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Posts posted by Balthazzarr.1349

  1. Look at the scores in T4... This should be a clear indication (as if we didn't already know) that this linking simply doesn't work. Bandwagon still happens and so on.


    ANet.. do you have any news on the new Alliance system? Please??

  2. > @"RangerThings.9810" said:

    > I wouldn't do this 1v8, but 1v4 I would target a Ranger or Thief to see if I can get a quick down, then kite a couple others (who don't know any better) and take them on.


    > I'm not looking for bags, I just want to have fun and take challenges where I see 'em. If you roam EBG it's easy enough to get back _anywhere_ so YOLO.


    I love it when people consider me a 'quick down' and target me in a group especially... because they usually die quickly. I hit as hard as full zerk and and tons of health to go along with it...

  3. > @"Dilligaf Wyt.1867" said:

    > No this isn't a post about how great I am. I am honestly curious as to why you would attack me in a group when you know that the rest of the players will stomp you.


    > This scenario happened frequently over the weekend. A camp is about to wind down its RI and about 8 roamers show up to cap it. While waiting for the camp to flip I am standing in the middle of camp and some random dude just attacks me. I pop my signet to prevent any damage, heal and dodge out of there. I turn around to see the other 7 pugs stomping him into the floor. It wasn't like he couldn't see the other players, they weren't stealthed or hiding behind buildings. You could easily see there was at least 5 others around me.


    > Now this didn't just happen once but through out the weekend. I just assume it is because I am a ranger and they see a free bag. But is it really worth it to try for the bag knowing the other 7 or so pugs standing around are going to stomp you. Also wouldn't the first time getting stomped register that trying that same tactic again is futile.




    Some people underrate Rangers... especially soulbeasts.. they don't realize how nasty powerful we are. A person on my team watched me take down a camp (yes a little T1 camp) and the swords came up just before the cap was complete... all npc's down in a few seconds. He's like... wth? Yes, people don't realize what they're hitting a lot of the time... I especially like it when I pretend I can't see them as they "sneak up" on me... then BAM. ooo yaaa... I do die of course now and then... but more often than not I don't.. ;)

  4. I see so many complaints about desert not being good for fights... but... have people really paid attention to most fights in the other bl's? hmmm let's see... spawn camp that group! or even more fun... stand and stare at each other while deciding who has the best position... run in then.. win or lose... reset and stare each other down some more... or even better, one group runs in and out of a tower or keep.. ya... that's better...


    I run with fight groups a lot and finding decent fights ANYWHERE isn't easy... unless you're running in and out of SM like most people like to do... booooring...

  5. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > I'm meeting more and more deadeyes who are trying out new builds that are not heavily stealth reliant to adapt to the new marked debuff changes so kudos to them.

    > Builds that range from Pistol/pistol to hybrid condi builds.

    > From a build diversity point of view, I think it has made the culture more varied and exciting.


    oooo I welcome thief builds that aren't stealth reliant... *rubs hands together*... yet even more easy kills.. woot. ;)

  6. hmmm.. I'm not sure why it's not fun. For those folks that are very good at thief class, they're still hard to kill. Most of us don't waste time with the reveal thing.. I haven't even bought one of those yet and won't likely. However, I have seen an increase in people playing thief these days and my kill rate is going up since most of them aren't very good. I'm hoping that people keep telling other people to get on this class and roam since it's not as purely simple as people like to say and it really does bring me more very fast kills when I'm roaming. Long live... or die... deadye! ;)

  7. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > > > Appreciated change indeed. I'm on WvW just for the dailies, not an expert, so I didn't understand the reason why we had to stay afk (maybe even taking a spot for someone who wanted to join a full map) to don't waste our exp. I hoped in a change sooner or later (actually I thought about consuming all the exp the moment we left, but this is even better :) ). ty ty

    > > > You still have to stay AFK to not "waste" T6->T3 pips without doing nothing, if getting rewards for doing nothing is what you want from WvW. You're not getting more or less pips by this change in itself, you're just skipping the 5-10m race to reach T3 to begin the pip tick and get the track reward increase for free, but since you dont get the first tick anyway... the pip gain is minimal. Just a little less annoying effort. **Pipping down hasnt changed at all.** I really dont understand why people keep claiming it has.

    > >

    > > You have it wrong. When you come back in at T6 you remain at T6. Once the timer tics and you start getting rewards you are still at T6. You don't start over at T3. That's why it HAS changed and you don't have to waste time standing in a spawn or OS pipping down.


    > He's correct. You leave and your participation does not decline but you get **"NO PIPS"**. You have to remain in WvW to tick down for the rewards. AFK'ing can still be a thing.


    Of course you get no pips since you aren’t in there. Your pip level stays the same until you come back. You lose nothing by leaving wvw at all, unlike before.


    Standing around pipping down doesn’t benefit the players in any way now. But if you’re holding a spot in a bl just to pip down then you’re possibly keeping a player out if it’s queued.

  8. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > > Appreciated change indeed. I'm on WvW just for the dailies, not an expert, so I didn't understand the reason why we had to stay afk (maybe even taking a spot for someone who wanted to join a full map) to don't waste our exp. I hoped in a change sooner or later (actually I thought about consuming all the exp the moment we left, but this is even better :) ). ty ty

    > > You still have to stay AFK to not "waste" T6->T3 pips without doing nothing, if getting rewards for doing nothing is what you want from WvW. You're not getting more or less pips by this change in itself, you're just skipping the 5-10m race to reach T3 to begin the pip tick and get the track reward increase for free, but since you dont get the first tick anyway... the pip gain is minimal. Just a little less annoying effort. **Pipping down hasnt changed at all.** I really dont understand why people keep claiming it has.


    > you can go afk on another map that has less activity to help out the zerg maps; but yeah, there is really no point in doing burndowns now :+1:


    > The ramp up is fine, you still need to do it upon weekly match reset


    > There were 2 painful points of the old system

    > * when you D/C and every map is full or you can only join on a map that barely has any activities at all, you may lose your participation

    > * you cannot be away from your keyboard for too long, it takes just over 16 minutes to lose T6 assuming you just scored a kill or capped an objective.


    > With this change, you can take regular breaks, which is healthy for the players; WoW's original honor system was a bad example, players suffered from burnouts


    > I wouldnt mind Anet reduce the auto afk kick from 15min down to 5min


    The autokick in wvw is 10 minutes as far as I know... which is good. 5 minutes would be too short if I had to leave for a few minutes for a quick snack and bio break for example. 10-15 is good to me :)

  9. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > > > Appreciated change indeed. I'm on WvW just for the dailies, not an expert, so I didn't understand the reason why we had to stay afk (maybe even taking a spot for someone who wanted to join a full map) to don't waste our exp. I hoped in a change sooner or later (actually I thought about consuming all the exp the moment we left, but this is even better :) ). ty ty

    > > > You still have to stay AFK to not "waste" T6->T3 pips without doing nothing, if getting rewards for doing nothing is what you want from WvW. You're not getting more or less pips by this change in itself, you're just skipping the 5-10m race to reach T3 to begin the pip tick and get the track reward increase for free, but since you dont get the first tick anyway... the pip gain is minimal. Just a little less annoying effort. **Pipping down hasnt changed at all.** I really dont understand why people keep claiming it has.

    > >

    > > You have it wrong. When you come back in at T6 you remain at T6. Once the timer tics and you start getting rewards you are still at T6. You don't start over at T3. That's why it HAS changed and you don't have to waste time standing in a spawn or OS pipping down.


    > He's correct. You leave and your participation does not decline but you get **"NO PIPS"**. You have to remain in WvW to tick down for the rewards. AFK'ing can still be a thing.


    lol of course you get no pips, until you come back in and the new tick starts... but at the very least it's much better because you pick up where you left off within a few minutes of coming back in. Which is better than coming in at zero and having to build it back up to level 3... for some people that can take just a few minutes.. for others much longer if they aren't as experienced as some of us.

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > Appreciated change indeed. I'm on WvW just for the dailies, not an expert, so I didn't understand the reason why we had to stay afk (maybe even taking a spot for someone who wanted to join a full map) to don't waste our exp. I hoped in a change sooner or later (actually I thought about consuming all the exp the moment we left, but this is even better :) ). ty ty

    > You still have to stay AFK to not "waste" T6->T3 pips without doing nothing, if getting rewards for doing nothing is what you want from WvW. You're not getting more or less pips by this change in itself, you're just skipping the 5-10m race to reach T3 to begin the pip tick and get the track reward increase for free, but since you dont get the first tick anyway... the pip gain is minimal. Just a little less annoying effort. **Pipping down hasnt changed at all.** I really dont understand why people keep claiming it has.


    You have it wrong. When you come back in at T6 you remain at T6. Once the timer tics and you start getting rewards you are still at T6. You don't start over at T3. That's why it HAS changed and you don't have to waste time standing in a spawn or OS pipping down.

  11. > @"Calisanna.8732" said:

    > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

    > > Left WvW with T6 participation, but when I got back in after 30 minutes, it was all gone. Is that a bug or did I missinterpret it?


    > Both hubby and I had same problem. 20 mins in pve land and my t6 participation was gone- 0. We waited for 2 ticks as well for rewards and nothing. I started a discussion under bug In the forums and no responses yet.


    hmm that’s odd. I logged off for a while then went back in. Participation level was right where it was when I left.

  12. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > I would expect that means when you come back in you have to wait until the timer resets and runs for the full 5 minutes before it starts "counting down" again if you're not active., and from the looks of it that applies to the rewards as well. So if you get in just after the timer resets then you'll have to wait almost 10 minutes before you start getting rewards again.

    > >

    > > That makes it a bit of a c_r_a_p shoot. You might not benefit from this change in that event, and for the most part the only benefit at all is that you don't have to sit around for 10 minutes or so just to make sure you do get credit for the track you built up already.


    > It takes much more than 10 min on average to reach T6.


    I was referring to T3 actually, which is the level you need to start getting rewards. :)

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