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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. > @"Jura.2170" said:

    > It takes a scout ~ 15 minutes to refresh siege in a fully sieged garri or keep, and its usually just one person who feels they have to do it to stop something awful happening later without it


    > They then spend another 15 or 20 minutes running around towers and the castle if they have that too to refresh the siege there


    > There's not much time for a scout to enjoy the rest of the game like fights. No one thanks them for it or gives them anything for it


    > So please try to make their lives a little easier by making superior siege disappear at 90 minutes or more


    > If you're worried about trolls making normal siege to waste supply and siege cap, make normal siege disappear after half an hour, and put a cap on how much supply an account can use to make normal siege each day


    > Maybe siege blueprints should also have a range preview so we can see how far they'll shoot


    normal siege is so useless it should expire in 15 minutes max. ugh. garbage

  2. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > I agree with the whisper part... You are unable to receive whispers, so you should be unable to send them too, just like you cannot ready guild chats or write on them while on Invisible Mode.


    > But why Map and Team chat?


    agreed. I often come invisible and forget until a peep sends me email telling me I’m OFFLINE! oops

  3. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"pointaction.4639" said:

    > > All I know and can say those who have nothing better to do by causing trouble on a second and/or 3rd account needs their account suspended or terminated by arenanet.

    > >

    > > Sorry I sound harsh but I am very tired seeing in the game what is being said in this thread of this the forum post.

    > >

    > > Those who are doing this please stop and grow up and stop being a 3 year old.

    > >

    > > All you are doing making hard for players and commanders to enjoy the game the way it is post to be.

    > >

    > > So I know arenanet may no see or even care about these things.

    > >

    > > But arenanet if you do see and care about keeping players happy then "PLEASE" do something about this what is going on in this thread of this the forum post.


    > How would they be able to figure it out though? Accounts aren’t necessarily linked.


    ip address. That’s how. For example they know I have two legitimate accounts, both paid accounts but I’m only permitted to post with one of them in these forums.


    They know this from the ip address.

  4. > @"Imber.4902" said:

    > I once helped someone get a guild up and running. Claimed the guild hall and was then asked if I wanted in - sure. Deposited a lot of mats to upgrade. A few weeks in, was asked to help deposit some more mats for a larger upgrade while waiting for aetherium or whatever. I did, everyone was happy. Next day, the guild was gone. Well, I suppose it's still there and most likely have a guild membership count of one.


    > I was kinda stumped at the time, but eh. I was to blame for not thinking ahead. I consider that more of a theft than what you descibe in the OP. It's not raided if there was permission. Hopefully, more people will remember this now that it's been brought to light and perhaps add some more restrictions to it's members.




    I helped a guild in the same way. As a fully upgraded scribe I started pumping mats into the hall and helping upgrade it. I put a LOT into it and was happy to help.


    Suddenly I was demoted and couldn’t even do scribe stuff. I was told it was because I didn’t rep the guild all the time... which was never noted as any requirement. I just quietly left and made a reminder to myself to help people I know.... period.

  5. Having run a guild for six years I adjusted how my guild bank works. The stash is MY vault where I put the most valuable stuff and gold. The other vaults are used for anything I don’t mind being leeched.


    If people have access to them then I fully permit them to take what they want.


    The top vault, Stash, contains things used for contests and/or for people that want something “shiny”. If a member simply asks then I’m happy to give ONE per!


    I have only one other member in my guild that accesses the stash and I’ve known this person for a few years now.


    Adopt this format and your thieving issues are gone.

  6. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > The reason why beast gate has been so dominant is because it has the best elite players in GW2.

    > I have been in beast gate for about 6 years now and what i have noticed is that the other servers always roam in groups.


    > Everywhere I go, I do not see a single green ally dot on the map, but I encounter many many 2+ enemies roaming and chasing me for hours.

    > We actually go and capture stuff and do not need to roam in groups.


    > Every day I roam alone I encounter 5+ enemies chasing me for hours and not a single ally appears on the mini map; that tells you that the population of Beast gate is actually contributing to the score rather than chasing a single enemy for hours and hours.


    > This is what I have noticed, low tiers always chase and chase single targets like hungry zombies.


    Really? I have to say no way to this. For example... today I was with 8 people on our home bl, SoS - Desert bl this week. So we say hey let's to take that T3 sw camp... and I say... be ready for the BG blob.. because it WILL come. We got there and ONE BG guy was there... and seriously within 30 seconds at least 25 BG dropped on us and blobbed us to death.. you're right though.. not a single green ally to be found... 25+ yes.. lol :)


  7. > @"Straegen.2938" said:

    > Until the classes are properly balanced in water, can players simply drown when they are downed in water rather than go into a downed state? Some classes are ridiculous in water [cough] ranger [cough].


    noooooo.... don't take away my piranhas that eat you to death when you're downed!!!! They need food too.

  8. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In WVW, everyone playing that game mode is there to fight

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > lolwut? Are you playing the same game we are? Most players on NA seem to be there to dodge fights and backcap empty structures.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Man you definitely must not be on the SoS server. The only people I know in the three wvw guilds I'm in spend most of their time looking for fights... and capping only when there's not much else to do.

    > > > >

    > > > > SoS looking for fights... Where is my omeglul emoji?

    > > >

    > > > If fairness he said three people. Oh wait.,,,,

    > >

    > > If I had replied in this way as I have a time or two in the past, I would have seen a warning in my mailbox by now.

    > >

    > > I just don’t understand what the personal and/or server attacks are about. pfft


    > My apologies.


    > It wasn’t meant as a personal attack. It was a flippant remark.



    lol.. I actually know that... it was actually more directed to the other reply included in here which isn't actually an issue either.... and I would never report it as an attack... but I gotta tell ya... I've been zapped by sensitive people more times than I care to remember and warned a few times for such things.. It makes me crazy because frankly this is a forum of gamers. A little banter, imo, should be welcome so no offense taken here. Just a word of caution.. some people are more sensitive and when you least expect it.. BAM. :)


  9. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > > > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > > In WVW, everyone playing that game mode is there to fight

    > > > >

    > > > > lolwut? Are you playing the same game we are? Most players on NA seem to be there to dodge fights and backcap empty structures.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Man you definitely must not be on the SoS server. The only people I know in the three wvw guilds I'm in spend most of their time looking for fights... and capping only when there's not much else to do.

    > >

    > > SoS looking for fights... Where is my omeglul emoji?


    > If fairness he said three people. Oh wait.,,,,


    If I had replied in this way as I have a time or two in the past, I would have seen a warning in my mailbox by now.


    I just don’t understand what the personal and/or server attacks are about. pfft

  10. > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:


    > > In WVW, everyone playing that game mode is there to fight


    > lolwut? Are you playing the same game we are? Most players on NA seem to be there to dodge fights and backcap empty structures.




    Man you definitely must not be on the SoS server. The only people I know in the three wvw guilds I'm in spend most of their time looking for fights... and capping only when there's not much else to do.

  11. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > > > > > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.

    > > >

    > > > If your opponent is competent, you should never kill a enemy scourge.

    > > >

    > > > If your opponent is competent but had some slacker , you still should never kill a enemy scourge.

    > > > Because he will be insta rezt.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, you can bring enemy players in downstate but as long there are people around him, he will be insta rezt.

    > > >

    > > > Thats why Soulbeasts were crazy op in the No Downstate week.

    > > > (And actually Meta in WvW for that week)

    > >

    > > odd.. I've lost count of the scourges I've killed that do not insta rez...


    > Having bad opponents doesn’t make you good.




    Not sure what the personal attack is all about but just because I can actually kill opponents doesn't mean they're bad. Just as playing a ranger doesn't mean you're a bad player.

  12. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > > > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.

    > > >

    > > > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...

    > >

    > > Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.


    > If your opponent is competent, you should never kill a enemy scourge.


    > If your opponent is competent but had some slacker , you still should never kill a enemy scourge.

    > Because he will be insta rezt.


    > Yes, you can bring enemy players in downstate but as long there are people around him, he will be insta rezt.


    > Thats why Soulbeasts were crazy op in the No Downstate week.

    > (And actually Meta in WvW for that week)


    odd.. I've lost count of the scourges I've killed that do not insta rez...

  13. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > > > > > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.

    > > >

    > > > You also failed to mention that your ranger doesnt cast WoD, which massively removed enemy boons, hence allowing the squad to bomb and kill a substantial portion of the enemy zerg. You also failed to mention that spellbreaker offers mass cc, more boon removal than a ranger. The dps part is at the very least laughable, cause a spellbreaker with the above mentioned skillset offers waaaaaaaay more in the blob than you. And if dps is the issue, play weaver.

    > >

    > > wod is so easy to move out of it’s laughable. I don’t say Ranger is better in a zerg though, but it IS less boring as regardless of the negative emotes it still does kill a lot of enemy. In other words it’s not as useless as people keep saying and for zergs doing more than just fighting it’s essential imo.


    > Uhm... I don't know which server you're on, but if you want to see how essential ranger is in blobs (compared to spellbreaker) , have a look at Vabbi 's ranger build for blobs.


    Well I'm not really comparing the two as blob fighters... As I have noted they aren't the best thing in zergs if all you're doing is fighting. If, however, you are fighting AND taking towers and keeps then the Ranger becomes an extremely valuable tool to have around. I run all classes. Love ranger/soulbeast the best for the fun of it. If we're into full heavy fighting I typically switch to another class but mostly stay on my soulbeast as much as I can.


    I find soulbeast more versatile than most other classes, (for me!), so that's where I find my fun. My only issue is with people continuing to say it simply has no place in zergs when actually it does. ;)

  14. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > > > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.

    > > >

    > > > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...

    > >

    > > Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.


    > You also failed to mention that your ranger doesnt cast WoD, which massively removed enemy boons, hence allowing the squad to bomb and kill a substantial portion of the enemy zerg. You also failed to mention that spellbreaker offers mass cc, more boon removal than a ranger. The dps part is at the very least laughable, cause a spellbreaker with the above mentioned skillset offers waaaaaaaay more in the blob than you. And if dps is the issue, play weaver.


    wod is so easy to move out of it’s laughable. I don’t say Ranger is better in a zerg though, but it IS less boring as regardless of the negative emotes it still does kill a lot of enemy. In other words it’s not as useless as people keep saying and for zergs doing more than just fighting it’s essential imo.

  15. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > Asking why rangers aren't wanted in WvW blobbing is like asking why a pickup isn't wanted in F1 racing. They may have many uses outside of this racing squad but they will never be able to properly compete in said environment.

    > But the pickup truck can still win when you got F1 drivers saying they dont care about the race and they're only there to dragrace against each other in the pit, some driving in circles and others stopping every 20m to get out and build obstacles for F1 cars that pickup trucks just drive over.


    > As a sidenote we did have a pretty amusing situation yesterday. Before the raid its only zerg classes/meta builds everything else will get kicked, during the raid we had a situation where some said "yeah only rangers can hit that AC" and the commander went "can all our rangers hit that?"...


    Yes, it's pretty funny to me.. the mostly "one trick pony" called spellbreaker which is mainly good for the short lived bubble and boring to play otherwise is lauded like a little god. My Ranger puts out a lot more damage to a lot more people than a spellbreaker can and yes it can reach those spots nobody else can. Ranger may be scorned in many other servers but at least on my server we KNOW how to make good use of them since as most people know... we don't JUST do fights! ... and even in fights I kill a LOT.

  16. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > Agreed, it's not the class so much as the people playing it.

    > Ranger offers a really lazy, low-information way to play and carries people just enough to where they think no improvement is needed beyond pressing 2.


    It's possible that might be true for some rangers? I can't say most because frankly I don't know. For all the Ranger promo that I do in here I do have to agree that too many of the people I see playing the ranger class really don't play it well or seem to understand it. There are other rangers that run in our groups that I'm happy to say know the class so when we're hitting a structure we can clear siege quickly. btw, axe #4 can be used to pull people off a wall, one of the ranger pets has a pull as well... so many people don't realize this.


    If more people would take the time to really understand and USE this class to its potential then it would be much more welcome in these groups.. I think. :)

  17. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > Rangers are great for roaming, but if you camp longbow in a zerg on zerg fight, enough comps run reflects that you will do more harm than good.


    > Druid camping staff and a swap to longbow can be really good in zergs. Firebrand is _better_, but I find it hard to believe people would get upset over druid support.


    I run soulbeast almost exclusively. Now and then I switch to spellbreaker or mesmer for variety. But.... all this talk about reflects is sooooo highly overrated. In all the years I've been running ranger up to and including now I probably encounter reflect to my longbow maybe once a week if at all... and THAT is when I'm fighting roamers.. not zergs. Why? Because I'm patient.. I never hit first. I wait for the group to attack, I watch for the enemy to be grouping toward a location, then I power up the buffs (increasing to 90-100% crit chance and over 240% crit damage and 3k power).. and pound the spot. Typically I see at least 3-5 people downed by the time the barrage is done. Then I start cleaving.


    If you play it right, you ARE very helpful. No I don't do healing, no I don't clear condi... I am purely a dps beast that knows how to play with a zerg and the groups I run with have no problem with me doing what I do. AND of course, I clear wall siege like nobody's business... ;)

  18. > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

    > It's expensive to randomly change servers whenever other players harass me for being a ranger. Does anyone know a server that actually wants rangers for WVW? Thanks in advance!


    You want a place where rangers aren't scorned? Especially soulbeasts? Come to SoS.. oh wait we're full! :( But you could come to the linked server, (currently SoR). People that scorn rangers with zergs have a faulty way of thinking. Yes I agree that if all you want is to go out and fight in the field forever then you don't want a big squad of rangers... but they DO (at least mine does) a huge amount of damage to a lot of people at once (despite what non ranger players say), and cleaving downs is a great function from the outside of the fight. I also have a decent amount of survivability.... when I'm not targeted that is! lol People see Platinum and above and love to mob them for some reason.


    Let's move to the other parts of WvW. Believe it or not WvW is not all about the fights. We actually capture towers and Keeps. Inside these structures is siege, and even with the nasty changes ANet has done to make it harder to 'see' over the wall I can still take down siege that's hitting our group. Add a few more rangers and siege doesn't last more than a minute or two. We are able to get in quicker and alive. Remove all the rangers and try to rely on an ele or two and tell me how well that goes. Ele's can't range like rangers can, they can't fire into a group and hit 5 targets at once and so on... and they can't put out the sustained damage that my ranger can.


    If you're good at ranger then nobody I know on my server is going to deny you entry into a squad. Look me up in game and we can chat more if you are serious. Move to SoR then if SoS ever opens you can move here. :)


    My ign: Tim Pearces Hearts aka balthazzarr.1349

  19. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > I am not in favor of stopping people from transferring. However, establishing a system that would make it more difficult would be fine by me:

    > > >

    > > > - Establish a 6 month rolling check.

    > > > - First transfer 500 gems (assuming medium pop server)

    > > > - Second transfer (any server) 1800 gems

    > > > - Third transfer (any server) 3600 gems

    > > > - Fourth transfer (any server) 5400 gems

    > > >

    > > > So the fourth transfer would be the ‘most’ within 6 months if people are only moving on relink days.

    > > >

    > > > After that, whatever number of transfer it is, within the 6 month ROLLING average would be the gem cost. So, by the 5th transfer, if people transferred every 8 weeks, it would always be 5400 gems.

    > > >

    > > > Won’t stop transfers, but it will incentivize less.

    > > >

    > > > (Of course I would LOVE to see those gems directly go to WvW stuffs but.., yeah, ain’t happenin)

    > > So basicly, instead of balance you want people staying where they are, unhappy with their server in which case they are just going to troll and not play. Yeah that's *sure* to help WvW. Truly.

    > >

    > > I mean what's WvW without a filled team chat amirite?


    > Of course. That’s exactly my goal. /s


    > Why do links when their purpose is to try to balance population, then people move immediately after?


    > Of course, we can always have links like BG and ET. That would never be a problem.


    I guess that was the purpose of the linking to begin with... that is, rebalance populations for more equal fights. But of course people didn't like that idea and a lot of them now just server hop each time there's a relink, which simply makes the idea of relinking a waste of time. Even adjusting the number of servers to some lower number wouldn't stop bandwagoning. The only thing that will halt server hopping will be to close servers and that's not going to happen of course.

  20. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > > > Overflow is the only real way to balance the game 24/7 and have a steady group of people on every realm. Servers and alliances just won't cut it. Not many other options.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > But isn't that what EotM is?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > no1 plays eotm cause the map is bad and no pips(it's died since pips use to be popping). if they tried the eotm overflow system in wvw for 1 week you'd be surprised of the results and positive feedback but i doubt it ever happens since wvw has 1 poor dev doing everything.

    > > > >

    > > > > If they tried the eotm overflow system in wvw ever I would stop playing immediately. I'd rather queue than wind up in a different instance than my server mates. eotm2 definitely would not work in any way good to solve the current problems.

    > > >

    > > > So you'd rather wvw be dead and unbalanced? Fantastic.

    > >

    > > There is no balance in eotm. It's not true wvw and doesn't reflect what the whole rvr is all about. Yes, I would stop playing if they turned wvw into megaservers.


    > where all players have guys 24/7 isn't balance? there's a reason PVE went mega servers cause there would be too many dead zones just like there is in wvw. Server system is bad and it's been bad for years. Only time it worked was when the game had a mega population but once that dies down it doesn't work anymore.


    You are a server leader according to your tag. Yes the server system hasn't worked too well due in large part to the players themselves. The Alliance system that may be coming will hopefully be a much better system but time will tell on that one. But making simple three sets of blobs running in different instances because there's way too many people for one instance is simply EOTM. It's NOT WvW. For all it's bad stuff WvW is still way better than EOTM ever was.


    If there's that many people that want to run as megaservers then the thing to do would be to rally ANet to create a separate pip system for EOTM and give its own rewards etc.


    Nobody that I know personally in this game would be happy about having to bounce around instances like EOTM trying to find their friends to run with.

  21. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > > > Overflow is the only real way to balance the game 24/7 and have a steady group of people on every realm. Servers and alliances just won't cut it. Not many other options.

    > > > >

    > > > > But isn't that what EotM is?

    > > >

    > > > no1 plays eotm cause the map is bad and no pips(it's died since pips use to be popping). if they tried the eotm overflow system in wvw for 1 week you'd be surprised of the results and positive feedback but i doubt it ever happens since wvw has 1 poor dev doing everything.

    > >

    > > If they tried the eotm overflow system in wvw ever I would stop playing immediately. I'd rather queue than wind up in a different instance than my server mates. eotm2 definitely would not work in any way good to solve the current problems.


    > So you'd rather wvw be dead and unbalanced? Fantastic.


    There is no balance in eotm. It's not true wvw and doesn't reflect what the whole rvr is all about. Yes, I would stop playing if they turned wvw into megaservers.

  22. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > > > Overflow is the only real way to balance the game 24/7 and have a steady group of people on every realm. Servers and alliances just won't cut it. Not many other options.

    > >

    > > But isn't that what EotM is?


    > no1 plays eotm cause the map is bad and no pips(it's died since pips use to be popping). if they tried the eotm overflow system in wvw for 1 week you'd be surprised of the results and positive feedback but i doubt it ever happens since wvw has 1 poor dev doing everything.


    If they tried the eotm overflow system in wvw ever I would stop playing immediately. I'd rather queue than wind up in a different instance than my server mates. eotm2 definitely would not work in any way good to solve the current problems.

  23. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > the only way to balance na wvw is to have 3 mega servers, period.


    lol... they called that Edge of the Mists. It looked like wvw but wasn't. At best a change like that would send every true wvw player out of that mode permanently. I most definitely would retire before I hit that 4k mark I've been edging closer to since other than a handful of times I didn't play in EOTM.

  24. > @"Inoki.6048" said:

    > > @"rektu.8209" said:

    > > Why would anet do that? They are getting money every relink.. They are just gonna milk it out till alliances come, and even after alliances, they will milk it out even more till gw3 comes out.


    > +1


    > If they'd care about population balance there would be a system for that for a long time now.


    > Money talks.


    > A few days ago I asked people about recommendations as to where to transfer, but mostly I'm greeted with the same response - it's the same everywhere, and I believe them to be right. Most people directly encourage to just quit the game, unless it's more than WvW you're after.


    > It couldn't be more obvious how neglected this game mode by the company is. From what I hear they have exactly 1 developer for the Alliance system? All their efforts to squeeze out more money from the player base that do only WvW is by integrating PvE elements into it, but that's all. Same with PvP and crafting to get items > materials > PvE.


    > Transfers are useless unless you're part of a guild or have friends on a particular server you wish to play with. Else it's best to save money.


    Truly imo there really is no reason to transfer. People transferring because they're "looking for fights" make me chuckle really. Most of the wvw players these days have hundreds of wvw xp, not over a thousand like the minority has. Considering wvw has been here for over 6 years now there should really be a huge number more people well over the 3k mark than there are. This shows how many have left wvw and in many cases, gw2 altogether.


    SoS had a handful of guilds leave to find "better fights"... I'll never understand that.... unless they moved somewhere that they KNOW the enemy is organized better than anywhere else and gives them good fights.. AND they keep moving to fight them... We have a good OCX group so we tend to rise up the ranks because of course our ppt stays up there after most others have gone to sleep. Sooo.. we continue to get tons of enemy to fight. Even with this I guess it's not enough to keep people from bandwagoning off for "greener grass".


    At the end of the day it is what it is. People do what they need to do to find their fun. If that means transfering every link then that's what they'll do and yes ANet will be happy to collect the money for gems because there's not that many people with that much gold to just convert just anytime they like... I think.

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