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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"rektu.8209" said:

    > Why would anet do that? They are getting money every relink.. They are just gonna milk it out till alliances come, and even after alliances, they will milk it out even more till gw3 comes out.


    Exactly right. Money speaks louder than quality.


  2. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > The amount of extra healing from something like vampiric aura is negligible. The best group siphon is probably kalla elite but then they're running kalla renegades and that's a big investment since the rest of that legends kit is terrible. Life steal has always bypassed ep though this is nothing new.


    > Na you guys have no idea what you are talking about or maybe you are members of such guilds and are trying to cover it up and make it look like it is nothing to worry about.


    > Life siphoning works like a diffusion membrane, but in this case the process is controlled and exploited in favor of the exploiters.


    If it’s truly an exploit/buggy thing as you suggest then open a bug report instead of coming in here and facing all this opposition. Not to mention giving me ideas...

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Susy.7529" said:

    > > > > @"Kreony.6240" said:

    > > > > Hi,

    > > > > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

    > > > > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

    > > > > That meens runes and sigil right?

    > > > > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

    > > > > **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**

    > > >

    > > > You did not understand.

    > > > New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.

    > >

    > > They really should have worded it differently, and advertised what it does. I read the word salvage but translated that to "recover".

    > >

    > > Clever wording got ANet a ton of gems by now from people who really didn't understand what was going to happen. They should have said salvage/destroy the upgrade and been VERY clear about that.

    > >

    > > I mean I do get it now... runecrafter's! For those that want to salvage the exotic to get mats to craft more runes. but... still not clear enough for most people obviously.


    > Anyone who feels that they didn't get the kit they wanted can submit a refund request to Customer Support. Many such requests have already been honored.


    I’m now considering whether or not this is worth it. I don’t craft upgrades so probably will do what you suggest ?

  4. > @"Susy.7529" said:

    > > @"Kreony.6240" said:

    > > Hi,

    > > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

    > > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

    > > That meens runes and sigil right?

    > > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

    > > **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**


    > You did not understand.

    > New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.


    They really should have worded it differently, and advertised what it does. I read the word salvage but translated that to "recover".


    Clever wording got ANet a ton of gems by now from people who really didn't understand what was going to happen. They should have said salvage/destroy the upgrade and been VERY clear about that.


    I mean I do get it now... runecrafter's! For those that want to salvage the exotic to get mats to craft more runes. but... still not clear enough for most people obviously.

  5. > @"ventusthunder.5067" said:

    > You want to carry the base 25 plus 10 more for every 1k ranks you have? So, anyone over rank 8k won't even be able to fill their own supply up by taking a camp.


    > this ain't it.


    lol. how many are over 8k? Not enough to matter. And the number could be 5 not 10 for that matter. Something would be nice.

  6. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > If you are roaming/havoc then you aren’t fighting mostly. You are trying to ninja objects while the main group is fighting and so on.


    > Idk about you, but when I'm roaming I'm actually looking for small scale fights oposed to the blob that is likely fighting the main group... I'm not here trying to ninja empty objectives.


    > But there are times where just taking sentry and camps isn't enough to actually make someone come fight you (they insist to simply backcap what you took) and I'm forced to hit a tower, sometimes even a keep, to finally get a response (Which sometimes is 1-2 guys rotating Shield Generator bubbles inside the structure instead of fighting)


    ha. well I’ve played this for a long time. I actually do everything from supporting a zerg to simple capping.


    Having this truly small benefit for my time spent in there would be most helpful to those times when I do want to take a tower or even drop a quick defensive ac. and so on.

  7. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > I'd much rather see a sink for reward track progress, magic find, karma, etc. The kind of stuff that won't give you an advantage for fights.


    > Not sure where exactly carrying more supplies impact fights, unless you are fighting siegemonkeys.


    > That said, I would love be able to carry at least 5 more supplies. Having to run to a keep with PotK everytime I want to have 25 is such a chore and since I can only carry 20 without it, I need to run back for supplies 2 times everytime I try to solo build a Superior Cata or Flame Ram.


    If you are roaming/havoc then you aren’t fighting mostly. You are trying to ninja objects while the main group is fighting and so on.

  8. > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

    > No. Would create a huge imbalance - not to mention a single high level could strip a camp completely then meander off, denying the use of those supplies where they are needed.


    > Or people draining entire keeps to repair walls being trebbed.


    > There's good reasons for the current cap. Besides, just because someone is high ranked doesn't mean they are anything other than a 111111 spammer whom I wouldn't trust to know which side of the door to stand on during a siege...


    "People draining entire keeps"? I've watched the people that rebuild those walls when they're being trebbed... and they are NOT the ones typically that are high ranked. They're typically the lower ranked people, sometimes troll alts of people on another server, that don't care and don't listen to requests to stop.


    lol I'm not talking about carrying 100 supplies, however cool that would be. I can carry a max of 25 right now. If I could carry 30 more that would give me 55 max which would allow me to drop any small siege in a spot and use it without travelling back and forth. Depending on where you're trying to drop the siege when you're alone or in a tiny group it makes a difference on travel time, especially in desert bl.


    I was expecting disparaging remarks of course and those will keep coming. But anyone who has experience will understand what I'm saying and why. It's not about the 11111 silliness and so on. Yes it's possible that there are high ranked people out there who might not understand wvw as well as you do (I'm not one of them)... but the fact still remains that it would actually be something decent to provide dedicated people with.


    As I noted above... it doesn't have to be a large number of supplies... just enough to make dedicating yourself more to wvw worth it. Currently it's simply the fact that I love wvw that I've stayed in for 6 years. A little REAL incentive like this would just be some good gravy that the really experienced people could appreciate and make use of.


    @"Klipso.8653" - We're not talking about a bunch of siege for one person... just one piece possibly. It's not a show stopper.

  9. To reward those of us with lots of WXP it would be a great benefit to give us extra supplies per 1000 wxp. I think something like 10 supplies per 1000 wxp would be awesome.


    For me that would mean an extra 30 supplies that I could carry. We know that many experienced wvw people like to run alone or in small groups. Having the super experienced people able to provide more supplies when needed makes sense to me.


    10 is the number that I came up with... maybe someone thinks it should/could be less? I don't mind even 5 per 1000 wxp. Either way it's something that would actually reward long term players with something very useful.


    Yes some of those players got their xp from eotm, but most of them like me.. didn't. :)


  10. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > > > I think it is mainly because most pug and guild commanders rarely think out of the box or don't have the players with skills on medium classes to make a difference.

    > > > > > They stick with the tried and tested necro guard combo which also happens to be easy for players to pick up.

    > > > > > People rarely like change and don't move outside their comfort zone.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ok so what do you swap out? Herald for soulbeast? Chrono for deadeye?

    > > >

    > > > Could work =)

    > > > I would give it a spin and maybe change engagement styles to suit the comp!

    > >

    > > I just thought of a good strategy!

    > > Soulbeast and Deadeyes excel at spike damage.

    > > 40-50 soulbeast+ Deadeyes could stack invis from far, then approach the enemy zerg without them being aware, and attack their tail with one-shot high spike damage.

    > > Soulbeast and deadeyes all can open with 20K+ damage from stealth.

    > > 40-50 soulbeasts + deadeyes one-shotting the entire enemy backline and cleaving them to death before disengaging easily with their superior mobility!


    > Just horrible strategy, the only classes that excel at serg combat are warrior and guardian.

    > I would suggest a serg with 25 guardians and 25 warriors to melee train the **BLIP** out of the other serg.

    > I don't know why people are still running the pirate ship bull shiito, that is old and boring!


    > A serg composed of 25 warriors and 25 guardians will destroy any serg.

    > Melee classes are extremely overpowered in sergs, the fact that people don't play them just shows how many noobs are there in the game that like to press buttons and deal damage at a range.


    ah that's kind of harsh. I guess after 6 years of wvw and playing every class maxed out... and still deciding I love my Ranger now Soulbeast the best, makes me a noob. ok then, I guess I'm a pirate. You can stain me all you like but in the end it's what I like to do. It's MY fun in this game. It should not be disparaged just because as good as you are I can still take you down if you're not very very good. and.. yuck! how boring it would be if we all just ran warriors and guardians.. ugh ugh ugh... and I'm the 'noob'? bah

  11. Where I am medium classes aren't looked down on as much as some other places I guess. The commanders here seem to understand that rangers actually are pretty useful when needing to get rid of siege that's too far for everyone else. My soulbeast is a true beast and unlike pure zerk, my marauader build provides me with some protection while I crush enemy. Not one at a time either.. many times I wade into the heat of the battle and use the #5 Axe strike after the #5 lb barrage and finish off the handful of enemy I helped drop.


    Not everyone has to be a scourge or a healer. If you want great dps against more than one enemy at a time that's what I'm there for. My commanders know me.. send me on little missions... get me to do what they know I can do. It's called support and anyone who really thinks that it's all about the heavies and lights is truly thinking way too inside the box for their own good.

  12. > @"Dashingsteel.3410" said:

    > > @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

    > > why would it matter if this is your first transfer or 15th? You transferred and there are small punishments put in place to attempt to keep people from transferring. I don't think Dashingsteel was saying you as a person need more weeks without pips, he's saying it needs to be more in general and on top of that each time you do transfer it needs to be higher say 4 weeks for your second transfer, and then 6 for your third and so on.


    > I am going on the premise that the no pips is due to bandwagoning… so by relating that this is my only transfer since the game started and transferring before the relinks would show that I am not a bandwagoner.... Now if the no pips is not due to bandwagoning you are right my one and only transfer wouldn't be a point to bring up.



    > I get that anet probably doesn't have a recognition system to identify frequency or history of transfers and I am not asking that they implement one. I was just wondering if it was bandwagoning or just transfers in general that caused the no pips.



    I believe this was implemented to discourage bandwagoning... although that doesn't seem to have worked really since the guilds that want to switch to apparently "find the fights" or "load a server" will do so anyway and don't care much about the pips.


    Unfortunately for those other people who want to transfer on their own it becomes an issue like this. But as noted, ANet doesn't have a way of knowing if someone is bandwagoning or not so the rule is applied across the board to ALL transfers.

  13. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

    > > Probably because they have done it themselves and don't see an issue with doing it. At least that is my guess. I think Anet should try to do as many things as possible to keep the trolling down to a minimum. They should also make it more difficult to tag a keep and block WP just by running by the keep and drawing the fire off the guards. There are a lot of things that need fixing in WvW. Just not sure it will ever get fixed tbh.


    > Agreed. A single perma stealth thief tapping keep or SMC etc to keep WP contested should not be a thing.


    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > If you’re waiting until they’re in Lords to pull the tactivator then you’re too late.. At that point covered tactics are irrelevant.

    > > >

    > > > That is the exact time to pull some tactics, such as airship or chilling fog etc etc. However this is more common to happen from players on your own server, and are often placed just before the other server attacks, or build siege from the start fully on tactics and just refresh them. This comes and goes, as it seems to depend on who the links are and if people have alts on those servers.

    > > >

    > > > Still don't understand why people still choose to defend the behavior.

    > >

    > > airship I guess. I’ve found either one fairly ineffective when used against us so all in all it really makes this whole complaint fairly moot. imo.


    > You can play ignorant if you wish but trying to down play how effective a tactic is does not change the fact it is trolling and only takes away from the game play. Trolling/abuse should always be fixed, particularly easy to fix situations.


    Ouch... personal shots not necessary are they? Not ignorant.. to me I haven’t seen a lot of benefit except maybe some from airship which is easy to wait out.

  14. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > If you’re waiting until they’re in Lords to pull the tactivator then you’re too late.. At that point covered tactics are irrelevant.


    > That is the exact time to pull some tactics, such as airship or chilling fog etc etc. However this is more common to happen from players on your own server, and are often placed just before the other server attacks, or build siege from the start fully on tactics and just refresh them. This comes and goes, as it seems to depend on who the links are and if people have alts on those servers.


    > Still don't understand why people still choose to defend the behavior.


    airship I guess. I’ve found either one fairly ineffective when used against us so all in all it really makes this whole complaint fairly moot. imo.

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