exclusively with the fight group I run with. I run it because I know how to use it effectively. Sure I could add to the number of firebrands, scourges, spellbreakers, etc that we have but meh... that gets boring.


    Glass cannon? My soulbeast is built as nasty as a so called zerk but with plenty of health etc to go along with it. One notable bonus of a sniper class like soulbeast is that if you know how to look for spellbreakers, (which I do well), you can take them out pretty fast since they're already trying to survive a lot of other damage.


    Typically my soulbeast starts off with the following before stacks,(which, in a typical night I get in a few seconds into the first fight):


    Power: 2500+

    Crit: 60%+

    Crit damage: 200%+

    Health: 22.7k

    Toughness: 1000+


    Toughness is low and to me that truly doesn't matter much since it doesn't protect against condition damage anyway. I find it's not a factor in pretty much any fights I get into. With stacks and buffs my crit can hit over 100% and power over 3000. I get a LOT of kills in a fight from the back line.


    You can talk all day long about support buffs etc. but it definitely helps if you have some extra nasty fire power coming from behind. ... and again... reflects? Don't make me laugh really... I can honestly say that I can remember maybe once or twice in the last week of constant fights where I actually got bounced back with a reflect. By the time I am raining on the enemy inside our WoD or simply where the main fight is they've wasted their reflects trying to survive the up close and personal fighting.


    I admit that I WILL switch to spellbreaker or firebrand if we are running lean and need a good core for fights. But if we swell into a good size (20 or more) of good fight builds, then I will switch back out to my sniper. Powering down/finishing specific targets like enemy spellbreakers even while they're inside their group is nothing short of fun... and definitely supportive!


    This won't convince the folks that are already anti soulbeast etc but it works for us a huge amount of the time... but as noted above you really have to know what you're doing and do it fairly decently. That's the main reason my commander never complains on my choice of class to run for the night ;)

  3. > @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > It's so funny to read all this "stuff" about how great BG is. BG isn't great at all. They have numbers, numbers, numbers. They probably actually have a good fight group or two in there somewhere. Without their big numbers and ton of WoDs they love to drop they are mostly pretty easy to kill. The guild I run with looks for fights. We have yet to find a BG group with even numbers that doesn't just get wiped most of the time by our fight group (you'll have to guess who we are.. ninja killers... come close and you'll see). Then what happens is they will come back with bigger and bigger numbers until they can't help but win. That's not GOOD play... that's just huge blobbing and anyone on BG that can't admit that is hiding from their truth. ... and the talk about siege and tower humping? Just come close to a BG held tower or Keep and the first thing you will see everytime is a TON of siege and people on it pounding away until their massive blob can come save them.

    > >

    > > lol, I'm not a fight commander so when I'm not with the fight group I will sometimes pug-mand. Get a decent size 'havoc' group going and pillage what we can for pips and fun. I'll tell them... if we see a group of BG stay on me, give us heals etc, and just plow into them. If it's a group close to our size, even us as a texmanding pug group win lots of the time. I will tell them, and it happens... hang on folks because they're coming back with bigger numbers... and it happens every time...

    > >

    > > It's not skill, it's just numbers and I also will be happy if ANet does implement this new dynamic server structure. In the meantime I will continue to chuckle at the BG is awesome comments... :)

    > >

    > > ... oh and by the way... none of the above is salt, not even close to it. It really is pure and simple truth. No gauntlet being thrown down since we're already matched up. Just bring on the blobs... we'll continue to poke the hornet nest when we can and yes most of us do just go in there to have fun. Take it serious? roflmao


    > Definitely no salt in this lengthy post. teheee :3


    ah so you could see it was really sugar right??? lolol

  4. It's so funny to read all this "stuff" about how great BG is. BG isn't great at all. They have numbers, numbers, numbers. They probably actually have a good fight group or two in there somewhere. Without their big numbers and ton of WoDs they love to drop they are mostly pretty easy to kill. The guild I run with looks for fights. We have yet to find a BG group with even numbers that doesn't just get wiped most of the time by our fight group (you'll have to guess who we are.. ninja killers... come close and you'll see). Then what happens is they will come back with bigger and bigger numbers until they can't help but win. That's not GOOD play... that's just huge blobbing and anyone on BG that can't admit that is hiding from their truth. ... and the talk about siege and tower humping? Just come close to a BG held tower or Keep and the first thing you will see everytime is a TON of siege and people on it pounding away until their massive blob can come save them.


    lol, I'm not a fight commander so when I'm not with the fight group I will sometimes pug-mand. Get a decent size 'havoc' group going and pillage what we can for pips and fun. I'll tell them... if we see a group of BG stay on me, give us heals etc, and just plow into them. If it's a group close to our size, even us as a texmanding pug group win lots of the time. I will tell them, and it happens... hang on folks because they're coming back with bigger numbers... and it happens every time...


    It's not skill, it's just numbers and I also will be happy if ANet does implement this new dynamic server structure. In the meantime I will continue to chuckle at the BG is awesome comments... :)


    ... oh and by the way... none of the above is salt, not even close to it. It really is pure and simple truth. No gauntlet being thrown down since we're already matched up. Just bring on the blobs... we'll continue to poke the hornet nest when we can and yes most of us do just go in there to have fun. Take it serious? roflmao

  5. > @"ffletcher.3468" said:

    > I don't care about cheats and bans because it has nothing to do with me. But I do care that Anet surreptitiously took information about running processes (which for me includes network flow software monitoring every capable app on my system) and removed it to their own servers. They have not told us exactly what was taken, whether it has been stored securely, or whether it will be deleted. This will remain a questionable act, ethically and legally, until Anet explains itself.


    oh boy.. Microsoft Windows routinely sees what you're running.. If you're not running their web browser it will continue to tell you that theirs is better until you finally tell it to stop. But it's always checking. and many many other software programs that you run every day are checking your running memory for whatever it is they're programmed to look for. I think that a lot of people would be surprised to find out that whatever ANet does to try to help protect their 'honest' gamers is tiny compared to what a lot of that so called "good and safe" software we all run does.

  6. > @"Twoodi.5849" said:

    > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"Twoodi.5849" said:

    > > > > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > > > > > If ANet was sloppy, then those players running any cheat program while playing an MMO were equally as sloppy. Either way you slice it, caught is caught and hardly makes those players innocent.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nobody has argued otherwise, but until after they were suspended they were not told or aware that you were not allowed to run cheat engine at the time as guild wars 2. Nobody was caught doing anything wrong because cheat engine is not inherently bad

    > > >

    > > > No, that's not even close to correct. Anyone that plays this game agrees to the terms and it's pretty clear 3rd party software is not allowed. They don't need to be told more than that. You're mindset is irresponsibly ... so if you aren't caught doing something, it's not wrong? I can see you have very little reason to be listened to at this point.

    > >

    > > Exactly.


    > So again would you be perfectly fine with ANET banning your account for no valid reason? E.g Having a web browser installed because you could potentially use it to download cheats.


    > We all know the answer but again i'm sure you will come up with another excuse


    Having a web browser open to any site in the world would not cause ANet to think you were cheating. This has nothing to do with your web browser and you're insulting us if you think you can convince anyone that's all was going on. lol, I do believe that would eliminate every single person on the internet today..

  7. > @"Avelione.6075" said:

    > OHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I DON'T like that alleged spyware installed by ANet in myyy computer! But who knows if it's really true? I don't even wanna check reddit for that. In a way I understand that they needed some way to detect spyware BUUUT in leaves me with many questions and.... I REALLy wanna get my trust back! Don't be like ugly corporations! please!


    Their software itself would be able to detect when it’s operating outside of its normal parameters. They would just have to turn some sort of trace on to track and record these events. This would be one reason why it would take some time to gather enough information on a given user to ensure they truly were cheating.


    They don’t have to “spy” on your computer processes for this. Bye cheaters ?

  8. > @"FerrenoNL.7928" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > @"FerrenoNL.7928" said:

    > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > @"Kururu.8140" said:

    > > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Kururu.8140" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"FerrenoNL.7928" said:

    > > > > > > > > I just got the suspension too. Likewise all I run is ArcDPS (with build templates) and TacO. Im presuming either of those is not allowed anymore.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Gaile, forwarding to a generic information post is not very helpful. I've submitted a support ticket and will await Anet's replies there in private.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > @OP I recommend you do the same :)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I had both of those installed but needed to rebuild my PC 2 days ago (thus my pc uninstalled everything on it including GW2 and along with it arcdps and taco which I haven't re-added to GW2 yet). The thread said they suspended 1583 accounts but I find it hard to believe only 1583 had arcdps and/or taco. Taco is simply an overlay and all arcpds does is read screen information so they should both be okay to use.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ArcDPS reads game memory.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Eh, I guess. Either way it still isn't a violation as far as I'm aware.

    > > > >

    > > > > It was at the start, then they said it isn't but also they said it's "use at your own risk".

    > > >

    > > > This. I can imagine that perhaps Arc modified a memory address it wasn't supposed to by accident, or perhaps Anet's measurements are off.

    > > >

    > > > I hope that they have competent people working on automated detection algorithms, and that something a bit sturdier than simply doing a processlist scan, flagging a "suspicious tool running alongside GW2" is required for them to move forward.

    > > >

    > > > Nevertheless, if I'm understanding Gaile right, they are investigating, and whilst that investigation lasts, no appeals will be handled.

    > >

    > > Deep inside, I hope in some cases they banned people using Arc. That would make my warnings from few months ago so true now.


    > That would contradict the greenlight from Chris a while back. Don't forget that Arc not only is a DPS meter, but also substitutes templates.


    > Based on what I'm reading so far, I'm guessing its something with Arc, or maybe a Windows update, or other tool (maybe anti-virus?) interfering with the game. Maybe Tribulation markers for TacO from Tekkit (official content creator, right?) which I used are not allowed, either?


    > There's too many people saying they are innocent. Something is a bit off, but hey that's just me. Honestly, if I'm wrong, they can name and shame me all they want, but this is my story...


    Chris, or anyone else from ANet might have said at some point that certain programs wouldn't be violating the TOS.... but THAT in itself doesn't over-ride the TOS. The TOS states no 3rd party software correct? and no multi function macros correct? Regardless of what anyone, including the President of ANet writes in a forum.. unless the TOS is updated to reflect what's being apparently stated by ANet employes then the TOS is the rule.


    I'm not saying "suck it up and go"... I'm just trying to say that simply put, unless it's in the TOS then it's really not allowed.


    Good luck to the folks that use the stuff that they believe is ok. Frankly I don't understand the need to use anything to make the game easier in any way. If a person can't take the time and simply learn and get better then frankly it's time for a game the provides an easier experience. Making an excuse that "it's not really a hack or cheat, but it does help me a bit" doesn't quite cut it, imo.

  9. This idea is actually a very good one. Yes you could "train" new people IN WvW over time but it's really hit and miss since with the linking you don't have near as much quiet time during prime time to really take the time to teach people stuff in detail.


    If we have an option in the Guild Arena that you could "turn on WvW" and have walls, gates, and even an instance (not in WvW) that you could take your people in, even in different teams and train them at your leisure, it would be very useful in my opinion. ... and no not EOTM. I'm thinking that a Guild Hall arena with different teams just like the current PvE one in the hall would be great for WvW training instead of "trial by fire" like it is now.

  10. I don't believe you have to have any other story done first... BUT you will want to have the gliding mastery that you get in the HoT expansion. You can probably get by in there without it but it's definitely useful since you don't get to the griffon until you've completed the PoF story line AND all the other mounts to at least level 3 I believe.


    Hopefully someone can give you more solid information though. :)

  11. > @"Kethavel.1759" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Kethavel.1759" said:

    > > > I am obsessed with decorating and would love to see some of you peoples guild halls, sounds like we have decorating in common haha! I have an empty guild slot lol

    > >

    > > Hey there! I sent you a guild invite to Howl. This is the place that my co-leader of our Guild, Kamara, "lives" as well. Hope you like it! :)


    > Cool! I'll check it when I get home thanks!


    good? bad? indifferent? ... lol, I'm curious what you thought... ;)

  12. > @"Kethavel.1759" said:

    > I am obsessed with decorating and would love to see some of you peoples guild halls, sounds like we have decorating in common haha! I have an empty guild slot lol


    Hey there! I sent you a guild invite to Howl. This is the place that my co-leader of our Guild, Kamara, "lives" as well. Hope you like it! :)

  13. > @"Redhame.5946" said:

    > If balance is the goal of restructuring, I want to suggest that having even numbers of people on both sides of a wvw match is too crude. There are at least 4 types of guilds in the game:

    > 1. Fight

    > 2. PPT

    > 3. Havoc

    > 4. Casual


    > Let's talk about each one.


    > * Fight guilds like to fight (duh!). They run guild comps and meet at zerg island just to try to beat up one another.

    > * PPT guilds run from objective to objective. They only fight in order to capture or defend a target that contributes to points per tick.

    > * Havoc guilds are small. They cause chaos in a map by relentlessly flipping camps, killing dolyaks, taking towers and sentry points.

    > * Casual guilds are there to have fun. They do a little of everything, but don't run comps.


    > A big unstated and unresolved conflict is the competitive imbalance between PPT and Fight guilds. PPT guilds want to win. And the way matches are scored, they do. Fight guilds want the action, the thrill of victory on the field. When they're matched up, PPT guilds frustrate fight guilds by refusing to engage. Fight guilds will attack objectives, not to take them, but to draw out their opposition. If a fight guild attacks a keep, starting an epic 20 minute battle for objective ownership that ends with a PPT guild holding the structure, it's possible for everybody to go away satisfied.


    > Balance means putting roughly equal numbers of PPT and fight guilds up against each other. Anet probably has enough data to classify active guilds this way. For one thing, every guild that entered the GvG tournament [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/24889/season-1-wvw-gvg-na-tournament#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/24889/season-1-wvw-gvg-na-tournament#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/24889/season-1-wvw-gvg-na-tournament#latest") is a fight guild. The important thing is to recognize differing goals among the player base and create match ups that satisfy.



    heck I guess when I’m tagged doing what’s known as ppt people might think I’m in for the points but I’m not. I run pugs mostly and get all the pips and fun I can for them. For me... I don’t care about points ever. Just the fun of taking everything we can and wp mastery is used to go back for more if we wipe. ?

  14. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Speaking as a Mag player (please don't report the post I'm trying to be helpful), and former SoS player, their pugs have never been up to par as there were/are a lot of casual players. In the old days a lot of players that got better through playing, were trained in organized guild groups, but back in those days SoS had fight guilds that basically didn't want to be part of the server and didn't really care to train anyone but their own, a lot of times they took who they deemed good and ran off, even so their NA has always been weak on guilds. I was part of one of the bigger zerg guilds on there, and it was extremely difficult getting players to run appropriate builds.


    > These days on pretty much every server, guilds and pug commanders are dying out, there isn't as much server wide training happening either. The only real way you're going to have a large server wide effect of change is if you're in the lead position actively promoting that change, that either means teaching while pug commanding or from an open guild raid, leading by example.


    > Other than that it's really up to the individuals to actually want to improve and make the appropriate changes to their game, you can't make those changes for them.

    > The problem is a lot of players also tend to be super casuals, know it alls, or flat out stubborn that will feel insulted at even a hint of advice. Ask people what they're running, ask them what they think of this other build that may be more appropriate, don't suggest a player change their class or build because that's just an instant turn off and don't listen to you action.


    > Changes which include:

    > 1. Running the appropriate gear, exotics at minimum, right stats for the type of build they're using.

    > 2. Running the right build, not some frankenstein hybrid build that doesn't do much of anything, while many will say metabattle.com is garbage, it is a good beginning starting point on getting a functioning build that you can work on.

    > 3. Watching positioning, stay out of red circles and siege fire, move around pushes, don't be afraid to use escapes, always be moving in battle and don't stand in one spot for long.

    > 4. There are times to run into a fight, times to look for a more appropriate area to fight, and times to run away from a fight. You'd be surprised how many good sized groups will just break and run if you give them a hint of pressure, but also if you're a good sized group don't just break and run, look for a better place to fight like choke points instead of just full out running which leads to your tail or even more than half your group dying without even putting up a fight which in the end was for nothing.

    > 5. Practice and experience will or rather should make you a better player, depending if you decide to learn or be a casual. You're not going to get better experience by always running from a fight, you also won't be able to figure out your class in wvw setting, positioning, and how much you can handle if you just constantly run.

    > 6. Join an organized guild and learning from the experience there, you pick up a lot of strategy tactics and positioning from running in guild groups, even a terrible one should be a learning experience. Play in different roles and group sizes and learn about classes and what they can do, very often roaming fights turn into group fights and knowing group tactics helps.

    > 7. Don't follow a commander blindly, be aware of your surroundings and question what they are doing, yes even the good ones. If a group is sitting on the portal ramming a door, you probably should be standing 10 ft away from them and looking around for incoming enemies. Positioning is one of the most important things to learn in this game. If you're range keep your group between you and the enemy, if you're melee stay on tag but also don't stand in red for longer than you can handle. Don't stand directly behind your group and the enemy or you'll be eating Rev CoR's are examples of watching your position.

    > 8. In fights target the highest priority targets first, that usually means any squishies you can kill quickly over a spellbreaker or firebrand that's going to last a lot longer and be able to mitigate your damage especially your burst damage.

    > 9. Have no fear, it's only points. Die, learn, get better, have fun.


    > It's a great feeling knowing most of the time the allies around you can fight and won't just break from even number fights. Knowing you can push guild groups without a commander on your side and still have a fighting chance, because those players put in the time to get better.



    Nicely said. Can’t give two thumbs up or I would have. :)

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