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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Trepidation Lost.3469" said:

    > Dead eyes.

    > There hasn’t never been anything more broken than the current invisible on dodge 1shot kill build that we have plaguing WVW at the moment, there’s never been a more sure fire way to shift a battle in ones favour than having a deadeye join you ( even the complete morons running it can kill skilled players without any effort)

    > And as for countering it you have to get someone in your party to have reveal alongside having your own dead eye to kill them back, if you manage to get one low they 3k range away spamming the rifle backwards evaded then dodge for invis and repeat...it’s a 0 skill play style that needs to be fixed.

    > Condo thief requires more skill than this and so does condi mirage and that’s saying somthing.


    lol. I have lost count of the noob deadeyes I have killed. So many people believe like you and try to gank my soulbeast only to lay dead seconds later. Only good players kill me.. the scrubs playing deadeye, mesmer, engi etc just die fast.



  2. > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > For alot of players, it's the result of time and experience. If you've been playing for awhile you know the signs of impending zergs even before both of your southern camps flip simultaneously, outnumbered pops and ojs appear on south Bay.


    > There's lag, hair on the back of your neck standing up and of course rounding a corner to go after a sentry and seeing a sea of red.


    > As far as things a newer person can do in the meantime to become more map aware...


    > 1) Learn your opponents styles (do they blob or have more havocs or a little of both)

    > 2) Learn which server's "play well" with which others and if they both dislike your server or one of your links

    > 3) Turn on capture announcements

    > 4) Watch for dots on mini map, these will be either from Watchtower, Friendly sentries or recentently flipped Keeps

    > 5) Before you go for an objective, look at surrounding objectives, camps, sentries, shrines, notice the RI, who controls the objectives, watch for white swords/contest on keeps and camps to gauge where the enemy is going.

    > 6) Watch how quickly camps that don't produce ojs flip, if they flip shortly after or even before white swords, you're probably dealing with more than 5 people.


    or someone who can take down a low level camp fast. For example, my soulbeast can kill all npcs in a camp before the ring is up. If I have one other person with me it will flip within 3 seconds of showing swords. alone it’s a couple more seconds. ;)

  3. Aside from annoying the people with zillions of finishers that they like to use...just leave it as it is... and I didn't answer the poll because frankly it's obviously geared toward staining people who want to keep the downstate... If we had a poll that actually had responses you could select that were clearly non-bias then that would be different.


    Regardless... downstate hopefully will stay as it is since it's a pretty neat feature when it's YOU that needs rezzing without having to port now isn't it??.

  4. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > > > I don't get why people care so much about the rewards. What do you even get out of it? A few armour and weapon skins? hundreds of blues and greens to be salvaged into sigils taking up space in your inventory? Literal pennies worth of imaginary currency? If it's 5, 10, 50% less efficient than any other part of the game, it's still the same garbage items filling up your bags.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you just play for fun - especially on an outnumbered map - you'll get your pips for the week and have your legendary set within some number of months. It's easier than scheduling raids by far.

    > > > >

    > > > > But hey, if it'll get people interested, by all means increase the rewards. As a primarily WvW player, it means nothing to me.

    > > >

    > > > Well, the rewards aren't well known. And some of the better rewards are lack luster compared to PvE

    > > >

    > > > WvW legendary armor takes roughly 25 weeks to get a full set conpared to the 20 for raiding.

    > > >

    > > > But you need rank 1300+

    > > >

    > > > Raiding is currently the fastest way to get ascended gear and legendary armor that actually looks legendary.

    > > >

    > > > The only real benefit is if you despise raiding, the raiding community, or Dont want to deal with PUGs, then this is the only option.

    > >

    > > There is ***no*** rank requirement for legendary armor from WvW


    > From a google search. Keep in mind there are no guides. You need to get the skins for the triumphant hero from the reward track. And purchase the armor from the vendor which is apparently locked behind a rank requirement. Or at least the mistforged version anyways


    > Took me another ten minutes to track down that you only need the non ranked ascended armor after you mentioned it. But grand master tokens are required.


    Ya you can either of the ascended armor sets to make the legendary armor so rank isn’t an issue there.

  5. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > I dunno what to make of Sun's Refuge at all. Aside from needing to go there for collections, I don't see the point of it and then apparently there are no plans for doing more with it. Seem just an annoyance to make it an instance than just a part of the map with these so called upgrades that only becomes available via the story. Then put the waypoint right in there.

    > > >

    > > > But the sniper thing. I can win that fight on my guardian who has no speed boosts equipped of any sort. People just need to learn to dodge and time when they run from cover to cover it seems to me.

    > >

    > > You can get in it without being in the story. Just walk up to the portal outside of story and you’ll be given the instance prompt.


    > I know that. But I'm not sure why you mention this. My point is that the upgrades don't seem to have any point and going in and out of an instance and then having to travel a bit to get to the actual location is just an annoyance. So I just don't see the point at all of making this a personal instance.


    Then I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying you could only get in if you were doing the story. ?

  6. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > I dunno what to make of Sun's Refuge at all. Aside from needing to go there for collections, I don't see the point of it and then apparently there are no plans for doing more with it. Seem just an annoyance to make it an instance than just a part of the map with these so called upgrades that only becomes available via the story. Then put the waypoint right in there.


    > But the sniper thing. I can win that fight on my guardian who has no speed boosts equipped of any sort. People just need to learn to dodge and time when they run from cover to cover it seems to me.


    You can get in it without being in the story. Just walk up to the portal outside of story and you’ll be given the instance prompt.

  7. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Noha.3749" said:

    > > > @"googel.3278" said:

    > > > people afk everywhere for pips in wvw and maybe looking for someone else to role play with them. these players just fill up the queues without even thinking, im pretty sure you can pip out in OS

    > >

    > > So.. its the Pip system that have affected WvW negative, keeping players from doing anything useful?


    > No, it just makes them incredibly lazy.


    To build up participation you have to first... participate. Getting participation up to level 6 is not very hard really but you have to get out and do something of course. People "pipping down" aren't lazy, they typically are finished what at times has been hours of fun and letting their participation wind down. Unfortunately still too many people do that in the borderlands instead of OS where they should go to pip down.


    'lazy' isn't the right term for people pipping down... but sometimes I do find it very inconsiderate when people are trying to get into a borderland to have fun but it's queued and there's 10 or so people standing in spawn/Keeps pipping down.

  8. When I saw the poll title I thought for a second that this could possibly be a well thought out and descriptive poll about the different types of people in WvW. But sadly it actually casts a negative tone on every "type" listed here. None of these types describe what I do in WvW, which is, part fights, part havoc, with NONE of the negative overtones the op listed above.


    It would have been so cool if this had actually been a list of real WvW types/styles that people could identify with and select. Ah well...

  9. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > Good post for educating the purpose of the game mode. But most "Vets" will tell you they pretty much want all that removed and just want open field fights ...


    > Edit: There used to be a sticky in the old forum about the mode that describes it pretty well. But it's rare you see questions here from new players.


    If WvW was an open field for just fights then you would see it die a boring death fairly quickly I believe. I've been in WvW for almost 6 yrs now. I like all parts of WvW actually. Sometimes I like to fight a lot, sometimes I like to havoc, sometimes I roam (not much anymore since mes/thief gank groups pop out of nowhere a LOT). If WvW was changed so it was all really just one big open field battle ground that would seriously end my WvW dedication. I might go in a couple times a week to find some fights then leave after an hour or so.

  10. > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > I generally don't like playing WvW thanks to how the participation system works. You shouldn't lose participation for anything but being afk in WvW and participation shouldn't be bound to success either.


    I tend to agree with this one, however it can be easily abused... For example, if you have a scout in a Keep that's spending what most find as boring time refreshing siege now and then and shouting out if enemy comes then that person should be able to continue to get participation. The squads can give participation sharing to these people though.. because the problem comes when several people decide to "be scouts" and afk in the Keeps and/or Towers.

  11. Interesting discussion some of us had in WvW last night. Considering the fact that alliances are already being talked about a LOT... and people forming informal alliances amongst some big fight guilds... it should be interesting to see how ANet attempts to create a BALANCE! In their announcement of the idea they talked about having a balance of experienced and not-so experienced players, along with guilds in alliances etc.


    BUT... if the big groups of wxp players form alliances (kind of like STACKING THE SERVER!) how do you break them up? You don't.. because alliances are honored right? You can't go and pull apart guilds and alliances ... soo... already well ahead of the new system we have stacking being set up... and so it continues...


    All the good things I had thought about the new alliance system have been put on the back shelf in my mind now. I can see how it is already being setup by many guilds prepared to stack their alliances and frankly there's nothing anyone will be able to do about it.


    At the end of the day the 'small' guilds and people not experienced in this system will be tossed around until hopefully they find a place to fit... but it's my belief now that there will definitely be powerful (BG like alliances) and not so powerful (Eredon Terrace) like alliances.


    It will be interesting to see how ANet attempts to deal with this one.. ;)

  12. > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > Can we just have a rerun of No Downstate Please?



    Well... after all is said and done some people need a break from the sometimes boring grind that is wvw. Don't get me wrong, I love wvw but mostly because of running with people I know. After about an hour of battling it's not much more than a chat fest in TS or Discord and killing/dying and not really caring much... especially about scores.


    The new story injection will be a nice break (for me at least) for a couple days while I get the story line portion done then head back into WvW... zzzzz....



  13. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

    > > Are people seriously wasting coins to make clovers? *mind-boggling*


    > Not everyone does sPvP or WvW enough to make obtaining clovers from those reward tracks worth it. An hour or so of farming yields considerably more clovers (through coins) than 10 hours of reward tracks. Even if that turned out not to be true... one hour vs ten.


    Disagree... I have a friend who spent hours farming and trying to convert coins to clovers. After a few days (and hours and hours of farming) got to the 70+ needed clovers.... a lot more than an hour farming. Sometimes no coins at all from conversion attempts.. pfft.


    I get lots from wvw. In a few weeks I have over 200 clovers. No converting required.

  14. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > > When was it changed that you didnt need a bloodlust sigil on both wep sets? I still lose my stacks if I swap to a set that doesnt have it.

    > >

    > > You lose them if you go in water and don’t have the stacking sigil on one of the water weapons. But you don’t lose the stacks just swapping weapons.

    > >

    > >


    > :o I MUST REVIEW MY SIGILS NOW. I know some toons have one on each wep set. interesting.


    If you have a stacking sigil on both weapon sets then you are wasting a slot. Put the sigil on the one you use the least then build stacks by killing npc beasts.


    Then use your main set to kick butt.

  15. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > When was it changed that you didnt need a bloodlust sigil on both wep sets? I still lose my stacks if I swap to a set that doesnt have it.


    You lose them if you go in water and don’t have the stacking sigil on one of the water weapons. But you don’t lose the stacks just swapping weapons.



  16. > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

    > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

    > > > > > > > If you don't like how it should work, maybe change the sigil?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I'm fine with how the Sigil works. You're the one arguing imbalance and asking for change.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I didn't say "how it works" but how it "should work" (there is a grammatical difference) and it shouldn't work like how it works atm. Also, your opinion on if it is balanced or not is basically yours against mine. The word intended means **planned or meant**. I have pasted you how the sigil is meant to be, yet you are arguing about this, which is useless at this point.

    > > > >

    > > > > You have pasted how the wiki (which is player maintained) describes the sigil.

    > > > >

    > > > > I have stated how the history of the sigil has been and what I believe to be the case (that Arenanet are fine with it and by the amount of use it sees, it is not unbalanced).

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes your opinion versus mine or any one else. With a difference that you are advocating for change, I am not.

    > > >

    > > > So we need a nice dev to post if the wiki is wrong or the sigil is not working as intended so we can correct one of them.

    > >

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil#Stacking_bonus

    > > > Stacking bonus

    > > > Gain up to 25 stacks of an effect that grants an attribute bonus per stack or grants a bonus when you reach the maximum amount of stacks. On-kill sigils gain 5 stacks upon killing an enemy player in all areas of the game. You can only have one attribute stacking bonus at a time, but as many bonus-with-final-stack sigils as feasible. The bonus is lost when you are downed, when you travel to a different zone, or when you unequip the weapon. Unequip includes switching to and from underwater weapons while not having the identical sigil in the weapon sets that you start using (this means player only need 2 same sigils to keep the stack; 1 sigil on any land weapon, the other on any underwater weapon).

    > >

    > > The corresponding wiki is correct is it not? Yes, the overarching one might need some corrections if you consider a weapon set as only 1 of the weapon swaps. The terminology used in the wiki indicates that the term "weapon set" is used to describe both swapped weapon combinations.

    > >

    > > Good luck getting a developer response on something this trivial. At best if ever you might see a mention in the patch notes IF the devs ever decide to change anything here.


    > "The bonus is lost when you are downed, when you travel to a different zone, or when you unequip the weapon."

    > At this point, we don't need anything else. Also, I don't see a reason why a dev can't respond to this.

    > From the same page:

    > "A sigil affects all skills while the weapon set with the sigil is active."

    > This means that the sigil shouldn't affect any skills while the weapon set with the sigil isn't active.


    “affects all skills”. means builds stacks...


    The stacks that are built are placed as a character buff. They are the result of the affect, not the affect themselves.


    That’s why they stay when swapping weapons but don’t increase the stack until back on the sigil weapon.


    Working as designed, described, and desired.

  17. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > we used to have a ton of spam in GW2 everywhere & now there's very little to bother us.

    > > >

    > > > That's what I call an exaggeration.

    > >

    > > You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?


    > Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.


    What he’s saying was an absolute fact at one point. In the first couple of years of this game gold spammers were are regular thing. Not just daily but several times a day. This is not anecdotal coming from me. This is first hand experience.

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