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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

    > > > NPC has been disabled, not the voucher.

    > >

    > > yes and that sucks because I wanted to be able to view the stuff on selected characters of mine. Looking at it on the web site isn't the same. But.. it is what it is.. I just won't bother with these things then. ;)


    > Again, you can preview on selected characters of yours via the hero panel. You do not need the vendor; the NPC just makes it more convenient.

    > In addition, as noted, @"Greener.6204" has added chat codes to the list of items so you can copy/paste from the wiki page into the game and preview in game, nearly as easily as if the vendor was available.


    oh boy... major duhhhh moment for me.. tx ?

  2. > @"Phoebe Ascension.8437" said:

    > NPC has been disabled, not the voucher.


    yes and that sucks because I wanted to be able to view the stuff on selected characters of mine. Looking at it on the web site isn't the same. But.. it is what it is.. I just won't bother with these things then. ;)

  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I believe there is actually 12 different Weapon Sets currently available: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Weapons_Specialist_(The_Vaults) (As the forum doesn't like links with parentheses, you'll have to copy/paste into browser.)


    > Thus, I'd probably choose Alchemist.


    Yes there are more in the vault in Lion's Arch. But if you double click on the ticket you get a choice of these four. I guess I could have grabbed the other ones but I didn't .. ;)


    These were the ones I was interested in knowing about people's thoughts on :)

  4. > @"Gorani.7205" said:

    > > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

    > > I have another question, I have been playing WvW a lot recently but not much of WXP, I die a lot though. Any advise how to survive, or how to get WXP efficiency? Currently at level 11 WvW.


    > How to survive is a very complex question, I can't really answer without knowing why you die and how.


    > To get more WxP?

    > 1. You could try to find a large Ktrain in Edge of the Mists (the "waiting in queue map" that is pretty much only used to farm) Usually the zerg rotates through structures on the map and gets a lot of WxP there by flipping keeps and towers a lot more often than on the regular WvW maps. You won't get any reward track ticks there.

    > 2. Join a commander on EB or a BL and follow his lead. Chose a backline role to be a bit safer (long rage weapon) and try to tag as many enemies as possible in a fight and capture structures. This usually rewards bigger chunks of WxP over time, but not very steady.

    > 3. Ask a roamer on a map to be his wingman and follow him. Roamers will do a lot of small tasks, like killing dollys, capping camps and keeping roads open (sentries) and buffs up (on Desert BL shrines). WxP rewards are small, but steady. You need a build with good movement and quick kill / evade options.

    > 4. Use your Guild's WxP buff from the Tavern

    > 5. Use a Booster, when you realise it is working well for you. If you have participated in the Boss Blitz Weekend, you got Celebration Boosters, which double the WxP gain.


    EOTM does not give wxp anymore, and... it’s dead.

  5. It's pretty easy actually. Make sure you set your Camera options to the far right for: Vertical position near and far.


    The go on your Ranger and get right up close and personal to a wall... or gate especially... and see how much you can hit. Pretty cool actually. And NOW you can actually hit people outside the wall on catas without having to stand right on the edge where you insta-die.

  6. WxP upgrades: cata mastery, supply... etc... is character specific. The WxP is account wide so whatever WxP you have can be applied to different characters in different ways.


    As for what to focus on... Gliding is the one you want first... then I'm sure different people will have different ideas, but for me as a commander I like to have people that are able to carry as much supply as possible, so Supply Master would be my 2nd choice.

  7. > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > > @"Aury.1367" said:

    > > > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > > > Mounts for WvW of any kind is a big no

    > > >

    > >

    > > EOTM isnt WvW.


    > EoTM was made for WvW over flow, sadly they have not kept up on it's updates as they have with the main WvW maps. But EoTM is still WvW , it affects the the WvW maps when one of the 3 sides when the skirmishes.


    The only effect eotm has is supplies in Citadel.

  8. > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

    > >

    > > > You're very welcome to come home and relax from a stressful day. Imagine, I come home from my long and stressful day at work and decide I'll tag up. The enemies instantly run because I have a group of good players capable of killing them, so I start to PPT to go up in tiers and get stronger enemies. I get shot by ACs for the next 3 hours. None of my players are having fun. I log off frustrated, because despite wanting to have fun in the game I didn't get a single fight all evening. I also didn't get to PPT enough to make up for the 5 defenders recapping everything the moment we log off.

    > > .

    > >

    > > So here we have people trying to defend Keeps who get bugged because the blobs get in... on the other hand the blobs/zergs seem to also have issues because they can't fight AC's. Who in the world said you had to take the wall down AT the wall? long range trebs and catas can do the jobs... then blob your way through. It's not really that hard if your big group wants to actually TAKE the keep. I'm amazed at how many zergs give up when they don't have to.....


    > I play on EU prime. The servers I play against are capable of queueing a map without issues during the time we fight. This doesn't stop them from buliding 10 acs and not coming out. And if we want to, we'll still take stuff but it'll take hours, be boring and the moment we get through the wall the defenders jump out anyways. At no point is there a real defense with players; there is only siege wars and stalling. "Give up" for what? Not spending my entire evening on a keep that auto-upgrades because EU has one prime? Great thinking.


    > Again, there is no interactive gameplay in defending with pure siege. You expect attackers to do a perfect attack for several hours straight to flip your stuff because what? It took 3 players a few hours to upgrade? So it must take 70 players the same amount of time playing siege wars without defenders to hold? Of course not.


    > Defenders are pretending defense is impossible, casually ignoring the fact that they still have MASSIVE advantages. Terrain is heavily in favor of defenders. Every keep helps your range and gank with space and freedom of movement. You still have siege, including mortars cannons acs and trebs which do a lot of damage. You have disablers which can't be prevented. I'm seeing trebs on every other gate which can't be blocked meaning gates don't even exist the moment 1 person is inside. Supply traps still easily stop blobs. Most cata's and trebs can be countered even when not next to the wall, or suicided on to delay more.


    > And the hardest part is still pushing in, through chokes and a million siege, killing the defenders serveral times without having clear respwns, kill the lord, stand in a circle taking a million AoE while clearing it from all enemies and not letting them res the lord in an area where they constantly respawn + tactics + still having siege...


    > YET SOMEHOW. Defending is impossible. Somehow, we just want to karma train, and if 5 players can't defend against 50 it's unfun and they're bullies.


    > Defenders have absolutely massive advantages over attackers. If you can't defend your structures, perhaps you should work on your defense strategies rather than telling me how to play. And no, asking for ACs to be absolutely broken isn't a defense strategy ;).


    > PS. Did I say anything about blob or about catas on a wall? Don't think so.


    catas on the wall... etc... <== I was speaking to the general comments in many of the posts here....


    After all is said and done the intent of my post was to point out that both sides are complaining about the other instead of just letting people do what they want. Sure some people do sit in T3 Keeps and man tons of siege I know a couple servers that do that but don't need to name them. It doesn't matter to me... let them sit in there and be bored... those Keeps obviously just get manned and left alone.


    As for the rest, some of us (like me) DO go into a Keep when it looks like it might be hit and a few of us will work our butts off defending it. If the blob is bad then they don't get in. If they know what they're doing then no amount of siege 3-5 of us can manage can keep them out. Most blobs aren't very good so they can be kept out, but the good ones just go through the T3 keeps like they're butter a lot of the time... when they really want to, they can do it.


    My issue is with the constant complaining from both sides.. Sheesh, I do both.. I will run with a zerg/blob from time to time just because it actually is fun at times. Other times I will roam and defend. I have no issue with the defenders or the zerg/blobs. Each does what they do. I only have issues with the complaining... I mean seriously, it's a game.. the mechanics have been put there for us to use.. why in the world would be not use them regardless of what mode we choose to play??

  9. > @"Etheri.5406" said:


    > You're very welcome to come home and relax from a stressful day. Imagine, I come home from my long and stressful day at work and decide I'll tag up. The enemies instantly run because I have a group of good players capable of killing them, so I start to PPT to go up in tiers and get stronger enemies. I get shot by ACs for the next 3 hours. None of my players are having fun. I log off frustrated, because despite wanting to have fun in the game I didn't get a single fight all evening. I also didn't get to PPT enough to make up for the 5 defenders recapping everything the moment we log off.



    So here we have people trying to defend Keeps who get bugged because the blobs get in... on the other hand the blobs/zergs seem to also have issues because they can't fight AC's. Who in the world said you had to take the wall down AT the wall? long range trebs and catas can do the jobs... then blob your way through. It's not really that hard if your big group wants to actually TAKE the keep. I'm amazed at how many zergs give up when they don't have to.....

  10. Often the blob will get a bunch of mesmers especially to all do a pull at the same time... stacking them... they will yank you from far back on the wall as long as they can get even just a little piece of you. One mesmer can't usually do it alone, but a few of them can pull you from behind a staircase ledge even... I've had it done to me... yep it's legit.. and yep... another stupid thing, imo.

  11. *sigh* Amulets are for PvP... even there ugh.... my vote on this is no no no no no... what you would get is a huge drop (I bet) in the regular WvW'ers playing that week.


    Also, it wouldn't solve any gap. The new players still need to learn to play, they still don't have WxP so no mastery (or very little) in the rank skills etc etc.

  12. > @"Diva.4706" said:

    > Title says it. I am not saying the game is too hard for everyone, just that most solo encounters are really hard and I usually fail, (the later queen pavilion solo fights being completely impossible). The constant knock downs and knock backs are very aggravating, making it hard to even play my character. I am more casual and struggle with action combat, coming from more old school type MMOs. So the game has become less fun for me, and I feel the game is moving away from what it once was, and targeted more for the younger audience.


    Younger ? nahh.. I'm 61 and kicking butt in the pavilion. It's possible that you need to make some adjustments on whatever build you're running on whatever class you have? I'm not kidding or trying to be a smart"butt".... metabattle . com has good builds for all areas of the game. At the very least they're real good to get started with something decent that you can then alter to suit your play style or game area.


    Just my thoughts ;)

  13. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > ah but you can NOT use 3 bubbles alone. Your recharge goes with you even if you switch gens, or any siege for that matter. So if you pop one and run to the other you still have to wait for it. So you need one person for each gen. BUT.. ANet has changed it now so that you can't shield the shield gens... or at least I believe they can't overlap.


    > Yes you can. Guild, normal and superior gens have different range so if you use 3 different kind of shield gens, they're considered different skills. If you dont believe, just go try it, I just did it in the screenshot I just posted placing 2 bubbles at same time.


    > Fun similar issue with siege cooldowns: There is another kind of bug is in the golem bubble, if one player leaves the golem, another person can use the GOLEM bubble again. So you can basically coordinate with 10 people to rotate bubble in a golem. Very useful taking down watergate cannon with 1 golem + 1 ballista but super hard to coordinate.




    ah, ok then.. I hadn't considered the different types since I'm a guild siege bigot who never uses other siege.. haha...

  14. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > STILL no good reason to build close. In fact, for BOTH PPT and Fights oriented groups, distance is better.


    > Okay let me explain you this in a screenshot. So you wanted to treb/cata from far away with 50 players in the past?


    > https://imgur.com/a/hwl6s5E


    > So the ONE defender builds 3 shield gens (Normal, superior and guild) and then bubbles. So I can use 3 bubbles alone while those 50 people would be desperately trying to cata/treb it. The further away they are, the easier it is for me to use shield gens as the spot they're hitting gets extra small. Obviously normal shield gen doesnt have much range but I can just use guild + superior and bubble from safe distance ALONE, and it is only 90 supply. I have 1100 supply in the keep, 500 in the towers. In most cata/treb spots you can place the shield gens at a spot where enemy can't ballista/treb them.

    > Oh, you could even have 2nd player behind the shield gens with more shield gens bubbling the first shield gens.


    > Distance was not viable option BEFORE. now it is because catas and trebs can pass the shield gens.


    > Lets add 5 people with each having 3 shield gens. Okay so thats 15 shield gens, you must have had great luck trebbing/ballistas them all down when they're all shield each other and stuff.



    ah but you can NOT use 3 bubbles alone. Your recharge goes with you even if you switch gens, or any siege for that matter. So if you pop one and run to the other you still have to wait for it. So you need one person for each gen. BUT.. ANet has changed it now so that you can't shield the shield gens... or at least I believe they can't overlap.


    Either way, one person can only run one shield gen skill at a time, and can't just pop to another gen expecting it to be charged and ready.

  15. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > If you build catapults out of AC range, they'll get deleted by a ballista (except on a few objectives with weird terrain). If you build them on the wall, they're generally safe from that, or any defensive ballista can be attacked from below.


    > Generally, the game should be encouraging fights over objectives rather than siege wars. This is a positive step toward that.


    If this game was designed for just fights then why have structures at all? The statement above doesn't make sense. We have structures so we have objectives to capture and defend... NOT just have fights. If ANet is going to make the structures harder and harder to defend to "force" people into just having fights then I can guarantee you that there will be more people that just leave the game. Not all of us like to just run in blobs and fight. Some of us actually enjoy taking and defending the towers and keeps we have captured. There's actually some fun in that even if the blobbers don't think so.


    It's sad how the blob fighters like to look at the people who actually defend our stuff as some sort of low lifes that just don't like to 'play the game'... BUT.. hey folks we ARE playing the game as it was designed... at least originally. Sadly it's slowly changing to encourage just fighting... and as a person with 3.4k WxP and over 9000 hours of WvW play time... I'm losing interest more and more. I mean seriously and super UGH!.. I have been playing some PvE lately and that sucks... If it keeps going at this rate my game time will change from a few hours a night to a few hours a week... or less... it's already dropped quite a bit... *sigh*

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